Ideology of Religions. Scientific Proof of Existence of "God": The Catalog Of Human Population by Andrey Davydov - HTML preview

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Indeed, our planet is a truly amazing Creation, а finest and flawless work that amazes by the level of professionalism and grandiosity. According to some of the information that we got, humanity in vain invented a heap of preposterous fairytales about “Paradise” and “Hell” because this prevents people from noticing that the planet Earth is “Paradise.” “Paradise” as an ideal place that “God” created for a human.

From our point of view, the Creator has envisaged and embodied absolutely everything so that homo sapiens were healthy, wealthy (not only in terms of financial abilities) and happy. By its design and functioning, planet Earth reminds of a well arranged, organized at the highest level, elite kindergarten for homo sapiens—live, grow, learn and become a Human. From our point of view, people do not notice this fact just because so far they have very little knowledge about the natural arrangement of the world that they live in (the external world as well as their own, internal). And, also because of the fact that artificial images (“evil demons," created no matter by whom: people themselves or someone else) torture, torment, tyrannize people on the inside so much that the world does not seem very nice to them at all. They see “Hell” around them instead of seeing “Paradise.” Although “Hell” is actually that what currently happens inside of them.

Our Creator approached the creation of an ideal environment for homo sapiens so thoughtfully and solicitously that on this planet there is everything that is required to support human life: food, water, shelter, clothing, remedies, etc. And, the book with descriptions of “Soul” structures of humans was left as well, as a source of information about what was left by “Our Father” for whom, what for and how to use these natural treasures; and, most importantly, how to directly communicate with Him through this information.

Another interesting piece of information that we have learned from the ancient books is that the Creator, so to speak, created humanity from his own self. We will explain. According to the data that we discovered in one of the sources, the Creator is so powerful because his "operating system" includes absolutely all natural images that are present in human programs. The entire spectrum, the entire range. Based on this, it is possible to suggest that His name is Human. Human as a being, which through processes of growth and learning on the basis of natural images, grew from the level of development of modern humanity to the highest level of development. The basis for the above stated are ancient texts. However, the Creator created natural images for our “souls,” our natural "operating system" not like people create artificial images. A human creates artificial images in the space of his "virtual room" that is related to intellect (to the brain). The Creator took images for his Creation from his own self. Apparently, that is what was meant in the biblical "Let us make humans in Our Image, in Our Likeness." “God” created humans from his own self, and this is why knowledge, study of one’s own natural images as a process of establishing connection with his own inner nature, with his psychophysiology is communication with “God,” a connection to Him. According to information from sources that we study, connection with “Our Father” is done through the channels of natural images of human programs.

Based on stated above, in our opinion, humanity should stop worrying about lost “Paradise” and lost connection with “God” because now everyone has the opportunity to restore the lost channel of communication with the “Father.”



We are involved exclusively with science, and have nothing to do with religion. However, we assume that it is not secular social, but religious institutions that should take the mission of saving humanity from destruction because it is religion that originally deals with an object called "human soul."

We very much hope that the fact of discovery of the lost “Catalog of Human Souls” will give humanity an opportunity to gain “Salvation”; “Salvation” for both individuals and the entire human race. Although on the other hand, it does not matter, from our point of view, through which social institutions the Catalog will be returned to civilization. More important is that each person now has an opportunity to find his real, natural, normal self, make himself in accordance with the “Divine Plan,” and save himself like Noah and his family.

The legend of Noah, from our point of view, is quite noteworthy. Noteworthy in the sense that, for humanity to exist again as a biological type after the end of the Great Flood, and to exist within the “Divine Plan,” the Creator ordered Noah to take "pairs of all living creatures" into the Ark. The legend of Noah's Ark, from our point of view, is one more proof that natural objects are etalon carriers for a human being, and natural images—genetic code as the life program of homo sapiens.

Also, according to legend, Noah and his family, lived in the Ark for quite a while, and they were not just waiting for the end of the Deluge—they supported life of all the living creatures that were on board. However, it is possible to take care of natural objects only if you know them well. Otherwise, a canary will get fed some meat and a dog some millet; snakes will be kept in cold temperature and polar bears will be warmed by special heating devices, although temperature of -50°C is normal for a bear, but at a temperature of +15°C, it begins to overheat. It cannot be explained to animals, especially wild, that, figuratively speaking, pizza and chips with a Coca-Cola are useful and good, as it is impossible to persuade homo s. to live in any way other than that, which is recorded in their subtype programs—they require their own, special conditions, and an animal either gets them or dies.

Therefore, in our opinion, the legend of Noah is a story about a human who went through the Way of Knowledge of natural images created by “God.” Noah lived not some measly 70-90 years, but much longer, about 1,000 years. Therefore, the moral sense of the legend of Noah is that humanity has a chance for salvation from death and a long life only if people study themselves through natural images as etalons.



We suppose that since it is not secular institutions, but religion that deals with an object called "soul"—religious institutions must provide answers to all questions relating to “Soul” as such, as well as to the “Soul” of every individual in particular. It is religious figures, and not psychologists, physicians, nutritionists, sexologists and other secular professionals who must provide people with recipes of life on all the six factors: intellectual, physical, nutritional, emotional, sexual, and environmental. We think that religion, not just secular science must be the source of knowledge about a human and the world; perhaps not all, but at least the main—who a human is and on what basis and for what purpose he functions. Religion, not scientific and technological spheres, must be able to solve all human problems since a human is an object created by “God,” and therefore is a natural, not cultural or technogenic product.

Not to mention that showing humanity the true “Way to God,” providing recipes of Spiritual Development to establish connection with the Creator is the task of religious, not secular institutions. This objective is inbuilt in the very concept of "religion" (from the Latin word ‘religare’ - to bind, to tie, to connect to something, to reunite).

As far as we know, the main mission of religion is to help each person restore the broken connection with “God,” to reunite with Him, as it was in the Golden Age. Science can think all it wants that the story of the Golden Age, present in mythology of almost all nations of the world, telling about the blissful state of humanity living in harmony with nature and “God,” is just fiction, utopia. Probably, science holds this opinion because it is unable to offer anything that could return humanity to this state. To science, at its current level of development, this is really a utopia. However, not to religion, which with the “Catalog of Human Souls” can return humanity to the Golden Age, make it a reality.

Logically, if the main objective of religious institutions is to connect a human with the Creator, to show humanity the “True Path,” and since we have the “Catalog of Human Souls” as a very detailed reference of true life recipes for each person, we are able to help religious institutions realize these objectives in practice. Indeed, due to the discovery of this source of knowledge made by Andrey Davydov we have answers to questions of any individual: "Who am I?", "What is my purpose?", etc., as well as recipes on how to restore the lost connection with “God” for anyone who wants to do it. Regardless of a person’s religious beliefs, race, nationality, gender, social status, etc. We can provide this information in the form of lectures, consultations, and so on to all religious institutions and their congregations.

We are also ready to contribute to the process of implementation by religious institutions their other objective, which to date has not been solved—struggle with sins. According to our research of the ancient treatise Shan Hai Jing, a "sin" is only one thing—people’s acceptance of artificially invented images as etalons instead of the images created by “God.” And, we can help religious institutions since we have the source of information about natural images of any person. We are willing to provide information about natural images of any person, regardless of which religious confession he belongs to.



Religious institutions and confessions can make any decision, and accept our assistance or not. However, as practice of the past millennia that led religion to a long-term crisis has shown, without the “Catalog of Human Souls” they are unable to achieve any of the above objectives, as humanity has grown from the time when it could live by faith alone.

To have faith modern people need arguments in the form of real facts. A modern person does not live by faith—he seeks explanations, answers to his questions, information. Today the term "blind faith" is an indicator of low level of development of individuals, and is no longer a common stance of modern people, even those who are not well educated. This is a peculiarity of the epoch in which we live. Not getting any explanations from religion on how a human and the world in which he lives are arranged, without evidence for the existence of “God,” modern homo sapiens concludes that religious institutions are nothing but a bunch of fraudsters who are only interested in money and power. For a modern person, even if he declares that he believes in something, faith as such and everything related to it ("belief", "trust", "gullibility", "superstition", etc.) are connected only with fraud, and that is quite reasonable.

Since the “Catalog of Human Souls” is the proof of the existence of “God,” and is an explanation of how a human functions, it can become that missing link, which will help religion overcome negative attitudes towards religious institutions, and return “Faith.” Especially since there is no need to believe in the Catalog, as any person can test the information from this source himself or herself in order to make sure. Note that in order to have faith it is necessary to make sure, to test, to ensure, and that is why, from our point of view, “True Faith” is Knowledge. And, when a person knows—he is sure, he trusts; in other words, he believes. Thus, “Faith” as a religious concept can be filled with real content; content that is understandable and accepted by a modern person. Because, from our point of view, offering modern people to believe in something, is like offering them to use a stone ax instead of modern technology. It is just as unconstructive, ineffective, as it is meaningless.

We feel that the tradition of “True Faith,” which actually is Knowledge, should be revived. Everywhere. Globally.

If religious institutions will be able to do this, religion will take the leading place in the life of any human community, regardless of which race, nationality or religious confession that community belongs to. From our point of view, it is possible to do this if religious institutions return the “Catalog of Human Souls” to this civilization. Then, religion will finally really help humanity see the “Light of God,” know the “Divine Truth,” and go through the “Divine Path.” It is hopeful that through the acquisition of this “Light,” the Light of Knowledge, humanity will receive “Salvation,” avoid another “Great Flood.” From our point of view, in order for this to occur, all that needs to be done is for each person, whether a believer or not, to know that the “Catalog of Human Souls” exists, and to learn about his natural potential from this Catalog. Then, humanity will not need to reproduce such a huge number of artificial images since everyone will know that the richest source of information about their own, natural images exists, and that every interested person has access to this source. People will become as “God” created them, mutations will stop, and the Creator will not need to destroy this civilization. Salvation of humanity, from our point of view, can occur only if the will and the creative potential of humanity will be directed in the right way, in the direction towards conformity with the “Creator’s Plan.” And, this is the only way of salvation.

People must learn about the “Catalog of Human Souls,” that “God” exists, that “Soul” exists. They must learn what each one of them has his own, personal “Soul,” and that this “Soul” is knowable. If instead of believing, they will know for sure that they were created by “God,” that they are the children of the Creator, then they will no longer doubt that they should humbly follow the “Divine Will” of their “Father.” Then, the world will finally become the way “God” wanted to see it. Is that not the main objective of religion and church?



We also think that if religious institutions return the “Catalog of Human Souls” that was left by our Creator to humanity, it will save them as existing (and demanded) social institutions. And, religion will finally find a proper place in human hearts, minds, in human life.

Despite this, we do not insist on participation of religion in this process since our Creator has already taken care of everything. As already mentioned above, in the event that religion decides to continue to function based on principles on which it functions now, meaning without use of the “Catalog of Human Souls”—our Creator has given each person an ability to communicate with him directly, through the use of natural images of one’s program, “Soul.”



Part 13.

Responsibility Of Religious Institutions To The Civilization


It should be noted that humanity is left with a choice: to incarnate the “Will of the Father” by following “His Plan” or not. Forcing humanity to make the right choice, apparently, was not part of the “Creator’s Plan” because this would be contrary to His decision to give free will to a Human. Probably, it is time for people to take care of themselves. To do this, from our point of view, it is necessary to decide whether to be with “God” or to continue to live as mutants. Consequences of both decisions are already clear.

From our point of view, the sacred responsibility of religion is to help people choose life, Salvation. Since, as shown by our study, humanity, unfortunately, is no longer able to make the correct choice without help. It has degraded too much during experiments with artificial images. Mass craziness and other facts indicating degradation of the existing species homo s. are already evident on all continents. Using the language of religion, by their sins humanity had brought itself to such a level of incidence that it is no longer able to hear not only callings of religious institutions or “Voice of God,” but also the voice of their own mind.

According to our research, to date humanity has brought itself to the state of an insane animal that is unable to stop by itself, to end the processes of destruction and self-destruction, to cease to violate the “Divine Laws.” Even a clear lesson with Jesus Christ that was given to them, humanity is unable to interpret correctly, to draw appropriate conclusions for already more than 2,000 years. Therefore, from our point of view, it is already meaningless to expect prudence from humans.

The future of humanity—to live or to die—largely depends on representatives of religious institutions. Although it has been and will be like this at all times because the essence and foundation of religion is to guide people to Light, to give people the “Divine Wisdom,” and thus to help save the life of civilization. However, religion has every right to not do this. Although in this case, we, as researchers of the book left to people by the Creator, who are able to give information about how this civilization can survive, will feel a bit sorry for civilization. However, we hope for prudence of representatives of religious institutions, as who knows if not they that when the time comes, the Creator will spare no one, and in this case not only shame awaits them, but also destruction together with congregation.

It is likely that like last time, the only left alive will be those who honor the “Will of God” and follow it. Such people already exist today. It is likely that this time one of them will be tasked with, like Noah, saving the DNA collection for next generation of humans.



However, there is another danger in addition to destruction of the existing population of homo sapiens through utilization mechanisms of nature. And, we are obligated to inform about it. The “Catalog of Human Souls” is already in active use for about 20 years to date. If religious institutions will not wish to participate in its widespread and proper use, it is possible that at some point the Catalog will again be used by a limited group of subjects whose objective is not Spiritual Development, “Enlightenment,” and “Salvation” of humanity, but only acquisition of unlimited power and total impunity.

Since, as it was mentioned above, influence of people that the use of the Catalog of human population provides is always very effective, but absolutely unnoticed by the subject towards whom it is directed. And, it is impossible to trace or even to notice this influence by a person who is not familiar with the Catalog. Such possibilities of influence always attracted and attract attention of social groups related to power structures, politics, etc. Also, this ability is regarded as very attractive by each type and level of criminal elements, as the use of the Catalog with the wrong goals cannot be tracked and stopped by law enforcement authorities of any country in the world. People become absolutely defenseless against evil will of those who not just might want to, but are already actively trying to use the knowledge of mechanisms of human psychophysiology for evil purposes.

Given that the “Catalog of Human Souls,” like a knife, can be used to people’s benefit, as well as to harm people, we consider the question of who will get their hands on this source of information, this tool—extremely important.



Unfortunately, we already have experience with use of information from the “Catalog of Human Souls” not in the way, in which this source of information must be used. In the recent past (2000-2010), the “Catalog of Human Souls” was practically expropriated by a group of employees of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation (FSB, formerly KGB). Upon learning of the existence of the “Catalog of Human Souls” from the media, this group, together with figures at the highest echelons of power of the Russian Federation and security forces, became very interested in the possibility of obtaining from it any kind of information about any person of their interest. And, in gaining unlimited influence by using the tools described in the Catalog.

The aforementioned group of employees of FSB of Russian Federation requested information from the “Catalog of Human Souls” under the guise of ordinary, simple people for a long time. The fact that they used this information for, to put it mildly, nefarious affairs became known only later on.

In parallel, the special services of the Russian Federation by all means hindered informing of wide audiences about the discovery of the Catalog of human population made by Andrey Davydov; both in Russia, and in the international zone. Also, for nearly fifteen years, this group of employees of FSB of Russia has spread information through the Internet that was frankly false and defamatory of our research product and us. For this reason, the Internet has accumulated a mass of absurd fabrications, false information about the “Catalog of Human Souls,” unflattering "reviews" posted by FSB officers disguised as ordinary people. In addition, during the time when we lived in our home country, the former KGB blocked all contacts with us, controlling all of our communications: home and mobile phones, computers, mail, etc.

Throughout this period, we have been essentially cut off from ability to communicate with people who were not related to the FSB and politics, including with colleagues in scientific spheres in different countries.

It is for this reason that today few people know about our product and us, and information about the Catalog of human population that is available on the Internet, is mostly false and slanderous. It is for this reason, and for no other that people who do not know us personally, have no way of contacting us at this time. Since a group of ex-KGB employees is still hunting the “Catalog of Human Souls,” and us—its researchers, we still do not have the opportunity to put on public display on the Internet information on where to find us and how to contact us.

Andrey Davydov, the author of the discovery of the “Catalog of Human Souls,” has always been strongly opposed to use of this source of information for the purpose of evil and lawlessness. We, the researchers of the Catalog of human population, always held the position that each one of the 7 billion people living on earth has every right to have access to information from this source of knowledge. Also, we have always tried to ensure that the Catalog of the human population gets used exclusively for the benefit of people, for their development, and primarily for their Spiritual Self-Development. It is for this reason that the aforementioned group of employees of special services of Russian Federation has tried to kill us using small doses of toxic substances for several years. For this reason, in 2010 we were forced to leave our homeland and were granted political asylum in the United States of America.

Despite this, the interest of Russian special services in the “Catalog of Human Souls” has not cooled. Therefore, we would like twice as much for the masses to learn about the “Catalog of Human Souls” as soon as possible. And, not just to learn, but also to start using the “Catalog of Human Souls,” making their lives more correct, better, brighter, more pleasant, productive, and effective. That is the reason we want this book to finally turn up in good hands.



We are well aware that any social institutions of any country in the world can try to follow the same path as the FSB of Russia, and assume that since the Catalog has been found, any specialist in the study of ancient texts is able to decrypt it. However, we also know that this is not possible because more than fourteen years of experience has shown, that despite the fact that the Russian special services have enough analysts, very high level specialists in various fields of scientific knowledge—none of them were able to decrypt the texts from Shan Hai Jing.

Meanwhile, the Catalog is not yet fully decrypted. To date, only one third of the Shan Hai Jing has been decrypted. And, only of the first program level described in the Catalog of Mountains. Also, as experts in the field of non-traditional psychoanalysis, we know very well that people’s lives directly depend on the correctness of decryption of text from this ancient book. Since any inaccuracies, errors in decryption of this text negatively affect the state of psychophysiology of homo sapiens. Our practice of about twenty years showed that among the possible consequences are severe psychical disorders, usually without an option for recovery, as well as very serious somatic disorders. Illiterate decryption of texts of Shan Hai Jing gives purely negative results instead of giving positive. Therefore, we, as the only specialists in the world in the study of this ancient source of knowledge about human psyche, are entirely responsible to ensure that humanity receives a qualitative research product; a product that, as we think, will be in use as long as this civilization continues to exist.



Part 14.

“Memento Mori”: “Soul” Of A Human Is Not Second Hand.


“Respice post te! Hominem te memento!” (“Look behind you! Remember that you are a human!”) Tertullian (Apologeticus, Ch. 33)

It is a shame to note the obvious fact that in the XXI century people do not understand the most basic things. The level of people’s knowledge about the basic questions, such as "life" and "death" is so low that in this sense, a modern human is not at all different from a Neanderthal. Facts to support this statement are obvious. Both, figuratively speaking, raise their eyes to the sky, hoping to see the “souls” of the deceased there. It is no secret that even today, on all continents, there are fairly widespread beliefs in immortality of the “soul,” in possibility of bodiless existence of a human, in reincarnation, in resurrection of the dead.

From our point of view, in order for religion to find its dignified place in the minds of people, it makes sense for religion to stop playing the game when it claims to be the source of universal wisdom, and even makes some requirements of a human, but then hides behind the door: "Religion is just a pass-down, folklore—believe it or not, as you want." From our perspective, it would be more appropriate for religious leaders to take part in providing people with reliable information about some of the questions that are directly related to religion.



For example, one of the functions of religion is to explain to people subjects related to death, and what happens to human “Soul” after this event. We found some interesting details on these topics, and are willing to share some of them. Since lack of information is the worst for a person because it always leads him to mistakes, and often irreparable. And, as it turned out, death of people of the level of those living in this civilization is the final "point" in the book of their life.



"But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him." (1 Cor. 2:9)

In regard to the so-called "Eternal Life," for example, Christianity says that for those who have faith, love “God”—this life will