Introducing Islam to the West by Sarah, Muslim - HTML preview

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Correcting the Wrong

Muslims must adhere to their own basic principles, the most important being " no compulsion in religion". This is from the Koran, no less.


The wiki gives us a rather accurate description state of Islam, in that there is no consensus among Muslims even, as to the meaning of this particular verse. I take the Koran as being metaphorical, and so I cannot take this verse as meaning it's literal meaning. Instead, I look at religion as personal, and am against organised religion.

Freedom to me is Everyones Right, and Laws are meant for the good of the society. Religion being personal, everyone then has the right to practice and belief in any religion they wish. It is perhaps wisdom and coincidence that the very same Freedom is spelled out clearly in the Koran, which means Islam ought to benefit from it. But, sadly, as the wiki says, Muslims cannot agree.

And because of that the entire Islamic World goes down the dark alley. Islam is doomed simply because of force or coercion.

The Principle of Freedom of Religion ( whatever religion ) simply means no one can force me to embrace or practice any particular religion, nor stop me from leaving any religion should I wish to. Meaning also Membership and Apostasy should be allowed by all religions.

A country practising such rule, carries a multitude of people with different religions living together in peace and harmony, as they should. There may still be religious disputes, but if you take away religion, there would still be disputes. We Humans are hard wired to pick a fight against the one whose face we don't like. Religion merely makes it easier and with added fuel.

Following Islamic way of respecting the dead and funeral is a matter of conformity, so that the relatives and friends of the deceased can give their last respects in a uniform and orderly way. They do not have to be a Muslim to do that.

Festivals are ways communities celebrate their important dates on the in a Calendar, of any Religion, and Muslims should join in, as respect and to build better bonds between different races and religion.

Secluded Religious festivals or gatherings should not be allowed, and any such activity should come under close scrutiny by the Government. Only God know what the opportunistic evil people preach, God knows their true aim. But we can know too, without resorting to asking God. We have been given brains and senses to detect such evil intentions.

One Muslim scholar explained to me that Islam indeed has Freedom of Religion. It is just that when you embrace Islam, you have no Freedom IN the Religion, you have to follow the rules. You have to obey Gods Commandments. You are not free in Islam, and you are not free to leave Islam either.

Anyone wants to join Islam ?

This convoluted and imposed conflict in the mind, makes all Muslims carry the conflict with them all the time. It imprisons them, imprisons the mind. That is why Muslims fear Apostasy, the brave ones who try find themselves in a state of mental disorder, and other Muslims love to display them as examples of what Allah do to those who turn against Him. The one who tries to escape is made an example, so that others fear to even think about it. Doesn’t that sound like Alcatraz to you ?

If there is freedom in Islam, and there is freedom to leave any time ( sort of a buy back guarantee, or guaranteed return and return for a bad merchandise by law ). I want my life back, and I want a refund. But that's personal.

Imagine a free to try out religion in which the members are all seen as good and happy, would you want to join such religion or club or special interest group ( SIG) whatsoever ?. And if you find something you do not like and cannot accept, you can just leave, with money back guarantee.

Muslims all over the World have not this freedom, none at all. Some who do ( American Muslim perhaps ) are frowned upon, due to Islamisation ( by Islamists ) and due to Politics ( numbers game ), and due to sheer Stupidity. This makes the Muslim population with perhaps the highest number of hypocrites and liars in the world. With such high quantity and such low quality people inhabiting the Islamic World, how can one expect the Islamic World to be good, much less God blessed ? How can it ever progress if it doesn’t change ?

So in one word for Muslims, Change. And for that you need Freedom. The Freedom to Change.