Introducing Islam to the West by Sarah, Muslim - HTML preview

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Contemporary Islam

At least one person I know admits that Muslims are easily deceived. Just pass on something using the name of the religion or the prophet and it's believed and consumed by Muslims world wide.

Someone says McDonald’s is Haram, and the total clientèle of McD drops instantly in that Muslim majority country.

Someone says Kentucky Fried Chickens are Haram because they are not slaughtered the Muslim way ( not Kosher ), and millions of Chickens all over the world happily celebrate their new found lucky freedom.

Someone says Avon cosmetics are Haram as they contain Alcohol, and sales drop significantly. Avon then spends millions developing alcohol free cosmetics.

Next is Nestle, Cadbury Chocolates said to contain pork ingredients. Nestle, a World supplier of dairy products and chocolates, had to produce press releases and engage in a probably expensive PR and Marketing exercise to protect their reputation and ensure continued customer confidence.

All these makes the typical Western Mind despise Islam, and the Muslims who make blind accusations are responsible. Given a gullible environment, a simple lie is sufficient to cause major reactions in a Muslim Community. And Muslims are typically hyper sensitive, the result of indoctrination, or overdose of religion, making a typical Muslim develop multitude of phobias, of which I think the biggest perhaps is Swinophobia. A website Top Ten Phobias of Muhammad does i think accurately reflect the character and phobias of a typical Muslim. The phobias explain the extreme reaction to cartoons, articles, or whatever multi media articles produced touching on anything "Islam".

A Muslim who has been using Avon for years, who believes Alcohol is Haram only when consumed, not when used for say medication or cleaning agent at a hospital or to enhance cosmetic products or as washing aids, now has a problem. He or she can no longer use many products, she has to go find a "Halal" version, of which there aren't many, and perhaps none at all, as Western countries have no reason to bother with religious gradings. In Muslim Countries they even have official "Halal" certification and lots of people with lots of job, deciding for us what we can eat and what we cannot eat.

It is only because all Religions typically have problems with women and shy away from sexual language and references that we have no "Halal and Haram" sexual positions. Otherwise, Muslims have to learn about it, what's allowed prior to their consummation, even if legally married. But then I may be missing something, I cannot claim to know it all about Islam. Perhaps there is such a book somewhere after all. I must get a copy. It would surely make a good read and surely "educational".

Sex between consenting adults is Haram, because they have no "license" called "marriage certificate" to engage in anything sexual. Even being close is forbidden ( Khalwat or close proximity is an offence in Islam and punishable in the Sharia Court, with varying degrees of punishment according to countries. and societies. In a more lenient society a mere fine, in more strict ones, stoning.).

This is rather normal, for even in early days of Western societies, unmarried couples are frowned upon, the word "bastard" invented, which today is replaced by "love child" a more polite way of referencing the child, with the word love reminding us something so difficult to find now in our modern world now, and in the Islamic World almost non-existent. Muslims love Allah and the Prophet, not people. So a love child to a Muslim is a bastard and should be buried alive, less the baby brings shame to so many people.


If we run the History of Islam again, in the Year 1 AH, the Arabs were burying alive their baby girls, as girls are deemed to be useless, of poor economic value to the Arabs, an unwelcomed additional burden to the family. Today, if it is not history repeating itself in the Islamic world, I don’t know what else to call it.

The Western World and the Scientific World has advanced so far ahead and developed so many products that nearly all of Muslims consumables come from non-Muslims. And the Muslims have a problem with that, as non-Muslims consume pork and they have been intensely indoctrinated with hatred for Kafirs and Infidels.. Even for the more liberal Muslims, it maybe okay for cosmetics and such, but a definite no for food products.

Once upon a long time ago, while joining the Islamists in their lives for my own sake and education, out of curiosity, I was given a list of supermarket items I can and cannot buy. The so called Halal List.

At least one sane and clever Muslim with some authority I know suggests that everything should be assumed "Halal" unless specifically defined as "Haram". Raw Pork may be specified as clearly Haram, but an expensive designer beg made partly from some pork skins surely is not ? Nope. That' s also Haram.

I used to joke to Muslims that all non-Muslims are Haram because they consume pork, with the exception of Vegetarians. Strangely they do not appreciate my joke so much, and give me stern looks and stares, as I have a string of such Muslim jokes.. I guess I would not make a good Islamist. And so I quit.