Introducing Islam to the West by Sarah, Muslim - HTML preview

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Learning from `History and Christianity

The biggest threat to the Christian Religion is Science, which time and again take to task Biblical verses which are nonsense and has no solid basis, and offer sane reasonable answers the average person can understand, and can verify for himself. That is Science.

If you do not believe something in Science, you can do it yourself, and satisfy yourself that the answer is indeed correct. Or you may even find more answers. Or you may find the answer given was wrong and proceed to correct the scientific answer. All these are allowed in Science.

One of the biggest headache for the Christian Establishment is Carbon Dating, which allowed Scientists to date the Earth, and discovered that the Earth is at least 3 billion years old. ( Age of the Earth = 4.54 ± 0.05 billion years (4.54 × 109 years ± 1%) ). This runs in stark contrast with the Biblical version, which is that the Earth is some 6,000 years old.


The huge discrepancy, and the manner in which Science can provide ample evidence for their findings resulted is the Church losing members on a steady basis. Doubts begin to appear as to whether the Bible is actually from God, for how could God be so naïve.

The Pope addressed this issue by issuing a statement that the Bible is not to be taken literally. This somewhat saves the religion, and saves embarrassment of the Church, because Christians can now explain the Bible as being metaphorical.


In Religion you cannot question anything considered Sacred, and in Islam almost everything is considered sacred, especially the Book, the Sacred Book of Islam, the Koran.

When I was a kid, I was told to kiss the Koran, to hold it above my head all the way to school and to read it every Thursday Night. The believe is that God will be pleased if I do so and grant me plentiful rewards in my life. As a kid, I did not believe, but I followed, obeyed, as punishments for arguing or refusing is severe. If any of your parent is Taliban, you really do not want to object to anything they say,

Progress in Islam is then impossible. New knowledge cannot be added on to the religion. A Religious ban is a religious ban, for as long as the Religion exists, which is very long indeed. A ritual is a ritual and remain so forever. Why ? Because Allah says so.

However, if we as humans are to learn from our own history, and the story and history of Christianity provides much data, there is indeed a way out to pacify this extremely violent, active and lethal virus called Islam.