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Chapter Three



ompliments are a very important aspect of marriage that must be expressed. It is one of the most important things to give to a spouse because you are basically affirming that he or she is loved and matters more than anyone else. A complimentless (Please allow me to use this word) marriage will most likely be heading for a crash or a lifetime of sadness. Let's start by understanding what compliment is, and why it is important in marriage.

What is a compliment? A compliment is a polite expression of praise and admiration. Please take note of the word, "Polite." If a compliment is not polite, then it is not to be called a compliment. It must be done with courtesy and respect (This is very important). Another phrase we should consider in the meaning is "Polite expression." The politeness should be expressed. It should be expressed with a smile and very nice chosen words. Now, let’s take the whole phrase, "A polite expression of praise and admiration." Compliment is to be filled with praises and admiration. You can't be showering your spouse with praise and admiration without respecting him or her. Some people claim they complement their spouse a lot, yet they don’t respect them. They go hand in hand. Another meaning says a compliment is politely congratulating or praising someone for something. As couples, we must politely congratulate our spouses for the nice things they have done, every single day and at all times.

In the world today, a lot of people are living insecure lives. Many people are still holding unto many things they have been told in their past. Terrible things said to them in their youth, past dates or past marriages, by friends and family. They have heard of how terrible they are or how ugly they look. A lot of those words don't leave many people for years, and it keeps coming back to their memories when they are alone or when they are not appreciated. Compliments help the person rebuild and get back self-confidence. A person with low self-esteem will begin to recover with compliments; it repairs all those areas and brings back energy. Compliment your spouse inside and out, these regular reminders restores them and chases away doubts and insecurities.

While we all enjoy receiving a compliment, most people are not very good at giving them. Most marriages are on a downturn because of lack of compliments; we must consciously work on it. Compliments will help improve performance even in bed. If compliment is given right, it will create so much positive energy in the home. I said, "If compliment is given right," that means it can be given wrong (like rude compliments). Remember from our definition above that it must be a polite expression of praise and admiration. Someone once said, "I can't compliment her because she is not doing the right things, there is nothing to compliment about her." In the real sense, this is not true, and not everything is bad about her. You wouldn't have married her in the first place if everything was truly bad about her. This is my advice: Take a pen and paper, and write down all the nice things he/she does that you like. Go back into the past and appreciate those things that you really liked in the past, and express your appreciation. Compliment him/her so much for the things you like every single day and in different words. Send it to him/her as a text message during the day, say it face to face and make sure you smile saying it. Say it to him/her during your private time and also in public. There is no way you can do these things to your spouse, and he or she will not improve in the areas you want improvement. I have told people to do this same thing, and they came with a good report of how their spouse changed for the better. It works like magic.

Someone once said, "I tell my husband at least once a day how hot and handsome he is, and he has a big smile whenever I say it. He feels so excited and on top of the world." Everyone loves to be complimented, both men and women. It makes us want to be better and do better things. Giving a compliment is like building someone up. The more the compliment, the better the person will perform. Just like a building, the more you progress on the building, the better the building looks. The house construction doesn't look too good at the foundation, but it keeps getting better as the building progresses. Don't get discouraged if your partner doesn't respond well at the beginning, keep showering the compliments on and on, and watch how your building will look after a while. Just be patient and keep building him/her up with the compliments, and you will be glad you did.

Someone once said, "Compliments are powerful gifts of love." Why not shower your spouse with little gifts of love? Don't ever let a day go by without complimenting your partner, even if they didn't do what you are complimenting about that day. Receiving compliment is like drinking an energy drink. I remember the first time I had an energy drink; I was on top of the world. That's what a compliment does; it makes your spouse extra happy and gives him/her some energy boost. He/she will feel so energized to do more and to get better. Compliment your spouse if you want him/her to get better or improve. Learn how to give your spouse detailed and specific compliments and watch how his/her self-confidence will improve. Inclusively, providing more direct compliments to your partner will not only improve his/her self-confidence, but will also increase bedroom performance.

Sending sexy text messages is a great way for couples to flirt with each other and makes each other smile. Flirting with your spouse generates some form of lovely expectation and anticipation. Anticipation is like mental foreplay that could lead to sex. Send a sexy text to let your spouse know that he/she is on your mind when you are apart and even when you are in the same house. Make this a habit and watch how things will improve in your marriage. Flirt, flirt and keep on flirting with your spouse.

Finally, please remember that there is no amount of compliments to your spouse that is too much. Keep expressing it with a smile and nice words. Say it and express it genuinely. Stop using the same words, again and again, be creative about it. Use a dictionary or go online for more ideas on different ways to express compliments. This will not only improve your relationship and love making, but it will also make you even a happier person than you are today.