Jesus' Book: Fear Not by Mary Rose - HTML preview

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I mentioned earlier that I am bilingual. Before I met Jesus in the dream I told you, I met some people who gave me a bilingual Bible. It was translated from my native language to my second language, English. Before Jesus started this book, I had already learned how easily people could change the meaning and or completely misrepresent the Bible. Even with good and honest intentions, I must tell you, translations and interpretations often vary. In order to accurately and authentically translate a language, one must know and understand the country, the culture, its ethnicity, traditions, value systems, arts, grammar, slangs, literature, poetry, metaphors, parables and more. Even with all that and the most honest intentions the translation cannot be fully authentic and accurate.

Even when working with languages from two different societies where the vast majority of the population knows how to read and write there is room for distortion, emission, addition, inconsistency, inaccuracy and more. Imagine if the vast majority of the people in the societies are not literate. Those who run the society can have a large impact on translation and interpretation.

Jesus spoke Aramaic, a language that was a mixture of a few languages. It is an ancient language spoken by a relatively small population. The community’s culture, use of language, slangs, metaphors and all other elements involving translation and interpretation impacted the translation and the interpretation between the two communities.

The bilingual copy of the Bible I have is for those who know both languages. I know the translator knew about both countries and the elements mentioned earlier. But the translation and interpretation is inconsistent. And I mean the difference between oranges and apples! If you only spoke the native language and could not compare the two, you would not know the translation was not completely authentic. It is a problem when our “holy books” are not completely authentic.

After Jesus had me read the inconsistent translation from the English Bible to my native language, he asked me to look into interpretations. As said earlier, a lot of work goes into interpretation. In the United States we have many different versions of the Bible. And we know that newer versions of the Bible will surface. Imagine 3,000 years of written words in different parts of the world in different languages and translations and interpretations that are rewritten and newer versions coming out at the same time. Even if the greedy powers did not influence the holy books, which they have, as they have been able and motivated to do so, the holy books still could not stay authentic. That is why Jesus came to Earth. The holy book was not authentic. Jews were back to worshipping idols, serving the empire, and enslaving and oppressing one another. Jesus came to express what he had to say in few words and in a strong, solid, consistent, sincere, humble and obvious way.

The problem with the holy books did not start with Jews and end with Christians. Christians and Jews are not the only ones who believe in the Torah, or the Old Testament. Muslims believe in the Torah and also accept parts of the New Testament. Judaism, Christianity and Islam claim to believe in the same God. But Jews and Muslims do not consider Jesus the Son of God. The greedy Eastern empire began Islamic crusades and invaded Eastern countries of the world and bluntly destroyed, killed, oppressed, and enslaved much of humanity in the name of the God of Abraham. The rulers of the East did what the Western powers did. They used the example of the Christian crusades.

In the past 3,000 years, the Torah, the New Testament and the Quran, have been written, rewritten, translated and retranslated, interpreted and reinterpreted hundreds of times, if not thousands.

Such is the reason God came to us in the flesh and did not have anyone follow him around to write things down. He came because he was lost in all that was written. He was misrepresented. Men made him in their image in written words because they had the motive and the ability.

The holy books were written, arranged and rearranged to serve the oppressors. Scribes used God’s name and put words in his mouth to create philosophies, theologies and justifications for their greed. We know Jesus did not randomly choose to announce his mission to free the oppressed. That contradicted what men had said about God. That explains why Jesus did not receive a very pleasant reception while he was on Earth. He challenged what the so-called holy men preached.


Israelites who were freed by God from oppression, inequality, poverty and slavery, started their own system of oppression, inequality, poverty and slavery in their society. Their rulers infected the holy book to justify going against God’s will.
The vast majority of Jews could not read and write. Only the elite, religious and government leaders were educated. The greedy elite and the religious not only changed the holy book, they worked with the greedy empires to exploit, to enslave, to oppress and to steal from Jews. The vast majority of the society was poor, ill and misled. They were given idols to worship, like before God freed them.

But Jesus, a Jew, the Son of God, and the messiah, came and declared his mission to do what his father did, “to free the oppressed.” He did not hang out with the rich powerful elite kings, philosophers, religious leaders or men of that nature. In his time, he was criticized for who he chose to associate with in his public and private life.

Jesus spent his time with the oppressed, enslaved, exploited and the physically ill. Many were illiterate. He did not have scholars following him to write down what he said. The people he came to free were poor and could not read and write. Even Jesus’ followers had mostly never read the Torah or any holy book. They were mostly poor and illiterate fishermen.

Through the centuries Christ was removed from the holy books. Christian leaders collaborated with the rulers of empires. Christians betrayed their own God and waged violent wars against peoples in Western parts of the world. What they did was anti-Christ. The Church changed the holy books to make God fit the image of the greedy empire to justify a greedy war as a crusade to bring Christ to non-Christian nations. To this day we read anti-Christ statements still written in the holy books. We read, “Thou shall not covet your neighbor’s slave.”

Jesus said, “In the year 2009, two millenniums after I declared that he came to free the oppressed, Christians continue to preach that God approves slavery. The Catholic Church’s headquarters is still in Rome! And Christian leaders learn Latin! Masses were performed in Latin up to not long ago. And the Church calls the Pope, the Holy Father! There is only one Holy Father, my Father in Heaven,” Jesus said.

He continued, “By their example, Christian leaders granted Eastern greedy powers license for its army to draw its swords and do the same as Western nations did during the crusades. In the name of Islam, Eastern powers invaded nations, oppressed, exploited and stole from humanity. They forced the nations they occupied to speak the occupier’s language, Arabic, just as Romans forced occupied nations to speak Latin.

“I sent Israelites a prophet, Moses, to free the nation from slavery. Moses gave the people my commandments. In the Ten Commandments, I told Israelites and all humanity to love me as a parent as I love humanity as my children and to love one another as sisters and brothers. I made it clear that I did not want the people to enslave one another. They manipulated words I said in the Ten Commandments as they did with much of the holy books. I will give you an example. They say, ‘You shall not covet your neighbor’s slave.’ Yet, in 2009, rulers claim that I approve slavery. I obviously never gave permission to Jews or to any human to own one another as slaves.”

“For thousands of years,” Jesus said, “religious and political leaders have taken advantage of the fact that most people, even in the year 2009, are not literate. These leaders have created their philosophies, theologies, television ministries and have clothed themselves to appear to be superior and better than humanity. They have claimed to be favored and anointed. They have claimed to have divine authority and demand that humanity follows them as the medium between humans and God. They tailored my words in writing holy books to fit their social systems. They put words in my mouth and in my name they have justified greed, wars, poverty, oppression, racism, inequality, exploitation, division and slavery.

“I freed Israelites and then they became slaves to one another. The majority of Jews were poor, exploited and illiterate. Only the elite, rich, and the religious leaders were literate. The majority of Jews who were not able to read about God listened to what the religious leaders told them without question. The religious leaders created a God in their own image, in writing and preaching. They created a scary God that did not love people. The religious leaders sold out to the rich Jews and the greedy Roman Empire. The majority of Jews had to follow the religious leaders. They had to trust them because they knew the so-called holy book and God’s words. But the truth is the majority of Jews were separated from the True God. They did not know him. The religious leaders became God substitutes. So the whole nation went full circle, from worshipping idols and slavery during the ancient Egyptian Empire to worshipping idols and slavery in the Roman Empire.”

Jesus said, “Slavery in many forms and in many disguises exists all over the Earth. The holy books are not authentic. They have been arranged and altered to suit the greedy powers who bought the leaders of the religions. How can Jewish, Christians and Muslim religions claim that the Torah, The New Testament and the Quran are authentic, God’s words, commands and teachings, if they to this day read, ‘Thou shall not covet your neighbor’s slave?’

“These men make believe I favor slavery. At the same time they make believe that slavery no longer exists. They make it seem harmless to preach, ‘Thou shall not covet your neighbor’s slave.’ But slavery exists more than ever and they perpetuate it. Modern day slavery has different faces. It is most intense, yet covert. Humans are owned by the greedy superpowers, the rulers of ‘the modern empires.’ These empires, the governments, serve the super rich that enslave the vast majority of humanity.
“In their so-called advanced empires they make their citizens slaves of wages that they control. Humans do not have job or wage security. Their employment and income is determined by greedy craves for more and more profits. At the same time, the brainwashed slaves, the citizens, use a plastic card that keeps them ever more in debt to banks. Humans are consumption slaves. Humans’ lives are owned by banks in these nations. And the banks are owned by the greedy superpowers. Their governments use youths as military slaves and send them to wars of greed to kill and torment the poor, to conquer, to control and steal to from the poor nations. They tell the young slaves, the soldiers, that they are fighting for freedom!” Jesus said.

He continued, “These superpowers own the necessary technology for the world to sustain itself. But instead, they use it to make more and more profits, as they make more and more people poor in already poor nations. They keep the poor in increasing debt to the banks of the greedy empires. They enslave the poor to toil often under inhumane conditions to barely earn enough to survive, without any hope of being employed tomorrow.

“The greedy empires keep for themselves the technology the poor nations need. They take their companies and technology to poor nations and then they buy the government. They steal the nations’ natural resources. In order to make maximum profits they enslave the poor as cheap labor. They pay them wages that barely put food on their tables. They starve billions to death. They use the oppressed, and poor, as laboratory rats to make their drugs that often replace one problem with another.”

Jesus said, “They allow and perpetuate human trafficking, which is one of the most obvious forms of slavery in modern times. Humans from poor nations are sold as slaves. Humans with money can go to nations that their empires have robbed and stripped of any means of survival to buy humans. They sell and buy women and children to be exploited as labor slaves or sexual slaves.

“To keep the people enslaved in poor nations the greedy empires install their puppet governments. They give them arms and teach them how to police and to brutalize the poor people to submit to the conditions in which they live. These governments brutalize and keep the enslaved poor afraid of standing up to the slave holders and the greedy empires.

“My most important principle that I communicated through prophets was against humans owning humans. Did I not free Jews from slavery? Did Moses, a freed slave, write my Ten Commandments? Why would I, God, tell Moses to write what would give Jews, whom I freed from slavery, the right to own one another as slaves? I did not free them to form their own slavery. I freed them because I am the creator, the parent, and no human has the right to own another human. That is the number one principle of creation. The same leaders who wrote lies about me in the Torah broke my other commandments. For instance, ‘Thou shall not kill.’ They taught Jews that it was right by me if they killed each other with stones.

“I came to Earth to set the record straight. I said I have come to free the oppressed. My objective was to give myself up in explaining and demonstrating my message to humanity who in vast their majority did not read and write. I gave all humanity my blood and body, as is called Eucharist. While the New Testament was being written, the true universal community of humanity that I established was destroyed,” Jesus said.

“Once again, the same kind of humans who arranged and altered events in the Torah did the same with the New Testament to suit their greedy objectives. They worked with Christian leaders and betrayed my principles. They picked up arms to kill and enslaved, exploited and stole people’s lands. They turned my body, my universal community, into a military machine that functioned against Christ. Nearly 2,000 years later, they apologized to me, though the foundation of the Church still works like a military machine. The Church did not become a universal community with the God of love as the parent, and all humanity as sisters and brothers, loving, forgiving, sharing with and protecting the most vulnerable. In the year 2009, after their apology, they continue to insult me by accusing me of being in favor of slavery by preaching ‘Thou shall not covet your neighbor’s slave.’”

Jesus continued, “They did not give my universal apostolic community of humanity, the Catholic Church, back to me, God. They still own it as their kingdom of men exalting themselves. They live in a palace still in Rome, called the Vatican. They call the Pope, The Holy Father, and still seek the same kingdom of men that the greedy Roman Empire and its religious puppets created with its unauthentic holy books. They retain the structures of the military like a monarchy. The chain of command is a hierarchy and bureaucracy. It is all centered on the king’s lavish palace. The king is called my father’s name, God’s name, The Holy Father.

“I did not create or approve of the existence of slaves who were forcefully castrated. I disapproved any form of slavery. Men created eunuchs. They mutilated, exploited, raped and did everything they pleased with the eunuchs against my will.

“The history of eunuchs traces far back into ancient history. Eunuchs were often castrated approximately before or right after adolescence. These mutilated human beings were used in a variety of ways in various parts of the world. The history of pedophilia and eunuchs in most parts of the world are linked. The young castrated men served as sexual slaves for men in a world and society that in most parts considered pedophilia a norm.”
Jesus said, “This is what was happening in most nations and societies. Females as young as eight were conscribed to marriages with much older men. The girls were treated as sex slaves and reproductive machines. It was considered normal for men to have sex with more than one wife and also with young boys. In some parts of the world they merely used women for procreation and considered having sex with younger men that at times included the eunuchs, as normal sexual behavior. Eunuchs were also used as guards to make sure a man’s wife or wives did not have sex with any other man. They were keepers of the female procreative slaves, while they too were slaves.

“The same men who call their priests eunuchs in the holy catholic and apostolic Church did not oppose castration of young boys and the use of females as reproductive machines. They practiced the exploitation and slavery of castrated men. In my name, claiming they were building my kingdom, they castrated preadolescent boys to become sopranos. They did not end that practice until less than 200 years ago. For over 1,800 years, in my name they legitimized the sexual slavery and mutilation of young boys and reproductive slavery of women by not only practicing it, but also by calling their priests Eunuchs of the kingdom. Keep in mind this was not the only anti-Christ acts they committed. It is only one.

“Let us put ourselves in the shoes of the young men who are trained to become my ‘servants’. Priests are told that they cannot have normal sex, get married and have a family. They are told they must consider themselves Eunuchs of the kingdom. In training these often young men learn about the history of slavery, of eunuchs, of women being reproductive slaves, and their connection with sexual slavery. To this day, since they sold me out to greedy powers, young men choosing to serve me assume I, Christ, favor or even tolerate what the Church preaches and practices in regards to slavery and sexuality. I am accused of approving pedophilia,” Jesus said.

Jesus continued, “Of course, the self-proclaimed Holy Father and his gang do not want to change the foundation of the Church from a military machine that has dominated since the crusades. They continue to credit slavery to this day, using the Ten Commandments that they tailored to serve their greedy friends. The foundation of their human kingdom was built by men who enslaved men, women and children. The foundation of the Church perpetuates pedophilia, as it is rooted in the service of slavery. That is why their priests do not even question why they read to their congregations, ‘Thou shall not covet your neighbor’s slave.’

“These men in their high hats in their palace running their kingdom do not serve me. They serve the anti-humanity, the anti-Christ. They are not willing to serve me. They do not want to give me back my Church, the community I formed over 2,000 years ago in love, sisterhood and brotherhood, equality, forgiving, sharing, and in peace and justice.
"Let me tell you about Sodom and Gomorrah. They ran a society of slavery. They were slave holders. Men with money had slaves for all sorts of needs, including sexual. They considered females as inferior and used their menstruation against them. These men enslaved females as young as small children. A female was like a reproductive machine, making babies. The men in power also enslaved young men, castrated them, and used them to keep the female slaves prisoners in the house of the owner man, away from other men. The male owner of the female had reproductive sex with the woman and kept her as a slave and imprisoned. Eunuchs were castrated to keep the female reproductive slave at home at all times, to make sure the child was the slave owner’s. They considered it the norm to have sexual relationships with young boys. Young boys and men were violated, raped, enslaved and exploited as sex objects.”

Jesus continued, “These religious leaders claim to be pro-life, but you do not see them protecting the living small child bought to be a sexual slave. Hypocrites! The king of the Vatican lies and tries to cover up the root cause of the practice of pedophilia. They blame the United States Church. They blame homosexual orientation for it. They make believe that pedophilia is not found in other countries among priests. But they know, as well as I know, it is happening in all countries. In most traditional countries, often children and their families would not report the abuse for fear of social problems. Citizens can become chastised and outcasts if they reveal cases of abuse. In the United States, to talk about sexual abuse has become easier over time. But victims still fear to report.”

Jesus continued to tell us the truth about gender. He said, “I did not create gender. I told the Adam and Eve parable to explain that all humans were born equals. I created humans in my image, one, both male and female. Each human is created as Adam and Eve.

“In fact, science has proven that both females and males actually have the same sex organs. One gender has its sex organ on the inside of their body. The other has it outside. I arranged for that. I declared them equals. I even put humans on Earth who were born with both organs. They are not mistakes. I intentionally created them with both organs. They have always had the right to choose to be male, female or both. Now they are able to choose to surgically remove one or the other, by choice. Or they can have both organs, by choice.”

Jesus said, “They say all humans have to reproduce. That is a lie. They have a choice. And I accept their choices. I have created both males and females who cannot biologically reproduce. I did not curse anyone. They had to choose according to the fact that they could not procreate. I accept their choices. All were born in love, biologically unique, with individual conditions and options. In that, they live a life that forms their souls to be as unique as their physical bodies. “The religious and political powers lied to you. They told you I created gender and required everyone to do the same. That is not consistent with creation. I am God, a parent, who has created infinite varieties on Earth in all things, in hope that each human will make individual choices that develop the unique self and soul. Remember, I am the creator of all the stars and planets. In their infinite numbers each is unique, though you see them as just a small light.

“I asked you to be loving, tolerant, accepting, forgiving, loyal and respectful in relating to one another in any relationship, including with me. I showed you what love is with my actions. I told you to not use one another as objects. I told you to be faithful in love. As long as you love one another I am happy. But if you use and hurt one another I am not happy. I suffer when you suffer.”

Jesus explained that he put humans on Earth to find themselves by making free choices. He created us with the ability to freely choose, though greedy powers have attempted and succeeded at taking away God given freedoms. He wants us to be like him, unique. Of course, we will never have the power and knowledge he has. But he is our eternal parent.

Only recently, have we started to scratch the surface of how many different ways we are each unique, like finger prints, DNA and others. God created time and space, the Earth, this world. He put us here to find our souls. We can make choices. This way we can develop souls, characters that should be as unique as our physical bodies. He has made sure that no one on Earth ever has exactly the same experiences and choices in their lives. The life of each human that has ever lived on Earth is unique. It is granted in creation and arranged for each of us to become unique in body and soul.


As was mentioned in the introduction, God said “Fear Not” 365 times in the Torah and New Testament. But we do not hear anyone explaining why God would repeat those two words over and over again. Jesus certainly proved that he knew and anticipated that men with motive would try to make God in their image in writing. So the only way Jesus remained known to humanity was the two words, “Fear Not.”

“Fear Not” was a compass God gave us to know the difference between him and a man-made God. Knowing that God wants us to not fear, we can sort out lies from the truth. If you read the holy books and feel fear, shame or guilt, it is not the real God. It is a lie. It is a man-made God rulers created in their interests against humanity.
God used “Fear Not” as a promise to humanity. He promised that he will make himself known to humanity. He will take their fears away, care for them, protect them and love them all for all eternity. This book is the beginning of his mission.

Jesus in his words and actions contradicted the men who made God in their own image. He acted out his mission, feelings and thoughts in few words with strong actions. He came to help his children who were being exploited and oppressed. He came to give himself, body and blood, to all of us. He came to show his eternal, unconditional love as a parent. He did for us what the best parent in the universe would do for its child. And he did it with humility, love, patience, peace and faith.

Jesus knew that though he came, the holy books would misrepresent him in the New Testament the same way they did in the Old Testament. He kept repeating the two words “Fear Not.” He kept his promise to fulfill. He is going to come back and take away all fears. He is a God of action. This book is about action. He chose the instrument who is writing for him not just to write, but to let him use her life to illustrate what he needs to say to humanity, his children.

As we know, Jesus did not care to have think tanks and scholars follow him to write what he said. Look at me, my life, his choice of an instrument to write his words. I am an artist. I paint. I paint things that are like stories. There is action and story in my paintings. I am not a book writer. He could afford a book writer. Human science has proven that artists are intuitive and think spatially. Jesus uses artists very much. To me writing his book has been almost like painting, like living in action.

Jesus chose followers and associated with people who did not have formal educations. Most could not read and write at all. He talked with fishermen, poor, ill and oppressed people. He used parables because those around him were people of action. They did not read books. They had limited vocabularies due to their lack of ability to read and write. Action, stories and or examples, parables, that involved actions, were how they expressed themselves.

I believe the movie The Passion of the Christ was inspired by God. I appreciate that it was in the original language. There was not much to read. I think the movie made clear what Jesus intended. Jesus did not intend to talk the talk. He did not have to do that. His actions spoke loud enough.

He came as God, the parent, and proved to us what we needed to know. Ask any parent how much they love their child and what they would be willing to do to demonstrate that love. Most would say, “I will give up my life to save my child.” God says the same thing. He says he loves us so much that He would give himself up through anything to save us. Jesus gave up his life for us the way a parent would for its own child. Jesus told us how much he loves us. He suffers when we suffer. He cries when we cry. He gets worried when we get in trouble. Imagine a parent, God, watching us. How would he feel looking at what is happening to all of us in this world? It makes him suffer more than all of us on Earth all together times infinity could ever suffer. He gave us choice. Look what choices we have made. But look what choices our leaders, religious, political or social have made.

As I said earlier, I was only five-years-old when I saw a translated movie about Jesus. I did not know who he was. I did not know religion. I did not even know God. I did not think there was a God. Being only five-years-old, I had a very limited vocabulary. But I felt and experienced being loved by him. His actions spoke louder than any words. I understood him perfectly. He won my heart and soul. I understood Jesus gave himself for us.

I met Jesus again, as I described in the dream in Chapter One. Interestingly enough, he was all about action. He kindly asked me, “Do you need help?” He gave himself up. I chose to let him help me. I figured he knew how to help me. I said, “Yes,” to him. I did not tell him to pick up my things and place them in my bag. He knew what I needed. He picked up all of my belongings that had fallen out of my handbag. He put all of them back in to my handbag. He even took his hat off and put it in my handbag. His actions made me realize that he loved me. He was protective, supportive and caring to me. I fell in love with him. I asked him, “Do you know where the tunnel is?” He said, “Yes, it is right here. I am going the same way.” Jesus is about action. That is why I know how important it is to pay close attention to his actions. And that is why I very much appreciate the way the movie The Passion of the Christ was made. It captured the True Jesus in action.