Jesus' Book: Fear Not by Mary Rose - HTML preview

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In revising this book, after the first draft, I came to realize Jesus is repeating some of what he had said at times. I asked him if I should take out what was said before. Remember, I am not a book writer. I just know Jesus can and has been using me to do what he wants to do. I am his instrument.

Jesus explained that he is not repeating. He said it is like music. He is simply hitting the key notes throughout the book when it is necessary for us to understand later. He said, “I did repeat ‘Fear Not’ 365 times. By repeating the key notes I keep the book authentic. I am making it most difficult for the book to be changed.”

He continued, “Let us go back over 2,000 years to when I came to humanity. I came in flesh to set the record straight. I told them that I am the messiah and my mission is to free the oppressed Jews and Gentiles. But that did not suit the objectives and relationships within the greedy empires. They chose to persecute me and my followers. I had come knowing they would do as they did to me. I chose to take it. I tried to prove to humanity that I was harmless, the God of ‘Fear Not.’ I gave them ME, my flesh and blood to keep to this day. I sacrificed myself for my children. I told them to share me, God, and all that I provided for all on Earth. I told them to forgive one another and to include one another. I told them to not use the sword, rocks or any weapons against one another. I told Peter to put down his sword. I healed the soldier whose ear was severed by Peter’s sword. I said and did in accordance with my commandment, ‘Thou shall not kill.’ I was consistent with ‘Fear Not’ and proved it in few words and actions.

“They turned my body and my legacy into a war machine. They are still going on crusades in the name of saving souls to fill their own pockets. They claim they are saving humans from the fires of hell. They call it ‘Evangelism.’ They claim to love humans more than I love humans. They claim that I burn all those who are not Christians in fires for all eternity. They claim I am a brutal, uncaring and selfish dictator who authorized them to build my kingdom on Earth. They fill up their pockets and serve the empires as they have been for thousands of years in my name.”

Jesus said, “Throughout history, I have had instruments who served me. In the past century, I had Abraham Lincoln. He fought a battle against slavery in America. There was Martin Luther King Jr. He was a man who taught of my equal love for creation with dignity and diversity. I sent Nelson Mandela. He told of my will to free the oppressed people. He taught of my equal love for his people with freedom, dignity and diversity. I sent Bishop Tutu of South Africa. He preached my words against slavery in an enslaved nation. He tirelessly stood up for my children. I sent Archbishop Romero who did just as I had in my time. He stood up against oppression, slavery, cruelty, exploitation, and mass murder of the children of God. Like Martin Luther King, Romero, one man with me, in love, he preached in favor of the enslaved and oppressed. He was assassinated by the oppressors.”


Jesus wants to explain and to expose what we have been misinformed about and deceived about by greedy men and the religious leaders who have served their interests throughout history. He is going to tell us the Truth that has been hidden and replaced with lies that have been hammered into humanity’s mind for thousands of years. He is fulfilling his promise made 365 times, “Fear Not.” Jesus is going to take away our fears, confusion and doubts by explaining the Truth, and by proving his everlasting unconditional love for all humanity.

Jesus moved on to the next issue, “Let us talk about the pro-life movement. I call these people hypocrites who serve the greedy powers. I would ask these champions of life to go to the war zones that are so plentiful on Earth and preach ‘Thou shall not kill.’ I would like them to go and to start feeding the hundreds of millions of children dying from hunger in this world. I asked them to stand up for small children being sold as sex slaves in growing numbers. I do not work with hypocrites. Did I not make that clear when I was on Earth? I preferred the company of an ex-prostitute to that of so-called holy men.

“I love mothers and the unborn in their wombs. When I was on Earth, I blamed the man-made conditions such as husbands being able to divorce their wives and force them into prostitution. A man owned his wife and threw her away like a shoe. He had the right to divorce his wife for any reason. Women were considered property like slaves were considered a property. They were unable to remarry. They had no other value. The only way divorced women could survive was to use their bodies as sexual objects, as prostitutes. The same people who forced women to sexual slavery, then violated the commandment, ‘Thou shall not kill.’ They stoned female sex slaves, the prostitutes, to death.”

Jesus said, “The same religious leaders who call themselves pro-life preach the lie, ‘Thou shall not covet your neighbor’s slave.’ They do not respect life. They perpetuate reproductive slavery of women. They do not care for the born or the unborn. These hypocrites have no respect for human integrity. They serve the greedy that have been oppressing, enslaving and exploiting women as objects for thousands of years.

“I blame the conditions the greedy created that destroy lives of both mothers and their unborn. They are responsible for the lack of respect for life. They cause a mother to feel she cannot and should not bring a child in to this world. They have made a world that takes no responsibility for the life of a child born to it. They run a world that enslaves children. They force mothers to choose abortion. I love my children unconditionally. I unconditionally love both my pregnant children and the unborn child. They both have been victims of men of greed and their friends among religious leaders who, in my name, continue to chain the spirit of humanity. They are on the path of killing the Earth and humanity as we speak.

“The greedy, with their infinite thirst for power, have fostered ignorance, lies, fear, guilt, shame, panic and in my name have divided my children. They have used any means and any lies to occupy lands, to oppress, enslave, exploit, starve, kill, torment, and have created ever worsening chaos. They have pushed humanity closer and closer to the end of its rope. The vast majority of humanity has been starving to death. Children have been sold and purchased as sex slaves in oppressed countries. The population of orphans on Earth has increased massively. The world had become divided ever more. Humanity has been pitted against humanity by any means. The holy books have been used to destroy my entire creation. My children have been living in a whirlpool of destruction. Humanity has suffered from lack of humility. Greed has been the root cause of all evil done to humanity,” Jesus said.

He continued, “Greed is the enemy of humility. Greed and love are enemies. Is there not enough material wealth and possession on Earth to satisfy greed? How many billions of dollars are enough for only one family? Greed is a thirst that is unquenchable. Wealth is control and power to the greedy super rich. They have infinite thirst for control and ultimate power. They are the want-to-be-Gods. Greed is the enemy of humanity. It is on the path of trying to destroy humanity.

“Greedy powers have bought and forced everything that served their interest. They have even bought men who are supposed to be serving me. They have bought the religious leaders around the world. They have tailored everything, including the holy books to suit them. They have brain washed humanity to believe that greed was Godly and a norm. They have created their mighty and wealthy puppet superpowers. They have put in place puppet tyrannies in the poor countries to oppress and to exploit the people like slaves. They have tortured and martyred my instruments like Archbishop Romero, Nelson Mandela and Martin Luther King, Jr. Like leaches, they have sucked the blood of the vast majority of humanity in countries they oppressed and kept poor. Greed is a man-made-spiral. It has sucked humanity down and through it. The Earth has been pushed to ultimate destruction by the greedy. The religious leaders not only have allowed it, but also have had collaborated with the greedy in destroying the Earth.”

“The greedy have done all in their power to keep humanity from knowing humility. They have glorified, legitimized, fostered and perpetuated greed of all sorts. They have made greed a socalled normal way of life, to be believed and to be practiced by following the lead of the super greedy rich. That is why humans have hurt one another in what they call crimes. The world has become criminalized. They have created all sorts of crime, even organized crimes. Money has bought everything, including those who have had to protect humans from crimes. The protectors of humanity are conditioned, institutionalized and trained to protect the greedy and the rich. They are the ones who legally have killed the poor and oppressed. They have sent armed men in uniforms to make sure that the super greedy rich gain infinite control and power,” Jesus said.

He continued, “Love, humility, compromise, reconciliation, compassion, charity and peace are lacking in this world. The greedy powers made sure of that by brain washing humanity to make sure they would get away with what they have been doing to humanity and to the Earth. Lack of humility is what this world has suffered from most. Loss of control and surrendering is what is hardest for all. The infinite thirst for power by the greedy that rules the world is the ultimate expression of quest for control.

“They preach and profess that there is only one God, the father the maker of heaven and Earth. That is true. I have only created heaven and Earth. The greedy powers created other joints. They have called them hell or purgatory. I am the almighty. I am love. I do not create to destroy. I unconditionally and eternally love all that I create. I can manage to send my creation, my children, to this world innocent. I can get them out of this world and take them home innocent. Remember that all things are possible with me. I have created all the universe and no star or planet has fallen on Earth.

“I have ordered things in creation. I create and construct. The greedy are in the business of destruction. I create in love. I give each and every one of my children the choice and the sure chance. The greedy powers and their religious friends are not afraid of hell or purgatory. They do not believe in them. They want you, humanity, to believe in them. They want humanity to live in fear of God, to feel compelled to submit to the oppressors and their religious puppets. I said, ‘Fear Not,’ 365 times in the books that they arranged to be anything but authentic. It is the one phrase they could not mistranslate and manipulate. That is why I repeated ‘Fear Not.’ Backwards, it reads ‘Not Fear.’ It is the same thing.”
Jesus went on to explain, “Lucifer, Satan, and his buddies surely know why they are not in hell already. He knows there is no hell. He knows I am love. If I were in the business of destruction, if I were a punitive and selfish God, I could destroy Satan as I created him. They do not want to accept that they cannot ever be God. I am the only true power to make all things eternally. It cannot be transferred or changed. I went out of my way to humble myself to much suffering and humiliation. I lived a painful human life. I do not want any of my creatures to be afraid of me because I am the almighty. I am love and all I have ever done has been about love.

“Lucifer, Satan, and his friends and followers on Earth all know I am not intimidated by them. They know I am most and infinitely harmless. I am capable of all things. But I do not abuse my power. I am all about love. I created a family of humanity, to keep and make happy with love for all eternity. I can juggle things. I am truly able of all things and have nothing to prove. Satan and his followers know that. Satan is the parable of a male cat in heat wanting to have his domain to play God, the-in-control, the boss. He knows he cannot be as powerful as what created him. But he wants to be God. Lucifer wants to make my creation his domain. So he goes around like a male cat in heat. He urinates all over the place. He makes alliances with humans who have the same objectives. Lucifer, Satan, and his friends, the super greedy powers, try to make believe they can control, rule and boss the world. They think they can make my creation, the world and humanity, their own domain.”

Jesus continued, “The greedy powers, men who want to take over lands and people to exploit, enslave and own them and make the world their own territory and possession, are want-to-begods the same as Lucifer. Metaphorically, these men of greed, like Lucifer, use their material wealth as power to exalt themselves to make this world their domain. These men urinate all over the Earth. They wage wars, often in my name, to make the world their territory, like Lucifer, the pet that wants to be the ruler of the house of God. Money and wealth of all sorts are what give them the ability to try to exalt themselves and to take as much control as possible. They choose to believe they are God-like, almighty, and refuse to humble themselves. Even though I came among them and humbled myself, they chose to abuse my humility, though they knew I could stop them.”

Jesus concluded, “So their problem with humility has been the root cause of all the pain, suffering and destruction they have caused humanity, this world, the Earth. For thousands of years, they conditioned humanity to surrender power to them and their religious powers. They conditioned humanity to consider humility a flaw. They pitted humans against one another in all possible ways. They made them compete and to aim to cause harm and destroy one another. They follow the men who exalt themselves, who have the material, governmental and religious power to control.”
I, the instrument, want to interject with an experience that reminds me of what Jesus just explained. It makes his point. I remember once I was speaking with someone who was a Muslim. She was badmouthing Jesus and Christianity. She said Jesus did not exist and God did not come to Earth as a human. I was not a Christian at the time of the conversation. It was about a year before the dream you read, in which I met Jesus. At the time, I did not practice any religion at all. But I did believe in the creator of the Earth and the universe. Though I did not have a name attached to my belief.

Anyway, she continued to badmouth Christianity and said, “God is not human. Christians are idol worshippers. God would not come to us as human. He is God. He is almighty. He is spirit. He would never be human or send his son to be tortured and crucified. It’s all a lie. Jesus was not God or God’s son.”

She seemed to not believe that God or his son would choose to be humble. She believed God created us because “he wants to be worshiped.” Her idea of God was the fear God, the selfish powerful, almighty, sadistic, merciless, unloving tyrannical God.

I spontaneously responded to her as if it just came out of my mouth subconsciously. “If God is as almighty as you believe, why he would not be able to come to us as a human? He can do anything he wants. Maybe he is humble. Why would a God who created all of us not try to become one of us to love and to help us? Wouldn’t he love us? I make a painting and love it so much I keep it to myself. I would rather not sell my paintings even if I have to starve. I love my paintings. If God created us, I figure he loves us more than I love my paintings. My paintings are like my children. Aren’t we God’s children? Why wouldn’t he humble himself to be with his loved ones? I figure he created us to love us. I paint to love it. I don’t paint and burn it. Aren’t we more important than paintings? Maybe God has nothing to prove. He is almighty. He did not create us to show off his power. I think God wants to have a family. I think God loves all of us like we are his family he made for himself to love.”

I was thinking out loud. My friend did not respond to my comments. I was not a Christian. She knew I did not know much about Jesus and Christianity. But she did not come up with anything. It seemed, as if for the first time, she noticed that she had not accepted that there is one God and he is most harmless and loving, like a parent, that would not only become one of us to take away our fears, but would do anything eternally for each and every one of us. So she did not argue and changed the subject of conversation!

It is hard for humans to humble themselves and to believe that God humbles himself. We have to humble ourselves to believe in God as loving and humble. It takes humility for us to know God as he really is eternally, an unconditionally loving parent. You know the saying, “you can’t buy love.” I figure the power thirsty and greedy people have a very hard time with love. We have no control over it. Wow! Love is free. Love is humble. That is one thing that Lucifer and his buddies cannot stomach. Love is not forced. Love is not bought. Love is not fear. Love is a state of existence that is unconditionally and eternal, though it can start in this world.

God is love. It may be hard for us to humble ourselves to believe and know that we do not have the power to make God stop loving us. There is nothing that would end his love for us. He loves us even if we never call him at all. He is a parent. He taught us through parenthood a fraction of his infinite parental love for us. Jesus did say, when on Earth, that it is easy to love one who loves you. True love would love no matter what. Jesus encouraged us to find that in ourselves.

We too can love unconditionally. Of course, we cannot love as unconditionally with as much magnitude as God. We can never feel and grasp the love he feels for each and every human that has ever existed. He can only do that. But on a smaller scale, we can love unconditionally. Loving our children is an example. Jesus created a family of members who have the principle characteristics of him, but on a much smaller scale than God. We will always be his children and he will eternally care for us.

Jesus explained, “The Muslims are not the only ones who do not accept that God humbled himself to show his harmless unconditional eternal love by becoming human and suffering. Jews and Christians believe the same thing. Jews do not believe I, God, came as human. Christians believe God would only consider giving eternal life to Christians who believe, worship and love Him.”

I can relate to what Jesus is saying. We humans have problems with humility. We have a hard time believing and accepting God’s love that is truly humble, unconditional and eternal for all humanity. The truth is that God is humble and loving. He came to show us that. He sure did. I do not know any parents that have done in action more to prove to their children how much they love their children. He is a parent. He is right about us being conditioned by the want-tobe-Gods to not know practice and accept humility.

In order for us to accept the unconditional love of God we have to humble ourselves. We have to accept humility. He wants us to accept his love. He wants a loving family. He humbled himself to show us it is possible for us to do the same. It is possible to feel his most faithful and unconditional love. He feels for each and every one of us.

I must say, in the process of writing this book, I have fallen ever more in love with God. He is most loving, humble, harmless, faithful, protective and unconditionally committed to each and every one of us. He said that he keeps count of each of our hairs. He has created us unique with different DNA, finger prints and more than we can ever discover in our human capacities. We are each a treasure to him like his one and only child.