Lessons of Demonic Magic by Lucifer Jeremy White - HTML preview

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Chapter Thirty Two: The Personalization Ritual


I have a list I call “my twelve names.” It is twelve of my strongest influences character wise made up of mostly villains. They are a source of inspiration for me. Christians have the moniker “what would Jesus do?” They also ask themselves “what would the disciples do?” I ask myself what my King/Queen Twelve would do. A part of this ritual is to better capture your own in spirit. Another effect of it is to magically transform yourself into them. That as such as they are you become, magically. That is the first option in performing this ritual. The second is to characterize other things if you prefer: as cartoon wise. The third is to become a type of person (a detective, evil kid, evil fairy, warlock, witch) whatever you prefer 

Imagery is the most important part. Still images. Music is important to. A good magician can connect the two. That image is your self image coinciding with music. You must gaze upon it or them letting feelings about yourself seep through. Those feelings are preferably out of reach otherwise, but not here. To feel like an arch angel, a certain person, whether or not you are. The image should make you feel powerful. It should say things to you. It should be a different way of seeing into yourself.

A textural is also used. That of a still image with a short phrase beneath. Those are the chant kind of things in regards to it all. A power-saying you could call it.

The next component is to collect videos of your chosen twelve as of the clips you like the most and have them ready to watch one after another. Ask yourself just what exactly is this character? What makes him or her? Where did it start with them? What is there destiny? As such a page or two of questions answered, as you come to know them better and ideally, how the became what they did and how you can become as such too.

Could be just cartoon characters. Doesn’t even have to be a character but an animal overall. That is, to enter into the spirit of a cartoon animal. Could be a mouse, a snake, cat, whatever you choose. Ever noticed that they are mostly the same? Cats are always queer, and pigs, pigs are the worst of them.

Next you’ll need a suit. One that your idol wears. Or of the type of person you are pretending to be. A robe or leather jacket, a detective suit or dress suit, something a video game character looks best in, whatever it is.

A drawing is made. One of you as her or him but better. This represents how you will be as them. It us the drawing of the character you made based on them. It should be a large image.

A pen and paper is used. On it write down all that you wish to become. Put into your own style how you’d be your new self based on these influences. Consider it a design fir your new life. What you wish to embody as such, write down. Considering the names they are based on, make a new name made up of similar sounds. Make it a good sounding name.

Then some items of taste found that your characterization likes themselves. Such as a favorite drink (that’s an important one) a favorite food, song, whatever you can find write down. Have that drink beside your imagery and all else. Whatever their favorite drink is mix it with yours. If there is more than one then those with a few of yours.

The setting is then set. You can create a room for imagery, video, paper stuff, etc., and set forth to revel in your embodiment of these. They will be useful in so very well perfectly designing your new self. It is all based on meditation, appreciation, a greater understanding, and a blue print. All pulled together will serve as a magical procedure leading you into becoming them.

It is a fusion, a self-godly creating thing to do.