Living in Obedience: Giving In The Lord's Will by Maurice Paul Obonyo - HTML preview

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Chapter Seven

How Can A Bishop Live

Under The Anointing Of The Holy Ghost?

If a bishop is obedient to God, he will live under the anointing of the Holy Ghost. A bishop who is living under the anointing of the Holy Ghost will oppress the enemy in his environment. If that bishop has stayed for long in the presence of the Father, he is going to be given an anointing which is in a double portion than a person who is not a bishop. A bishop who has a double portion of the anointing will destroy the work of the enemy in his environment. How will a bishop acquire the anointing of the Holy Ghost? If a bishop has stayed in the Father’s presence for a longer time, he will be given the anointing of the Holy Ghost in a double portion.

When a bishop has the anointing of the Holy Ghost upon him, he will also oppress any agents of the enemy. How will agents of the enemy be oppressed by the anointing of the Holy Ghost which is upon a bishop? If that bishop is in an environment which has agents, they will start manifesting cursed spirits on a continuous basis and will become agitated in his presence. If a person is an agent of the enemy, he will distance himself when he realises the anointing which is upon a bishop. An agent of the enemy is a person who is not easily exposed. If such a person is exposed, he often will not be able to continue operating from a place from where he has been exposed.

When an agent is in a place which has a bishop who is in the office of the Father, he is not able to hide anything from that bishop; he will be exposed by the Father when the time comes. Are agents only planted in places where there is ministry? Yes, agents are in churches, homes, and any other place where the enemy is able to oppose the Lord. If an agent is in a home, that agent will be exposed when it is God's time for him to be exposed. Does it mean that it is not possible for an agent to be exposed anytime? if an agent is exposed without God, he can be destroyed as a result of that untimely exposure. God will only expose such a person according to His love and wisdom even though the exposure may appear tough! How is an agent exposed? If that person has not repented, he will be exposed by the Father to a bishop who is in the office of the Father. When he is exposed, he will not be able to continue being in a place where he has been exposed. How will an agent be exposed if he is operating in a place which does not have a bishop? if an agent is operating in an environment which does not have a bishop, he will still be exposed God to a minister of God who is mature enough to act according to God's will.

A bishop is supposed to expose an agent in God’s will. If a bishop exposes an agent outside God’s will, he has sinned against God. If an agent is exposed outside God’s will, he may be destroyed by the consequences of that exposure, and may not be able to repent. If an agent is exposed in God’s will, he may be able to repent and be restored unto the Lord. How is an agent able to be restored unto the Lord? If an agent is exposed inside God’s will, he will not be able to stay in a place where he has been exposed from. If an agent is exposed and stays in the place where he was exposed, that is not God’s will; that agent will not be restored unto the Lord. Why? Because that agent has not been isolated from the brethren. If he is not isolated, he will not repent in ashes.

A bishop who is in God’s will is going to ensure that he isolates an agent from where he has been operating from. If he does not isolate an agent, he is going to destroy that agent. A bishop has to expose an agent in a way which will ensure that the agent is not able stay among the brethren. It involves embarrassment and shame. If an agent is exposed quietly, he will not be able repent in ashes! If you think that by exposing an agent quietly, you will avoid shame, know that by the Father shaming such a person, he will learn how to avoid the opportunities which the enemy may offer him. When that agent repents, it is the Father who will cause that agent to reconcile with the brethren. If a bishop tries to reconcile an agent to the brethren, he will make an already bad situation worse; the agent will not have fully healed. If an agent has been exposed and fails to repent, he is cut off from the Lord for eternity.

When a person who has been an agent repents, it is an opportunity for him to start on a journey of love with the Lord. A person who has been an agent is not able to stand on his own. If he is left alone, he will be enticed by the enemy to fall. If he falls, he will not trust the Lord again for his entire life time. Why? Because he will be hardened by the enemy not to trust the Lord.

A person who has been in a place where there are agents is not to going to easily understand why an agent is a person who is hardened against the Lord. An agent is usually a person who has been abused by the enemy at a young age. When the enemy abuses such a person, he will start leaning towards rebellion. A rebellious person is what the enemy needs to be able to work against the Lord in a person’s life. When an agent continues in rebellion against the Lord, he will start grumbling against the Lord all the time. If such a person is in need, he will constantly be a receiver. If he is a married person, he will constantly grumble against his spouse and will omit his spouse from his life.

A person who has been hurt by an agent is the one who usually petitions the Lord for an agent to be exposed. If you are asking: how does a person who has been hurt by an agent know that he is an agent? If you petition the Lord and ask why a person keeps hurting you, the Lord will expose that person to you. If I were not a bishop, I would not know the agents in my environment. A person who thinks that agents are unfairly treated by the Lord should know that they are cursed people whom the Lord is trying to reach out to with love. When an agent has repented, he has decided to trust the Lord with his secrets, the other secrets which he may have will not be exposed by the Lord. If he decides not to repent, his other secrets will be exposed by the Lord gradually. If he still decides not to repent, he will start receiving ailments in his body to warn him about the wrath of the Lord upon his life. If he again still refuses to repent, he will die of disease. If he dies without repentance, that agent will be condemned in hell for eternity.