Living in Obedience: Giving In The Lord's Will by Maurice Paul Obonyo - HTML preview

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Chapter Six

How Can A Bishop

Stay In The Father’s Will?

A bishop who has been in the Father’s presence for a lengthy time, is not supposed to engage in any form of commercial activity. If a bishop who is in the office of the Father is engaging in commercial activities, that bishop has a curse upon him; he is not a bishop who is in the Father’s office anymore. A person who wants to be a bishop who is in the Father’s office has to refrain himself from any form of work that is not from the office of the Father. Why doesn’t the Father permit a bishop who is in the office of the Father to engage in any commercial activity? If a bishop who is in the office of the Father engages in commercial activity, he will obey the enemy rather than the Father. He will start accumulating assets for the enemy rather than for the Father. An asset which belongs to the enemy will be acquired through commercial activities. An asset which belongs to the Father will be acquired through wealth. An asset which has been acquired through economic activity will have a cursed spirit called mammon upon it. He is the leader in the kingdom of darkness. If a bishop who is in the office of the Father engages in any form of economic activity, mammon will obtain legal rights on that asset.

If a bishop who is in the office of the Father has to acquire an asset, it has to come through a legal system in heaven. When a person who is not a man of God or a bishop who is in any office gives to a bishop who is in any office, that asset belongs to the Father. The kingdom of heaven is not supposed to benefit in any way from the kingdom of darkness. If a bishop in any office acquires any asset from either a business, a job or a service offered, that asset is a tool which the enemy can use to cause any harm upon that bishop.

If a bishop is to acquire an asset, it has to be given to him by particular types of people. A bishop who is in the office of the Father may be given an asset by his followers in the faith. If he does not have followers, he cannot acquire an asset through any other means. If he is a bishop who is not in any office, he is not able to acquire an asset through his followers but may acquire an asset through his immediate family. Can a bishop who is in the office of the Father make a choice on the type of asset to acquire? Yes, he can make a choice through the giver. For instance, if he is desirous of owning a particular type of car, he has to ask the Father for that particular car directly. If he does not, he will be given the giver’s choice. When a person who is a bishop is able to own an asset, it cannot be taken away from him by the enemy. Such an asset will be in the kingdom of heaven until the earth passes away. If the Father has given a bishop as asset, it will become an asset in heaven as well. If a bishop has a house on earth, the same house will be made in heaven for him.

A bishop who is in the office of the Father is not able to lack anything that he needs in this life. If he lacks, he has not been ordained as a bishop who is in the office of the Father. How does the Father ordain a bishop? A bishop is ordained by the Father through numerous tests. If you think that the Father ordains using human hands, then you are lacking in knowledge. A bishop who is in the office of the Father can only be ordained by the Father himself. If you have ever been ordained by a man, you are neither a bishop nor a person who is in God’s will. What if I have ever been ordained by man yet is desirous of being ordained by the Father? If you had been ordained a bishop by a man and you now are desirous of being ordained by the Father as a bishop, such a desire must come from the Father Himself and not from you or a man.






Chapter Six

How Can A Bishop Stay

In The Father’s Will And Live In His Abundance?

When bishop has stayed in the Father’s will for a long period of time, he will have the abundance of the Father upon him. The abundance of the Father is His wealth in a greater measure. A bishop who has been able to grow in obedience to God, will have the Father’s wealth in a measure that is unfathomable. What does it mean to have the Father’s wealth? If you have been wealthy, you may know what wealth includes; it is living as though you have been taken to heaven while still on earth. If a person was sickly, it means disease will flee from his body. If another person was in lack, it will flee from his entire being. You will not lack anything that you need in this life. If you were a person who did not have assets, you will acquire assets through the Father.

A bishop who has been able to live in obedience to the Father will be able to have the power of the Holy Ghost in his entire environment. This is a bishop that has achieved a reward of holiness in the presence of the Father. When he has a problem, he may call upon the Father’s name for him to be helped. What is the name of the Father? The Father’s name is Jesus. If you have been thinking that there is any other name that is above the name Jesus, know that there is no other name above the name Jesus.

A bishop who has stayed for a lengthy period of time in the office of the Father will also have the anointing of the Holy Ghost upon him. What is the anointing of the Holy Ghost and what can it do? When a person has the anointing of the Holy Ghost upon him, he has the power of the Holy Ghost to heal and claim a miracle from God. If that person is a bishop, he will have a double portion of the anointing of the Holy Ghost upon him. A bishop in the office of the Father is not a person who can be easily attacked by cursed spirits even though he may be in an area that is inhabited by cursed spirits. When he is in a cursed place, that area will become inhabitable by cursed people, they will start manifesting cursed spirits on a continuous basis. When he stays for a lengthy period of time in a place which the Lord has blessed, that place becomes holy ground and will be made into an area which can never be inhabited by cursed spirits.

A bishop who is anointed by the Holy Ghost has the power to stay in the Father’s presence for a lengthy time. If he were not anointed, he would not be able to stay in the Father’s presence at all. When a bishop is in the Father’s presence, he has the power to oppress the enemy. How will a bishop oppress the enemy? When a bishop is obedient to the Father, he will expose the works of the enemy in a cursed person. It means that he will be able to know what is going on in a cursed person’s life so that that person can be healed by the Lord. If that person is an agent of the enemy, a bishop will be able to know who he is. Who is an agent of the enemy? This is a person who has compromised with the enemy to have a problem solved but in so doing has been trapped by the enemy in sin. When an agent of the enemy is in a place, a bishop will be told who he is by the Holy Ghost. If that agent has been hiding from other ministers of God, he will not be able to hide from the Holy Ghost.

A bishop who has been in the Father’s presence is going to cause a revolution in a congregation. If he is in a church, that church will experience the anointing of the Holy Ghost at an exponential level. When a church has a bishop in its midst, it will experience a wave of the anointing of the Holy Ghost upon it. Such a church will not be oppressed by the enemy any longer. How can ministers of God aspire to become bishops who are in the office of the Father? If you are a minister of God and are aspiring to become a bishop who is in the office of the Father, you have to start by obedience to the Lord just like any other believer. If you have abided in the Lord for long, He will lead you to the Father Himself. If you have been thinking that there is any other way, know for sure that there isn’t.