Love Letters by Shirley Sehorn - HTML preview

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Monday morning, 01/23/06
Dear LORD,
I dreamed about taking communion. Then I dreamed about feeding other people. I was feeding people all night in every dream.
What do these dreams mean?

Dear S.,
Feed My sheep with every word that proceeds from the mouth of God. Love,

Thursday morning, 01/26/07
Dear S.,
Dig into My Word. There are riches waiting to be found. It is there that we can meet face to face.

Saturday morning, 01/28/06
Dear S.,
We will be harvesting under lights, like in the melon field that you dreamed about last night.

(This was the day I went to Venice Beach to share the Gospel. I spoke open air that night, for the first time.)

Sunday night, 01/29/06
Dear LORD,
Thank You for yesterday. You are faithful. It was You who spoke yesterday, not me. Help me LORD to never forget that it is You in me who does these things. Love,

Tuesday night 01/31/06
Dear LORD,
My Healer. Thank You for healing my body. It was only by Your healing power that I was able to go to work today. The attack against my body was not physical. It was spiritual. May I never forget my great need for You!

Wednesday morning, 02/01/06 Dear LORD,
I will follow You into the desert of ungodly temptation where Your Word prevails. Your truth dispels every lie. Thank You for the trial and thank You for the victory. Love,

Thursday morning, 02/02/06 Dear LORD,
At night, my body rests.
My mind forgets that You are here with me;
„til dreams dissolve, and once again,
I can hear You singing.
I love You Sweet Jesus!

Saturday morning, 02/04/06 Dear LORD,
In Your hatred of sin, I see Your great love
guarding me, from that which would destroy me.
Thank You, my Savior!

Tuesday morning 02/07/06 Dear LORD,
You are drawing me to You,
and there is nothing I can do
but to love only You
and even that comes from You
I am Yours,

Friday afternoon, 02/10/06
Dear LORD,
Forgive me for forgetting to pray yesterday, when I needed Your
help to find my little students lost teeth that he had given to me for safe keeping. Thank You for reminding me to pray for Your help this morning; and thank You for showing me where they were, so clearly and quickly as to leave no doubt that it was You who found them.

Saturday morning, 02/18/06 (before going to Indio to share the Gospel)

Dear LORD,
How wonderful is life,
and how infinitely more wonderful is death in You. In Your consuming fire, You burn us clean and gather each one unto Yourself.
How perfect is Your timing.
How patiently You wait for the fruit
to set, mature, and ripen in its time.
How gently You shine,
calling each by name.
How swiftly You pluck us,
as the fire burns all else away
except our love for You.
I live to see Your face!