Love Letters by Shirley Sehorn - HTML preview

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Sunday evening, 02/19/06 Dear LORD,
I took the Spiritual Gifts Test, and the results showed “pastor/shepherd” as the dominant gift. It was suggested to me that I should attend the School of Ministry. I wanted to run the other way. Now I know how the virgin Mary felt when Your angel told her of the work that You purposed to do in her. I am still in the place of her first reaction. I am troubled, yet my

heart is already submitting itself to You. Thank You LORD, for using me beyond my abilities so that You will be glorified. I am ready to follow You.

With Your love reflecting right back at You,



Monday morning, 02/20/06 Dear LORD,
You know how each of us is made physically, emotionally,
mentally, and spiritually. We can only guess, by looking at Your workmanship. The doctors have done their best to restoremy son in laws body according to Your blueprint, but the healing remains a mystery. This is why we come to You.
We look to You for what is beyond our capability or understanding. We, who are only known completely by You, sense our great need for You. Nothing we have yet experienced has satisfied the intense desire within us for something more. We look to You with
searching hearts. Find us LORD. Make Your home in us. We ask this in the name of Jesus, who gave us the right to call You Our Father. Bring healing to this young man, and remain in him
as he remains in You. Amen, and thank You.

Tuesday morning, 02/28/07 Dear LORD,
The dream I had last night was about robbing You. I rob You God, when I accept (and seek) praise for the work You do in and through me. I steal Your glory. I bask in the praise that belongs only to You. The truth is that You are the One who does all that is good in me. When I take the credit, I rob You… and I rob myself as well. You are my Way home. My doubts and fears about my salvation are a direct result of robbing You. Please forgive me, and guard my heart.

Thursday morning, 03/02/06 Dear S.,
Write down My Word and put it up on your walls,
that it may be instilled in your mind and sealed in your heart. Love,

Wednesday morning, 03/08/06 Dear S.,
I will cover your yellow with My purple …
your stain with My royalty.
I will preach through your husband.
My praise will be sung through his mouth.
You will see and know that I, The LORD, can do all things. Pray for this. It is not too late.
I can sanctify any vessel to My purpose.
Friday morning, 03/10/06

Dear LORD,
Thank You for teaching me about the ministry of service in my dream. The child in my dream was my husband, when he was a little child. As I ministered to him, he softened, and so did I. Your power was at work, the power of love made visible. It is not my job to drag him to You.
He already knows the way.

Tuesday morning, 03/14/06 Dear LORD,
Thank You for the dream about the end times. There were scenes

from the book of Revelation projected on a wall inside a house. The people were casually watching it, as a movie, in a party atmosphere. The movie ended with an operatic chorus, “Shut up, shut up, shut up …”. I tried to talk to people about the meaning of the movie, but they told me to “shut up”.

“But you, Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book unt il the time of the end; many shall run to and fro and knowledge shall increase. (Daniel 12: 4)

Your kingdom is not of this world, LORD; and either am I. Thank You for prayer, and the Bible. They are my lifelines in this lost and dying world.




Thursday morning, 03/16/06 Dear S.,
Your tragedies become My opportunities when you offer up your

worries in prayer.
that evening
Dear LORD,
Thank You for building our faith with the amazing list of answered

prayers today:
The doctors said that Mr. Y. doesnt have cancer after all.
The doctors said that E. C.s condition wasnt as bad as they had thought. The 16 year old runaway was found, pregnant, and living with her boyfriends parents. Pastor S. was at church last night, so he must be getting over pneumonia. Love,

Saturday morning, 03/18/06 Dear LORD,
I feel frustrated with me. I didnt come with an owners manual! S.

Dear S.,
Yes you did. The Bible is your owners manual. You also have technical support 24/7 through the Holy Spirit. You just need to submit to regular maintenance, and youll run forever. You have access in Jesus Name.

Sunday morning, 03/19/06 Dear S.,
I gave you life so that you could come to the end of it. Love,

Dear LORD,
I am hungry,
with a hunger that can only be satisfied by You. (I dreamed about this.)

Dear Holy Spirit,
When You fill me, the pressure is intense, squeezing out everything else as I submit every place of resistance to You. My fear is replaced by Your peace,
my heaviness by Your light, my death by Your life Thank You,

Saturday morning, 03/25/06 Dear LORD,
This has been a week of squeezing. The pressure has been intense. I have cried out to You in fear. My vision has been clouded. I have accused You of cruelty;
yet even as I spoke those words, I knew
that suffering is only for a night and joy comes with the morning. You will not leave me nor forsake me.
I am indeed dying, and (as in my dream)
I submit every place of resistance to You.
Replace my fear with Your peace, my heaviness with Your light, and my death with Your life.
In Jesus name,

Tuesday morning, 03/28/06 Dear LORD,
Thank You for bringing me back from the grave of denying Your love for me.
Let me never forget. Let me never slip away again.
It was death to me.
Dear S.,
Read your shirt.
“… neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor

powers, nor things present nor things to come, nor height nor depth nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us
from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” (Romans 8: 38-39)

Write it on your wall and in your mind.
It is My promise to you.
The palm tree is to be sign to you,
a pillar of remembrance. Its roots are deep.
It lives in the desert as an indicator that there is water
below the surface.
Though you live in the desert, I will make it an oasis for you.
This will be a sign for all who see you as well.

Thursday night, 03/30/06 Dear LORD,
Thank You for answering prayer,
finding the students lunches at the Wild Animal Park, and building our faith today.

Sunday night, 04/02/06 Dear LORD,
Im at a loss until found by You.
Im tired until revived by You.
I would rather be hungry for You,
than numbed by that which can no longer satisfy. I wait for You, sweet LORD.
only You.

P.S. You have given me such blessed assurance. Forgive me LORD, and help me to rest in Your love. Dear LORD,
Thank You for the words of Psalm 92,
which were part of my scheduled Bible reading today.

The righteous shall flourish like a palm tree, he shall grow like a cedar in Lebanon.
Those who are planted in the house of the LORD shall flourish in the courts of our God.
They shall still bear fruit in old age;
they shall be fresh and flourishing,
To declare that the LORD is upright;
He is my rock, and there is no unrighteousness in Him.

(Psalm 92: 12-15)

This confirms the promise You made to me on 03/28/06.
Thank You for showing me that this promise really came from You, and not just from my own wishful thinking.
Forgive me for my unspoken doubts.

Saturday morning, 04/8/06 Dear LORD,
When I live my life according to what I want to do, it becomes a life of quiet desperation.
When I live my life according to what You are doing, it becomes a life of joy.
Thank You Jesus!

Tuesday morning, 04/11/06 Dear LORD,
O LORD, You came from high above
You wrote Your love for me in blood
Theres nothing else that I can do but worship You.

Saturday morning, 04/22/06 Dear LORD,
The cross never seemed so alive.

Tuesday morning, 04/25/06 Dear LORD,
You showed me a rope that had come apart, lying on the ground. What does it mean?

Dear S.,
I call for unity in My Church. Cry out for unity!
“A threefold cord is not quickly broken.” (Ecclesiastes 4: 12b) My beautiful bride is being torn apart and thrown down. Bind her wounds that she may stand for Me.
I am sorely grieved.
Cry out with Me for her!
Day and night, cry out!
My bride is being torn apart and thrown down.
She reels.
She can no longer stand.
Your God

My God,
How would the world be different, LORD, if You did my day instead of me?
Would it still be called “my day”?
Would “I” still be the subject of every conversation? Would worry and doubt still cross my face? Would it still be “my face”
or would your grace transform me?
If we all,
every one,
let You have Your way,
There would be unity in Your Church today. Dear LORD,
All of my life I have tried to construct safety,
and now I find that it was You all along who was keeping me safe. My very survival has been by Your hand,
even when I denied ever knowing You.
How can I but trust a love like that?
I lay my strivings at Your feet in worship.
Your child,

Tuesday morning, 05/09/06 Dear LORD,
You have not been silent.
Every word that You have spoken is written in my heart. I love You Jesus!

Wednesday morning, 05/10/06 Dear Jesus,
Save me from this holy and living God,
that I might worship this holy and living God.

Friday morning, 05/12/06
Dear Jesus,
May the incendiary prayers of the saints burn in my soul, consuming the rage and selfcentered piety until all is extinguished by gratitude. Then my mouth will breathe forgiveness, and my life will shout Your praise!

Sunday night, 05/28/06 Dear LORD,
You have been talking to me in the watches of the night,
but I havent written it down.
I bask in Your love, and dont want to leave You for a moment to write; but then I forget what You have said.
I need to remember. I need to write it down.
I love You! S.

Monday morning, 05/29/06 Memorial Day
Dear LORD, Catch me, and reel me in with Your love for me.
Draw me up into the atmosphere of Your Holy Spirit. Empty me, and fill me with new life. Use me.
Place the hook of Your Word in my mouth and use me as bait. We will fish together until the boat of Your salvation is full. Love,

Tuesday afternoon, 05/30/06 Dear LORD,
Thank You for the song in my heart that brought me back to You. Thank You for the same song on the radio as I started my car, confirming that You are always with me
even when I am so busy at my job that I forget about You. Thank You!

that evening Dear S.,
Come to Me with expectancy,
but without expectation.
Expectation limits.
Expectancy ignites.
Expectancy invites Me
into your reality.
I love you,
Thursday night, 06/01/06

Dear LORD,
I hunger and thirst for You,
wrestling with this reality thats not real at all;
and You answer so faithfully
with Your steadfast love

Friday evening, 06/02/06 Dear LORD,
Its busy at work, but Im not stressing
„cause Youre doing my day
better than I ever could;
and everything is just as it should be.
Its just fine.
No matter what happens, its just fine.

Saturday morning, 06/03/06 Dear LORD,
How can I but love Someone who loves me like You do? Love,

Dear S.,
When its time to move, you look at all of your stuff, and get rid of what you cant take with you.
When I first gathered you, like sheaves of grain,
I allowed people to tread on you to loosen your hold on the chaff. Now its time to leave the chaff behind.
Tuesday morning, 06/06/06

Dear LORD,
I dreamed about a tornado approaching a house.
I couldnt get everyone to come into the storm shelter. There are so many people who know all about You,
who still refuse to come to You;
because they do not see the approaching devastation. There is no other calling in these last dark days,
than to seek and save this dying generation.
Look with compassion on Your people
who still deny Your Name.
Use me today Jesus!

Wednesday afternoon, 06/14/06 LORD,
You looked beyond the sin to the sheltered need within, and saved me,
so I could see
beyond the cold embittered smiles
through the shadowed, empty eyes
to the great need in them.
You have made me,
a fisher of men.
Thank You LORD,