My Truth by J. H. Phillips - HTML preview

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The Only Plan That Matters is God’s Plan


So one wintery afternoon I went to see Jessica, the butterflies in my stomach had long since disappeared and been replaced by bats. I walked up to the house which I assumed belonged to her parents and knocked.


When the door was eventually opened I found myself staring at one of the most beautiful woman I’d ever seen in my life. Now over the years when I’ve shared this with people they always ask me how I could describe her as one of the most beautiful woman I’d ever seen after what I’d said about my feelings for Diana.


I say it’s because it’s true she was and to this day I stand by those words Jessica is one of the most beautiful women I’ve ever seen.


So she opened the door and I was just apologizing to her because I thought I’d come to the wrong house when she said my name and I knew I’d found her, Jessica


She invited me in offered me a hot drink stared at me with those big brown eyes of hers and asked what she could do for me.


I told her and after all of it you’ll never believe what she said to me, she said “thank you.”


Now my mind was working overtime all the plans I’d made to tell her about Diana and how she was the one for me disappeared because of those two little words.


I stared at her in disbelief and said that I should be the one thanking her and not the other way around but she was adamant she said that it was thanks to me that she was the person she was today.  


What she told me next totally shattered me it turned me into a blubbering mess and for the second time in my life I actually cried the only other time was when I was a child.


She said that it was because of that she was the woman she is today. That fateful when day when we broke up she left the apartment and went to her own apartment were like me she did some soul searching, but unlike me she didn’t listen and had resigned herself to living a life alone hoping that someday she would meet someone to at least patch up the hole in her heart and then she met him.


God happens while you’re busy making plans.


When she met her husband Timothy it was like nothing she’d ever felt before according to her when she met him she knew that what she’d felt for me almost like a teenage crush.


It’s hard to explain to someone whose never felt it but the best way I can think of to describe what Jessica and I feel for our respective partners is that when you meet that person in that instant you know what you’re purpose is.


It’s like God created that person exclusively for you so when she told me that what she’d felt for me doesn’t even come close to what she feels for him I immediately understood and as she was telling me all this she started crying as well.


What a pair we made both of us crying into our cups trying to thank the other for the impact they had made on our lives.


And I will always be grateful to her for that because for a long time while we were together and a while after we were over she thought that I was the one for her and for me for a long time after we were over I thought that she was the one for me.


It was because of our breakup that we both became better people, I learned to trust in God once more and she learned that God had not made a mistake when He created her, she was perfect the way she was.


When I left that house four hours later her husband and two children where arriving and when she introduced me to them she introduced me as her friend. She couldn’t have given me a better title if she’d tried.


I thought it be awkward meeting him for the first time unsure of what she’d told him about me if she’d even mentioned me to him but again I was thrown for a loop when he embraced me like a brother and thanked me.


For the second time that day I wanted to cry but this time I showed restraint and swallowed my tears as I listened to Tim thank me for the gift I’d given him his family.


When I left Jessica’s home that evening I felt lighter than I’d felt when I entered and I left with something else lifelong friends.


The lessons learnt:


  1. God Happens While You’re Busy Making Plans
  2. The Only Plan That Matters Is God’s Plan
  3. God Makes No Mistakes
  4. Trust In The Lord Always