My Truth by J. H. Phillips - HTML preview

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Now after my meeting with Jessica I knew that they wouldn’t be a need for me to go to all the lengths I’d gone to before with regards to Diana because I knew with every fiber of my being that He would not have shown her to me and gave me the feelings I had for her if she wasn’t meant for me.


So I sat back and waited because I knew that no matter how much I planned and plotted if He didn’t want it to happen it wouldn’t.


And it did one Sunday I was attending services when I saw her again and this time it was her that made the first move she waved me over and the second I sat down next to her she hooked her arm with mine and that’s how we spent our first Sunday together.


At the end of the service I walked her home and just as we were about to part ways she asked me to be her date at her sister’s wedding.


Our courtship began after that. I saw Diana daily and if I couldn’t see her than I’d call her. She just became part of my routine, as unromantic as that sounds, but she was like my air just as the body needs food, water and oxygen to function my soul needed her to feel complete.


I knew the second I saw her that I wanted to make her my wife but I was nervous the last girl I’d proposed to I’d known for three years and she’d walked away from it all a few weeks before the wedding because she didn’t know me and now here I was debating on whether or not I should ask a woman who’d known me for only for six months to marry me.


It all seemed so crazy too crazy but I knew what was in my heart what I didn’t know was what was in her heart and I wasn’t about to ask her so once more I reverted to my old habits and I turned to someone else to provide solutions to my life and this time I turned to Jessica because she was the only person I knew who’d experienced what I was feeling right now not once but twice.


My second visit to Jessica’s house was less emotionally fuelled than the first; we hadn’t seen each since then but we spoke regularly on the phone as before she was alone and it worried me a bit because I didn’t want people gossiping about her.


But she allayed my fears with just fourteen words which also made me feel greatly ashamed at the same time, “my husband trusts me and his is the only opinion that matters to me.”


That’s it she didn’t care what anybody else thought or said as long as she remained the same in his eyes that was all that mattered.


And as she listened to my problem her words kept echoing in my head and when I finished she looked at me with look of pure puzzlement as if she couldn’t really believe that I considered this a problem.


Her advice that day changed my life and on that day she paid me back just as she kept saying that I was the reason for happiness that day she became the reason for my happiness.


Now before you start wondering on whether or not I made a mistake in marrying Diana the answer is no, Jessica is the reason for my happiness while Diana is my happiness.


But back to the lesson I was to learn on that day Jessica said something that gave me courage and emboldened me to ask for Diana’s hand.


She said. “The only person who can answer your question is not in this room. Don’t be like Tim and me it took us nearly two years to find each other, we both knew that we were meant for each other but were two afraid to make the first move so we wasted all that time waiting for the other to make the first move to give a signal or sign of sorts.


“When I think of all the time me wasted, don’t be like us if she is the one she will say yes.”


So I took her advice and I asked Diana to marry me and to my great surprise she said yes and then she said something which completely blew my mind, “what took you so long?”


I of course asked her parents’ permission for her to marry me before I gave her a ring because I wasn’t just marrying her I was marrying her family as well and the day I introduced her to my parents as my fiancée one of the proudest moments of my life.


The day I made her my wife the happiest of my life because I knew the second the minister announced us husband and wife that she was mine all mine and I vowed to never hurt her.


But I’m no fortuneteller and I can’t predict the future which is why many times over the next two years of our marriage I was the reason for her pain but I still held on to that belief I’d learned from my father: A man is never wrong so he never needs to apologise.


And I’ll never know how or even why but somehow she always forgave me for my pigheadedness and she is in no small part the reason why our marriage has lasted as long as it has. But before the end of the chapter: Marriage she will share this information with you herself.