Prophetic Encounters In God: Finding God In Christ by Maurice Paul Obonyo - HTML preview

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Chapter Thirteen



How Do You Walk With The Lord?



Have you ever heard about people who have walked with the Lord? The Lord has walked with various people on earth. The Lord has purposed to walk with every believer! How does a believer walk with the Lord? A believer who is in the Lord’s will is going to eventually walk with God. The believers that walk with God are called sons of God. These are believers that are led by the Spirit of God. The Spirit of God is the Holy Ghost. When a believer receives the Holy Ghost, that person has received the power of God in him. If you are a son of God, you have the power of God in you. How does a person receive the Holy Ghost? The Lord may baptize a believer who is abiding in doing His will with the Holy Ghost. If you have not received the Holy Ghost, you can ask the Lord to baptise you in the Holy Ghost. If you are not doing the Lord’s will, you will not receive the Holy Ghost. If you are baptised in the Holy Ghost, you have received the Spirit of God in you. The Holy Ghost is the power of the Spirit of God to work with a believer in an environment that might be hostile to him. If you find yourself in an environment that is not conducive for you as a believer, you need the power of the Holy Ghost to overcome. Have you ever been in such an environment? For Instance, I had to write this book in an environment that has all sorts of distractions. I was distracted by a television, children, cursed spirits, among other distractions. If I did not have the Spirit of God in me, I would have stopped working on listening to the Holy Spirit speak to me on what to write in this book. The Holy Ghost kept encouraging me to continue in the midst of all the distraction until I overcame. What is the difference between the Holy Spirit and the Holy Ghost? The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Jesus, who is the Lord; whereas the Holy Ghost is the Spirit of God, the Father. If you have the Holy Spirit, you have the assurance of salvation in you. You are born again! If you have the Holy Ghost, you have power of God in you. I wondered what the Lord meant when He one day told me that He is not powerful! I asked the Lord, “Why are you not powerful, God is always associated with power! What does this mean?” The Lord then taught me about the differences between the Spirit of the Lord and the Spirit of God. If you have understood the differences between the Holy Spirit and the Holy Ghost, start by thanking the Lord for giving you this understanding. Some people believe that the Holy Spirit and the Holy Ghost are the same. Yes they are God, but they are also different personalities. The Holy Spirit is humble whereas the Holy Ghost is bold. If you find a person who is full of the Holy Spirit, that person will be extremely humble, on the other hand, if you find a person that is full of the Holy Ghost, that person will be extremely bold. When a believer is full of the Holy Ghost, you who may have known that believer as humble may not perceive where he has received such boldness from. How can you be filled with the Holy Ghost? If you are a son of God, you will be filled with the Spirit of God at the time the Lord deems fit to enable you do the Lord’s will. If you ask the Lord to be filled with the Holy Ghost, you are lacking in knowledge. The Lord is not going to fill you with the Holy Ghost at your discretion. However, if you ask the Lord to baptise you in the Holy Ghost, you will be baptised if you are abiding in doing the Lord’s will. If you already have been abiding in doing the Lord’s will, you need not ask the Lord to baptise you in the Holy Ghost! The Lord will baptise you in the Holy Ghost even if you may not have understanding about the difference between the Holy Spirit and the Holy Ghost. I was baptised with the Holy Ghost years before the Lord taught me who the Holy Ghost was! It is amazing at what the Lord can do! If you are a believer, and desire to have the Spirit of God in you, ask the Lord to guide you. You might already have been baptised with the Holy Ghost without your knowledge!

The Lord is able to expressly do His will with the power of the Holy Ghost. If you are in the Lord’s service, you may experience the power of the Holy Ghost in your life. How can you experience the power of the Holy Ghost in your life? The Lord will fill you with the power of the Holy Ghost to do His will. The Lord has filled me with the power of the Holy Ghost for a prophetic ministry. A believer that is walking with the Lord will always be filled with the power of the Holy Ghost. If you want to be filled with the power of the Holy Ghost, you have to walk with the Lord. How does a believer walk with the Lord? A believer is walking with the Lord if he is constantly doing His will. When you are constantly doing the Lord’s will, you are filled with power in you that the Lord will use for His service. I have been writing this book with few breaks. I wrote and listened constantly for over a week. I was able to complete writing this book and I am looking forward to writing the next one. The Lord has filled me with the power of the Holy Ghost to write with understanding. My only reference is the Holy Ghost and the word of God. The Lord has filled me with power to supernaturally keep writing and understanding what the Holy Ghost is speaking to me in the midst of distractions.