Prophetic Encounters In God: Finding God In Christ by Maurice Paul Obonyo - HTML preview

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Chapter Seven



Have You Received

A Gift From The Lord?



When you have been gifted by the Lord, you will start experiencing a difference in your life. A person that has been given a gift from the Spirit is a person that has accepted the Lord’s calling. The Lord will not give you a gift from the Spirit if you have not accepted His calling. If you are a person that has rejected the Lord’s calling, you will not need the gifts that are from the Spirit. How does a person receive a gift from the Lord? You need to start obeying the Lord if you are to receive a gift from Him. The Lord will give you more gifts as you abide in obedience. How else can you receive these gifts? You can ask the Lord for some of the gifts of the Spirit through prayer. These are the gifts that you may ask the Lord for through prayer. The gifts of; the Holy Ghost, interpretation of tongues, help and discernment of spirits.

If you are able to receive these gifts from the Lord without asking, it means that you have been abiding in obedience to the Lord. The Lord will always enable you do His will. I have never asked for any spiritual gift, I was always enabled to obey the Lord by the power of the Holy Ghost. I was always made aware of any cursed spirit that was trying to deceive me. I did not know that I had been given the gift of discernment of spirits. This gift is given to a person when the Lord has elevated that person to another level. If you have been unable to discern between spirits, you have been relying on your soul. The soul includes the emotions, mind and intellect.












The diagram above is a composition of the human soul. The intellect is what the soul needs to make rational thought. It is responsible for a man’s reasoning capacity. Without the intellect, you wouldn’t be able to understand what is good or bad. The mind interprets what the intellect has received. The Lord has given each of us a soul to enable us live on earth. The Holy Spirit does not operate from the realm of the soul. The Holy Spirit operates from the realm of the human spirit. A man’s spirit is composed of the conscience, will, and understanding.











The enemy on the other hand operates from the realm of the soul. The Lord will not operate from the realm of the soul. The Lord has given to us desires of our own. These desires are embedded in our human spirit. When you desire anything that is not from the human spirit; it is called lust. These desires are embedded in the soul. Lustful desires are the desires that are as a result of the influences of the world. The enemy is proud; if you have pride, you are unable to stay in the Lord’s presence for long. You are not operating in the realm of your human spirit. The Lord will use your human spirit to communicate with you through the Holy Spirit. If you are a believer, you already have the Holy Spirit in you. If you are lustful, your human spirit will be subordinate to your soul and you may start thinking that you do not have a human spirit. Your soul will be overbearing to your human spirit! This is what a person who is struggling to communicate with the Lord is challenged with; his human spirit is not able to will. His will is influenced by his soul. If you are such a person, you need the Holy Spirit to train you on how to get rid of the soulish nature. That is what the Lord does to prepare a person for a journey with Him. The Lord will always start by awakening your human spirit. The human spirit is where the Holy Spirit dwells in you. If your human spirit is suppressed, then you will need to obey the Lord for your human spirit to become alive. Your human spirit is the whole of you. If you are always thinking about what the mind is saying, you need to stop doing everything the mind says. The mind is always connected to your emotions; if you are in a lustful environment, your mind will be filled with what you see. The spirit will at this point be suppressed. If you are in an environment that is godly, your spirit will be awakened to understand what happens in the spiritual realm. Your human spirit can also be used by other spirits to entice you into disobeying God. If the Holy Spirit is not in you, you can be deceived by cursed spirits to stray from God. When you are deceived by cursed spirits, they make sure they are communicating with your human spirit. The cursed spirits that use the mind to deceive are called Ancestors. They are spirits that are cursed to stay away from a person who is doing the Lord’s will. If that person is disobeying the Lord, they will oppress that person for all that person’s life. These are spirits that are in a place called Paradise. This is a place that was once the Father’s abode. When the Lord made a new heaven, they were given that place as their abode. Why? The Father is always cursing a spirit called Lucifer to be further and further away from Him. If Lucifer is closer to the Father, he will accuse the saints before the LORD. The LORD is going to judge Lucifer and cast him away into darkness. At that time, paradise will be the new earth! This is what the Jehovah’s Witnesses concentrate on by denying the Lord as the only way to God. The Lord has given me this knowledge to give to other people who thirst for Him and are abiding in His will.

Ancestors are spirits that did not go to heaven to be with the Lord. These were people that lived on earth, called on the name of the Lord but did not do His will. Ancestors are a type of cursed spirits that are always opposing the Lord’s will even to this day. They have a lot of influence over people who are disobedient to the Lord and are not doing His will. If you are a person whose human spirit has been awakened by the Holy Spirit, ancestors are not able to oppress you! Ancestors are also called evil spirits. They are the ones that always made sure I was unable to stay in the Lord’s presence. I had to follow the Lord’s guidance on how they were to detach themselves from my soul. How do they attach themselves to a person’s soul? They oppress the person’s mind to make sure that person disobeys the Lord. Can ancestors kill? They are at the top of the ladder in the kingdom of darkness. They have the authority to do the enemy’s will. For a person doing the Lord’s will, an ancestor will make sure you do not stay in His presence for long. They manifest by causing a person; depression, rage or anger, immoral thoughts, foolishness, hypocrisy, ungodly ambition, disobedience towards parents or authority and any form of rebellion towards God. If you are a person who has experienced these manifestations in your soul, then you are being oppressed by ancestors to discourage you from doing the Lord’s will. How will you overcome oppression by ancestors? You will need to continue doing the Lord’s will. If you stop, they will oppress you further. When you resist the enemy, eventually he will flee. The scripture teaches us to; “Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you”; James 4:7. The Holy Spirit is not going to tell you to cast away these evil spirits, they will leave on their own as you obey the Lord. When you continue in obedience to the Lord, they lose their power to continue oppressing you. Understand that this is a call to stay in the Lord’s will. The Lord’s will is not supposed to be burdensome. If you find it difficult to do the Lord’s will, then you are being oppressed by ancestors. The Lord is not going to make it difficult for you to do His will; He will rather help you do His will. So if you are finding it difficult to do the Lord’s will, then you need to start by giving the Holy Spirit your whole will. If you hold back anything from the Lord, you will have difficulties in doing His will.