Prophetic Encounters In God: Finding God In Christ by Maurice Paul Obonyo - HTML preview

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Chapter Eight



Are You Being Vexed By

A Cursed Spirit?



I have heard about people that think there aren’t cursed spirits and that it is just superstition. The enemy is subtle, he does not want the oppressed to know how active he is. He is able to make it appear like you are in control. When a cursed spirit is vexing you, it makes it seem like it is a normal phenomenon occurring either in your body or environment. There are some occurrences that will make you understand that you are being oppressed by cursed spirits, they have traits that they leave behind as they vex. These traits are what are called manifestations. If you are being oppressed by cursed spirits, they will always leave traits that you can detect in either your body, soul or environment. How can you detect traits that are left behind by cursed spirits? A cursed spirit is like a human criminal. If the police launch an investigation in to a crime in a place, they will look for a ‘modus operandi’ or how the criminal operates to understand his motive and victims. This is the same with cursed spirits, they operate in a particular way. If that cursed spirit is an ancestor, it will manifest differently from a demon. A demon is also called a foul spirit; it operates in the body. If that cursed spirit is operating from outside the body, it is called an unclean spirit. If the cursed spirit is operating from your soul or mind, then know that it is an ancestor.

A spirit that operates inside the body has the ability to cause a person to distance themselves from God. If a person has a demon, that person will always appear disinterested in Godly desires. They will always get an excuse to oppose God. Some of these people may never know that they are being vexed by demons. They may be professors, doctors, judges, architects, archaeologists, lawyers etc. They may think that they are always abreast with the circumstances surrounding their lives. A demon cannot vex the soul. The cursed spirits that attach themselves to the soul are called ancestors. They are the ones we learnt about in the previous chapter. We are going to learn about cursed spirits that vex a person from within the body.

A demon will always stay in a person’s body if that person has sin in their lives. This is the reason they are able to attach themselves to that person. The sin that that person has committed against the Lord is what gives that demon power to vex that person’s body. It is like signing away your rights to a demon. A person that avoids sin, will often not have a demon oppress them. How does a demon identify who to oppress? If that person has been in a Godly environment before, he is expected to have some knowledge about the consequences of sinning against the Lord. When that person sins against God, he will attract demons easier than a person who does not have much knowledge about God. A demon will leave traits that will always identify it as a foul spirit. These are some of the manifestations that demons exhibit; Mocking the Lord or anything of God, rebellion to any form of authority, pride, lying, dirtiness, laziness, lust, uncontrolled crying, blasphemous humour, mood swings, theft, sexual immorality, anger, rage, clumsiness, disorganization, and a foul bodily odour among others.

There are cursed spirits that are different from unclean spirits or demons. They are called wicked spirits or marine spirits. These spirits are condemned spirits. If a person practices necromancy in one or more of the following ways like; occult practice, witchcraft, casting spells, crystal ball reading, fortune telling, ouija board, etc. These marine spirits are the ones that will contact the dead on your behalf. When these marine spirits vex a person, they leave traits that are different from the traits that unclean spirits or demons leave. These are some of the manifestations that marine spirits exhibit; drunkenness, lack, misfortunes, pornography, cheating, leprosy, strokes, mental disorders, deafness and dumbness. This type of cursed spirits are able to oppress with much more power than unclean spirits or demons. They are the ‘foot soldiers’ in the hierarchy in the kingdom of darkness.

Marine spirits are cursed spirits that always break the law as they operate. How and why do marine spirits break the law as they operate? They are condemned spirits, they are not able to contact the Lord at all! Why then are they called marine spirits? It is because they are under the waters of the earth, a world that was condemned by the Lord before the earth was restored. They are in a spiritual world and they await the LORD’s judgement. If a person goes and practices a form of necromancy where he contacts marine spirits, that person will acquire a curse far worse than a person who contacted the dead in the heavens above. Why? This sin is an abomination before the Lord; the dead who are up in the heavens above still have a chance to make it to heaven if they are effective evil spirits. Let us understand from scripture how an evil spirit can be used by the Lord;

1Sa 16:14  But the Spirit of the LORD departed from Saul, and an evil spirit from the LORD troubled him. 

1Sa 16:15  And Saul’s servants said unto him, Behold now, an evil spirit from God troubleth thee. 

1Sa 16:16  Let our lord now command thy servants, which are before thee, to seek out a man, who is a cunning player on an harp: and it shall come to pass, when the evil spirit from God is upon thee, that he shall play with his hand, and thou shalt be well. 

1Sa 16:17  And Saul said unto his servants, Provide me now a man that can play well, and bring him to me. 

1Sa 16:18  Then answered one of the servants, and said, Behold, I have seen a son of Jesse the Bethlehemite, that is cunning in playing, and a mighty valiant man, and a man of war, and prudent in matters, and a comely person, and the LORD is with him. 

1Sa 16:19  Wherefore Saul sent messengers unto Jesse, and said, Send me David thy son, which is with the sheep. 

1Sa 16:20  And Jesse took an ass laden with bread, and a bottle of wine, and a kid, and sent them by David his son unto Saul. 

1Sa 16:21  And David came to Saul, and stood before him: and he loved him greatly; and he became his armourbearer. 

1Sa 16:22  And Saul sent to Jesse, saying, Let David, I pray thee, stand before me; for he hath found favour in my sight. 

1Sa 16:23  And it came to pass, when the evil spirit from God was upon Saul, that David took an harp, and played with his hand: so Saul was refreshed, and was well, and the evil spirit departed from him.

After an evil spirit has been used by the Lord to oppress a cursed person like Saul was, it will be rewarded by the Lord. It usually is rewarded by elevation to heaven. If that evil spirit was a giving person while on earth, it has more chances of being used by God to do His will on earth. The evil spirit that oppressed Saul created an opportunity for David to become an armour bearer for Saul. It is from then on that Saul started depending on David for peace. Some other evil spirits cannot be used by God because while they were on earth, they did not give according to the Lord’s will. They are cursed to die the second time in the lake of fire.

The kingdom of darkness is so legalistic that unclean spirits cannot do the work of demons, wicked spirits cannot do the work of unclean spirits, fallen angels cannot do the work of any of the other cursed spirits. They all have specific roles and functions in the kingdom of darkness.

Cursed spirits have classifications. The first classification we will learn about are the principalities. These cursed spirits are in the heavens above. They are spirits that are at the apex of the kingdom of darkness. A principality is a cursed spirit that is territorial, for instance, a cursed spirit called Britanica is a principality. These principalities are judges up above in paradise; they are not on earth. They are the ones that make up all the countries in the world. If you are in Britain, the principality that is ruling over your land is called Britanica. He was once a man that walked with God while on earth but did not do the Lord’s will to the end of his journey. When did Britanica walk with God on earth? He was on earth before God restored the earth. These cursed spirits are the ones that were legalistic while on earth. They did according to works, that is why they are judges till this day! Let us study what the scripture teaches us about this fact from Genesis.

Gen 1:1  In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. 

Gen 1:2  And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.

The scripture teaches us that there was a restoration of the earth after God had created the earth. It is the restoration that took seven days. The principalities now, were man on the earth before it was restored by God. Before God restored the earth, He created man, who was also called Adam, with a spirit and body but without a soul. This Man was commanded to replenish the earth that God had restored. This Adam lived on earth before the destruction and after the restoration. Thereafter, God made him into a living soul. In fact, Adam was the first man whom God created with a spirit, soul and body! The original Adam was only a spirit and body without a soul. This is what differentiates Adam from the original Adam. Let us study the scriptures and learn who the original Adam was;

Gen 1:26  And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. 


Gen 1:27  So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them. 

Gen 1:28  And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.

When the scriptures talk about spirits, they are referred to as ‘male and female’. The original man had a status of equality in gender just like angels. The man did not have superiority over the woman, they had to submit to each other equally. How did they reproduce since they were spirits? They had bodies for reproduction that is the reason why the Lord commanded them to replenish the earth. However, this original man did not have a soul. If you are asking yourself; how come original man was a spirit with a body yet the perception is that spirits do not have bodies? Know that there are cursed spirits that still have bodies today like; lizards, snakes, snails & slugs, worms, mice, bats, mosquitoes, cockroaches, and some cats. If you have any of these animals in your home, know that the house where these animals are is in a cursed land.

The original man was commanded by God to replenish the earth. To replenish means to fill up a vessel with something that has been previously consumed. A cistern will always be replenished with water each time water runs out of it. This is why I have no doubt that Adam who was a living soul was not the first man. Let us study what the scriptures teach us about Adam.

Gen 2:7  And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul. 

Gen 2:8  And the LORD God planted a garden eastward in Eden; and there he put the man whom he had formed.

The man Adam was the second generation of man, a man with a spirit, soul and body. He was the one that God placed in a garden called Eden. He was a living soul like you are, intelligent enough to make most decisions on your own. He was made with emotions and understanding. The original man was spirit and body without emotions and understanding or a soul. The original man are the principalities that rule over us in this age.

The principalities rule over areas that are geographically divided in the air. When a country is formed, these principalities are directly in control of that area on earth which is reflected in paradise, their abode. They are at the top of the spiritual ladder in territorial boundaries. If a man has ancestral spirits oppressing him, these principalities will ensure that if that man travels to another territorial boundary, they give instructions to fallen angels to carry the instructions used to oppress that person in the other territory. Principalities are the ones that ensure that a person is oppressed in his environment. They oppress from outside the body and will concentrate on making sure that an oppressed person fails to do anything that they have set out to do. They do command organs of the state like; local authorities, law enforcement authorities, utilities, corporations and tax authorities to ensure that a person under their oppression fails. When they start oppressing, you may think that it is just a coincidence. They operate in a subtle manner. A principality, is not a cursed spirit that is going to break the law; it is a judge. It will oppress a person that is not doing the Lord’s will. The cursed spirits that do break the law as they operate are the marine or wicked spirits.

Powers are the second classification of cursed spirits that are geographically located up above in the air; they are in a sub category of cursed spirits called aerial spirits. Unlike principalities who are up above the earth, these cursed spirits are on earth and are supposed to oppress people that are in places that were cursed by the Lord. They periodically oppress environments of people that have not repented to the Lord as a result of their sin by causing destruction. Among these powers are; all the winds on earth like; hurricanes, monsoon, tornados, cyclones, twisters, whirlwinds, typhoons and tsunamis. Others are earthquakes, oceans, and the waters of the lakes and rivers on earth. A power like hurricane causes winds to destroy roofs of a homes that are in cursed places. A power like nimbus causes heavy rains to flood areas that are in cursed places. Other powers in the same category are; stratus and cumulus. Another example of a power is dearth or famine; it is responsible for causing death in places where people practice necromancy. If a place has a famine and the people repent, the Lord will direct the power responsible for rain in that place to cause rain in that land. If you thought that such intervention depends on gods, know it now that the gods are below the powers in the spiritual ladder. They are categorised as ‘the rulers of this dark age’ or slaves. They are not supposed to be worshipped by people. Who were the powers? They just like the principalities were once the people that walked with God on earth but that did not fully obey Him for them to enter heaven. They are also judges; for instance, a power called Nile, was once a man on earth during the age before the restoration. As I mentioned earlier, the people that were on earth in that age were people without a soul, and they were also called Adam. They were both male and female in status like God. Some people think that when a person dies, that person is silent in the grave. This is not the truth, a person who is dead has actually passed on to another state of being. The people who lived billions of years ago are still alive and are in a world below the waters. They are still in a spiritual world that is just like that earth but condemned. Why did the Lord condemn the world under the waters? It is because of the sin of the inhabitants of this earth before the restoration. In that age, there was no death, they grew to a full life and remained on earth just as it is in heaven. They were destroyed instantly with water and the earth was soaked for billions of years in darkness. After that destruction, the earth was restored to be like heaven and was also the Lord’s abode. After the original sin, the earth was cursed by the Lord to be as cursed as before the destruction. The curses that are now on earth the curses that were upon the people that lived here before its destruction. They were also were also tilling the land with sweat for food.

The Third classification of cursed spirits are called slaves. These types of cursed spirits are also called ‘the rulers of this dark age’. The chief among the slaves is Lucifer. He is cursed to be a wandering spirit. A wandering spirit is in the category of aerial spirits that are cursed to roam aimlessly on earth. Lucifer’s angels are also cursed to be wandering spirits; they are also called fallen angels. They are the ones that are responsible for all the work in the kingdom of darkness that involves worldliness. This type of cursed spirits include most of the big multi-national corporations that we indulge with on a daily basis. Narcotics like; cocaine, marijuana, mira, and methamphetamine; drugs like; aspirin, morphine, chlorine, chloroquine, ampicillin etc and companies like coca-cola, pepsi, schweppes, samsung, huawei, pfizer, apple, microsoft, atari, nintendo, sony, all brands of vehicles, boeing, airbus, colgate, orbit, unilever, and palmolive among many others are all examples of fallen angels.

Another category of fallen angels are spices. All spices are cursed spirits that were once all angels in the kingdom of God before they rebelled against the Lord with Lucifer. They are what we usually use as condiments for our food. Spices are all gods. If you are knowledgeable, you will learn that all spices are grown in cursed places. If you want to use these spices in your food, it is fine if you give thanks to the Lord for that food. If you continue using spices without giving thanks to the Lord for the food, they are able to draw you away from the Lord’s will. They are cursed spirits that are antagonistic to the Lord’s will. If you like spices, know that they are used in necromancy. These spices are fallen angels that are sub-categorised as either cursed spirits or condemned spirits. The spices that are cursed spirits are all eaten with food. The spices that are condemned are all used as drinks. Examples of spices that are used as condiments are; cloves, rosemary, turmeric, cardamom, cayenne, ginger, garlic, cinnamon, basil, thyme, nutmeg, black pepper, white pepper, spanish paprika, star anise among others. Examples of spices used as drinks are; coffee, cocoa, beer, whisky, gin, rum, vodka, and soda. These drinkable spices are all condemned spirits. These condemned spirits are from the world under the waters. They have been condemned by the Lord and are cursed to be in hell earlier. Why are they from the world under the waters? These spices were brought to earth by people who were cursed by the Lord to be in hell. For the condemned spices to stay on earth, they need blood shed on their behalf. They are not supposed to be on earth. Their time on earth is short and they are engaged in making sure they take as many people as possible to hell with them! Whereas the edible spices are cursed, the drinkable spices are condemned. The drinkable spices all have dangerous side effects whereas the edible spices all have health benefits! The drinkable spices cause a person to either be cursed by the Lord for drinking them or cause disease in that person’s body. Let’s take an example of coca cola, it is made with cocaine. It is dragging multitudes of people to hell because of its addiction capabilities.

The other category of fallen angels are the celestial bodies that are in the heavens above. The stars and the sun are all fallen angels. The sun is Lucifer himself. People still worship him as the sun god or the god of religion. He is the one responsible for all religions that draw people away from God. If you are a religious person, know that you are in a quest that will only lead you to death. These celestial bodies include; the moon, the solar system, and other planets. These bodies are all worshipped as gods. For instance, the sun is also worshipped as the morning star. The stars all have constellations that are followed by magicians to exhibit supernatural powers. Have you ever involved yourself in magic? If you have, you have to repent immediately. People who involve themselves in the magical realm are all condemned by the Lord. This god, will cause you and your progeny to lack for a life time. It is a poor god. If you have made it a practice to go to the circus, know for sure, that you will be trapped by a magical entrapment that you may consider harmless. Avoid the traps of the enemy.

All these cursed spirits are determined to constantly lead people to lose interest in the Lord or in the kingdom of God. When a person hears of these things, they may think that I have received this knowledge from man, in fact I have just been listening to the Lord speak. The Lord has given me this knowledge to enable people who are ignorant of the workings of the kingdom of darkness to understand that the enemy is highly organised to bring down people who are lax in doing the Lord’s will. If you are lax in doing the Lord’s will, know for sure, that you are in battle with powers that are not flesh and blood and that do not need to rest. This is why we need to obey the Lord who is the Lord of lords and King of kings. There is nothing that can thwart His will.

The Lord has revealed to us this knowledge to get abreast with the knowledge of the kingdom of heaven. If you are afraid of the amount of legalism and order in the kingdom of darkness, then you should understand that the Lord’s kingdom has a lot of authority over the kingdom of darkness. Any type of cursed spirit will not vex you if you are abiding in the Lord’s will. If you are lax in doing the Lord’s will, you are unable to trust the Lord entirely. These cursed spirits always oppress people that the Lord calls harlots. A harlot is a person who has refused to fully give himself to the Lord. He is not willing to trust the Lord and is seeking to gain from the Lord and from the world. He wants to seek the Lord from the realm of the soul. This type of person will only end up losing God. He has made the Lord an object that he can use for his own purposes. When he is in the world, he is recognised as being of the world and when he is in the Lord, he will also identify himself with the Lord. This is a dangerous game! If you identify yourself with the kingdom of darkness, the enemy will give you peace! If you identify yourself with the kingdom of God, the enemy will give you no peace at the beginning; however, you will eventually become an overcomer if you persevere to the end. A person that is an overcomer is the one that was resisted by the enemy at the beginning. A person that has been given peace by the enemy is the one that will perish at the end. This is the reason I have been commissioned by the Lord to tell the world these truths from the perspective of a modern age. The people that will abide in the Lord’s will to the end will have God.