Spiritual Common Sense by Dr. Frank P. Ferraro - HTML preview

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Phil 4:5

v5: Let or allow what is fitting, right, equitable; your orientation to reality Super-Grace Mental Attitude and adaptability and kindness, be known to all mankind, the Lord Jesus of Nazareth, The Christ is NEAR or in interposition to provide all Logistical Grace provisions as Bravo Grace.

Phil 4:6

v6: Stop having anxiety or being concerned or worrying about anything not even one of the smallest of things, but in contrast, in everything, all circumstances in “No Man’s Land” advancing toward Ultra Super-Grace and also in your life before reaching Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God, through prayer, as part of the Royal Family of God, and entreaty for specific special personal needs for Bravo Grace logistics, AFTER thanksgivings, let the things sought, your requests be declared and revealed in the presence of or face to face with The God.

GRACE as Logistical Grace provides the answer to spiritual growth with the Old Sin Nature. The most basic thing we can learn about Bible Doctrine and spiritual growth is NEVER LET YOUR CARNALITY KEEP YOU FROM SPIRITUAL GROWTH and always REBOUND AND KEEP ON MOVING. If you sin or fail in some other way DON’T EVER stop engaging in Perception, Cognition, Inculcation and Metabolization of Bible Doctrine. IF you are still alive when the smoke clears after sin and rebound, when it is all over, then God has a purpose for your life and YOU MUST KEEP GROWING IN THE Spiritual Life.

The barrier of Spiritual Maturity has on its NEAR side Super-Grace A with some Rest & Relaxation in the perimeter of Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God where we receive our 5 categories of fantastic blessing for our life in time. Then there is be Super-Grace B the “No Man’s Land” of pressure and distraction to keep us from continued advance in the Spiritual Life beyond initial Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God. At this stage of spiritual advance all of our continual ALPHA GRACE support is combined with 4 categories of our Super Grace blessings to assist us in overcoming the pressure and distractions of Super Grace B. This is Bravo Grace. Eventually there is entrance into the status of Ultra Super-Grace which is the absolute pinnacle of the Spiritual Life. In this area of life our blessings are unimaginable with all of our Super Grace blessings being enhanced. In this stage the pressures of life can be unbelievable but they in no way disturb the believer and in fact only serve to expand and increase his happiness. However, many believers get right up to the barrier of Spiritual Maturity and are never unable to get over it because of TESTING which they unfortunately FAIL. There are 2 Great Areas of Testing in the Spiritual Life of the believer:

Testing #1 Approaching Spiritual Maturity when you get rocked and ambushed over and over again from every side by testing

Testing #2 – When you leave Super-Grace A and move into No Man’s Land approaching Super-Grace B and then you get the most intensive testing in life.

Both areas are concentrated periods of testing in the Spiritual Life of the advancing believer. However, in Ultra Super Grace or Evidence testing the believer NEVER fails and this incredible testing serves only with any outside pressure of life to increase the level of happiness this believer has.

Failing the testing of Super-Grace A or B is the result of backing off in the consistent Perception, Cognition, Inculcation and Metabolization of Bible Doctrine. There is always a time when you may be ready to start doing a great job but then you simply give up because of the intensity of the testing. If you don’t have what it takes in your soul to stick it out in the study of Bible Doctrine and doing whatever job you are doing you will simply fail. It is always darkest before the DAWN and if you are in one of those dark periods there is a dawn along the way just hang in there and get down to real serious preparation. If you cannot hang in there doing your job it means your motivation is WRONG. Spiritual Common Sense tells us that in whatever you do in life, you must never become involved in destroying the routine of discipline and consistency of Perception, Cognition, Inculcation & Metabolization of Bible Doctrine. One of the most important things in life is to be consistent in what you do, in fact, this is far better than being GOOD at anything you do. A person who is consistent in what he does is always more valuable than any person who is good at any given thing. We have the opportunity for consistency in the one thing which really counts that is daily Perception, Cognition, Inculcation & Metabolization of Bible Doctrine. When we slide out of our routine of doctrinal study it is a subtle type of Negative Volition to Bible Doctrine. This situation is one where you are really not under Negative Volition but simply have something better to do and want a break in the routine of bible study every day or night. This must be avoided even though it is only a temporary neglect of Bible Doctrine it always makes you spiritually vulnerable. ONLY when a good, intense, difficult test comes along will this be brought out for you and then you will understand the true need for avoiding any break in your consistency in doctrinal intake. The subtle thing about this type of temporary neglect of Bible Doctrine is that it does not seem to have any adverse result at first and the result of missing doctrinal intake only shows up when you have an intense test. You don’t see you are vulnerable to testing until the severe testing comes and then you discover that you are in a jam and cannot handle the testing yourself. This results because you are not Spiritually Self Sustaining. These temporary neglectful situations generally are for some imagined or real “good reason”, something you want to do and cannot do at any other time, sort of like the need for a better pasture or need to improve the scenery in life. There is and always will be good reasons to NOT come to or engage in bible study. No good reason is ever good enough if Bible Doctrine is Priority #1 in your scale of values. When you fail the little tests of life you WILL ALWAYS fail the big tests of life. When you cannot handle the little tests you certainly will never handle the big tests of life.
