Spiritual Common Sense by Dr. Frank P. Ferraro - HTML preview

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We must wake up to the fact that God does not adjust to the any of the actions or thinking of man whether sinful, evil, good deeds or Self Righteous functions. The Plan of God is all encompassing and the motivations, thinking and actions of both man and angelic creatures have all been known from Eternity Past by God and inserted into the divine decree by God to be REALITY. Wake up and realize GOD KNEW ABOUT ALL WE WOULD THINK, SAY, DO AND BE FROM A TIME FAR BEYOND OUR COMPREHENSION IN THE PAST. In addition, God does not cater to man but man must adjust to God. The key to adjustment or relationship to or fellowship or friendship with God is found in the true meaning of justice. If the Human Race will not adjust to the Justice of God through Bible Doctrine, which simply put is the knowledge of the person and plan of God, then the Justice of God must adjust to man through judgment and discipline. This issue is always the same and can be seen in the doctrines of blessing and Divine Discipline which depend totally on your Adjustment to the Justice of God. For this reason so many disasters and adversities in Human History are simply the expression of the Justice of God through The Lord Jesus, The Christ in divine judgment. What we constantly fail to realize is that God does not look down on us and see that we have failed in some way and then WACK us for the failure. HE KNEW WE WOULD FAIL, HE PROVIDED SALVATION FOR US KNOWING THIS, AND KNEW ALSO WE, AS BELIEVERS, WOULD RESPOND TO DOCTRINE OR NOT AND USE REBOUND FOR OUR FAILURES OR NOT AND CONSISTENTLY ADVANCE IN THE SPIRITUAL LIFE OR NOT AND PROVIDED FOR OUR BLESSING OR DISCIPLINE IN TIME ALL THE WAY BACK IN ETERNITY PAST.

The Integrity of God is absolute and made up of the Righteousness of God and Justice of God. The Righteousness of God is the standard, principle or motivation of the Integrity of God. The Justice of God is the function of the Integrity of God. Before the Justice of God can function toward the Human Race the Righteousness of God must be satisfied therefore what the Righteousness of God demands the Justice of God must execute. This is what resulted in the judgment of our human sins in The Lord Jesus, The Christ on the cross and once the sins were judged in Christ on the cross then the Justice of God was freed to provide for anyone who comes to the cross by means of faith alone his eternal salvation. Therefore, everything done by God must comply with the Righteousness of God and Justice of God. He cannot be unfair nor unreasonable and the Righteousness of God and Justice of God must be cleared for God to DO anything. The actual KEY to our relationship with God is how we entered the relationship in the first place. We enter relationship with God through Salvation Adjustment to the Justice of God by faith alone in The Lord Jesus, The Christ alone, whom God JUDGED in justice, in substitution for our sins, on the cross. Our whole life as a believer on this earth is Adjustment to the Justice of God. The Righteousness of God is perfect and demands perfect righteousness. This is the major adjustment at Salvation Adjustment to the Justice of God. We must have Absolute Righteousness in order to have salvation and live an Eternal Life with God. Therefore, He, GOD, gives us His Absolute Righteousness at Salvation Adjustment to the Justice of God because the Justice of God judged our sins in substitution in The Lord Jesus, The Christ on the cross and our accepting that judgment by FAITH allows him to impute His Absolute Righteousness to us as a part of the 40 assets he gives to us for our life in time in this dispensation of the Church Age. THE JUSTICE OF GOD ADMINISTERED THE PENALTY WHICH THE RIGHTEOUSNESS OF GOD DEMANDED NOT TO US BUT TO CHRIST AND THIS IS THE KEY TO OUR MAKING ADJUSTMENT TO THE JUSTICE OF GOD. HAVING MADE THIS ADJUSTMENT TO G