The Early Christians in Rome by Henry Donald Maurice Spence-Jones - HTML preview

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“ABOTH,” treatise, 358 n. 1

Acilii Glabriones family, Crypt of, 265, 267, 268–9, 270–1;

was Pudens a member of?, 270

Acilius Glabrio, Consul, martyrdom of, 41–2, 230–1, 269

Acta Sincera, of Ruinart, on Martyrdom of Theban legion, 148 n. 1

Acts of the Apostles, Haggadic influence seen in, 379;

model of, 72;

on Christian assemblies, 107;

on S. Paul’s prison life at Rome, 22;

on status of women, 367 n. 1

Acts of S. Cecilia, in the light of catacomb discoveries, 289 et seq.

Acts of S. Hermes, 274

Acts of Martyrdom, or Acts and Passions of the Martyrs, archæological and literary corroboration of, 81, 82, 94 & n. 1

Critical estimates of, 81 & nn., 82, 258

Few in early days, 33, 35, 48, 53

Pagan contempt shewn in, 158

Value of, in exploring Catacombs, 226

on Numbers of Christians, 104

on Persecutions, 163

Acts of the Martyred Slaves, 136

Acts of the Passion of S. Felicitas, 299;

authenticity of, 300, 304

Acts of Pastor and Timotheus, tradition in, on Pudens and his family, 263–5

Acts of S. Valentinus, 276

Ælia Capitolina, site of, 77;

insults at, to Christians, 78;

results of building, 332, 335–6 et seq.

Ælius Verus, adopted by Hadrian, 83

Æneas, piety of, 87

Æneid, teaching of, 88

Africa (see Carthage, see also Egypt), Christian congregations in, mid-second century, 36

Agaunum (S. Maurice), Martyrdom legend concerning, 148 n. 1

Agrippa, builder of Pantheon portico, 280

Akiba, Rabbi, eminence of, and of his pupils, 337, 354–6

Fate of, 355 & n. 1

Supporter of Bar-cochab, 78, 336–7

on Massorah, 362 n. 1

Alcuin, 278

Aldus Manutius, supporting Pliny’s letter, 46

Alemanni, death of, 283

Alexander, son of S. Felicitas, tomb of, 259

Alexandria, Jewish revolts in, 330, 334–5, 346;

literary support from, of Petrine tradition, 10, 13;

plague of, 155 n. 2

Alexandrian-Jewish influences in Revelation of S. John, 72

Allard, —, on Acilius Glabrio, 269;

on Archæology as rehabilitating legend, 289;

on Jewish fecundity, first century, in Rome, 5 n. 1;

on the Jews in the Augustan age, 4;

on Nero’s persecution and popular disgust, 42 n. 2;

on the Martyrdom of the Theban legion, 148 n. 1;

on Pliny’s letter, 46;

on S. Peter’s arrival in Rome, 19 n. 1;

on Trajan’s personality, 48

Translation by, of the Epitaph of Pope Damasus, 215 n. 1

Almsgiving, in the early Church, 113, 119–22, 123, 130 et seq., 138, 139

America, Civil War of, cause of, 135 n. 1

Amoraim, the, 345, 358 n. 1, 359

Amphitheatre games, horrors of, 50;

Martyrdoms in, 110, 172, 175–6;

training of Christians for, 198

Ampliatus, Chapel or Crypt of, Domitilla Cemetery, 240

Tomb of, identification of, 241–2

Anacletus, Pope, cemetery of, 287;

discoveries in, seventeenth century, 280 et seq.

Memoriæ erected by, over tombs of SS. Peter and Paul, 233, 237, 281 et seq.

Ananias and Sapphira, gift of, voluntary, 120 n. 1

Anchor, as Christian Emblem, 310

Angels, Haggadic references to, 378, 379

Animals, wild, in amphitheatre games, exposure to, of Christians, &c., 175–6, 178, 183, 185, 187, 191, 203, 204, 269

Anniversaries of Martyrs, first celebrated, 35

Antioch (see also Ignatius), literary support from, of Petrine tradition, 9, 13

Antipas, martyr, 169

Antonines, the (see also Antoninus Pius and Marcus Aurelius), reigns of, 63;

characteristics of, 84 et seq.;

table of succession of, 83

Antonins, Les, by De Champagny, on Hadrian’s character, 77 n. 1;

on the number of Jews slain in the last wars, 338 & n. 2

Antoninus Pius, 186, 277;

adopted by, and successor to, Hadrian, 83;

family and character of, 83, 84, 85

Attitude of, to Christians, 158;

ignorance of their faith, 77

Coinage of, 87, 90

Persecutions by, and reasons for, 33, 80, 81, 84, 91–3, 95, 137, 163 n. 2, 194, 207

Relations of, with Hadrian, 83, 85

Apocalypse of S. John, 72;

place of, in early Christian thought, 156–7;

references in, to Persecution, 37, 157, 165, 167–70

Apologies, The, of Justin Martyr, 128, 184

on Assemblies, 108, 113–4

on Persecution, 185–6

Apology of Aristides, on Burial of the dead by Christians, 132, 133;

on Christian charity, 124 & n. 1, 126, 130, 138;

on Christians as civil judges, 148;

on Hospitality, 128;

on Slavery, 135

Apology, or Embassy, of Athenagoras, on Persecution, 188–9

Apology of Tertullian, and the Octavius of Minucius Felix, 186

Apostasy, encouraged by Roman rulers, 195, 197;

Hermas on, 181;

results of, 197, 203;

some causes, 201

Apostolical Constitutions, The, on Almsgiving, 122;

on Hospitality, 128

Apostolic Fathers, writings of, cast in Letter form, 73

Apostolic Fathers, by Lightfoot, cited on Pliny’s Letters, 46 n. 1;

on S. Hippolytus, 251

Apostolic remains, authors and form of, 73;

characteristics and special value of, ib., meant for publication, 74 & n. 1

Apronienus, catacomb of, 248

Aquila and Priscilla, associations of, with S. Paul, and with Pudens, 265–6;

burial-place of, 262, 266;

church founded by, 262

Arch of Titus, witness of, 333 & n. 1

Archæological Relics of S. Peter, Chair, and place of baptism, 12

Archæology, witness of, to literature and tradition (see also Catacombs), 17, 19 n. 1, 81, 82, 108, 147, 152 n. 1, 209 et seq., 289, 295, 298, 304

to Pagan and Christian views on Death, 154–5

to Social Status of many early Christians, 111–2

Arenaria, in Jordani catacomb, 260

Aristides, see Apology of, supra

Aristotle, works of, 146

Arles, Church of S. Hippolytus at, 255

Armellini, Prof., on Inscription concerning S. Agnes, 256–7;

Ubaldi’s memoranda published by, 281;

work of, in Catacomb exploration, 239

Army, Christians in, 148 & n. 1

Arnold, Matthew, on the Good Shepherd with the Kid, 320

Arsacius, Letter to, from Emperor Julian, on Christian characteristics, 123 n. 1, 128, 131

Arval Brotherhood, College of, 236;

M. Aurelius a member, 95 n. 1

Asia, Christian congregations in, mid-second century, 36

Asia Minor (see also Antioch, &c.), 71

Christianity in (see also Pliny’s Letter), founder, and effects on Paganism, and spread of, 51, 107

S. John’s prominence in, 9

Assemblies, Christian, composition of, 110–12, 113, 114, 240, 242

Importance of, 101;

evidenced in literary references, 107–9

Joy in, 155

Places where held (see also Catacombs), 139

Proceedings at, various writers cited, 113 et seq.

References to, in N.T. and later writers, Christian and Pagan, 107 et seq.

Sunday, 108;

observance of, Justin Martyr on, 113–4

Teaching, doctrines and ritual at, 101, 113 et seq., 124, 126, 128–30, 131–3, 138, 139

Astolphus, 293

Athenagoras, 319 n. 1;

on Persecutions, 188–9

Attire, Rigourist teaching on, 153–4

Aubé, on the Acts of S. Felicitas, 300;

on Domitian’s persecution, 42 n. 2;

on Trajan’s Rescript, 49

Augustus Cæsar, 91, 280;

attitude of, to Imperial cultus, 42;

favour shown by, to the Jews, 3;

and the source of Rome’s greatness, 88, 89

Ausonius, poems of, 64

Autolycus, letters or books to, from Theophilus of Antioch, 108–9, 189

Auvergne, 66

Aventine Hill, church on, 262;

house, &c., of Pudens on, 12, 15

Avitus, made Emperor, 65

BABA-BATHRA treatise, in the Talmud, 343 n. 1

Babylon, mystic name for Rome, 8, 10, 14

Babylonia (see also Exile), Jews in, 346

Rabbinic Schools of, 326, 362–3, 368, 373

Chief, 358 n. 1

Mode of teaching in, 357, 358–60

Work of, 344, 345, 346, 372

Babylonian Gemara, the, 356 & n. 4

Talmud, the, 345,

Haggadic notices in, 358 n. 1

Baiæ, death at, of Hadrian, 83

Balaam and his ass, Haggadah on, 377, 378

Balbina, tomb of, 247

Baptisteries (see also Wells) in Catacombs of Pontianus, and S. Priscilla, 236

Baptistery of S. Peter, site of, identified by Marucchi, 12, 257, 267, 271–3

Barberini (Pope Urban VIII), epigram on, 280

Bar-cochab, false Messiah, cause of last war of the Jews, 336–7;

his Rabbinical supporters, 78, 336–7, 354, 355

Barnabas, Epistle of, see Epistles

Barnes, —, cited on Neronic burning of Christians, 285–6

on S. Peter’s tomb, 281 & n. et seq.

Baronius, Cardinal, 263;

present at finding of S. Cecilia’s body, 294 & n. 1, 297;

on S. Petronilla, 277

Basil of Cappadocian Cæsarea, 138


of S. Lawrence “ad Corpus,” Popes buried in, 250

Domitilla, 278

Prætextatus, 247

SS. Hermes and Basilissa, 274–5

in Cœmeterium Majus, subterranean, 258

in Rome, third century number and appointments of, 112

Ruined, crypts beneath, 228

of S. Agnes, 256–7

of S. Cecilia, 292, 293 et seq.

of S. Felicitas, 302

of S. Hippolytus, 251, 254

of S. Laurence, 250, 254

of S. Sylvester, burials in,