The Glory of God: The Day of Reckoning by Ibunda Ratu - HTML preview

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Year 2008

A Brothel House in Hell


In 2008, I was shocked by a dream that had changed my perspective on what ‘pleasure’ means in the afterlife.

When I was carried away by the world pleasure, I was shocked by the warning that I received in my vision, They had showed me my downfall.

It was in 2008, I saw that I was travelling by bus in a foreign city.  The bus went over a long bridge. The city looked majestic with many tall buildings.

The long bridge overlooking the sea. The view from the bridge was breathless. I saw the blue sea, the sunny weather and all shapes of buildings there. Suddenly, I saw the buildings collapsed one by one. It was like an earthquake that happened so quickly, all these tall buildings shattered to the ground.

I saw the bridge that we were passing through was getting the impact. The bridge was collapsing….while we were on it. The bus we boarded plunged into the sea. I was going slowly to the bottom of the sea with all other passengers. We trapped in the bus. It was an unimaginably chaos at the time.

Then I I saw a helicopter rescue, the shadow surfaced in the water. The rescuer saw me and I stretched my hand out to him. I was saved.

I survived in the tragic accident. They sent me to a shelter home to spend my night there.  I saw it was a mansion. Upon entering the house, I saw a lot of women there. They were prostitues in the house!. How can I be sent to a brothel?

I didn't think much about it, went into the house and walked past through each rooms there. On my right there was a counter, and a line of men waiting for their turn or queue.

They looked ugly and was sticking out their tongues seemed like having a delicious dish to be served. Their eyes wild and they looked messy and unmanageable. I kept walking through. I saw a room on the left had many woman, crouched on the floor to sleep. They were all naked, facing the fan, seemed to be drying their liquid discharged that came out of their genitals.

I felt nauseous.

I had to go through these rooms to the back. My feet staggered so not to step on the woman sleeping on the floor. At the back room, there were several wooden benches like bed. This wooden benches for these women to sleep. The bed without mattresses and pillows. That's weird to me. Their legs opened and their foot were chained and shackled to a wooden ‘pasung’ (like a pillar) where their legs cannot be moved. With only sarong cover their bodies, there was a container near the pasung for people to place money.

Masya Allah. Goodness. It was unbelievable to have seen such a place.

I felt for repentance the moment I saw this event.

Very humiliating!

Never thought about the chastisement of hell for woman in prostitution.

It was the same modus operandi as in the world. They had a nice enchanting smells of parfume used in this world, but their body stinks and smelled rotten in hell.

Their genitals parts had this yellowish discharged and looked disgusting in hell.

Apparently the wicked man enjoyed their disgusting meal, they seemed to love the rotten. Looked at their face expression!

Suddenly I came across some school friends and they asked me, ‘uh do you live here?’ I replied, ‘Uh no, I just stopped by, I was told to spend the night here, didn’t know that this is a brothel’.

I woke up from a long sleep.

Still felt the shame. Nauzubillah. I seek shelter from Allah.

Why was me at the brothel?

What was the meaning of seeing magnificent buildings collapsed and I drowned in the sea but later saved and sent to hell? 

The collapsed of the buildings in my interpretation, means that my a’mal prayers had been thrown, fallen and vanished. I must repent. My sins and misdeed that I procured in this world must be repaid and must be cleansed.

God had showed me the most valuable lesson here, a reverse torment for pleasure in this world, will be misery in the afterlife.

I saw my downfall. O God, please forgive me and my wrongdoings in this world. I had fell and failed.  Please raise me up with my prayers and please re-mould me so I could be noble again.

I have seen Your hell and I fear Your torment.