The Glory of God: The Day of Reckoning by Ibunda Ratu - HTML preview

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Year 2011

Meeting Prophet Muhammad


This was the most unpredictable vision I had in 2011, knowing that the time of acknowledging this figure, I wasn’t been religious in Islam and in the eyes of muslim, but God knows what He had planted for future.

I had been showered with a connection to the Father of Knowledge and I had acknowledged from thereon that I was destined for something greater, the wisdom, which God wanted me to embrace in this life.

I surprised that God had given me a lifetime chance that muslim been awaited for, to be chosen amongst the followers to meet with the last Rasool, Muhammad S.A.W. Just moments after I discovered my path, my gifts and my spiritual guidance, I had Muhammad to visit me in this timeline.

Though all these memories were written only in my diary and the fact it took years for me to compile this book, the vision of Muhammad was one of the earliest came to me in my timeline after Prophet Adam.

I met a guy, we were sitting at a long table in a stall by the side of sandy soil overlooking a green field, in a place like a village.

The two of us were eating. The day was in the morning approaching noon. In front of us some arabs with a little rough look the way I saw them. I was with a good looking man, sitting together by the side of me and we had a conversation.

We sat on one long bench.  The figure I met was moderately thin, somewhat taller than me, the overall look like Bront Palarae , an actor from Malaysia.

I also noticed that he might have the look of  ‘The Prince of Persia’ movie actor, Jake Gyllenhaal in his 30s.






More or less the Prophet looked like those two figures I knew in this world. Just that his beard a little different than in those pictures. The beard wasn’t wrapped around the face, but his beard just below lips and had several hair there, black and gray mixed together.

I did see him clearly from his side as he sat next to my left.

Muhammad was a sweet gentleman. The softness in his face and the flowing hair he had, swinging softly when blowed away by breezy wind gust, really took my breath away.

I waited for him to eat, and looked at him eating so politely, bowed and not turning his head or his eyes left or right. He didn’t speak to the arab guys in front of us either. He looked calm and shy.

I saw his hair straight soft, parted in the middle, a bit lengthy below his ear and almost hitted his shoulder.

His hair had same-length cutting style.  He had soft complexion skin like reddish brown but not white skin, a bit of Pakistani look and not so Arab.

I observed him closely and counted every bits on his face. He had gray hair, not so much but I can see them. Both gray on his hair and beard. All these gray-look of him made me had this conversation, commented on his look.

I commented and said, ‘so much white-hair you have, if blacken them, must be good looking…but if you color brown you looked much better and handsome’.

I continued speaking, ‘ you are still young, but why you had gray hair? ‘

I did these conversations with him? Unbelievable.

He turned his head looking at me on his right and said, ‘brown?’…with cynical smile.

Just one word?

He was silent and no further comment.

I never met a young man with some gray hair  in my whole life. His age around 26 – 32 years old maybe.

Although his gray hair wasn’t much there but still visible to my eyes.

Knowing my character in this world, I was a choosy person when comes to boyfriends.

Those conversations I had obviously showed how close my relationship with this guy.

Only good friends talked the way I did.

While waited for him to finish his fried noodle, the two Arabs in front of us called him and said, 'O Rasulullah, we must make a move now'.

I immediately got up and paid his meal and my meal, all together RM6.00 ringgit.

I was awoken by the fact that he had to leave. A beautiful meeting with our Prophet?

Surely I never thought that Muhammad would want to meet me as I wasn’t his good follower of the Islamic syari’a.

Masya Allah. All Glory to Allah.

I smiled to myself, had some thoughts about Him, and why I met him in the way he appeared to me.

The unpredictable dream. That sort of conversations I had not knowing he was Rasulullah until towards the end?

I didn’t know he was Rasulullah and my feelings towards him at the time, was like the two best friends having lunch.

All those conversations were not about the thing I wanted to hear the most. If I knew, I would have asked him about the secrets of God, about the afterlife and about the heaven. Clearly it did not happened in the meeting.

I was so a teenager back then. Talked about nonsense stuff, commenting on a boyfriend look?

Wondered how simple and ordinary he was, his character, his look and his smile. Who would think that I have met  Prophet Muhammad?

The way he dressed up, with just a blouse and pants. No robe, no turban, no shawl, no costumes, no horses, no sword and no prayer beads. Very ordinary guy.

The intimacy of the conversations I had with him could stirred up a little bit of jealousy in the heart of muslim towards me, especially the way I portraited him.

Initially I preferred to silence and kept this vision to myself but I believed all happened for a reason.

Why did Muhammad appear to me in such a way so I could observed his look so clearly?

Why didn’t he show me his glowing face until I cannot see him clearly?

Why didn’t he come at me at night in dimly light so I cannot see him clearly?

Have you met Rasulullah?

Did he said he is Rasulullah or Muhammad?

I heard some people claimed they have met Prophet Muhammad but their description were a little different from my observation.

Rasulullah is not one person. Isa, Moses, David, Abraham were all Rasulullah. They called themselves rasulullah in the unseen world of Ālam al-Ghayb. So which one was the prophet that came to you or who the person ‘Rasulullah’ you had actually met?

I will describe more in this book about the Messengers I met in the God’s Ministry. The Rasulullah you have met might not be Muhammad that you thought, due to your lineage and the practice of your a’mal prayers.

Read this book to the end and you will know what I meant.

The visit I had with Muhammad is one of His visits among many other visits He had to do in this world and in the unseen.

Someone said, the Prophet cannot be seen in their form of the original, except those who are heirs to his wisdom, his knowledge and his practice.