The Glory of God: The Day of Reckoning by Ibunda Ratu - HTML preview

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March 2012

The Book of Life of Lauhul Mahfudz


In the month of March 2012, the night after submitted my prayers, I had  a short dream but it was perfect.

I met with the JUDGE, the Hakim of the Ummah.

He who kept our book of deeds, book of life and book of remembrance. The book was also mentioned as Ummul-Kitab (Mother of the Book), Kitabun Hafiz (Preserving Book), Kitabun Mubin (Clear Book), Kitabun Maknun (Hidden Book), Imamun Mubin (Clear Guide) and al-Kitab (the Book) in the Quran.

The dream I had with the Hakim of the Ummah, face to face with Him at the meeting table. I was in a bright shining place, unable to see the figure of the Lord but I recognized Him. The Judge, the Majesty took out three (3) cards from my book of record file, which was in the size of A4 paper in yellowish brown. He read them in front of me.

He said, ‘your practice of a’mal prayers had been received in Lauhul Mahfudz’. 

The first card read, the second and the third read to me .. the cards were about things happened in this world and will happen.


He said, ‘there will be a day, where you get jerked out of your reverie (daydreaming) while brewing water, and the water spilled.’

He continued, ‘That is the proof of your practice of a’mal prayers been accepted and the benefits has returned to you in this world’.

I nodded, understood what has been said.

In my heart I whispered, ‘Masya Allah goodness how He is so knowledgeable, knew everything about me’.

Then I woke up from sleep.

This was the Majesty of God.

He gave me a breath of knowledge about Lauhul Mahfudz Al Kitab, the book of life.

He is the Majesty, The Wisest Judge.

He knew my timeline of my past and future.

The wisdom of God is infinite.

Only with a card, He read me.

Lauhul is literally a board to write on, and the Lauhul Mahfuzd is the immaterial board or tablet on which God has prerecorded everything, material and spiritual, another name for the Divine Knowledge. No alterations to the Lauhul Mahfuzd, as it is the Preserved Tablet.

In the month of Ramadan in 2013, after a year passed, I noticed the benefits returned to me in a very unimaginable way.

The month of Ramadan 2013, came with a great test into my life. I was a guarantor for a debt of my friend. He had been declared bankrupt and the event had pushed me to misery.

The borrower seemed did not making any progress with the bank, so I was called to responsible for the amount of his debt.

At that time my husband was unemployed for a month. I was speechless because two tests came together at the same time. My husband made a decision to quit work because of excessive stress, and I was chased by the bank due to someone else’s debt.

I succumbed into a great test in the month of Ramadhan. I lost appetite and the energy to fight for the case. I must pay the debt and that was final decision made by the bank. No mercy on me.

During the nights, when human were soundly lulled to sleep, my eyes wide opened at 3 am in the morning, I separated myself alone and made prayers quietly. I filled the house with beautiful melody of zhikr chanting and remembrance of God. Those nights where I felt longing for God to hear me, to occupy me and to save me, I meditated until 5 am. I break for a quick breakfast in early morning (before subuh prayer) for Ramadhan fasting on next day.

I whispered to myself, ‘O Allah, you know that I’m in trouble but  the fact I prayed this long hours not because I had trouble but you knew I always remembered you in wealth or in poor.’

After finished my tahajjud prayer, I went to the kitchen to brew my healthy drink because I usually did not take heavy meal for fasting. While I was mixing the drink (milkshake), i put down the glass. Suddenly my hand pushed the glass and it fell, the water spilled.

I was jerked out of my reverie by the spilt water. For a second, I felt a little angry at myself because the expensive ‘alpha lipid’ drink shake was spilled before I could drink it.

But quickly I remembered the words He said about Lauhul mahfudz and the day of the return of benefits was actually today when the water was spilled, out of my reverie.

I got that clue, the words and the sign. The favour of God has arrived.

The disappointment over the spilt of my milkshake suddenly dissapeared. I shed tears when seeing the Love of God for me. Even the smallest sign made me grateful and thankful.

I received the blessings of God that was revealed to me after one year from the date I received the vision.  The returns of benefits had happened in the holy month of Ramadhan.

Subhanallah Walhamdulillah Walailahaillallah Allahuakbar.