The Glory of God: The Day of Reckoning by Ibunda Ratu - HTML preview

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Year 2013

Confession to Prophet Moses


Thursday October 2, 2013, was a beautiful day, the day I met with Prophet Moses Kalamullah.

I had been hearing about Moses from the speech of my awliya guru for quite some times but never had the chance to meet him in person.

He is the key to the knowledge of Torah.

I met him, eye to eye talking to him in a distance of two feet.

I was on a Highway, it looked like a wide Highway. While driving my car, I saw many other cars there slowed down,  squeezed in as we approached the road blocks. From a distance, I saw a big glowing light in front of us, and there was like a checkpoint that we must passed through it.

As my car get closer, I saw it was actually a glowing figure.

I didn’t see clearly yet because my car was still behind other cars.

Then I saw the cars were thrown away one by one. Getting closer, I saw the figure was a man standing alone there, with his bright shining white robes.

I sensed the fear that we were afraid to cross in front of him. I saw, when He lifted up his STICK towards the car, they were thrown away.

I thought this was not an ordinary traffic, but extraordinary. He threw them all. In my heart, trembling. Who was the great powerful figure?

I stepped forward to take a closer look at him.

I sped my car thinking I must passed Him, but suddenly I saw Him in front of me. I tried again, sped, but He was still right in front of me. 

Then He lifted up and pointed His stick at me. I was thrown away.

Suddenly I found myself just two feet away from Him. On my knees bowed like worshipped Him. I only got to see his eyes, because his face were all covered up with his white beard. Long white hair and long white beard like white cotton.

I saw he was the figure of an old man, his skeleton was moderately thin, not hunched over, still upright, wore a white robe (from afar his robe and skin glowed shining bright).

He held a stick, the length of the stick was about higher than his height. The stick was straight but notched, dark brown in color. He held the stick in the middle, not at the end. The stick I saw did not hit the ground.



Forgive me ayah’,‘ Forgive me ayah ’, I repeated two times.

‘I know I made a mistake’ (I mentioned my own name here).



(The picture above is only an illustration. It didn’t show the real Moses and his beard much longer)



I also saw a stranger next to me. Not sure who he was, looked like Chinese man.

Then I said, ‘why was he next to me?’ In astonishment. Of course, there was no one in the car with me just now.


Prophet Moses replied (in English), ‘let him be here to listen and to learn’.

The words of this figure were really soft, not as fierce as his face. Behind his sharp eyes, I saw him smiled.

He knew me. He smiled at me when I called him 'Ayah’. Ayah in malay can be translated to ‘Father’ in English.

I’ve woken me up before I could hear he speak further. I wasn’t sure what else Moses wanted to say to me… but I’ve already confessed my wrong doings before Him.

It was at 5.20am in the morning, my whole body stiffened in freezing cold. I praised to Allah and ‘istighfar’.

This is the King, who held the key to the Torah words.

Know that, there are part of the knowledge in Torah were in the Quran. Many of us knew but we didn’t aware.

There were reasons why many Muslims met with Moses besides Muhammad. They read the Quran but the original verses essentially from the Torah. They were literally embraced the Torah words into them, in their daily prayers and so Moses vetted them. But they did not know this could happened in the Unseen world.

The path you were walking is the path of Moses. You had embraced verses of the Torah that you didn’t know.

Moses knew his childrens and He came to purify them.

I learned form my awliya guru that our connection to which Prophets that held our tablet book is like a soil where some soil if we planted a fruit’s seed, some seed will blossom and some will die. Because you need to know which soil you were from and what seed you should have planted that would be suitable to the divine nature.

We cannot forced your divine nature to be ONE with the religion you forced to embrace if you didn’t know where the beginning of yourself. Did you know which land you came from?

This is the science of God. The blood connects all sciences in our system to the Unseen realm. God knows you from your bloodlines.

That explained my connections to Prophet Moses. Externally you viewed that as a connection to the religion. Internally you actually walked the path of the Prophet due to your bloodlines.

I have heard Muslim saw Moses’ figure but they thought He was Muhammad. The fact that Moses introduced himself as Rasulullah, without knowing the path you were heading, you won’t be enlightened until the day you die.

Rasulullah knew your name on his tablet, and you knew that you have met the Messenger for the benefits of the afterlife. But that’s alright. Wrong Prophet as long as the Unseen knew that you will be saved and you were saved.

I had been enlightened by my spiritual awliya guru about Moses for many years in his speech. Moses is not a stranger to us though I never met him in person before this dream happened.

Now back to the lesson of the dream.

Did God wanted me to see Moses as an old figure dressed in such a powerful and fearful robe in the unseen world of Ālam al-Ghayb?

He showed me the stick he held of a supreme creature, powerful which has been said in the Quran.

I wondered who was the man with me during my conversation with Moses? Was he my guardian angel? How can he slipped into my dream there?

He seems to be interested in my meeting with Moses or he could be my witness in the hereafter.

Last night, before this dream happened, I made a prayer to God. I beg Him to grant my prayers for one reckoning.

Did you remember about the debt of the borrower who ran away from his responsibility and I had to bear it as the Guarantor?

The debt was undergoing the payment. He owed not 30 thousand, not 100 thousand… but let me kept it a secret here. Because my heart did not let go of this event that I could not bear the suffering of going through back and forth to the court and the bank.

I tried my best to accept and to let go without resentment. I made a reckoning with God. Because I could not negotiated the matter with the borrower, so I prayed for God to decide.

The reckoning was, for me to demand the rewards of the borrower’s prayers and his good deeds as the ransom for the payment of his debts in this world.

I trusted that God heard my prayers and He sent down Moses to lead me to the reckoning.

But the confessed I made before Moses and he nodded, assured me that all is settled and all is heard.

I believed there will be No ‘Day of Atonement’ for me to go through in the afterlife as I had reconciled this with Moses. In today’s world, animal sacrifice as the means of atonement is not relevant anymore. Know that your sins or suffering cannot be washed away easily with a little amount of money spent on the purchased of the animal for sacrifice. It doesn’t worked in the God’s eyes. The value of the suffering have to be equal with the currency of the world, not the old world but the new world where you lived now.

Alhamdulillah. Hallelujah. All praise to Allah for this Knowldedge.

I prayed that there will be no restriction for my Spirit to ascend to the higher path.

I must earnt the purification to clear off the barriers before my next journey.

It was strange to learn that I called Moses as Father (Ayah, in the modern generation call for father).

I also called Adam as Father (Bapa, in the older generation call for father), Muhammad as You, Isa as Husband, Zulkarnain as Sir and Maryam as Mother.

Another importance I observed when I read my timeline again and again, in the beginning of my journey, it was Adam that came first into my timeline and Muhammad second.

I trusted that the Father of all Knowledge, Adam, the rasool awalleen (the first prophet) came to bless me with the ‘Opening’ of my journey and Muhammad, the rasool akhireen (the last prophet) to acknowledge that I am His ummah (people), the children of the end times.

The moment I met Isaiah almost in the middle of my timeline, to signify the messages that I will be in front of him, spreading the words of God, that Isa will reconcile four faiths (religions) into ONE. I believed that I carried his red and white clothes, as he is the living Ruhullah, the Spirit of God appeared to the people of the end times. Then I met Moses, for the reckoning as he held my book of prayers.

Astonishing! To see how Prophets worked hand in hand in the Unseen world. Without any differences in religions?

And why we made such a huge barrier in religions here in this world?

All of them knew what’s coming to their children and the path we walked through and who will come next in our timeline. They knew who will be sent to purify us, who to reconcile us, and who to judge us.

I only had these Knowledge when I re-visited this page again in 2021 after 8 years later.

I am sure that the relationship I had in the unseen world with these Prophets had something significant to learn.

I trusted God that I am on the path of the Righteous. 

 “Say that I believed in Allah and what was revealed to us and Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob and what was given to Moses and Isa from their Lord. We do not discriminate between any of them and only to You do I submit ”- al-Imran

O God, may You not restrict my journey and set no obstacles in front of me. Allow me to cross the path to acknowledge Your Prophets and to be judged before You.