The Glory of God: The Day of Reckoning by Ibunda Ratu - HTML preview

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Year 2020

Stairway to Heaven


Probably you have heard about the 'stairs' to heaven #stairwaytoheaven. Maybe some of you have had already been there, seen them and knew they existed.

It could be sounded like a fairy tale, but the stairs were real.

I had a vision happened in May 2020, where this was the year of a great test to my health. It also had opened up my subconscious veil, the hijab after years of quietness.

That night I was with some friends, they saw a figure floated, up in the sky. They thought it was the ghost wearing white robes.

They shouted ‘ghost…!!!’, as the spirit was hovering in the sky. I watched it closely, the ghost that they claimed. Apparently my sight saw the opposite.


In the darkness, there was a man climbing the stairs to the unseen place. He carried a large bag on his shoulder as he stepped his foot on the stairs.


I saw stairs in front and behind him. The bag in his shoulder looked quite long but not so heavy. As he walked up, he went farther and higher.


Then I described what I saw to my friends there, in my dream.

I said, ‘oh that is the spirit of a man of faith, he himself is a glowing figure, so I could see him ascending the stairs to the sky. He is not hovering like a ghost. Those were the stairs he stepped on. The spirit is carrying its own deeds (in a bag) to be handed over’

And I woke up from sleep, had a thinking about what I have said, as I interpreted it clearly to the people in my dream.

Vision and dream are not something you can control in the unconscious mind. Every human had different level of seeing things either clearly, cloudy, foggy or shadowy in their dreams depending on their level of a’mal practices.

My vision is vivid but there were times foggy. But I could remembered and understood it well with some thinking and with having a pure heart, it will enlighten me further. This is what I called WISDOM.

They saw a ghost but I saw the righteous soul.

The stairway to heaven is a true vision. The stairs led to the unseen place above the sky, where it could be the path for your soul to return home.

As for me, I was once visioned that I was brought to the station upon my death. It was a multi-layer station with train departure in the lower ground and flying cars in the upper level.

The vision is a science of knowledge, the path to access to the other realm, connecting your soul to the living holy spirits world where you will return to the afterlife. God is All Great and All praise to Allah.