The Glory of God: The Day of Reckoning by Ibunda Ratu - HTML preview

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Year 2020

Warning from God #Coronavirus


The month of October in 2020, had given me insights into the Knowledge of the FAITH. 

It has been two years since the world been infected with a contamination in the air and the wind that brought in the plague. A reminder from God that the Day of Qiyamah, the doomsday is indeed true and He does not break His Words.

I remembered my dream back in 2008, a vision about Iskandar Zulkarnain (Alexander the Great Warrior), who had showed me a glimpse of the end times, the fear of an emergency period. Gog and Magog had roamed the earth. Indeed, they are everywhere in this world now, bringing in disasters on earth. 

Iqra’, read and see around you.

Weren’t you in the emergency state now?

What plagues had brought upon you?

Did not Coronavirus turned your country into poorer state than before?

Did you see humans lost their humanity?

The world economy is in poverty!

Man failed to live in harmony.

They stole and fled.

They killed and fled.

They were the gog and magog.

Did you see your economy has been invaded by the power of the great Ad Dajjal (Devil)?

Have you been awaited for this ‘saviour’ to your economy?

The intelligence master, could turned your faith upside down.

Did you see the signs of his cronies?

They were all well prepared to save the economy of the end times and they will save you from being poor!

You will be distracted with the material world, busy to earn your wealth and the pleasure of life.

Remember, the Test that God had prepared for the children of the end times, worsen than before.

If God ever walked the earth Himself, will you have the faith in Him before your sight?

To have faith is not to have sight.

See the seen with both eyes.

Do not be part of ad-Dajjal’s masterplan, for him only see with one eye.

Have the haqqul yaqin (confidence) that you will be rightly guided.

The wisdoms source is not from the churches, temples or mosques.

The wisdoms souce is from within you!

The secrets of God and Divinity stored in the hearts of believers.

Have faith in your visions and dreams.

The Book of Scriptures; Quran, Injeel, Psalm and Torah had been completed for you to acknowledge and to recognize His Messengers.

Know that the knowledge comes from the Unseen hence you need to witness the Unseen.

The real knowledge is within you!

Knowledge from scriptures is Reflection!

Do not Deny what you have received.

This is the end of times where the only way to return is to believing in yourself.

Follow the footsteps of Prophet Abraham. He believed in his dreams to sacrifice his son. Inspire his devotion, the obedience and the submission.

What kind of God would ask for child sacrifice?

Did you have the same faith for your dreams?

Abraham obeyed God’s unexpected command as he trusted and knew Him to be trustworthy. He had the Faith in the Unseen.

I embraced the shahada statement that I am the messenger of God, knew that I trusted God and trusted for what had appeared in my dreams.

The Faith is the ticket to Paradise, not the religion!

You will not be punished as apostate for the Faith you witnessed before God but know that, human will punish you for being the apostate in their eyes.

Glory be upon you!