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7. Godliness or Unity

Presently, this planet is in the grips of stage two, our

adolescence. We are fast approaching the fall. Pride comes 158

The Great Awakening

before the fall, and we are quite a prideful race of beings.

Then after the fall, peace, stage three, will reign.

Outward material power is what this world is all about

presently. People are judged by their wallet rather than

their spiritual gifts. Our motto seems to be “he who dies

with the most toys wins.”

We don’t seem to care about the well-being of this

planet at all. We strip away its resources as if there will always be enough to go around. The problem is there is

a finite amount of material here for us to consume. We

have overpopulation, lack of oil, lack of fresh water, lack of food, and lack of empathy. We just don’t seem to care

as a species. Yes, there are quite a few that are very much aware of the problems of this world but not enough to

cause much change. Although the spirit of this world is at work, causing more and more people to become aware of

our problems, this number needs to increase greatly before we reach the critical mass for change. But don’t lose hope; in time, it will.

And Jesus answered and said to them: “Take heed that

no one deceives you. For many will come in my name,

saying, ‘I am the Christ,’ and will deceive many.” Matt.

24:4–5, nkjv)

Now, as the soul was dividing and subdividing itself

in the beginning into spirits, minds, and bodies, energies were concentrating itself into positive and negative. Some 159

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of these spirits became extremely positive and some

extremely negative.

These positive and negative energies concentrated

themselves again and again, becoming quite powerful. Like

attracts like, so positive attracted positive, and negative attracted negative. They coalesced into each other until you have extremely positive and negative beings.

The positive beings became angels, and the negative

beings became demons. These are spiritual beings that never took on flesh but remained in spirit. They have a body, just not a physical one. They can indeed take on a physical body, but their true nature is spirit.

These demons exercise influence over many through

mind manipulation, dream sequencing, and creating an

illusion within an illusion that we are not worthy of the

gifts of our eternal soul, keeping us in bondage with

their deceptions.

These negative energies have turned their back on their

source, the soul. Even though God can never sever ties

with any of its creation (the soul can never break from the created spirits) these negative energies have cut the cord from it.

Deception is their number one tool. They are quite

skilled at it. They’ll tell you ninety percent truth and ten percent falsehoods, just enough to throw you off the track.

They speak with a forked tongue.


The Great Awakening

They will create for themselves a false Christ or Messiah

in our near future and will deceive many. This will be done for one reason: control. To control the minds of the masses.

To keep us in bondage and away from our birthright. If

these negative entities can persuade the people that Jesus has returned, then we will give this false Messiah all our power and authority, which these concentrated negative

energies will have complete control over. Controlling the

puppet that controls the masses. This is their goal.

And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that

you are not troubled; for all these things must come

to pass, but the end is not yet. For nation will rise

against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. And

there will be famines, pestilences, and earthquakes in

various places. All these are the beginning of sorrows.

(Matt. 24:6–8, nkjv)

As far as wars and rumors of wars, pestilences,

earthquakes, and famines. Unfortunately has hitherto been

our legacy. We have lived in fear, and outward power for far too long. Our evolution has been painfully slow, but this

is about to change. Good news is on the way. This will not change until the cavalry shows up. It will increase until the second coming.

The last word of this is sorrows. In many other

translations of scripture the term used is “birth pains.”

As all mothers know, giving birth can be quite painful,

with each push becoming more and more painful until


Evan Ansot

finally the child is born and the pain forgotten at the site of the newborn. So it is with this prophecy given to us by Jesus.

The wars, earthquakes, famines, and pestilence will be

extremely painful, but as the child is born—the dawning

of the new age—all will be forgotten at the joy of its birth.

Then they will deliver you up to tribulation and kill

you, and you will be hated by all nations for my name’s

sake. And then many will be offended, will betray one

another, and will hate one another. (Matt. 24:9–10,


This will be the great falling away of the church.

Back in Roman times, when the empire was at its

height, Christians suffered persecution on a massive

scale. They were nailed to crosses, beheaded, tortured, and thrown to the lions at the coliseum for the amusement of

the Roman populace. Because they refused to bow down to

Caesar and would only worship Jesus or God, they paid the

ultimate price.

In our near future, many of us will be given a choice:

Bow down to this false impostor, or bow down to the real

God, the soul. Follow this impersonator, or follow the God within you.

Many will choose the easy way out. These fair-weather

followers will throw their beliefs to the roadside in favor of an easier path. They believe as long as life is good, and they have many possessions, their faith will be strong.


The Great Awakening

But threaten to take away their goods and watch their

faith disappear.

A large percentage of the church show up on Sundays

for the fellowship. Not many actually study the scripture.

They rely on church leaders to do that part for them. The

pastors, priests, and reverends don’t mind because it gives their followers power to them. From experience, I can

tell you that they don’t care for any of the congregation

questioning their doctrine.

They sit with their long robes and their many diplomas

and say, “I’ve got the training and the knowledge. How

dare you question me.” Well, if you’ve spent years studying a false doctrine, then it doesn’t mean a thing. False pride and a false doctrine, that’s a bad mix. The blind leading the blind into the ditch.

Many churches are what I consider money churches.

God for sale. It was the same centuries ago when a rich

person could purchase their way into heaven. The church

would sell indulgences. It’s not very different today as the most important part of the sermon is the collection plate.

You hear sermons about tithes and nothing of prophecy.

Fools! Blind guides! The church will be blindsided, ripe for the picking, by the deception that awaits them. Their faith is weak, and the enemy is strong.

Laziness has caused a lot of this. Not many take time

to study, pray, meditate, and contemplate. If they had done this, they would be able to interpret the signs of the times.


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Instead they go to lunch then watch their favorite football team after services are held. By halftime, if there was any benefit of the service that was held, it’s long since been forgotten. They believe by going to church that they are

saved. They are rich in wealth, poor in spirit.

Then many false prophets will rise up and deceive

many. And because lawlessness will abound, the love

of many will grow cold. (Matt. 24:11–12. nkjv)

These concentrated negative energies that we will call

the enemy will be so entrenched in society and the church

that people won’t be able to tell truth from fiction. What is up is now down, and what is down is now up. What is truth

is now fiction, and fiction has become truth.

It is difficult to find truth nowadays, especially living in a world where money rules and the soul comes in second

place. Money has become the god of this world. But it’s a

house built on sand. The storms will come, and good-bye to your house and your money.

Many decisions nowadays are based solely on money

and not about whether it’s the right thing to do or not.

Consciousness has taken a backseat.

Any doctrine that teaches you that the kingdom of

heaven does not lie within you is being taught from a

false prophet. Any teacher that tells you that you are not connected to the soul is leading you towards a path of

deception and destruction. A path of guilt, fear, and doubt.


The Great Awakening

Negative energies abound when we are not being told the

truth of our existence.

The good news is that the soul and you are one and that

we are all connected to that source. Never waver from that belief, and you’ll find the source of true power, not some outward temporary power, but true strength within you.

You’ve been lied to, and it’s time to discover your true nature.

We do live in a world of lawlessness; therefore, people

have lost empathy for one another. They just don’t care.

It is someone else’s problem, and you go back to eating

your dinner. More and more negative energy keeps getting

thrown at us to the point where all we worry about is

ourselves. Don’t believe me? Turn on your nightly television news and you’ll see nothing but negativity. Sensationalism at its finest. To hell with the truth; ratings is all that matters.

Sensationalism in this time period sells.

It’s easy to love a family member that is closest to you.

But loving strangers? That’s a tall order for many. Yet that is what Jesus taught. To love thy neighbor. So the trick to this is to extend your family to your community, your state, and finally the world. Take it one step at a time. Give to others, and it will be given back to you. Within you. Send out positive energy to others, and more positive energy will flow through you. It’s a natural process. The more you give, the more you receive.

By giving to others, you are giving to yourself since we

are all one. But also, your spirit will replenish itself with the 165

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goodness you just sent out. Whatever you send out, the soul will replenish the spirit within. So if you want goodness, then send it out to others. Thereby you are storing up

treasure in heaven, where moth and rust don’t corrupt, and refilling your spirit with whatever you sent out.

But he who endures to the end shall be saved. (Matt.

24:13, nkjv)

We truly aren’t saved; we save ourselves. Jesus just

showed us the example on how to do that. By reconnecting

to our original source, we are saved. All the power of the universe lies within us all.

Never lose faith in yourself. Realize who you are. Let the power of you overcome all obstacles.

When it looks as though we have lost all hope, that is

when salvation lies within. Stop, settle, breathe, center, go within, and then do.

As the former basketball coach Jim Valvano said when

he was in the midst of battling cancer: “Don’t give up, and don’t ever give up.”

And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all

the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the

end will come. (Matt. 24:14, nkjv)


The Great Awakening

To this verse I am interjecting a few other verses;

And I will give power to my two witnesses, and they

will prophecy one thousand two hundred and sixty

days, clothed in sackcloth. These are the two olive

trees and the two lampstands standing before the God

of the earth. (Rev. 11:3–4, nkjv)

Then I answered and said to him, “What are these two

olive trees-at the right of the lampstand and its left?”

And I further answered and said to him, “What are

these two olive branches that drip into the receptacles

of the two gold pipes from which the golden oil

drains?” Then he answered me and said, “Do you not

know what these are?” And I said, “No, my lord.” So

he said, “These are the two anointed ones, who stand

beside the Lord of the whole earth.” (Zech. 4:11–14,


There will be two witnesses described in Revelation 11

who will preach the gospel of the kingdom of heaven for

1,260 days, and then the end will come. This verse and that chapter are both related to the prophet Zechariah’s vision of seeing two olive trees before the throne of God. These

two olive trees, which are the reincarnated Elijah and John the Baptist (two parts of the same being), will return and preach the gospel of truth, that the kingdom of heaven is

within us, and we must change, or we will face destruction.

For three-and-a-half years they will preach, and soon after that, the return will happen.


Evan Ansot

The whole world will be able to watch them preach and

hear their message. This is humanity’s last chance to save itself from destruction. To save itself from concentrated

negative energies attempting to take over this planet of ours.

With the invention of satellite television, the two

witnesses will be covered.

They shall come straight from the source: the soul,

or God. They’ll be the last messengers before the return

of Christ.

It is my belief that they are presently being prepared

for their mission to show as many people as possible the

truth of the soul and that we are all one. That the way we are heading need not be the way. That we need not head off the cliff.

Before Jesus arrived the first time, Elijah (reincarnated

as John the Baptist) had to arrive. Before Jesus returns

again, Elijah/John has to come again. To pave the way for

the Christ consciousness to return. To prepare the people

for the arrival. To prepare the people for the child that will be born. But the birth pains must come first.

Therefore when you see the ‘abomination of

desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing

in the holy place” (whoever reads, let him understand),

“then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains.

Let him who is on the housetop not go down to take

anything out of his house. And let him who is in the

field not go back to get his clothes. But woe to those


The Great Awakening

who are pregnant and to those who are nursing babies

in those days! And pray that your flight may not be in

winter or on the Sabbath. For then there will be great

tribulation, such as has not been since the beginning

of the world until this time, no, nor ever shall be. And

unless those days were shortened, no flesh would

be saved; but for the elect’s sake those days will be

shortened. (Matt. 24:15 –22, nkjv)

And the people of the prince who is to come shall

destroy the city and the sanctuary. The end of it shall

be with a flood, and til the end of the war desolations

are determined. Then he shall confirm a covenant with

many for one week; (seven year period), but in the

middle of the week he shall bring an end to sacrifice

and offering. And on the wing of abominations shall be one who makes desolate. (Dan. 9:26–27, nkjv,

emphasis added)

It’s not my intention to frighten anyone. But if we keep

heading down the path we are heading, then this is the

end result. I pray we turn and head down another path, but from the looks of things, I have my doubts.

Daniel spoke of a final seven-year period. This is the

last chance to end transgression and usher in an era of

peace. If we choose the path we are heading towards, this

is the result.

In the middle of the seven-year period, after the two

witnesses have preached the gospel of the kingdom of

heaven for a three-and-a-half-year period, then this


Evan Ansot

entity who will be the most horrible negative figure you

could possibly imagine will commit the abomination of

desolation; he will lay waste to the land of Israel. Heaven only knows what other atrocities he will commit.

Some have theorized that standing in the holy place

means a rebuilt temple in Jerusalem. It’s hard to say for

sure. Maybe it’s the Vatican in Rome? Maybe it’s Mecca?

There are several holy places throughout the world. In my

opinion, the entire earth is sacred. I refuse to be dogmatic on the location of this place.

The abomination is that he will declare himself to be

God and order everyone to fall down and worship him.

Declaring himself to be God doesn’t bother me. Ordering

everyone to worship him and only him only does. We all

have our own source to the soul through the spirit and

mind; we don’t need him or anyone else for that matter to

be connected. We have our own connection.

Nor do we need anyone to worship to find our way to

the soul. Not Jesus, not Buddha—no one. We have our own

God within us to hold sacred. The kingdom of heaven lies

within you.

So this imposter here seems to think that the only way

to God is through him. Thereby taking peoples power away.

Sorry, pal, you won’t find me bowing down to you, not now, nor ever.

Towards the end of Matthews’s verses, it talks of cutting

the days short for the elect’s sake. That tells me that between 170

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the three-and-a-half-year mark and the seven-year mark

after he has confirmed a covenant with the many, the return will happen. Otherwise, no flesh would be saved. Well,

thank God for that!

People have argued about the elect and whether it’s

supposed to mean Christians, Jews, or whatnot. I’m not

going to join that argument; as far as I’m concerned, we are all elected. Each and every entity ever created is chosen, or should I say chose themselves, to enter into the material

world with a soul, spirit, mind, and body. None of us are

better than anyone else. We are all one. Whether we choose to exercise positive or negative energy is up to us. It’s all about free will or choice once we become physical. That

will never be taken from us. That is law number one from

the soul.

Then if anyone says to you, ‘Look, here is the Christ!’

or ‘There!’ do not believe it. For false Christ’s and false prophets will rise and show great signs and wonders

to deceive, if possible, even the elect. See, I have told

you beforehand. Therefore if they say to you, ‘Look,

He is in the desert!’ do not go out; or ‘Look, He is in

the inner rooms!’ do not believe it. Matt. 24:23–26,


Deception. What a wonderful tool for negative energies.

The trick here is if you are unsure, don’t believe it.

I have often wondered if there are advanced aliens out

there with bad intentions for this planet of ours. After all, 171

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we live in a garden of eden. A biological storehouse of life.

A rare jewel, indeed. Other races just may be envious of

what we possess.

Just theorizing, but if you took negative entities with

advanced technology capable of performing miracles, signs, and wonders, then many of us could easily be duped into

thinking that the second coming of Jesus is at hand. He

warned us beforehand that a false Christ will come first.

Never forget that.

Maybe demons or advanced aliens with bad intentions

are the same thing? Either way, we need to keep watch for

deception. We’ve been warned.

For as the lightning comes from the east and flashes

to the west, so also will the coming of the Son of Man

be. For wherever the carcass is, there the eagles will be

gathered together. (Matt. 24:27–28, nkjv)

Jesus and his army of angels shall come as a thief in the

night. It won’t be any of this “hey, look over here,” or “hey, look over there.”

It will happen in the blink of an eye.

When all looks lost for mankind, when it looks like

we’ve taken our last breath of life, when the eagles (the word vultures applies to this verse) have gathered together to pick the remains off us, then look up and see our salvation as a race. The return of the highest consciousness. The Christ

has returned. And just in the nick of time.


The Great Awakening

Immediately after the tribulation of those days the

sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its

light; the stars will fall from heaven, and the powers of

the heavens will be shaken. Then the sign of the Son

of Man will appear in heaven, and then all the tribes

of the earth will mourn, and they will see the Son of

Man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and

great glory. And He will send His angels with a great

sound of a trumpet, and they will gather together His

elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to

the other. (Matt. 24:29–31, nkjv)

I had a vision one evening. It went something like this.

It was quite detailed, so be patient with me.

New York City was hit by a massive tidal wave. I don’t

know if it was from a nuclear bomb that detonated in the

harbor or what have you, but there was massive destruction.

You could see the waves overtaking the tall buildings. It

was a horrific scene. Manhattan Island was no more.

The United States’ economy then went into a tailspin.

Inflation rates and unemployment were extreme; the banks

were unable to loan any money out, many of them going

under. America was crippled. The dollar was practically

worthless. It was the same setting as Germany, 1920. The

country was desperate.

Meanwhile, most of the rest of the world seemed to

rejoice at America’s folly at first. They did until some of those countries realized that America wasn’t there anymore to protect them from foreign invasion.


Evan Ansot

The New York City event led to a domino effect, first

throughout the country and then the world.

Since the American farmer feeds so many, and farmers

couldn’t borrow money from banks, the world was hit with

massive famine.

The United States was unable to pay back all the money

that China had loaned to it. So the Chinese decided to take matters into their own hands and invade.

Then, of course, all hell broke loose. With nations

choosing sides, most were against the US. America’s main

allies were busy trying to defend themselves, so they were of no help. Nor was the US any help to them in helping

them defend themselves. (So for those nations relying on

the US to defend them in the future, you better rethink

your options.)

The Chinese, along with their ally at the time, Russia,

plowed their way through Siberia, into Alaska, then Western Canada, down into the northwestern portion of the United

States. There were millions and millions of them.

The Chinese, Russians, Middle Easterners, North

Africans, and Eastern Europeans made their alliance

against the US, Canada, Britain, Australia, New Zealand,

South Africa, and Western Europe. This was a vision of

World War III. East verses west. Nation against nation.

Kingdom against kingdom.


The Great Awakening

Nuclear bombs were dropped on each other. It was a

holocaust that left hundreds of millions dead. World War

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