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12. Self-pity

Love is not on the positive list due to the fact that love is in the middle of the clock. Love is the soul, and all other emotions stem from it. Love is actually all there is.

Life is a choice, and we are in complete and total control of our emotions at all times.

Now for each and every situation in life, we have one

of twenty-four choices in how we may express ourselves.

These choices are determined by where our spirit and our

mind are at and expressed through the body.

Now think of the center of our clock as the soul or love.

A situation arises, and our spirit, wishing to express a

feeling or emotion, leaves the center of the clock and heads towards one of these numbers.

It gathers momentum and places us at that number.

Let’s use joy. One o’clock during the day is where our spirit is now at. We find ourselves smiling and emanating rays

of positive energy in every direction. We’ve chosen wisely.


The Great Awakening

Our spirit currently is at that point on the clock. Our mind follows.

We therefore remain at one o’clock until we make our

next choice in life, holding onto our joy until another

situation arises. Since we are in positive mode, it is far easier to stay that way then turn day into night and move into the negative. So our next choice might move us from joy to

kindness. So our spirit moves down the clock from one o’

clock during the day to seven o’clock during the day.and

then from kindness to compassion, which is five o’ clock

during the day.

But let’s say an event happens, which gives us loss. Let’s say we lose a friend due to a terrible automobile accident.

We therefore move into night and sorrow; we move from

five o’ clock during the day to three o’ clock at night.

We weep. It’s natural; the spirit needs to cleanse itself.

But we can’t seem to shake this feeling of sadness and then move to seven o’ clock at night to self-pity as we feel sorry for ourselves and our loss.

The spirit is willing; it wants to shake this feeling of

sadness and pity, bouncing back and forth between three o’

clock and seven o’ clock at night, but the mind and body can be weak. So we move to ten o’ clock at night and into anger as we shake our fist at the soul. Then finally, we release this energy of anger after much frustration and move back into

day, into the light, and peace at two o’ clock in the day.


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But we can nullify all these emotions by moving back

to the center, which is love, where all these other emotions stem from. We can always return back to the center and

to love.

Love is the great neutralizer of emotions. You can move

from any positive or negative emotion and move back into

love. It’s the answer to everything. And when our spirit and mind are done with this body, we move into love, which is

the soul. There can be no other way. There is no other place to go. We are all forgiven. Even those who’ve vibrated at the lowest frequency will move back into love. Do you know

what that means? There is no hell, which means you have

nothing to fear!

No fear of any retaliation whatsoever. When our spirit

is finished with whatever emotion it wishes to display, it always has the choice of returning to love and the center

of our clock.

See how we operate as a four-part being? The center

of the clock is love, or the soul; the hands moving are our bodies being influenced by our spirits and minds.

The hands of the clock are always tied to the center—

the soul, the source, or love. But they travel all over the spectrum in a continual range of emotions, many times on

a daily basis.

Be of one mind, and we will continue in the same state

for as long as we can. Stay in joy, and you will be joy.


The Great Awakening

Stay in the positive, and it is far easier to remain that

way instead of moving from day to night.

In life after life, we store up both positive and negative energies, creating for ourselves what is known as the

personality. Spirit plus mind equals personality.

Some call this karma, but it’s not what you have been

led to believe. You have no negative karma to work off each life; you may have negative traits of your personality that you need to resolve, but you simply start over at the center of the clock. But if your personality is comfortable in acting in one direction, then it will continue to until you break the cycle.

If you have acted in anger in the same situation

previously, then you will continue to do so until you make a different choice. Your spirit gets used to acting a certain way, or your mind will keep you in a certain state of mind until a new choice is made.

What a wonderful being we are. What a marvelous

creation, so capable of so many emotions, capable of so

much energy. We are truly loving Gods in the flesh.

The key here to this illustration is to make us all aware

of what we are capable of doing and who we are capable

of being.

When you continue onward in your path, it will be far

easier to remain in the same state.

Now that we’ve gotten through all that, remember that

everyone else is doing the same thing. Many times, this is 141

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based on your own choices but sometimes based on theirs,

depending on how close you are with this person and how

much energy you are each emanating from each other.

We are constantly sending out energies from our bodies

based on the condition of our minds and spirits. Controlling how we feel and how we think will control this flow of

energy. This is the most important aspect of our lives.

Back to the number twelve. We have twelve positive and

twelve negative states of emotion. We have twenty-four

choices for each situation in life that arises. Our evolution of our spirits and minds will greatly influence these choices, yet we can break the cycle by making a new choice.

I’m actually quite surprised our numbering system

uses base ten instead of twelve. The circle is a foundation in geometry, and divisions of twelve are perfect—thirty

degrees each.

There are twelve directions in life you can always travel: 1. North (N) or 0 degrees or twelve on your clock

2. North-northeast,(NNE) at 30 degrees or one on

your clock

3. East-northeast (ENE) at 60 degrees or two on your


4. East (E) at 90 degrees or three on your clock

5. East-southeast (ESE) at 120 degrees or four on

your clock


The Great Awakening

6. South-southeast (SSE) at 150 degrees or five on

your clock

7. South (S) at 180 degrees or six on your clock

8. South-southwest (SSW) at 210 degrees or seven on

your clock

9. West-southwest (WSW) at 240 degrees or eight on

your clock

10. West (W) at 270 degrees or nine on your clock

11. West-northwest (WNW) at 300 degrees or ten on

your clock

12. North-northwest (NNW) at 330 degrees or eleven

on your clock

Therefore, you have twelve directions of travel. You don’t have to specifically travel in these thirty degree increments, you can travel in between two of them, but you’ll still be in the same area of NNE and ENE.

Just as there is twelve directions in the physical, so there is in the spiritual. There are twelve positive and negative directions you can travel spiritually since the soul has given us free will. The choice is ours.


The Example

Then Jesus spoke to them again, saying, “I am the

light of the world. He who follows me shall not walk

in darkness, but have the light of life.”

John 8:12 nkjv

In my opinion, in the history of our world, there has been no human who had a higher consciousness then Jesus of

Nazareth. He was able to heal the sick, raise the dead, walk on water, turn water into wine, and perform all sorts of

miracles. Jesus had an extraordinary amount of faith, the

type of faith that could indeed move mountains. Had

he willed it, he could have very easily stopped his own

crucifixion. But after his spirit and mind prayed, his soul won out, and he fulfilled his destiny.

Jesus moved into an area where the spirit, mind, and

body matched the soul. They all worked as one in unison

with each other. When that happens, the prayer formula


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we discussed earlier works instantaneously—a rare feat,

indeed. And thus, he became a living God, the son of man.

Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in me,

the works that I do he will do also; and greater works

than these he will do, because I go to My Father.

And whatever you ask in my name, that I will do,

that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If you ask

anything in my name, I will do it. (John 14:12–14,

nkjv, emphasis added)

Jesus reached the highest level possible and found a

way for the rest of us to perform the same feats he did. He was truly the soul turned into flesh. So when he spoke that greater works were possible for all of us, he was speaking as the source for all of us. He is a most amazing man who

set a fine example for the rest of us to follow. That was

his mission, his sole purpose: to show us what we were all capable of.

Before he came along, the soul, or source of all things,

had only a concept of the capacity of its being. After Jesus demonstrated, then God had an experience.

Here is the kicker in all this: he mentioned that we will

do greater works than these. In other words, we all have the same gifts Jesus did, the difference being that he knew it and we don’t. He understood the concepts behind prayer;

we haven’t. He said that only through him can we perform

these miracles. He was speaking as the soul on earth when

he said that. That through the soul we will also be able to 146

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perform such miracles. So when the day comes in this life

or in a future life, depending on how we evolve, then we

too will able to walk on water, turn water to wine, or move mountains. After all, it’s our birthright to do so.

It’s an evolutionary process to go from leaving the

source as a being made up of spirit, mind, and body and

return. We leave and return in life after life. The traits that we develop from one life get carried to the next. Our limited mind of this life may have forgotten who we are

previously, but our greater mind hasn’t. Our greater mind, like our spirit, remembers. We could easily call this our

personality, our spirit and mind woven together like eternal brothers. When we have issues from something previous

in our existence from the past, we must move past this in a process of evolution before we can move on.

So when Jesus entered into his life as the Nazarene,

his personality came with him. He was already a highly

developed being with many gifts from previous lives.

Therefore, he was able to achieve Christ consciousness

rather easily in that life and become God, or the soul, in the flesh.

And when He had called His twelve disciples to Him,

He gave them power over unclean spirits, to cast them

out, and heal all kinds of sickness and all kinds of

disease. (Matt. 10:1, nkjv)


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He took these gifts and transferred them to his chosen

disciples, also called the apostles.

The chosen twelve were Peter, Andrew, James, John,

Philip, Bartholomew, Matthew, Thomas, James, Simon,

Jude, and Judas.

These men chosen by Jesus, save one, were able to also

achieve a high state of consciousness. He, as the soul in

the flesh, transferred a massive amount of concentrated

positive energy to the apostles. In turn, they were able to heal people by removing massive amounts of concentrated

negative energy, which is what they called demons. The

apostles in turn transferred positive energy to others, who transferred it to others, and so on and so forth.

Drop a pebble in the middle of the pond, and it will

create waves that reach the shore. Now drop a boulder

in the middle of a pond, and very large waves will reach

the shore. Jesus was the boulder, the apostles were the

waves, and the people were the shore. See how it works?

A massive amount of concentrated energy was dropped in

the middle and transferred waves that flooded the shore.

Thus it was with the chosen twelve, or eleven, I should say (Judas betrayed him). Later on in scripture, Paul becomes

the twelfth, but that is debatable. That’s just my opinion as a former apostle.


The Great Awakening

There were three who always walked with the Lord:

Mary, his mother, and her sister, and Magdalene, the

one who was called his companion. His sister and his

mother and his companion were each a Mary. (Gospel

of Philip)

Don’t you think it’s about time we were told the truth

about who Jesus was? After all, it’s been about two thousand years. He was a man who achieved Christ consciousness.

He achieved God in the flesh in his life, but that he was

also a man? A man just like any other, just as masculine as the next guy.

Jesus was like the rest of us, a son of God, but he was also Son of Man, which means he felt the same feelings of every other man who has walked the face of the earth. He, like any other man, loved a woman. He loved Mary Magdalene. She

was always with him. They may have even been married. It

wouldn’t surprise me. But according to Philip, my favorite apostle, she was his companion . Now what does that word mean to you? To me it means girlfriend, fiancé, or wife.

It most certainly means “partner” to me. The church has

hidden this truth for a long time. I wonder what Jesus

thinks about his own church hiding his companion from

history, basically describing his companion as a harlot. Woe to them for lying about his mate. Also from the Gospel

of Philip, “And the companion of the savior was Mary

Magdalene. Christ loved Mary more than all the disciples


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and used to kiss her often. The rest of the disciples were offended by it and expressed disapproval.”

They said to him, “Why do you love her more than all

of us?”

The Savior answered and said to them, “Why do I not

love you like her? When a blind man and one who sees are

both together in darkness, they are no different from one

another. When the light comes, then he who sees will see

the light, and he who is blind will remain in darkness.” In the sixth century Ad, Pope Gregory the Great (540–604)

positively identified the unnamed adulterer in the scriptures as Mary Magdalene and suggested that the ointment used

on Jesus feet was once used to scent Mary’s body. The seven demons cast out of Mary were, according to Gregory, the

seven cardinal sins.

This passages expressed prior are one of the reasons

Philip was left out of scripture. The first passage for the book is more than likely the reason Thomas was left out.

Never mind that those two were eyewitnesses to the life

of Jesus; they didn’t fit early church doctrine. Meanwhile, Luke and Mark were included. Ever notice that their

gospels look like a reflection of Matthew’s gospel? It’s

almost as if one person copied two from an original. I don’t recall Luke or Mark walking with Jesus for three years as

Thomas and Philip did. It’s fine to have Luke and Mark in

scripture, but why would the church leave others out? Did

it not fit the doctrine of Jesus? Did they conceal the truth?


The Great Awakening

How far the church has strayed from its true path. They

shut up the kingdom of heaven from men, they do not go

in, nor do they let others enter.

There is another reason I like Philip the best. I’ve been

told on more than one occasion by spirit guides and a certain angel that in a previous life I was that apostle. When I first heard this, it was difficult to wrap my mind around this.

Me? Little old me? But in time, it made perfect sense. No

wonder I’ve spent so many years searching for the truth. No wonder I never really agreed with the church. They were

teaching a false doctrine all along. This was a different Jesus then I was used to. My spirit cried inside of me every time I heard a misrepresentation of Jesus. For those of us who

walked with him for three years and heard his sermons,

we knew better. The kingdom of heaven, the soul, is within you. It’s out there, but it’s also in here. The church, on the other hand, preferred the belief that the kingdom of heaven is out there, you are here, and they in the middle.

The church needed to take your power from you and

keep it unto itself. They made up the rules as they went

along. They can conceal the truth from you, but I refuse.

They’ve been teaching a false representation of Jesus of

Nazareth for a long time.

We don’t require any church fathers to intercede for us

on our behalf. Absolute power corrupts absolutely.

We have all the power and the glory within us! This,

my beloved friends, has been and always will be the good


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news! This is what Jesus taught the chosen twelve. That we had the power he demonstrated. At first, it was difficult to believe, then it came to us naturally.

In early church history, there was a battle of church

supremacy between Rome, Jerusalem, and the gnostics.

The Jewish church, led by James the half-brother of

Jesus, was strong in the beginning, but Jerusalem fell in Ad 70, and so did the Jewish Christian church. (James was

the son of Joseph and Mary. Yes, they did have children.

How many lies must the church tell?) In the beginning,

they were the strongest, but it didn’t last long. Yet there is still a remnant of Jewish Christians that exist to this day.

The Roman Empire grew, and so did the Roman church.

The Roman emperor Constantine convened the Council

of Nicaea in Ad 325 and decided what was going to be in

the Bible. Almost three hundred years after the death of

Jesus, it was decided then and there what we were to believe in to inherit eternal life. Isn’t that just wonderful? They decide what truth is three hundred years after the facts! It’s incredible that it has lasted for this long. It’s about time to set the record straight.

Once that happened, the Gnostic church, who were

considered heretics, went into hiding. The Gnostic

Christians (the kingdom of heaven is within you) have

always been around but have played a minor role in

comparison to pagan Christian Rome.


The Great Awakening

Rome decided to add church rules down the line and

left out the importance of women. Big mistake. By doing

so, they limited the roles of women in our spirituality. What is absolutely incredible about all this is that women tend to be more connected to their source. Women feel; men think.

Women use their spirits more and men their minds, as any

couple that has been married a long time can attest to.

Maybe someday they’ll understand the errors of their

ways, but I highly doubt it. They’ve got a long ways to go.

They’re too ingrained in their beliefs. Also, there is far too much money to be made off Jesus. One thing is for sure: the truth of Jesus’s companion had to be hidden. Considering

the Magdalene as Jesus’s companion meant that she was

equal to him, and the church certainly wasn’t going to stand for that. Therefore, she was left out of history and thrown to the wayside.

You can’t have male without female. You can’t have Jesus

without the Magdalene. The source, or the soul, is both

male and female. How can it be any other way?

The myth surrounding Adam and Eve is just that, a

myth. Female wasn’t created from male. They were created

at the same time. How can it be any other way? You can’t

have one without the other. To say that female was created from the rib of a man is just rubbish. It elevates the status of man and dismisses the status of woman. And women

have been paying for this second-class status ever since. It’s time for that to change. We will never evolve to a higher


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status unless women are included as equal status. A society that places women as second class is a society that has lost half its power. Jesus and Mary balanced each other just as many other couples do.

Power does indeed corrupt does it not?

Toward the Middle Ages, the church had gotten so

powerfully corrupt that the Spanish inquisition came

into being. Because people wouldn’t convert to their false doctrine, they were tortured in all sorts of manner. I don’t recall in any of Jesus’s teachings about torture devices, do you? The illusion of outward power holds its grip on the

church leaders.

The Protestants, led by Martin Luther, split from

Rome in the 1500s, but they are still a branch off the same Roman tree. They too miss the mark. They both tend to

strain at a gnat and swallow a camel. They bow down to

the letter of the law and violate the heart of the law, which is justice, mercy, and forgiveness. Judgment is their calling card. Seems to me that Jesus mentioned on more than

one occasion to judge not. They must have missed those

passages of scripture in their Bibles.

Nowadays, most of the church worships money. We

shall call them money churches. God for sale. The Holy

Spirit long departed. What a pity. How many times have

you seen these preachers on television with their expensive suits, nice Rolex watches, and Learjets parked outside

preaching about humility? What a joke! Compare them


The Great Awakening

with John the Baptist! Now there was a true leader who

had no concern of material possessions. The kingdom of

heaven was truly strong within him. John and Jesus taught

the doctrine of change and repentance; the same doctrine

is being taught here. If it’s not working, then change. Well, folks, it’s not working, and it’s time to repent.

As far as many church leaders of this day, they are as

Jesus said of the priests of his day. They have their reward.

They’ve stored up their treasure on earth where moth and

rust corrupt. Rather, do good deeds and store your treasure in heaven. And the soul, which sees what you do, will

reward you with more positive energy, pulling you closer

and closer to the source of all things, thereby storing up treasure in heaven.

Getting back to Jesus, his primary purpose was this:

to believe, then know, then demonstrate who he was, the

soul or God in the flesh. Once this was accomplished, he

then prayed for and found a way to show others that they

had the same capabilities he has. So he then chose twelve

apostles to teach them that they had the same capabilities: the ability to heal and cast out demons.

Upon his death, anyone who uses his name has the same

power if they have the same faith. He was trying to show

us all that, as the source for all things, anyone who has the faith in that power can therefore demonstrate it by using

his name.


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Using the name of Jesus is the door into greater things.

At first, you are able to accomplish prayer through his name; after this, as he said to us all, we can then move on from that and accomplish the same feats by using our own name.

The church’s message down through history has been

that the only way to salvation is from God through Jesus,

with the church being the middleman between us and Jesus.

Jesus’s message is this: the kingdom of heaven has always

been within us. He demonstrated how to connect with that

and reclaim our birthright. He showed us the way. He taught parables to the masses so they could understand spiritual

mysteries, but he explained these deeper mysteries to the

apostles so they too could demonstrate within themselves