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is always the RESULT of influence by Evil. (1Cor 15:33) Virtue and Integrity which are developed from residence and function in the Divine Dynasphere is thus corrupted by the false

doctrines based on Evil in the Cosmic Dynaspheres. When the mature believer in the Divine

Dynasphere is led astray by his Personal Love for a believer residing in the Cosmic Dynaspheres

his resultant involvement in the Interlocking System of Arrogance means a complete loss of

discernment. The greatest Cosmic Dynasphere Evangelists are generally some of one’s greatest

Christian friends who in the past were advancing right along with the positive believer and

progressing in the Spiritual Life. However, they eventually pealed off and chose to reside in

the Cosmic Dynaspheres enjoying, above Bible Doctrine, some aspect of what they consider

prosperity in life. They have lost Bible Doctrine as Priority #1 in life and have set up some

other aspect of life as their first priority to find pleasure and happiness. In functioning for the

sole purpose of finding and holding onto Pleasure and Happiness they inevitably want the

positive believer to join them and since they have already changed their priorities they then try

to move him to change his priorities. Because of one’s close relationship with these Cosmic

Dynasphere believers he may not even be aware of this change because they may acknowledge

the importance of Bible Doctrine but reject the necessity for consistent daily intake of it.

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Eventually, as they move further away from Bible Doctrine, they inevitably will become antagonistic to it. These people come with all kinds of reasonable concepts to distract from

consistent Perception, Cognition, Inculcation and Metabolization of Bible Doctrine. Responding

to these people whom one has close relationship with can and will result in the inevitable

destruction of one’s own Spiritual Life.

The objective of Cosmic Dynasphere Evangelism is the DISTRACTION of the positive believer

who is advancing in the Spiritual Life. The positive believer has set priorities for Perception,

Cognition, Inculcation and Metabolization of Bible Doctrine as #1 in his life and the attempt is

to cause him to change those priorities. This positive believer looks at life from the Divine

Viewpoint, he puts doctrine first and knows the Lord will promote him at the proper time and

that he does not have to engage in public relations activities to be promoted. He KNOWS that

IF God does not promote him then he is NOT promoted so he exercises patience and maintains

contentment with his position in life. The primary tool of Cosmic Dynasphere Evangelism is

the LURE of Arrogance which cannot make the distinction between Divine Viewpoint and

Human Viewpoint and is overflowing with principles of how to get ahead in any area of life

using one’s own efforts. Arrogance also assumes that Passion and Affection are representative

of True Love and this is one of the greatest dangers of Cosmic Dynasphere Evangelism. In

Arrogance Love is not related to Integrity and Virtue and Arrogance assumes that any show of

affection from the opposite sex is an invitation to passion and this is a huge distraction.

Arrogance also assumes that an invitation to engage in passion from the opposite sex is a sign

of affection or LOVE. Obviously then, Arrogance cannot distinguish between:

▴ Affection and passion

▴ Sex and Love

▴ Unreality of Flattery and reality of Virtue Honor and Integrity in Love

Arrogance, therefore, assumes passion is affection and thus enters into a relationship without

love and it assumes affection is passion thus enters into an aggressiveness in advances of

lasciviousness and attempted seduction. In short, Arrogance assumes flattery is greatness whereas the weakness developed from responding to flattery makes the arrogant person a slave

to it.

Unprincipled Men as Cosmic Evangelists

As per 1Pet 3:17-18, unprincipled men are believers or unbelievers who persistently reside in the Cosmic Dynaspheres and try to DRAG the positive believer into these areas with them. As

a result of some level of Negative Volition they have entered into Motivational Degeneracy from

Evil by means of Mental Attitude Arrogance and its Mental Attitude Sins and operate under the

fragments of the Arrogance Grenade in Functional Degeneracy from Evil by involvement in

many other levels of the Interlocking

System of Arr

ogance . They eventually move from Arrogance to the Interlocking System of Antagonistic Emotional Hatred of Cosmic Dynasphere II

because of some challenge to their preoccupation with self in Arrogance. When their Arrogance

is challenged they react with ANTAGONISM to the doctrinal principles which are presented to

refute their Arrogance. In this way they become antagonistic to Bible Doctrine, God, His Plan

and The Lord Jesus, The Christ in Cosmic Dynasphere II. Anyone who can be admired, loved,

respected or with whom one has had a good time, can change over night and be a means of

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leading one away from the Power System of God into the Cosmic Dynaspheres as a Cosmic

Dynasphere evangelist. ‘Unprincipled’ means these individuals DO NOT have VIRTUE as:

▴ Basic Virtue of Enforced Humility and Genuine Humility having LOST all respect

for Authority.

▴ Motivational Virtue directed toward God because of residence and function within

the Cosmic Dynaspheres.

▴ Functional Virtue directed toward Man and circumstances again because of function

within the Cosmic Dynaspheres

▴ The ability to regard all human beings as individual persons but instead treat them

based on their own personal prejudices and false Norms and Standards.

Because these individuals lack virtue they cannot have true happiness or love and lack capacity

for any aspect of life.

Cosmic Dynasphere Evangelism in the Local Church

The pastor who accurately teaches Bible Doctrine and its applications without coercion of the

volition of the believer is a leadership pastor. The pastor who teaches Bible Doctrine occasionally or inaccurately inevitably becomes a management pastor and spends most of his

time trying to regulate the lives of the believers under him thus violating their royal priesthood. Believers under the management Pastor Teacher tend to either react to his dictatorship and tyranny or over respond to the false doctrine and systems provided by him

through his promotion of religious legalism. If the believer over responds as part of this

congregation he sets aside his own volition and uses the volition of the pastor to control his

life resulting in loss of flexibility, often loss of a sense of humor and LOSS of personal motivation for spiritual advance. In order to grow in Grace in the Divine Dynasphere the

believer must be motivated from the Metabolized Bible Doctrine in HIS OWN Right Lobe of the

Stream of Consciousness of the Soul. If the believer becomes motivated by the personality of

another person then, when this other comes to the point of setting Bible Doctrine as a low

priority, the believer will follow him to the destruction of his own Spiritual Life. The over

responding of the believer, to the management ministry of a Pastor Teacher. results in his

involvement in the Cosmic Dynaspheres and very often it results in Iconoclastic Arrogance

where the Pastor Teacher is initially set up as an idol and when his failures become evident he

is the target for destruction. In contrast, very often the believer under the management pastor

tends to react to the imposed “regulation” which is tantamount to dictatorship in the spiritual

realm. This reaction tends to reject what truth he may have learned OR distort any Bible

Doctrine presented by him into a terrible system of legalism. Therefore, even the limited

correct function of this Pastor Teacher, when he fails in his responsibility, becomes Cosmic

Dynasphere Evangelism. The responding believer often joins the bureaucratic Pastor Teacher in

Crusader Arrogance and becomes involved in Anti-Establishment activities and in politics which

no Local Church should ever do. This involvement may include many other Cosmic Dynasphere

panaceas such as Religion, anthropocentric academic speculations, moral taboos, etc.

People testing is testing regarding the PERSONALITY of other people and in the spiritual realm

this is often testing with regard to the personality of the Pastor Teacher above all else. It is

the Modus Operandi, the Message and the Bible Doctrine, which the Pastor Teacher presents,

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which is the definitive issue in the Spiritual Life. The functions of leadership in teaching Bible Doctrine consistently and accurately produce the self motivation and Esprit DE Corps in the

individual believer. This results in his expanded interest in this teaching of Bible Doctrine on

which the believer then makes his own decisions in all aspects of life. The management Pastor

Teacher or the bullying individual in a cult, provides information pleasing to the pride of the

individual thereby subtly moving them into the Cosmic Dynaspheres. The Legalistic believer

under the management Pastor Teacher is motivated by his development of a series of simple to

adhere to management principles which puts the believer under the Arrogance of thinking he is

succeeding in the spiritual realm:

◾ If he witnesses to 10 people a week then he is a great believer

◾ If he doesn’t witness to anyone then he is a loser believer

◾ If he prays a lot he is great as a believer

◾ If he changes his personality to become pleasing he is a great believer

◾ If he overtly becomes extremely moral he is a great believer

Where the management pastor does the thinking for his congregation in fundamental Christian

circles there very often develops organizations like the “Moral Majority” movement. In contrast, in many cases believers react to the management pastor’s Legalism and become Antinomian moving into lascivious lawlessness. However, others react to the management

pastor’s Antinomianism and become extremely legalistic, both being drawn into the degeneracy

of the Interlocking

System of Arrogance

, Cosmic Dynasphere I. This therefore is the interlocking of People Testing with Cosmic Dynasphere I testing and Old Sin Nature Volitional


The Correct Orientation under People Testing

Prov 9:7-12 provides orientation for the believer who is involved in relationships with other people. He must know about them but if he tries to correct, teach or help another person who

is a sarcastic, negative person living in the Interlocking

System of Arrogance

all he does is bring insults onto himself. The principle is that one cannot in any relationship with other

people help those who are negative and scornful. Therefore, being involved with People Testing the believer is not called upon to straighten out the world or the personality, dress,

Modus Vivendi or Modus Operandi of ANY others. (Prov 11:13. Prov 11:17) One is not ever to try to make any others imitate his personality or follow his personal norms and standards

because that falls under legalism. Sooner or later, under this legalism, he will bring on himself

INSULT and ABUSE and potential destruction from being the object of Iconoclastic Arrogance.

In interaction with other people there are some who are so saturated with Self Righteous

Arrogance that they constantly try to straighten out the Human Race. This clearly explains

why man must have Law Enforcement which must deal with certain kinds of people who must

be removed from society either temporarily by incarceration or permanently by capital

punishment. These are people who cannot function under normal interactions with others.

Therefore there are people one will interact with in life who are totally entangled in the

Interlocking System of Arrogance exhibiting overt Self Righteous Arrogance who will instantly

turn against him when he tries to straighten them out. These people will do vicious things

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where he is concerned but he invariably brings this on himself. In his erroneous function in the Spiritual Life he has disregarded the principle under Spiritual Adulthood where one is to

MIND HIS OWN BUSINESS and leave people to their business in Impersonal

Unconditional Love

for Mankind. The believer must consistently engage in Impersonal Unconditional Love for Mankind and continue to be a loving thoughtful person, functioning under every aspect of



. In the Protocol Plan of God the believer is supposed to be able to engage in

personal love relationships and still mind his own business and not interfere with the lives of

those close to him. The positive advancing believer must recognize from his Perception, Cognition, Inculcation and Metabolization of Bible Doctrine that certain people are receptive to

Bible Doctrine corrections and some are not. Therefore, he must realize that when he falls

back on scripture and rebukes these scornful disinterested people it only motivates in them

antagonism, hatred and malice. Virtue respects virtue and sooner or later the positive believer

will discover the best course for personal love relationships is to associate with those who have

already acquired virtue because these are people he can trust and depend on. As a result of

having wisdom from Metabolized Bible Doctrine in the Right Lobe of the Stream of

Consciousness of the Soul the believer will receive reward as his understanding of people,

circumstances and life in general.

Virtue & People Testing

Prov 11:22 explains that without virtue one appears to others like a GOLD ring in a PIGS

Snout. This is the woman who exercises poor taste in how she thinks and her failure to

develop any level of Spiritual Adulthood. (Prov 21:19) The individual who hates correction never grows up and never develops a sense of responsibility and therefore cannot be relied on.

(Prov 12:1, Prov 15:32) Pseudo Self Confidence is built on flattery, complements, patronizing by others and this person always thinks he is doing a right thing. He totally lacks wisdom

because the beginning of wisdom is to “KNOW where good advice is to be found and then take

it”. (R. B. Thieme I) (Prov 13:10) Taking good advice is wisdom because it is based on having developed foundational virtue from Enfor

ced and Genuine Humility . By functioning within the

principles developed in Spiritual Adulthood this results in the believer never being threatened

by Good Advice. Focusing one’s efforts on gaining wealth without Honor, Integrity and Wisdom is a total disaster. (Prov 15:17) The military hero is not the greatest thing in a society but a patient man with Spiritual Self Esteem is far better. (Prov 16:32) Reaching and moving through Spiritual Adulthood by men and women is far greater than glamour among the ladies

and heroes among the men. The bad decisions one makes ruins his own life yet the more

mistakes he makes to ruin his own life the more and quicker he is to blame it on someone in

his periphery or GOD and he is a loser. (Prov 19:3)

People Testing & Authority

One of the signs that one has moved into Spiritual Adulthood and has begun to develop

Spiritual Self Esteem, Spiritual Autonomy and Spiritual Maturity is his function in the Virtue &

Humility Envelopes of the Divine Dynasphere where he has developed proper Authority Orientation. Many aspects of Authority in life are totally distasteful not because of the principle of the authority in that area but because of the PERSON wielding that authority. One

often wants to react to authority simply because of the PERSON who is in that position of

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authority. However, the WISE man is the believer with Metabolized Bible Doctrine who is

applying it and who accepts commands under authority as he moves into and through spiritual

adulthood. He does not feel it is demeaning or distasteful to be under someone else’s authority

having developed Humility and Authority Orientation. The chattering fool is the one who

maligns and gossips about the one in authority and the positive believer must recognize that

having a relationship with someone who is a habitual gossip or maligner means sooner or later

he will be the target. This is what develops into hatred in a local church because of the great

dissension which occurs when someone spreads hate about others including the Pastor Teacher.

There will be times in one’s life when he will come to understand that the people of this world

want to USE him. In many situations, when groups or private organizations set up standards

for membership or for performance, they have every right to do so and NO ONE or GROUP has

any right to pressure them to change these standards. The greater issue is PRIVACY and

FREEDOM under the Laws of Divine Establishment than the inclusion or exclusion of any

individual or group from the organization. People involved in Arrogance will always try to use

other individuals and the believer must distinguish between the Plan of God and the activities

of men who want to USE him, especially in intense political years like this coming year of

2024. The believer is not here to be used by people residing in the Cosmic Dynaspheres but is

here to represent The Lord Jesus the Christ to mankind.

The Failing of People Testing

This is the believer fool who thinks everyone tells the truth and he is the one who leans on

others for happiness, counsel, inspiration and thus leads a secondary or shadow life depending

on others for inspiration in the Christian Way of Life. He imitates in others what he assumes

is spirituality and pseudo spiritual advance but this is not fulfilling the Christian Way of Life.

This is the believer who depends on human dynamics or stimulating pleasing personalities for

problem solutions or happiness. This type of believer is totally unstable and cannot understand

or appreciate the Escrow Blessings he could receive IF he were to reach Maturity Adjustment to

the Justice of God, which unfortunately he cannot do. All this believer ever sees as prosperity

in life is the MIRAGE of pseudo prosperity because living a shadow life means he is totally

divorced from reality.

System Testing

The world is filled with Bad Systems which come into existence in both historically good and

bad times. Bad systems directly reflect the genius of Satan’s Cosmic Dynaspheres and his

attempts to produce a perfect society for mankind APART from GOD. Therefore, some bad

systems result from folly and foolishness and some simply from bad policy derived from Evil.

It becomes obvious then that History has been cluttered with bad systems and organizations

which seek to destroy the honor and integrity developed within the Power System of God, the

Divine Dynasphere. Every bad system, therefore, has its victims and sooner or later every

believer will be a victim of some bad system. Many organizations which exist even today are

legitimate, with worthy objectives, but they are neutralized by their involvement at any level in

the Cosmic Dynaspheres in 1 of 3 ways:

◾ Personnel with Authority functioning in the Cosmic Dynaspheres

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◾ Policy derived from principles from Evil

◾ Objectives derived from principles from Evil

Therefore, many organizations become rotten and corrupt when those in control of the

organization become involved in the Cosmic Dynaspheres. This is CLEARLY demonstrated in

the Unites States of America today by:

◾ Judicial systems favoring criminals and neglecting victims.

◾ Judges giving precedence to sociology rather than law often because of being

intimidated by criminals.

◾ The hamstringing of Law Enforcement officers and the judicial system in general with

the requirement for preserving the “rights” of the criminal and ignoring the victim.

◾ The United States Military with its system of ticket punching career profiles.

◾ The United States Military allowing females into combat units despite the obvious

compromise of unit cohesion.

◾ The entire governmental system of the United States where statesmen are driven out

by career politicians interested in preserving their own positions at all costs even that

of the security of the nation.

Injustice in Life

Every individual will face injustice in his life and it is just as natural as breathing because life

is composed of people and systems which involve people, and all people possess Old Sin

Natures and like to use them, so that and no matter the organization involved there will be

injustice. However, this injustice will either be DELIBERATE or INADVERTENT but it will still

provide the same pressure to the individual believer experiencing it. This injustice still has the

same purpose, testing allowed by God so that the believer who passes that test WILL accelerate

his spiritual momentum. No person can be properly oriented to life when he is constantly

resenting injustice in life because injustice is a normal part of life which simply says that

people are incapable of exercising GOOD judgment or properly functioning under a FAIR policy

all the time. All that injustice says is that PEOPLE are not PERFECT. Injustice may occur as

an occasional thing resulting from some situation of excessive control by managers or simply

their intermittent failure in their function, or it may be a continual thing because the one in

charge is not qualified to or capable of function at that level of responsibility. Therefore, the

believer can expect to constantly deal with injustice in life and how he deals with the injustice

determines his spiritual advance or failure. There is a tremendous amount of Bible Doctrine

dealing with injustice in life and for a solution the believer can always simply go back to the

Frame of Reference for the Christian Way of Life which is the Justice of God. This Justice of

God imputed all human SIN to The Lord Jesus, The Christ on the cross and judged these sins

in his humanity and accepted that Substitutionary Spiritual Death as satisfying the penalty for

them. This Justice of God imputed His Absolute Righteousness to every believer at the point of

their making Salvation Adjustment to the Justice of God. So the principle is that while the

believer may receive great injustice as a result of interactions with people, systems or organizations he will never experience injustice from God AND GOD has the ability to overcome

all injustice in life provided one passes the testing. By functioning within the Power System of

God Injustice can be turned into magnificent situations and incredible blessing such as occurred

for Joseph who was sold into slavery by his brothers and ended up being the Prime Minister of

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Egypt and saving all of them. Therefore, ALL injustice in life is resolved and corrected for the believer who keeps advancing in the Spiritual Life by consistent Post Salvation Epistemological

Rehabilitation from consistent Perception, Cognition, Inculcation and Metabolization of Bible

Doctrine ELSE injustice will destroy the believer. This System Testing is for the believer to

learn how to USE the Metabolized Bible Doctrine in his own Right Lobe of the Stream of

Consciousness of the Soul. In most cases system testing attempts to produce acquired flaws in

the individual which can only be avoided or corrected by the proper application of Bible


Many organizations become rotten and corrupt because those in charge are rotten and corrupt

and function totally within the Cosmic Dynaspheres. Some organizations are bad because they

are bureaucratic in nature and have no flexibility in how they do things. This is illustrated

when those in charge of a company do things the same way the founder did them 40 years

before and do not or cannot change things so that as a result they will inevitably fail. One

cannot expect to be treated perfectly or even fairly at any time in any organization because this

rarely happens since all organizations are composed of and run by PEOPLE who have Old Sin

Natures. How the believer handles unfair situations determines whether he will ever reach

Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God or NOT because there is no such thing as a winner

in the Christian Way of Life who has not succeeded in handling unfair situations properly.

Unfair situations invariably frighten the believer who has not reached some level of Spiritual

Adulthood, and there is an incredible amount of moral cowardice which comes from lack of

Spiritual Advancement. One has not lived until he has been bullied and become the object of

prejudice and has been harassed on the job. If he is to handle it magnificently he will handle

it in Spiritual Self Esteem, Spiritual Autonomy or Spiritual Maturity with Impersonal,

Unconditional Love.

Whether one uses the Faith Rest Drill (5 Stages) or Motivational Virtue and Functional Virtue in the

Integrity Envelope he must put his case regarding unfairness and injustice on the venue of the Supreme Court of Heaven. It will remain there to be dealt with by God, UNTIL or UNLESS he

reacts to the injustice. As soon as he undermines any authority or bypasses the command

structure of the organization, or when he feels threatened because of injustice or unfairness and

thinks that there is NO fairness in the organization at all, at that very moment he has LOST his

Case in the Supreme Court of Heaven. Although the believer may be the object of unfair

treatment and severe injustice in an organization HE MUST NOT REACT but must function

under the principles developed in Spiritual Adulthood using all aspects of the Faith Rest Drill (5

Stages) along with Motivational

Virtue and Functional Virtue , then he will win his case.

Putting injustice in the hands of the Lord will result in always winning and coming out ahead

of those involved with producing the injustice. God uses unjust situations to PROMOTE the

believer who functions consistently under the Protocol Plan of God within the Power System of

God, the Divine Dynasphere. The fact is that God will promote the person who passes system

testing or any other area of Providential Preventative Momentum Testing Suffering. Therefore,

there is no such thing for a believer as an injustice which will not be rectified for his benefit

provided HE DOES NOT REACT to it.

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The world is filled with unfair people and the individual believer cannot change them but they will change him IF he reacts to them. Therefore, he must never criticize anyone who has

treated him unjustly or unfairly at any time. This is the function in his Spiritual Life which

will occur when the believer reaches or moves beyond Spiritual Self Esteem in Spiritual Adulthood because from this stage of the Spiritual Life onward the believer never feels threatened by any unkindness. The point is that ONE WILL NEVER CORRECT anyone’s

personality or behavior by criticism or maligning and the reality is when one engages in this

ONLY HE IS HURT BY IT. This is what happens to crusaders, maligners and gossips, they

become the loser believers in the Spiritual Life. The believer is forbidden by Bible Doctrine to

have an unkind thought about any unjust treatment in his past or even his present life. So

that to the extent one carries these unkind thoughts in his soul HE IS A LOSER NO MATTER

HOW SELF RIGHTEOUS HE MAY BE. The believer must be forgetting those things behind him

so as to continue pressing forward in this Christian Way of Life. Therefore, although separation

is a proper function for passing system testing, separation with bitterness or vindictiveness is

flunking the System Testing.

Leadership vs Management in System Testing

Most often there an is the Interlocking of People & System Testing which inevitably causes the

issue to become that of facing people who have some authority over one in some way and

whether there will be response or reaction to that authority. Therefore, inevitably, in both

people and system testing the issue is one of facing people and thus in System Testing the true

issue revolves around the antithetical aspects of Leadership vs Management. The requirement

in system testing for the believer is that he must find a Pastor Teacher who functions under

leadership principles based on his effective teaching of Bible Doctrine. It is Metabolized Bible

Doctrine accumulated into the Right Lobe of the Stream of Consciousness of his Soul which

motivates and makes the believer self sustaining and prevents the believer looking for counseling from others. Therefore the Pastor Teacher who studies and metabolizes Bible Doctrine himself and then teaches the believers in his congregation to also do so functions

under the concepts of leadership which is motivating and causes the believer to become self

sustaining. However, when the Pastor Teacher functions under management principles he is

involved only in regulating the conduct and lives of his congregation all based on False Doctrine and Principles from Evil. In addition, Leadership must have the establishment of

authority which occurs through Discipline, either the externally imposed enforced discipline or

internally motivated and developed self discipline. It is Enforced Discipline which results in

Enforced Humility, when one responds properly to it. This then results in spiritual growth

leading to Self Discipline and Genuine Humility as functions in the Humility Envelope, Gate #3

of the Divine Dynasphere, providing consistent motivation in the Spiritual Life. In the Local

Church the Pastor Teacher sets up rules requiring strict academic discipline during his teaching

of Bible Doctrine which results in Enforced Humility when the individual believer adheres to

them thus resulting in a level of spiritual growth. This Spiritual growth results in stronger

motivation to attend bible study with the engagement of Self Discipline which results in Genuine Humility and further Spiritual Growth. Therefore, for effective Leadership to exist

there must be Discipline. It is clearly observed in the military history of the “recent” past in

the Unites States of America when the civilian government interfered and set aside the strictest

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discipline in military training. This has had, as a result, leadership functions being lost and management functions put in its place and thereby the military organizations of this country

have overall been destroyed. This is the same thing which can occur in the Local Church.

Management is represented in the systems of Bureaucracies which are developed from principles

under Evil. Therefore, Management is simply the bureaucratic enforcement of regulations.

Leadership provides self motivation for the legitimate and effective function of individuals in

whatever organization they exist.

Leadership delegates authority and allows Management maintains control of all functions

freedom of function.

and bullies underlings.

Leadership develops Esprit DE Corps.

Management creates dissatisfaction, conspiracy,

laziness and dishonesty.

Leadership creates integrity.

Management creates inordinate ambition and


Leadership inspires humility.

Management creates Arrogance.

Therefore, in the spiritual realm in the local church there is the potential for the one in

control, the Pastor Teacher, to engage in leadership or management functions:

◾ Leadership pastors accurately teach Bible Doctrine and its applications without

coercion of the volition of the believer.

◾ Management pastors may or may not teach Bible Doctrine and when they do, it is

very superficial and he spends most of his time developing systems to regulate the

lives of believers in his congregations thus violating their privacy and their royal


◾ Leadership Pastors delegate Authority for Administration so that Bible Doctrine and its

Applications are taught under the principles of the privacy of the Priesthood allowing

each believer to make his own decisions about Bible Doctrine and its application to

their own life.

◾ Management Pastors maintain control over everything in order to more effectively

control and regulate the congregation.

It is by means of the functions of the Leadership Pastor Teacher and his effective teaching of

Bible Doctrine that the believer avoids the inordinate involvement in the lives of others assembling for bible teaching, giving them privacy for their own personal inculcation and application of Bible Doctrine. By this means there is overall a prevention of maligning, judging, gossip, and many other Mental Attitude Sins involving other believers under the ministry of sound Bible Doctrine teaching. The believer MUST make his own decisions about

Bible Doctrine and its application to his own life and thus he tends to develop his own self

motivation. Therefore, it becomes obvious that People will very often react to management and

bureaucracy because these systems lack leadership and the proper functions for organizations

under leadership, especially in the spiritual realm.

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The Management Pastor in teaching very superficial Bible Doctrine, if ANY at all, causes the believer under his ministry to react or respond to his teaching. The believers under the

management Pastor tend to either react to his dictatorship and tyranny or over respond to the

false doctrine and the Human Good production systems provided from it. If the believer over

responds to the management system of the pastor, he sets aside his own volition and uses the

volition of the pastor to control his life resulting in loss of flexibility, loss of a sense of humor

and always LOSS of personal motivation. If the believer becomes motivated by the personality

of another person then when this other person comes to the point of setting Bible Doctrine as a

low priority this believer will follow him to the destruction of his own Spiritual Life. The over

responding believer to the management ministry of the Pastor Teacher results in being totally

entangled into the Cosmic Dynaspheres and very often stuck in Iconoclastic Arrogance. The

believer under the management pastor often tends to react to “regulation” imposed by the

pastor, which is tantamount to dictatorship in the spiritual realm. Where the management

pastor does the thinking for his congregation in fundamental Christian circles there can develop

organizations like the “Moral Majority” movement. This system, this thinking and these organizations are WRONG because every believer must think for himself and it must be related

to his own resident Metabolized Bible Doctrine not from the influence of any others.

Options for Overt Function under System Testing:

Separation from the System

Generally when one quits a job because of unfair treatment it is a sign of being a LOSER. This

means he is not able to cope with the unfairness and has not made effective progress in his

Spiritual Life. Unless one is fired from his position, he should stay on the job and take the

harassment and unfair treatment and continue to do his job as unto the Lord and do it well.

He is to function under Spiritual Self Esteem, Spiritual Autonomy or Spiritual Maturity wherever

he may be in any organization operating with Impersonal, Unconditional Love and then he will

inevitably come out a winner. However, an organization which functions inherently based

totally on Evil, like the communist party, the Nazi party, a totally apostate church, a religious

cult or some criminal organization does call for separation by the believer not toleration. In

separation one must avoid all maligning, criticism or any vicious attitude toward those in

charge especially in an apostate local church. Even when leaving a criminal organization, or

any other organization based on Evil, one does not malign his boss and by not maligning those

in control of these organizations he may have an opportunity to witness to them at some time

in the future. The potential for witnessing for Christ is why it is so very important to leave

even organizations functioning totally under Evil without criticism of those in charge.

However, the exception is when one is a witness to a crime and must testify against the

organization or those in control of it. There are many ways in which organizations based on

Evil self destruct and it is NOT the responsibility of the believer to help this along. Therefore

the believer must separate self and still retain his position within the Power System of God

under Spiritual Self Esteem, Spiritual Autonomy and Spiritual Maturity. There are times when

one can and should leave organizations but NEVER when under system testing, and the proper

time to leave any organization is when the system testing is OVER. Leaving an organization to

improve self is valid but one must not complain about the organization he has left nor those in

control of it. The principle is that one should never leave a trail of vindictiveness and

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implacability or any other aspect of Arrogance behind when he leaves any organization.

Live in the System and Cope

The believer cannot effectively cope with injustice in a system unless he has a good understanding of and ability to fully function under the Faith Rest Drill (5 Stages), Motivational


and Functional


and the functions and characteristics of Spiritual Self Esteem,

Spiritual Autonomy and Spiritual Maturity. He must remember that GOD will not test him nor

permit his testing BEYOND what he is capable of coping with. Therefore, in most cases where

injustice occurs in an organization, the believer SHOULD REMAIN IN THE UNJUST SYSTEM

UNTIL the Supreme Court of Heaven makes a ruling. This gives him the opportunity to use the

solutions of the Protocol Plan of God, the Divine Dynasphere and accelerate his spiritual growth. If the system spits him out by termination then this is a different consideration and he

can just pick himself up and move on to another position.

Failing System Testing

To flunk system testing, as in all testing failures, is a deterrent to momentum in the Spiritual

Life. Any time the individual tries to resolve his problems through any level of reaction from

within the Cosmic Dynaspheres he takes the problem into his own hands and the solution is

postponed in the Supreme Court of Heaven. System testing can be a major source of peer

pressure and ostracism and when inherent Evil exists in an organization and the believer reacts

to it, his Spiritual Life can be totally destroyed. (Col 3:18-25)

Failing system testing results in the believer becoming a new convert into the Cosmic Dynaspheres through reaction to injustice. Most people flunk system testing because they have

failed in their function in the Humility Envelope to orient to authority in general and develop Enforced Humility and they therefore never even approach developing Genuine Humility. This

is the person whose mother takes his side when the police arrest him and present him at his

home as a criminal. When the police stand at the door with a misbehaving or criminally

oriented youth the POLICE are always RIGHT. This requires and is the basis for the development of Respect for Authority and should be accompanied by a respect for females and

the development of manners and proper systems of addressing adults. This is what makes LIFE

wonderful right from the start because with Authority Orientation one can generally size up and

evaluate a situation before adverse ramifications result. The point is that if one cannot align

with the personalities of those in Authority or the policy or the objectives of the Organization

he is in, then he should simply RESIGN from the position he has and not try to fight the


Failing system testing results from the believer reacting to pressures in the system and becoming part of Motivational Evil in Mental Attitude Arrogance of Cosmic Dynasphere I the


System of Arrogance

. In the Interlocking System of Arrogance, as a part of preoccupation with self, when one becomes involved in Self Pity Arrogance he then reacts with

Bitterness or Implacability or some other aspect of Mental Attitude Sin and thus is thoroughly

entangled in Mental Attitude Arrogance. Always remember, REACTION NEVER SOLVES

ANYTHING and only brings on Mental Attitude Arrogance and its Mental Attitude Sins.

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Reaction means one has taken the problem out of the hands of the Lord thus reaction means

one has LOST the case before the Supreme Court of Heaven.

Objective Conflict

If one puts self into an organization and does not like the objectives after he gets into the

organization this simply means he is STUPID about life in general. The reality is that he has

failed to get all the facts before he jumped into the organization. Many times people do not

want the facts because having the actual facts would prevent them from gossip, maligning and

judging others. The believer must resolve the problems regarding his functioning under the

objectives and policy of an organization and not try to fix what he considers to be the shortcomings of the organization. He must DO THE JOB HE IS BEING PAID TO DO AND


Adversity / Disaster Testing

This is testing resulting from times of hardship, adversity or outright disaster to determine if

the believer will attempt to rely on his own resources and Human Solutions for the adversities

or Divine Solutions provided through the resources from God. This is the potential distraction

to the Spiritual Life from being involved in some type of disaster or intense adversity. No

matter the historical trends of the day, whether they include great adversity and disaster or

fantastic prosperity, the Protocol Plan of God, the Power System of God, the Divine

Dynasphere, goes right on for the believer. The believer can be and very often is greatly

blessed in time of historical disaster just as he is in times of historical prosperity. The principle is that Historical Trends are not the issue in the life of the believer whether they are

destructive or productive trends. The historical down trend of the United States of America

since at least the 1960s, which has today brought the United States to the brink of total

destruction, does not deter the historical blessings for time or eternity for the advancing believer.

2 Categories of Disaster Testing:

◾ Personal disaster designed as suffering for blessing and enhanced momentum in the

Spiritual Life or warning for the believer who is in the Cosmic Dynasphere as Divine

Discipline related to one’s own Bad Decisions.

◾ Historical disaster as historical downtrends in the area of residence of the believer

also designed for suffering for blessing and enhanced momentum but this is collective

disaster related to bad decisions of others in authority positions where the believer

citizen become involved in the resulting disaster.

Therefore, the principle exists that, decisions create the environment and not vice versa.

Solutions to these testings for the believer demand the use of all the aspects of the Protocol

Plan of God, the entire Divine Dynasphere. This emphasizes the importance of having made

Good decisions from a position of Strength so as to have developed a Personal Sense of

Destiny, Motivational


and Functional


and become involved in Sharing the


of God , all related to one’s progressive life in the Divine Dynasphere. Even in times of great personal or historical disaster the believer makes his own happiness or unhappiness

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based on his own volitional choices. Therefore, in order to not succumb to Adversity or

Disaster Testing it is essential to expose the thinking mind every day to Bible Doctrine in order

to refresh one’s Divine Viewpoint thinking lest it be overcome by the permeating Human

Viewpoint of the World under the Cosmic Dynaspheres. Most people cannot be happy at any

level unless their life revolves around a ROUTINE and the routine for the believer must involve

consistent Perception, Cognition, Inculcation and Metabolization of Bible Doctrine. Hopping

around in life from one function to another, striving for success in business or a profession, will

not bring happiness nor prosperity in life. In the Protocol Plan of God, the Power System of

God, the Divine Dynasphere the principle is and will always remain, Bible Doctrine and Virtue

First. This adversity testing demands that the believer have control of his life and this requires

his making good decisions from a position of Strength by living in the Divine Dynasphere with

maximum Metabolized Bible Doctrine in the Right Lobe of the Stream of Consciousness of his


Varying Circumstances of Life

This is the concept and the principle that every individual has varying circumstances of life.

During the lifetime of any individual he will see and live under varying circumstances for his

life. For my generation this included, prosperity in the 50s and 60s, stagnation in the 70s and

80s and degradation from the 90s into the 21st century with great adversity and disaster in the

first quarter of the 21st century potentially resulting in the 5th cycle of Divine Discipline on the

Unites States of America. People can become very discouraged when they understand some

Bible Doctrine and see that things are not going the way they should be under the proper

function of one’s country like the Unites States of America which is a Client Nation to God and

thus join with the complainers.

Destruction of the Human Race

One of the most disturbing concepts for many people is the supposed potential for the total

destruction of the Human Race. However, this cannot and will not ever occur in Human

History, until the end of the Millennium, the END of Human History, by any decision, activity,

neglect or device of mankind.

● Decision and Device

▴ Decision refers to volitional choices of individuals or groups to live LIFE in the

Cosmic Dynaspheres. When there are a maximum number of people living

consistently within the Cosmic Dynaspheres the Human Race is on a course of self


▴ Device refers to any type of weapon of mass destruction, Nuclear, Biological,

Chemical, etc. The Human Race will not ever be destroyed by their own bad

decisions nor by any devices created to destroy other members of the Human


The Lord Jesus the Christ controls Human History and he will not allow destruction of the

Human Race to occur until the Plan of God for the Human Race in the Angelic Conflict Appeal

Trial is completed. Then GOD will destroy the entire Universe as we know it now with an

explosion which is beyond human comprehension. The concept of ultimate human destruction

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must not concern any believer in The Lord Jesus, The Christ because he, as a member of the

Royal Family of God, personally has Eternal Security. (John 10:28-29) Not only will man continue to live on the earth but the Plan of God and blessing for believers continues even in

the WORST of historical circumstances as well as the best. Therefore, no circumstance of Life,

National or Personal can deter the Plan of God for the believer’s life unless HE PERSONALLY

DECIDES that it should. The volition and decisions of the individual believer and NOT the

circumstances of his life determine his blessing or his misery in any given generation of Human

History, therefore, circumstances of life will never destroy the believer, it is his own personal

decisions which bring disaster to him.

Blessing for the Believer in Disaster

Blessing never fails to come to the believer because of adversity or disaster. The personal

volition of the believer, NEVER circumstances derived from Evil nor historical, national, natural

or personal disaster, determine his blessing or misery and this is absolutely true in every

generation. The United States of America began to move during the 1960s into very difficult

times and the detrimental, even destructive progress of those difficult times is clearly observable

in this first quarter of the 21st century. The decisions of the people, individually, including

those in control of the government AND the people collectively have brought the client nation

United States of America almost to the point of the total destruction of the 5th cycle of Divine

Discipline (Lev 26:27-39, Deut 28:49-67). The moral and immoral degeneration rampant in the 60s led to the wide national swings from prosperity to adversity and back in the 80s and have

now settled into disastrous adversities and complete degeneracy with a population completely

saturated with Arrogance in this 21st century.

IF, it most likely is true in the near future, the United States goes down as a client nation to

God, being now on the brink of or in the early stages of the 5th cycle of Divine Discipline (Lev

26:27-39, Deut 28:49-67), and is destroyed as it has been known in history, this will not change the Plan of God nor the Blessings from God for the life of the believer IF, maybe he

will and maybe he will not, remain functioning consistently within the Divine Dynasphere. The

Divine Viewpoint principle of Grace is that Historical Disaster does not and cannot ever hinder

divine blessing for the believer who lives in the Plan of God, this is the subject of the entire

Book of Daniel. Therefore believers cannot ever allow nor afford to allow personal or national

circumstances of adversity to disturb them.

However, these kinds of circumstances in life WILL disturb and cause anxiety for the believer IF

he has made bad decisions from a position of weakness to enter into and continue to reside in

the Cosmic Dynaspheres where he has become a slave to his circumstances. Therefore, the

believer must never allow his circumstances to rule his life but he must rule his circumstances.

When his circumstances are disaster the Power System of God is set up to allow him to

conquer his circumstances. If the believer CHOOSES to remain residing in a position of weakness within the Cosmic Dynaspheres he will inevitably succumb to the pressures of adverse circumstances and many times self destruct under the pressures of prosperity. Therefore, while

historical disaster is often a means of punishing those living in the Cosmic Dynaspheres it is

also a means of blessing those living in the Power System of God.

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Spiritual Progress and Disaster Testing

The believer is commanded to GROW in Grace and this is the mechanism essential to maintain

MOMENTUM in the Divine Dynasphere and thus allow complete execution of the Protocol Plan

of God. To provide the opportunity for the believer, a member of the Royal Family of God, to

accomplish this, God is OBLIGATED to support him with Logistical Grace in order that he

might have equal opportunity to complete this primary purpose in the Protocol Plan of God.

Therefore, God is not going to let the believer starve, leave him jobless or take his life and he

WILL provide the basis under Logistical Grace Support so he can CHOOSE to execute the

Protocol Plan of God OR provide himself with incredible Self Induced Misery. Therefore, in

order for the believer to choose for Bible Doctrine he must have employment, money to live

by, shelter of a home, clothing to cover himself and food to sustain him. Many people as they

function to gain success in life say to God, “When I have prosperity I will come to Bible study

every day”. By these thoughts and motivations they have put the CART before the Horse.

The point of the Christian Way of Life is that IF the believer exercises consistent Positive

Volition toward Bible Doctrine in the Power System God, then GOD WILL PROVIDE his every


Individually or collectively people are the products of their own decisions and one living in any

country or region of the world will be involved in the bad decisions of the Masses of population living there. There never has ever been a historical or national disaster which

overtook a nation which did not start INTERNALLY based totally on the bad decisions of the

people in that area. For every advancing believer before he can reach Maturity Adjustment to

the Justice of God there are usually 1 or more disasters which occur in his life and how these

are handled determines whether the believer moves forward with enhanced momentum and

spiritual growth or goes backward into Reversionism. The believer must recognize that disaster testing is one of the most difficult to pass because it always involves emotional reactions to

some loss. When the believer becomes emotionally involved in anything he forgets Bible

Doctrine, the Promises, Principles and Rationales, and therefore cannot function under the Faith

Rest Drill (5 Stages) and apply Doctrine to his loss. Many times personal disaster comes because another person makes a mistake or misjudgment and someone else’s loved one dies.

One can function under a JUSTICE attitude from Human Viewpoint that there was negligence

or failure in another’s function or decisions and he should be held responsible for the loss of

the loved one. IF this is the attitude taken DISASTER TESTING HAS BEEN FAILED. The

believer must never forget the principle of Bible Doctrine when dealing with Disaster Testing.

You can lose by gaining AND you can gain by lo


Historical disaster or National down trend can be defined as a maximum number of people in a

nation or area living continually in the Cosmic Dynaspheres as a result of their personal and

collective bad decisions from a position of weakness. They enter the Cosmic Dynaspheres by

the use of their own volition and then also consistently use their volition to STAY THERE.

They are constantly seeking prosperity, success, wealth, position, power, etc., but the believer

must recognize that the only wealth worth having is that which GOD provides in his distribution of personal Escrow Super – Grace Blessing. These were set aside for every believer

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personally by GOD in Eternity Past. There is always a temptation when one becomes involved

in disaster testing to try to take the easy route out of the disaster through financial accumulation, prominence, fame, or whatever other aspect or detail of life seems to provide a

way out of the disaster and thereby LOSE the prospect of Escrow Blessing from God. There is

always some disaster which provides a means whereby one can become a wealthy person

“legally” and allegedly secure but this results in losing the chance of receiving the permanent

blessings from God. There is a Divine Viewpoint which requires maximum faith, maximum

security from the Protocol Plan of God and maximum Spiritual Self Esteem, Spiritual Autonomy

and Spiritual Maturity which MUST be the factor one relies on IF the believer expects to

receive his escrow blessings in time. Therefore, invariably, the biggest disaster tests always

come just before the provision of Escrow Super – Grace blessings to the consistently positive


Failure of Adversity Testing

Failure of this testing brings on, as with all testing, Self Induced Misery and very often Divine

Discipline as a result of the believer being OUT OF the Plan of God, in Reversionism from

some level of Negative Volition toward Bible Doctrine and consistently residing in the Cosmic

Dynaspheres. This misery or discipline will come to him as enhanced personal difficulties,

adversities or catastrophes even historical disasters. If the initial Warning Divine Discipline

does not bring the believer back to the Power System of God and to relying on the resources

and assets provided by God then, he will be provided Intensive Divine Discipline with further

expansion of the Disasters and Adversities. If this does not return the believer to the Power

System of God then God will eventually end his life under the Dying Divine Discipline of the

Sin Unto Death, this being the last opportunity for the believer to receive corrective discipline

from God. The elapse of time between Intensive and Dying Divine Discipline can be a few

months or years or even many years but this believer will be written off as a LOSER who

remained outside the system of God and was useless as a witness for the prosecution in the

Angelic Conflict Appeal Trial.

Success or Prosperity Testing

IF the believer exercises consistent Negative Volition toward functioning in the Power System of

God then his life will be miserable whether he has some pseudo prosperity from living in the

Cosmic Dynaspheres or abject poverty. Prosperity testing is some form of personal, individual

prosperity or success where some level of success challenges the priority which the believer

must give to Bible Doctrine Perception, Cognition, Inculcation and Metabolization. This can

also be in the form of collective prosperity, where a group, city, nation, business becomes very

prosperous and the people sharing in this prosperity become distracted from Bible Doctrine.

This has been the Status Quo of the Unites States of America for its entire history and the

Unites States of America had basically passed prosperity testing until approximately the 1930s.

At this point the principles of the Laws of Divine Establishment and Divine Institution began to

be set aside. This was expanded exponentially after World War II in the 1960s and is now at a

level of bringing total destruction on this country. Under the Protocol Plan of God, the Power

System of God the Divine Dynasphere, development of a greater capacity for happiness

maintains happiness by avoiding prosperity distractions. All happiness resides within the soul

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of the believer in his thought patterns and his thought patterns must be derived from maximum Metabolized Bible Doctrine in the Right Lobe of the Stream of Consciousness of his Soul.

Therefore, every believer must pass prosperity testing before he can move into Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God and before he can ever have consistent inner happiness in

life. Prosperity testing is a very subtle distraction and prosperity cannot bring happiness apart

from life in the Divine Dynasphere the only place where capacity for prosperity can exist as a

result of accumulation of maximum Metabolized Bible Doctrine in the Stream of Consciousness

of the Soul. A fantastic illustration of failure in Prosperity testing is a book, “The Way of All

Flesh”, by Samuel Butler. The trend in the Human Race is that once people become prosperous they drop those things and people which propelled them into prosperity and want

flashy friends and stimulation of their emotions. They then drop their supportive loved ones

and Bible Doctrine because these are seen as deterrents to their STIMULATION. Many people

who suddenly have prosperity completely change and become suckers for flattery and patronage

and think that somehow with prosperity they will have fantastic friends, loads of fun and great

happiness. Therefore, prosperity is not always a subtle distraction but it cannot ever bring

happiness and it can only be a test. True Happiness is a Status Quo found in the soul ONLY

for the believer consistently residing in the Power System of God, the Divine Dynasphere. Most

people when they gain even a small amount of the prosperity they desire in any area of life

are not happy with it because they have no capacity for it. Therefore, prosperity testing is an

extremely important test in determining whether the believer has fixed values and inner happiness OR relative values and overt stimulation.

The Prosperity Testing Distraction

● Individual prosperity

▴ This is some form of individual success or achievement which challenges Bible

Doctrine as Priority #1 in the life of the believer.

▴ This results in the rationalization that consistency in the daily intake of Bible

Doctrine is not needed but by functioning in some other way one can become very

successful and prosperous.

● Collective Prosperity

▴ This is a city, state, nation or group which becomes very prosperous and as a

result of sharing in this prosperity the believer becomes distracted from Bible

Doctrine and lured away from the Protocol Plan of God.

This is where the capacity developed from maximum Metabolized Bible Doctrine in the Right

Lobe of the Stream of Consciousness of the Soul maintains happiness despite great prosperity or

great adversity. Collective Prosperity testing often results from combining the 3 categories of

manifest destiny which includes Landed Aristocracy, Industrial Complex Development and the

Undeveloped Frontier into a system of FREE Enterprise under the leadership of the Industrial

Complex. This was the basis for the fantastic historical prosperity which the Unites States of

America HAD in its past. Usually this prosperity will last for about 1 century and then the

population will inevitably fail the prosperity testing under the influence of the Cosmic Dynaspheres where their pursuit of pleasure excludes the priorities of INTEGRITY based on the

Laws of Divine Establishment, Divine Institutions and Orthodox Bible Doctrine. This is the

challenge to an entire society to choose between Absolute Truth and Hedonism. Hedonism is

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the pursuit of pleasure contending that the MORAL duty of life is in fulfilling through gratification ALL pleasure seeking instincts. This very often can be clearly seen even in the

best doctrinally oriented congregations in Local Churches. This occurs when a believer joins a

group which is attractive to him but who do not have Priority #1 as Bible Doctrine. They

then proceed to drag him into their circle of fun and pleasure with “GOOD FRIENDS” and the

only protection from this testing is having completely developed the 10 characteristics of


Adulthood . The only way to use these principles and recover from and leave this trap

is for the believer to have very strong functions under his own Royal Priesthood.

Prosperity Testing & Happiness

Prosperity cannot bring happiness apart from consistent residence and function within the Divine Dynasphere. These tests pull the believer very strongly toward the people he enjoys,

and whose influence invariably draws him away from spiritual advance, thereby combining

prosperity testing with people testing. Very often to pass prosperity testing and maintain

consistent advance in the Spiritual Life the believer must make decisions to give up pleasures

and the company of people with whom he has had great rapport. The problem is most often

not with them trying to lure him away from his Spiritual Life but is with him in allowing

rapport with others in life to supersede the value of Perception, Cognition, Inculcation and

Metabolization of Bible Doctrine. The basic failure is loss of spiritual advance and retrogressing

from any level of Spiritual Adulthood. Prosperity cannot be accompanied by Happiness unless

the believer has developed Spiritual Self Esteem, Spiritual Autonomy or Spiritual Maturity which

means he has developed Motivational Virtue and Functional Virtue in the Integrity Envelope of the Divine Dynasphere and has secured a high level of inner happiness as Sharing the


of God . Passing prosperity testing consolidates the Scale of Values, Norms and

Standards and solidifies the Frame of Reference, in the believer’s soul making these consistent

with the priorities of the Protocol Plan of God. Passing Prosperity testing means that the

believer, upon reaching Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God, receives God’s Greatest

Blessings for Time and for Eternity, above and beyond Logistical Grace in time and above and

beyond the basic Resurrection Body of the Eternal state. Therefore, the key for evaluation of

one’s Status Quo is whether or not one is unhappy in the midst of prosperity where his

unhappiness means he has flunked one of these tests as some level.

The Cosmic Dynaspheres can offer just about anything there is in life EXCEPT Happiness.

However, one of the greatest blessings of the Protocol Plan of God is mental stability and

prosperity related to life and love with inner happiness. Pseudo Prosperity related to residence

and function within the Cosmic Dynaspheres occurs when the believer has made decisions for

prosperity and functions under Achievement or Inordinate Ambition Arrogance which inevitably

will produce Self Induced Misery in his life. Prosperity turning into Self Induced Misery can be

illustrated by the people who cultivate a lifestyle of drug or alcohol abuse to provide enhanced

stimulation in their life. This often includes the believer, who for a few moments of stimulation, causes himself extreme Self Induced Misery and a total loss of Escrow blessings for

time and eternity as a result of some function engaged in for sublimation.

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Providential Preventative Evidence Testing

This Evidence Testing is that which occurs after the believer has reached Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God and has had a period of rest and relaxation for enjoyment of his 5

temporal categories of the Escrow Super – Grace package of blessings. He is the believer who

has endured the maximum pressure from Satan’s systems and disciples of Evil in crossing the

No Man's Land of Intermediate Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God and has reached the

pinnacle of spiritual growth in Advanced Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God. This is

special unique testing of the believer’s Spiritual Life regarding his entire Spiritual Life and his

relationship with people & his functions in Life, OR his relationship toward God. The Evidence

Testing related to God (Matt 4:1-10) and the believer’s relationship with him is similar to the

testing of the humanity of The Lord Jesus, The Christ in Hypostatic Union when he received

the imputation and judgment of all human sin reflecting his OBEDIENCE to the Plan of God

even to the point of his Spiritual Death. This category of testing is also related to Life in this

world ruled by Satan and to one’s relationships with mankind through human circumstances

similar to that endured by JOB when he temporarily lost all his temporal blessings from God.

This is the final Providential Preventative Momentum Testing for the believer in 1 of these 2

categories. This is the privilege ONLY for the believer who has reached the pinnacle of the

Spiritual Life in Advanced Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God. He is one who has

moved in his spiritual advance through the No Man's Land of Intermediate Maturity Adjustment

to the Justice of God with its advanced or intensified Providential Preventative Momentum

Testing in 5 Categories, and has received his Ultra Super – Grace Escrow Blessings for time and

as a result will Glorify and PLEASE God to the maximum. He has been chosen as a PRIMARY

UNIMPEACHABLE WITNESS for the prosecution, GOD, in the Angelic Conflict Appeal Trial to

reinforce the truth of the consistent and requisite interaction of all aspects of the Essence of

God in all situations. This is the REAL testing of the EVIDENCE of the Prosecution by direct

satanic attack in his cross examination of this primary witness for God. It is at this point that

this believer’s entire Spiritual Life is presented before the Supreme Court of Heaven. His

Spiritual Life in its totality is laid out before the Supreme Court of Heaven and is to be

examined and criticized by the defense counsel. This believer’s Spiritual Life is opened to

Satan who is allowed to CROSS EXAMINE him to attempt to DISCREDIT his entire Spiritual

Life. (Eph 6:10-17) Satan is permitted to apply pressure and testing to a MAXIMUM level using a specially selected fallen angel, a high ranking demon defense counselor or by Satan himself

and every aspect of the Cosmic Dynaspheres is thrown against this believer. It is at this point

in this level of Spiritual Life testing that this believer is given the ultimate of blessings in life

under Evidence Testing including the Mantle of Suffering Reward or Decoration which he carries with him into Eternity. This testing is unique for the believer at this stage of his

Spiritual Life so that the more pressure and adversity which is put upon him the greater is the

enhancement of the blessings, contentment and happiness he experiences. In addition, those

individuals or systems applying this adversity and pressure to him, simultaneously receive greater intensified misery as a result of their antagonism toward him. This is very often a

period of intense persecution of the believer.

Evidence Testing, Job & Jesus

This satanic cross examination is best understood by a look at the Life of Job as he was tested

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by Satan attempting to DISCREDIT his entire Spiritual Life. Satan in his CROSS EXAMINATION

of the believer is allowed by God to apply pressure and adversity to a MAXIMUM level but is

prohibited from ending the life of the believer in this testing. Another primary example for the

believer regarding how to live his Spiritual Life under all Providential Preventative Momentum

Testing Suffering is the Lord Jesus the Christ. He solved the problem of bearing the sins of

mankind by his use of Motivational Virtue of Personal Love for God by obeying the Plan of

God requiring him to go to the cross and on the cross He used the Functional Virtue of

Impersonal Love for Mankind in receiving the imputation and judgment of all human sin. He

went to the cross on the basis of having Spiritual Self Esteem, Spiritual Autonomy and Spiritual

Maturity with the Cognitive Self Confidence, Cognitive Independence and Cognitive Invincibility

derived from maximum Metabolized Bible Doctrine in his Right Lobe of the Stream of

Consciousness of the Soul. This took him all the way to Advanced Maturity Adjustment to the

Justice of God and the Evidence Testing of the Cross. The Humanity of The Lord Jesus the

Christ should be considered to be THE PRIMARY witness for the prosecution in the Angelic

Conflict Appeal Trial AND the provider of the Strategic Victory in the Angelic Conflict Appeal

Trial. There, the Love of God for his UNIQUE SON was set aside for the function of the

Justice of God under the condemnation from Righteousness of God toward the human sin which

was imputed to him OVER AND OVER AGAIN, BILLIONS OF TIMES. It should be clearly

understood that at the cross, The Lord Jesus the Christ completed the Protocol Plan of God, the

Power System of God the Prototype Divine Dynasphere, reaching the pinnacle of the Spiritual

Life of Advanced Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God and passed Evidence Testing. He

was therefore involved in the Evidence Testing concerning his relationship with God and passed

this testing by his OBEDIENCE to the Plan of God even to the point of his Spiritual Death.

The Lord Jesus the Christ in fact had also been involved in Evidence Testing concerning his

relationship to Life and Mankind during the temptations of Satan in the Desert for 40 days as

he was there cross examined by Satan attempting to get him to reject the Plan of God.

Being Subject to Evidence Testing results in the believer becoming DIRECTLY and PERSONALLY

involved in the resolution of the Angelic Conflict in the form of being a PRIMARY WITNESS for

the prosecution against the Appeal of Satan. Evidence Testing is part of the constant meetings

before the Supreme Court of Heaven concerning the Appeal portion of the Trial of Satan where

Evidence for the Prosecution against the appeal is presented in the form of believers who have

completed the Protocol Plan of God. These are the individual believers who have gone beyond

Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God to Advanced Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of

God and achieved Maximum Glorification of God and become a Pleasure to God. They have

achieved this status despite living in Satan’s World and despite all the pressures of life from

adversity or prosperity. This results in the life of the believer clearly demonstrating the efficacy of the function of the Essence of God and the efficacy and consistency of Gods judgment of Satan and the Fallen angels and the perfect interaction of his Absolute Righteousness, Absolute Justice and Perfect Love.

As a result of passing this testing the believer will receive the Mantle of Suffering reward and

decoration which is a blessing for him during his lifetime and is a reward extended into

eternity as recognition of his Spiritual Life being one which both Glorifies and Pleases God.

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The ultimate blessing at this stage of the Spiritual Life is based on the believer’s complete relationship with and reliance on the Lord and it comes in the form of this ultimate in testing

for blessing. Passing this final Evidence Testing fulfills the 2nd Strategic Objective of the

Sophisticated Spiritual Life, where the believer achieves Maximum Glorification of God and

Pleases God, and totally completes the Protocol Plan of God for the Church Age.

Solutions for Testing

The primary solution to ALL levels of testing for the believer is to remain within the Protocol

Plan of God, the Power System of God, the Divine Dynasphere and persist in the use of the

ASSETS provided by God for his Spiritual Life on this earth. Therefore, ALL Momentum

Testing Suffering is resolved by the believer’s function within the Divine Dynasphere, by means

of Basic and Advanced Christian Modus Operandi and functioning under the Humility Envelope

and the The Integrity Envelope remaining consistently under the Filling of God the Holy Spirit

and using the Faith Rest Drill (5 stages). However, this is not always as easy as it may sound on the surface. The believer lives in a world of which he is no longer a part. If it were

allowed, Satan would remove him from this world the instant he made Salvation Adjustment to

the Justice of God to prevent him potentially becoming a witness for the prosecution AGAINST

him. The believer is resented by the ruler of this world and, very often, by all of those who

function under the systems of this world and even sometimes resented ACTIVELY and

OVERTLY. So the believer who has made the decision to leave the Divine Dynasphere and

enter the Cosmic Dynaspheres, for whatever reason, is therefore also totally responsible for

engaging in the decision to leave the Cosmic Dynaspheres and recover residence in the Divine

Dynasphere. No believer can ever reach the point of the more intensive Testing Envelope of

Gate #7 of the Divine Dynasphere until he learns and uses consistently the Rebound Procedure

which should have been learned under Faith Perception of Gate #2 of the Divine Dynasphere.

The Rebound Procedure is the only mechanism available to the failing believer to bring him

back into the Divine Dynasphere from the Cosmic Dynaspheres since entrance and residence in

BOTH is totally based on volitional choices. This is an essential doctrine which MUST be

learned very early in the Spiritual Life in order for the believer to recover from Punitive

Preventative Suffering when he fails in Spiritual Life Testing early in his Spiritual Life and thus allowing him to advance further in his Spiritual Life.

During any Suffering from Testing the most efficacious path for the believer is to leave the

environment of suffering and engage in the use of the Faith Rest Drill (5 Stages) combined with



and Functional


within the Divine Dynasphere. It takes Progression

from spiritual infancy to the 2nd stage of Spiritual Adulthood to really begin to develop and

understand the significance of Motivational Virtue and Functional Virtue in the Spiritual Life.

Therefore, the suffering of the believer prior to reaching Spiritual Adulthood and having developed a Personal Sense of Destiny and Motivational Virtue and Functional Virtue from his Cognitive Self Confidence and Cognitive Independence can result in a big mess in his life. This

is the importance of consistent Post Salvation Epistemological Rehabilitation from Perception,

Cognition, Inculcation and Metabolization of Bible Doctrine in order for the believer to reach

and function under the Integrity Envelope of the Divine Dynasphere. This is the means to prevent the engagement of total subjectivity involving Self Pity Arrogance the antithesis to

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Spiritual Self Esteem and Spiritual Autonomy and a Personal Sense of Destiny. The believer must advance to the point of confidence in the knowledge that GOD is faithful as part of his

Logistical Grace support. Testing and passing testing is the most important issue regarding the

believer reaching Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God and understanding the Faithfulness

of God is the key to the believer functioning in Spiritual Adulthood and through Spiritual

Maturity during Providential Preventative Momentum Testing Suffering. This is the use of the

Doctrinal Rationale of the Essence of God under the Faith Rest Drill (5 Stages) and functioning

under Motivational Virtue of the Integrity Envelope.

Suffering Rationale

All suffering, being ultimately for blessing in the Christian Way of Life, is part of Momentum

Testing for the believer and is designed for maintaining or accelerating his advance to Maturity

Adjustment to the Justice of God. As a part of the FAIRNESS of God the Justice of God never

tests the believer beyond his capabilities to handle that testing. However, this endurable

suffering concept does not apply for the believer who ignores, neglects or rejects Bible Doctrine

and the importance of consistent Post Salvation Epistemological Rehabilitation in the Christian

Way of Life. For the believer living in the Cosmic Dynaspheres ALL suffering is Punitive

designed to awaken the believer to the reality of the Plan of God and facilitate his use of the

Rebound Procedure and thus his recovery into the Protocol Plan of God, the Divine Dynasphere.

This punitive suffering is easily recognizable because the believer does not have the capability

to handle it. Angelic creatures failed and THEIR SUFFERING was (will be) emphatically GREATER than what the believer can experience as a human being. (1Cor 10:13)

All Bible Doctrine applications, after recovery from carnality or involvement in the Cosmic

Dynaspheres, are then related to suffering for blessing. God can only demonstrate to the

believer his faithfulness through the suffering of the believer in time which CAN be overcome

by the ASSETS provided by God for his Spiritual Life. Therefore, there is no suffering in life

too great for the Protocol Plan of God and the provisions for the believer in the Divine

Dynasphere are far greater than any sufferings which can ever occur in his life. The greater

the momentum and advancement of the believer in the Divine Dynasphere, the Protocol Plan of

God, the greater is his ability to deal with all the problems and pressures of Life. (Phil 1:29,

2Tim 3:10-12)

Solutions for Testing Regarding Self

Again it is the consistent and rapid use of the Rebound procedure and continued Post Salvation

Epistemological Rehabilitation by means of consistent Perception, Cognition, Inculcation and

Metabolization of Bible Doctrine under the Filling of God the Holy Spirit while residing in the

Divine Dynasphere which is the primary solution.

Solutions for Spiritual Life Testing

All Spiritual Life testing including Volitional or Old Sin Nature testing, Cosmic Dynasphere I

testing and Cosmic Dynasphere II Testing is resolved by Recovery from Old Sin Nature control

of the soul and its temptations to the production of Sin or Human Good. This can ONLY occur

through the proper use of the Rebound Procedure (1John 1:9) to acknowledge personal sin to Page 138 of 239

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God thereby accepting His satisfaction with the Substitutionary Spiritual Death of The Lord Jesus the Christ for these sins. This is the only mechanism which puts the believer back under

the Filling of God the Holy Spirit in Gate #1 of the Divine Dynasphere allowing God the Holy Spirit to control the soul. This puts the Old Sin Nature back under control of the Mentality

and Volition of the Soul where the believer is then able to produce Divine Good when he has developed the necessary capacity and resources to do so all from an understanding of and

orientation to the influence of Grace. Therefore, when one resists temptation or uses the

rebound procedure to recover any level of succumbing to temptation, he allows God the Holy

Spirit to control the soul and is thus under the Filling of God the Holy Spirit who then is controlling his soul and is again residing in the Divine Dynasphere, the Power system of God.

This decision results in the absolute status of Spirituality instead of the absolute status of

Carnality under Old Sin Nature control of the soul and resolves Volitional Testing, Cosmic

Dynasphere I involvement and Cosmic Dynasphere II involvement.

Therefore, there are 2 applications of Bible Doctrine which can and must be used during Old

Sin Nature, Cosmic Dynasphere I and Cosmic Dynasphere II testing:

◾ Application of Metabolized Bible Doctrine to resist temptation

◾ Application of the Bible Doctrine related to the use of the Rebound Procedure to

recover residence in the Divine Dynasphere.

Therefore, beginning with basic Spiritual Life testing as Old Sin Nature testing and progressing

through Providential Preventative Momentum Testing, ALL aspects of testing are for the believer

to learn how to USE the Metabolized Bible Doctrine he has accumulated into his own Right

Lobe of the Stream of Consciousness of the Soul and thus maintain his residence and function

under the Protocol Plan of God being Spiritually Self Sustaining.

Volitional Solutions to Old Sin Nature Testing

Only human volition can protect the believer from the pressures of temptation and this requires

the POWER of living in the Divine Dynasphere. Only human volition as guardian of the soul

can decide to recover from spiritual life failure using the Rebound Procedure. There is no such

thing as an Inherent Genetic Flaw or Acquired Environmental Flaw which cannot be solved by

the function of human VOLITION. Human volition, however, must have information from

cognition in order to understand the problems and then apply solutions to solve these problems.

In effect there must be information on which to make decisions to avoid or to recover from

these failures. Bad Decisions are made, being from a position of weakness, when sufficient

information has NOT been acquired as Metabolized Bible Doctrine into the Right Lobe of the

Stream of Consciousness of the Soul. Good Decisions are made from a position of strength

when sufficient Bible Doctrine Information has been acquired and has been metabolized into the

Right Lobe and is available to be used for solutions. In effect therefore, the believer must

progress in the Spiritual Life through spiritual youth into Spiritual Adulthood and form Cognitive Self Confidence, Cognitive Independence and Cognitive Invincibility in order to avoid

or overcome the difficulties related to Old Sin Nature Volitional Testing. Therefore, the only

mechanism for recovery from being outside of the Power System of God is the DECISION to use

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the Rebound Procedure, based on the knowledge of Bible Doctrine metabolized into the Right Lobe of the soul, and thereby to place God the Holy Spirit back in control of the soul.

There are 2 areas for the use of Bible Doctrine in Old Sin Nature Volitional Testing:

● Application of the Rebound Procedure as a Recovery Drill

▴ In the Recovery Drill it is the Rebound procedure which must function. (1John 1:9,

1Cor 11:31, Ps 32:5, Ps 38:18) This is the ONLY function in the Christian Way of Life left to the believer residing in the Cosmic Dynasphere thus it is a RECOVERY

PROCEDURE and not a prayer and NOT part of the function under the Filling of

God the Holy Spirit since being outside of the Divine Dynasphere the believer no

longer has the Filling of God the Holy Spirit. The only thing the believer outside

of the Protocol Plan of God, the Divine Dynasphere, can do is NAME or

ACKNOWLEDGE his sins and he cannot function to apply Bible Doctrine in any

way during the recovery drill UNTIL he has recovered the Filling of God the Holy

Spirit. This is the only function of the Royal Priesthood provided for being

outside of the Divine Dynasphere where the believer represents himself and his

failures to GOD directly. This is ONLY a PROCEDURE to allow RECOVERY of the

Filling of God the Holy Spirit and Divine Dynasphere residence to then enable the

use of the Faith Rest Drill (5 Stages) and Bible Doctrine Promises, Principles and

Rationales AFTER RECOVERY to engage in APPLICATION DRILL Functions.

● Application of Bible Doctrine to resist temptations as an Application Drill

▴ The Application Drill is the function of the believer within the Protocol Plan of

God, the Divine Dynasphere under the Filling of God the Holy Spirit using the

Faith Rest Drill (5 Stages). This is the function of the believer in the Power

System of God starting with consistent Faith Perception and includes the

application of Bible Doctrine as claimed promises, applied principles and developed

rationales to come to Bible Doctrine oriented conclusions to control the situations

of pressure, adversity, suffering and even prosperity and thus solve the involved

problems. Therefore, in the correct complete use of the Faith Rest Drill (5 Stages),

Faith comes to RIGHT conclusions so that whatever suffering remains after any

carnality or Cosmic Dynasphere Residence or whatever undeserved suffering has

occurred, it is only for Blessing and Accelerated Spiritual Momentum. This is what

is involved in the movement of the believer from being under Self Induced Misery

and Divine Discipline after using the Recovery Drill, into Providential Preventative

Momentum Testing Suffering for blessing.

Solutions to Cosmic Dynasphere I Testing

The believer who is consistent in the use of the Rebound Procedure and Post Salvation Epistemological Rehabilitation from Perception, Cognition, Inculcation and Metabolization of

Bible Doctrine will have his THINKING changed. However, with any involvement in Cosmic

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Dynasphere I, this believer will change his thinking again and REVERT to the person he was

before making Salvation Adjustment to the Justice of God and setting Bible Doctrine as Priority

#1 in his life.

The lust patterns of the Old Sin Nature produce the motivation drove which can propel the

believer into the Interlocking System of Arrogance with the fantasizing of personal desires. This

includes fantasizing personal greatness under preoccupation with self where self admiration

grows under the influence of Evil in the Interlocking System of Arrogance, along with the

believer’s function in the Demand Syndrome for Attention and Recognition. Absolute Truth is

thereby pushed into the subconscious or possibly erased from the soul and the only time it

returns is to provide this believer with a guilt complex, which is itself a distortion of truth

from Evil. Succumbing to the motivations from the lusts of the Old Sin Nature results in the

establishing of wrong priorities in the individual’s life. This is the problem believers have in

thinking that Bible Doctrine is too complex or too difficult to understand and this occurs

because they are not consistent and regular in their studying of Bible Doctrine in order to

understand it. Under the Power System of God and the Grace Apparatus for Perception ALL

believers are qualified to learn Bible Doctrine and no believer needs to have any special educational background or high IQ level to understand Bible Doctrine. These ideas are distortions which result from preoccupation with Self in the Interlocking System of Arrogance.

Therefore, the greatest enemy for the believer to ever face is the Cosmic Dynasphere system

derived from the genius of Satan where he has taken his genius and set up a system of

evangelism for luring believers into this system. In the Interlocking System of Arrogance,

Cosmic Dynasphere I, the believer can rationalize his Status Quo and believe he is spiritual

because he:

▴ Gives up things

▴ Does Good Deeds

▴ Sacrifices in various ways

▴ Lives a special moral life

This is the Moral Degeneracy of Self Righteous Arrogance of assuming one’s personal efforts are

acceptable to God and will bring higher levels of spirituality. However, those who execute the

Will of God in the Protocol Plan of God through residence in the Power System of God, the

Divine Dynasphere will abide in that plan forever under the Filling of God the Holy Spirit

which is the Absolute Status of true Spirituality.

The secret to passing the tests in Cosmic Dynasphere I is the application of VIRTUE to LIFE

because there is a VIRTUE RATIONALE. This rationale can even be used by the unbeliever in

his relationships by functioning under the Laws of Divine Establishment and Divine Institutions.

Each believer is his own Royal Priest and in a local church the congregation is gathered

together as a congregation of ROYAL PRIESTS with one as the TEACHING Priest who has the

spiritual gift and the TRAINING to properly and effectively TEACH Bible Doctrine to the others.

The believer must academically and objectively, under authority, LEARN Bible Doctrine bit by

bit under the teaching of this TEACHING Priest, the Pastor Teacher. Nothing learned by

reading the bible will ever be put together in an ACADEMIC system and that believer will

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never have the full realm of theology nor the conceptualism of Divine Viewpoint from Metabolized Bible Doctrine and thus never fulfill the principle of Epistemology and never have

spiritual advance. Therefore, to pass the Momentum Tests in his life the believer MUST come

to the point of conceptualism and develop the ability to think in terms of principles and not

just claim promises for short term solutions. Progressing advancement in the Spiritual Life to

Spiritual Self Esteem, Spiritual Autonomy and Spiritual Maturity frees the believer from Mental

Attitude Arrogance and the emotional disturbances of Emotional Revolt of the Soul. This results in personality identification and prepares the way for the believer to find his niche at

the point of distribution of his Escrow Super – Grace blessings.

Therefore a lack of advancement in the Spiritual Life to Spiritual Self Esteem, Spiritual Autonomy and Spiritual Maturity and the inevitable Arrogance Involvement in Cosmic

Dynasphere I, explains:

▴ Moral and Immoral Degeneracy

▴ Crime as violation of the Laws of Divine Establishment and Divine Institutions

▴ Slavery

▴ Revolution

▴ All aspects and ramifications of Crusader Arrogance

Solutions to Cosmic Dynasphere II Testing

There is no dramatic difference between what is needed to solve the problems of Cosmic

Dynasphere II, the Interlocking System of Antagonistic Emotional Hatred testing than what is

needed to solve Cosmic Dynasphere I or Old Sin Nature Volitional testing. Cosmic Dynasphere

II, the Interlocking System of Antagonistic Emotional Hatred has 9 distinct areas of recognized

antagonism to God and his Grace Plan but in fact involves dramatic enhancements of all areas

of the Interlocking System of Arrogance to a higher level as antagonism. Therefore the solutions to failure and mechanisms of avoidance of involvement in the Interlocking System of

Antagonistic Emotional Hatred are the same as those for use with Cosmic Dynasphere I testing

or for one’s involvement and recovery.

Solutions to Thought Testing

Passing Thought Testing involves developing tolerance while learning about people related to

life and is related to the first 5 characteristics

developed in Spiritual

Adulthood . The remaining

5 characteristics of Spiritual Adulthood are the means of making corrections to failures in

Thought Testing situations and overcoming them when they are encountered. The solutions for

thought testing therefore obviously include the consistent use of the Rebound Procedure with the addition of all of the functions under the Faith Rest Drill (5 stages) with emphasis on development of Bible Doctrine rationales from combining God’s promises and Bible Doctrine

principles to develop such Rationales as:

◾ The Plan of God Rationale

◾ The Essence of God Rationale

◾ Logistical Grace Rationale

◾ Imputation Rationale

◾ Hope / Confidence Rationale

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◾ Escrow Blessing Rationale

◾ Divine Decree Rationale

◾ Afortiori Rationale

◾ Etc.

These solutions demands the use of the believer’s Positive Volition and initiative to reestablish

priorities and focus his motivation on consistent function under the daily routine of the Perception, Cognition, Inculcation and Metabolization of Bible Doctrine.

Thought Distraction is the product of Prejudice, Inflexibility, Unteachability and the Inability to

take objective criticism from Bible Doctrine. Therefore, it becomes blatantly obvious that the

KEY to passing Thought Testing is Positive Volition toward Bible Doctrine and consistent functions for Post Salvation Epistemological Rehabilitation. Believers must come to recognize

that Bible Doctrine is critical of all people because NO ONE IS PERFECT. Some can take this

criticism better than others, therefore, to be able to take this criticism, without arguing with

the Bible Doctrine using one’s thinking processes, is an extremely important step in fulfilling

the development of Spiritual Self Esteem, Spiritual Autonomy and Spiritual Maturity. Doubts

which occur as a result of Thought Testing are inevitably from NEGLECT of Post Salvation

Epistemological Rehabilitation. This invariably results in the believer setting incorrect priorities

in life from inconsistently living in the Protocol Plan of God thus developing false Norms and

Standards and a distorted Frame of Reference for life.

The key Problem Solving Devices to combat thought testing are found in the 1st 3 gates of the

Divine Dynasphere and developed in spiritual youth. They include the Rebound Procedure, maintaining and functioning under the Filling of God the Holy Spirit and developing complete function under the Faith Rest Drill (5 Stages). These do not require reaching Spiritual Self Esteem to be effective and can be developed fully in spiritual youth prior to reaching Spiritual

Adulthood. This helps control or avoid Mental Attitude Arrogance as Fear, Worry, Anxiety,

Insecurity, Depression, and thus avoid failure under Thought Testing or provides for recovery

from failure there. Therefore, the solutions for Thought Testing include the consistent function

under these 3 Problem Solving Devices with emphasis on development of Bible Doctrine

Rationales and using them to come to Divine Viewpoint conclusions. It also requires the engagement of the 2nd Battery of Problem Solving Devices from Motivational Virtue and

Functional Virtue developed in the Integrity Envelope of the Divine Dynasphere. These solutions demand the consistent use of the believer’s volition and initiative to reestablish or

maintain priorities and motivations for consistency in the daily routine of Perception, Cognition,

Inculcation and Metabolization of Bible Doctrine. This requires continued residence and function in the Divine Dynasphere with Consistency in Post Salvation Epistemological

Rehabilitation whether the Bible Doctrine being presented is considered relevant or NOT to

one’s immediate needs. The believer may consider the subject of bible teaching irrelevant

when it does not conform to his time schedule or personal needs but one must remember, Bible

Doctrine is provided by God as a part of GRACE and the believer must never question the

relevance of it. All topics of Bible Doctrine WILL inevitably become clearly relevant to the life

of the believer and he must always remember Bible Doctrine is the MASTER and NOT the

servant and it is only GOD’s Time schedule which counts.

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The Faith Rest Drill (5 Stages) begins as Problem Solving Device #3 and functions within the 2nd Gate of the Divine Dynasphere as an integral part of Basic Christian Modus Operandi. It begins with FAITH perception as intake and metabolization of Bible Doctrine to LEARN

promises and principles WHICH MUST BE CONSISTENT. As application the first step is to

claim promises to remove false issues in life to enable Divine Viewpoint thinking to begin, and

to stabilize the mentality by eliminating or controlling:

▴ Emotionalism

▴ Cowardice

▴ Fear

▴ Generally Mental Attitude Arrogance and Mental Attitude Sins

These failings inevitably destroy the ability to think under pressure and the believer must learn

to fall back on the Faith Rest Drill (5 Stages) when under any pressure in life. This removes

emotionalism, fear and cowardice because one cannot concentrate on Bible Doctrine and be

frightened in any situation because being frightened requires all of one’s concentration. FEAR

is inability to THINK under pressure and COURAGE is HAVING THE ABILITY TO THINK

UNDER PRESSURE and true courage comes from maximum Metabolized Bible Doctrine in the

Stream of Consciousness of the Soul. One can emote under pressure or have a flight flight

physiological response activated under pressure and there are many system which can cause

these things which will carry one when under pressure but these are all mechanisms for producing pseudo courage.

An additional solution to Thought Testing is the development and enhancement of Spiritual Self

Esteem, Spiritual Autonomy and even Spiritual Maturity which enables the believer to handle

and overcome his own prejudices and stubbornness. Beginning to appreciate and understand

Logistical Grace and the Essence of God to some degree is what moves the believer into

Spiritual Adulthood with the beginnings of a Personal Sense of Destiny. This is the understanding that not only is God sustaining him but God has also given meaning and purpose

to his life. This is the beginning of one’s understanding of who and what God is, which is the

momentum which pushes the believer toward and ultimately into the Integrity Envelope of the Divine Dynasphere to develop Motivational Virtue and Functional Virtue as the 2nd battery of

Problem Solving Devices. The Foundational Motivational Virtue is Personal


for God which

is the 7th Problem Solving Device which is solidly developed upon entrance of the believer into

Spiritual Autonomy. This is the beginning of function within the Integrity Envelope of the

Divine Dynasphere. As the believer develops a high level of Personal Love for God he breaks

through one of the greatest barriers of the Spiritual Life because he begins to know enough

about God to LOVE him even though he cannot hear or see or have conversations with him.

Thus, as the believer builds up his functions in Spiritual Adulthood he develops the ability to

handle all his own problems without influence or interference from others and he also finds his

niche in life, one little bit at a time, and discovers his limitations and functions within them.

Functioning within one’s limitations brings the knowledge that GOD does and has given him

fantastic opportunities and this enables engaging the Plan of God Rationale, the Escrow Blessing

Rationale, the Divine Decree Rationale, the Afortiori Rationale and the Imputation Rationale

under the Faith Rest Drill (5 Stages) functions. As a result, this believer maintains indestructible

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inner happiness and never surrenders it to ones he loves nor to ones he hates and passes with flying colors Thought Testing.