The Resurrection and Immortality by William West - HTML preview

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           |   K.J.V.    |   N.K.J.V.  |   N.A.S.V.  |   R.S.V.   |

Gen 1:20   | creatures   | creatures   | creatures   | creatures   |

Gen 2:7    | soul        | living being| living being| living being|

Gen 9:5    | life        | life        | life        | life        |

Mt 16:25-26|life & soul  | life & soul | life & soul | life 4 times|

Acts 3:23  | soul        | soul        | soul        | soul        |

1 Cor15:45 | soul        | living being| soul        | living being|

1 Pet 3:20 | souls       | soul        | persons     | persons     |

Rev 16:3   | soul        | creature    | living thing| living thing|


           |   N.R.S.V.  |  N.I.V.      |Robert Young|

Gen 1:20   | creatures   | creatures    | creature   |

Gen 2:7    | living being| living being |living being-creature|

Gen 9:5    | life        | life         | life       |

Mt 16:25-26| life 4 times| life & soul  | soul       |

Acts 3:23  | everyone    | anyone       | soul       |

1 Cor15:45 | living being| living being | creature   |

1 Pet 3:20 | persons     | people       | soul       |

Rev 16:3   | living thing| living thing | soul       |


Nephesh and psukee are used over 976 times. The King James Version translated them soul about half of the time, other translations much less.

King James Version                 (1611) 498 of 976 times

New King James Version             (1982) 341 of 976 times

The New King James Version has soul 157 times less then the King James Version.

New American Standard Version      (1960) 289 of 976 times

New International Version          (1987) 136 of 976 times

New International Version Updated  (2010)  95 of 976 times

The New International Version 2010 Update took soul out of the New International Version 41 times. It used soul only 95 out of over 976 times.

Today’s New International Version  (1996)  41 of 976 times

English Standard Version           (2001) 296 of 976 times

Amplified Bible                    (1987) 190 of 976 times

Holman Christian Standard Bible    (1999)  58 of 976 times 

New Century Version                (1987)  35 of 976 times

Contemporary Revised English Bible (1995)  26 of 976 times

God’s Word Translation             (1995) 110 of 976 times

Worldwide English  New Testament   (1995)  12 of 976 times

Christian Bible    New Testament   (1995)   0 of 976 times

IN THE NEW TESTAMENT: Is the use of the English word "soul" as a translation of psukee dying? Of the 106 times psukee is used it is translated soul only:

King James Version                (1611) 58 of 106 times

American Standard Version         (1901) 56 of 106 times

New American Standard Version     (1960) 47 of 106 times

New Revised Standard              (1946) 33 of 106 times

New International Version         (1978) 25 of 106 times 

New International Version Updated (2010) 22 of 106 times

36 times less than the King James Version                .

The Christian Bible               (1991)  0 of 106 times

Contemporary English Version      (1995) 13 of 106 times

Holman Christian Standard Bible   (1999) 23 of 106 times

Worldwide English Version         (2006)  8 of 106 times

     It is those who are members of churches that believe a person has an immortal soul that are little by little taking the word "soul" out of the Bible. Why is soul being used less in the newer translations? These translators knew "soul" is an English word that did not then exist as the word is used today, and that soul is not a translation of nehphesh or psukee; at the time the Bible was written neither nehphesh nor psukee had the meaning that the English word “soul” has today.

     A few of the many examples that show why the numbers above are difficult in difficult translations.

Numbers 29:7

  • "Ye shall afflict your souls (nehphesh)" King James Version.
  • "You shall humble yourselves (nehphesh)" New American Standard.

Joshua 11:11

  • "They smote all the souls (nehphesh)" King James Version.
  • "Not sparing anything that breathed (nehphesh)" New International Version.

Judges 16:16

  • "His soul (nehphesh) was vexed unto death" King James Version.
  • "Unto he (nehphesh) was tired to death" New International Version.

Numbers 30:2

  • "To bind his soul (nehphesh) with a bond" King James Version.
  • "To bind himself (nehphesh) with a binding obligation" New American Standard Version.

Numbers 15:30

  • "That soul (nehphesh) shall be cut off" King James Version.
  • "That person (nehphesh) shall be cut off" New American Standard Version.

     Acts 15:24-26 is an example of how the translation of psukee was changed even in the same passage by the translators when it would not fit in with their belief about an immortal soul. Since we have heard that some of our number to whom we gave no instruction have disturbed you with their words, unsettling your souls (psukee), it seemed good to us, having become of one mind, to select men to send to you with our beloved Barnabas and Paul, men who have risked their lives (psukee) for the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.” The psukee - life they risked was their earthly life, not a deathless soul.

·         “Certain persons who have gone out from us, though with no instruction from us, have said things to disturb you and have unsettled your minds (psukee)…who has risked their lives (psukee) New revised Standard Version.

·         “And disturbed you, troubling your minds (psukee) by what they said…men who have risked their lives (psukee) for the name of our Lord Jesus Christ” New International Version.

·         “We have heard that some of our group have come to you and said things that trouble (psukee) and upset you (psukee)” New Century Version.

     A bird's eye view (below) of the way psukee is translated in four versions shows that it is a living being, not an immortal no substance something. The translators wanted to put their immortal soul in the Bible, but they had a problem for if they had uniformly translated psukee into "soul," in some passages their immortal soul would have been subject to death and in other passages it would be dead.

(1) King James (2) New Revised Standard (3) American Standard (4) New International

Matthew 2:20    |(1) LIFE|(2) LIFE |(3) LIFE|(4) LIFE

Matthew 6:25    | LIFE   | LIFE    | LIFE   | LIFE

Matthew 6:25    | LIFE   | LIFE    | LIFE   | LIFE

Matthew 10:28   | soul   | soul    | soul   | soul

Matthew 10:28   | soul   | soul    | soul   | soul

Matthew 10:39   | LIFE   | LIFE    | LIFE   | LIFE

Matthew 10:39   | LIFE   | LIFE    | LIFE   | LIFE

Matthew 11:29   | souls  | souls   | souls  | souls

Matthew 12:18   | soul   | soul    | soul   | I    

Matthew 16:25   | LIFE   | LIFE    | LIFE   | LIFE

Matthew 16:25   | LIFE   | LIFE    | LIFE   | LIFE

Matthew 16:26   | soul   | LIFE    | LIFE   | soul

Matthew 16:26   | soul   | LIFE    | LIFE   | soul

Matthew 20:28   | LIFE   | LIFE    | LIFE   | LIFE

Matthew 22:37   | soul   | soul    | soul   | soul

Matthew 26:38   | soul   | I       | soul   | soul

Mark 3:4        | LIFE   | LIFE    | LIFE   | LIFE

Mark 8:35       | LIFE   | LIFE    | LIFE   | LIFE

Mark 8:35       | LIFE   | LIFE    | LIFE   | LIFE

Mark 8:36       | soul   | LIFE    | LIFE   | soul

Mark 8:37       | soul   | LIFE    | LIFE   | soul

Mark 10:45      | LIFE   | LIFE    | LIFE   | LIFE

Mark 12:30      | soul   | soul    | soul   | soul

Mark 12:33      | soul   | HEART   | HEART  | HEART

Mark 14:34      | soul   | I       | soul   | soul

Luke 1:46       | soul   | soul    | soul   | soul

Luke 2:35       | soul   | soul    | soul   | soul

Luke 6:9        | LIFE   | LIFE    | LIFE   | LIFE

Luke 9:24       | LIFE   | LIFE    |