The UnGodly by Ang Berry - HTML preview

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April 4th

2:00 a.m.

More sexually degrading comments. He told me to watch where I am all the time.

I spoke with the Lord - and yes, I know it was Him.

"For thou art not a God that hath pleasure in wickedness: neither shall evil dwell with thee."

The devil wants to know why he is allowed to persist?

Every time I doze, he pulls at my spirit - tries to drag it toward him. I've felt this feeling before in the past. The best way I can describe it is a heavy feeling - like being weighed down.

If he tricks me, I’m going to trick him back. He’s mad at this book.

The devil is funny - he says funny things. He ain’t but a piece of crap, but he’s humorous at times. Let me be very clear that God does not like when I laugh at his jokes - wants me to say why I'm amused in light of the fact that he tries to molest me.

I'm just not scared because God is there.

I asked God if HE talks to him. HE said that HE’s allergic to him, but yes.

God doesn’t like the smell on earth.

I saw him today. I was sitting in the computer lab tripping.

God says to me, “Don’t panic. It’s okay.”

So me, “Whatever.” *shrug*

So Satan says, “I’m looking you right in the face.”

Me? “Whatever.” I never doubted that his spirit moves around.

I look up and sure enough he’s sitting right in my face – right across from me at another computer. The same face I've been seeing in my mind - damn near. A very pale man in his fifties with extremely yellow teeth and a disruptive disposition. Puckered flesh around the mouth. Thin, salt and pepper hair, weathered skin, about 5'7, 150 lbs. Wore glasses, regularly dressed - not unkempt but not neat. Pads of paper are in his jacket pocket and when he knows that I’m looking, he raises his head, chin back so that I can see his face staring at me, lowered lids. His eyes were brown, feral. I stare at him for several seconds, but he won’t look me in the eye.

I ask God, “Is that him?”


So me, “Yeah, that’s his sorry butt.” My first thought is, that’s okay cause I’ll shoot him in the face.

He moves a seat over and says loudly in a lab where people are concentrating, “JESUS CHRIST!”

So I say, “Thank you, Jesus.”

He's all huffy-puffy (irritated because I was not impressed and God was next to me smiling) and paces around, leaves out the lab, comes back. I tell him to pray. He leaves out. So I close out my program and leave.

He’s sitting in the hallway outside the lab. He wants me to know how glad I should be that my Father was there.

One time when an image of him conjured, he was very dark-skinned with goldish-brown hair. The pale image is most prevalent and today finally seen in physical form. Very unsuspecting looking fellow.

10:32 p.m.

I forgot my prayer. He’s mocking me and I can’t remember and I panicked because the demon is stalking me. I panicked and an uncontrollable trembling has come over me but I keep praying.

“By reserving evil for me…lower parts of the earth…”

I don’t want to be no animal.

I saw myself slamming my bedroom door on the devil. When I leaned against it to keep him out, a bright light shown all around the seams of the door. I hoped it was God but I thought that maybe the devil was trying to trick me, so I ran up the wall and hid in the corner. I saw myself with a dark shadow behind me. When I moved, it moved with me; where I sat, it crawled behind me.

The devil is very sensitive about what I write.

Isa stood at the top of stairs of a grated walkway and pointed down the stairs to a large black pool that was filled with what looked like vomit. I think a man was inside, but I turned my hack because I didn’t want to look.

Then I was swinging on a swing suspended from nothing. The devil was near, but I wasn’t worried until suddenly one of the swing’s chains snapped. I was afraid but God reached in and grabbed me by my hand and pulled me out. When I looked down again, the demon was hanging from the broken chain. Below was all black - a tunnel. Earth was at the bottom of a well.

God bet me that HE could carry me on HIS back without turning about and the devil wouldn’t touch me. I can't imagine how afraid a person may be if they don’t have help from God.

God has called him a thief.

I’m hearing that he’s been castrated which makes me ask how he’s raping. Maybe it’s a mind thing?

Jesus told me to remember that he is a sneak;

“Any way that a sneak can be snuck he will sneak you. He is going to see how close he can get to you, but don’t worry because God is as quick as lightning.”

The Lord says he is treacherous.

From what I hear, he’s swinging at air if you have faith. God is a hedge so to speak and he is an unclean spirit.

I say that he tears down what he didn’t create. But he goes round and round – curses, threats of violence, sexual vulgarity, accusations, harassment. Never changes - or will it? Once I get over the mental part, does he have to move on to physical contact? Because he is a sneak, what's next?

11:18 pm

Right now he's charging me with my crimes. There’s a new sheriff in town, people.