The UnGodly by Ang Berry - HTML preview

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Date: 4/19/17

Black female, 33 years

I’ve always believed in God. I dreamed once of a white light that was full of energy and felt so good.

I said, “If it’s You, touch my hand”, and He did.

A demon bothers me. Because of my relationship with God, he would beat on me, drag me around, etc. I was scared. I would call for God.

One time, I tricked him and acted like I was attracted to him so he would leave me alone. He came back next time in the form of my husband. In the dream, I thought maybe it wasn’t my husband - but it looked like him. His penis was weird like bent and crooked and I pointed it out to him and he straightened it out.

I said to him, “You kinda don’t seem like my husband.” His eyes were weird.

After sex, he said, “You’re right. I'm not your husband.”

I just had a baby. I sometimes look at my baby and hope… the next time he came back, I told him no. It seemed like there was a shield around me.

After that, he would come back. I couldn't sleep because I don’t want him in my dreams. My bedroom is the only one on the 2nd floor. I would hear him coming up the stairs and I would think, here come this (expletive).

I would ask, “What are you doing here? What do you want?”

He came back again and pointed in my face so I bit his finger off. It grew back with a long nail attached to it. He poked me all over my body. When he poked me in my stomach, it hurt so bad that I woke up. My stomach was bleeding.

I saw that demon once before - this same skinny demon standing years ago at the end of my bed. I called a friend to come and be with me because I was scared. He said that in my sleep, I was shaking and hyperventilating.

When I fall asleep, if I see darkness I know the demons are coming. One demon I fought had electricity for hands.

Me and my husband started having problems. It was like this dark object was trying to attach itself to both of us - like whatever was on me was trying to find something else to jump on because it couldn’t stay on me. At that time it was like a negative energy surrounded us.

Me and my sister had the same dream once of a demon chasing us. She was running and scared of him. I was running behind it.

About a month ago, my kids told me there was something in the house. Sometime later I was home alone. I was applying cosmetics and I heard someone in the house. I distinctly heard a door close and someone walk through the house. I thought it was my husband so I called out for him, but no answer, so I went looking.

I go in the basement; come back upstairs. I look all over even moving the fridge. Something hits me on the butt but I don’t see anything. I move the fridge again and out of my peripheral someone walks through the living room right past me.

I have a relationship with God. When you know better, you have to do better. Those who continue to succumb are weak in temptation or weak in God.

Because the Lord loves me.