The UnGodly by Ang Berry - HTML preview

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March 18th

He grabbed me by the back of my jacket and slammed me into the wall. He kicked me and punched me. He grabbed me by the head and roughly raped me orally. Afterward, he threw me in a garbage dump and peed on me. God came and told me to say the Prayer of Manasseh - that HE would protect me.

His name is Joshua. I thought he was saying Yeshua. He's tall, 6ft maybe, broad shouldered, not bad looking but very mean. His hair is kinda wild. His eyes are wild.

Why did you think that was Jesus?

I thought in all the centuries that have come and gone and all that He’s been through that maybe He would be a little…odd. Never acted crazy beforebut...I remember asking Him to please not hit me in the stomach. He didn’t.