The Word of God about the fearful judgment by Jesus Christ - HTML preview

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I go with you for the man to hear how I reveal the mystery of the new age, the age that is to come. Those who have forsaken the faith will believe seeing with their own eyes, and their unbelief will not escape them from guilt, but on the contrary, it will condemn them severely, for I have had you as My messengers on the earth and I have called them to Me and they have got used to saying: “It is not the Lord.” One more hour and I will show Myself near you, for the judgment of those who have known Me by this word. The man’s haughtiness, which does not receive Me, is the reward of his wicked works, for the sinful falls into haughtiness and he falls into blindness and then, by everything he does, he blasphemes God. One more hour and My light with you will be great and I will dazzle the haughty ones and they will remain in the darkness and the blind will not be able to find the way. I, the Lord, the One, Who made the heaven and the earth, will make them new and I will do this work with the man, as I have already done so, as My Father worked with Me, doing everything that is. I am with the mystery of the new age on the Romanian land. Let the man see what kind of work I have been doing with him and let him understand and know. Amen.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Saint hierarch Nicholas, from 19-12-

2000.  (On Calameo)


I still hear the man saying the he does need another Scripture; that the one from two thousand years ago is enough and that it has everything. It has, man, but you have nothing of it. Do no longer oppose when I come to reveal the one of that time by this one now. Do no longer justify yourselves as you have nothing to justify with, since you do not walk in the footsteps of My Gospel of that time, for look, My book of that time has had no room on the earth; My word, creating the new man, has had no room over your life, as I wanted to make the man by My Gospel of that time. And I come now and remind you that you did not walk in My footsteps. And if this word of today shows you the judgment of your deeds against My teaching, you rise to put My book of today under the lie and say that you do not need it and that you have the one of that time. Oh, where do you have it? Do you have it on paper? If you have it this way, that one is the book of your judgment. You are judged because you did not work according to it. At least humble yourself. But no; you cannot because you are after your 54

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own wills and you cannot submit them to you. You submit Mine to you and say: „ I do no longer need them”. This is how you say to My word of today and to My word of two thousand years ago. You do not need either one. Oh, if you do not need, why do you still live on its account?

Why do you make a profit on account of My Gospel of two thousand years ago? I said that it will win over souls and bodies for the kingdom of heavens, and you make money beside My work of that time and do your own will with it.

I have come now to tell the truth to every man, for it is the time of judgment, the time of the truth. This means judgment: the truth. Amen, amen, amen. My word is the truth. It is its time and that is why it is coming on earth. Let the man meet Me and receive My word and put upon it and see his stature and come to make him again, for the man is not yet made. There is no one to make the man to be. I am the Creator of the man, and I have come to make it. Every man says: “God made me” , but I do not say this. If I made the man, he would be in My image and after My likeness, and he would not be the way he is now, and within his condition now, he alone testifies about his father, for each one takes after his father. Amen.

Let the man meet Me and take My word for the man’s creation on him. And only after he allows himself to be made, only after that let him say “God has made me”.

Oh, My people! Oh, people of My coming! Show to the man your creation from My

hand. Let the man see you a man made by God, for I say: blessed is he who comes to know the life and its mystery and the spirit of the everlasting love, to stay in it and to grow to be, for there will be only righteous people in My people, there will be only saints. Amen, amen, amen.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Lord’s meeting (Candlemas), from 15-

02-2001.  (On Calameo)


The praying and memorial offering of those that are asleep has come through the gate of heaven. Those that are asleep come in groups; they come to you, for you keep a memorial for the whole human kind that was and still is. When those that died sinning, see the place of salvation, the place from here, where I work with you for the man’s salvation, when they see My victory through you, they are filled with pain and remorse and cry to Me mourn-fully to have mercy on them and to wipe out their sins, for in their days of memorial they have seen the heaven, which is the rest of the saints, and they have seen the hell, which is the place of condemnation, in which the sinners will be tormented after the resurrection of the dead. The entire human kind, which went to sleep, has come to your memorial and now they are listening to the voice of the being of the Holy Spirit, Who is speaking from Me over you, preparing the resurrection of the dead and My coming with the life of the age that is to be.


Oh, My people, the love, which is not harmful, cries out to the man for him to take it in him that it may give him inner life. Everything the man loves is the love, which harms the man, and the man can no longer remove it from him. The love, which does not harm the man, is My love in him, the love, which gives the man his eternal living, the eternal life, which does not darken the man’s eternity.

Eternal living, this is what I want to give you, man, for this is what I said: «He who

believes in Me will never die». Amen. Oh, I did not lie by saying this word, which I spoke in all My love for the man. I did not say too much by this word, but rather I comprised in it the whole truth about the eternal life. But who is the one who believes in Me so that he may 55

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never die, as Enoch and Elijah did not die, and also the loved John and many others after them, who are in their bodies, being comprised by those that are not seen among those that are seen? ( See the selection topic: „Enoch and Elijah” , r.n. ) The love, which is not harmful, brings the man to eternal life and brings Me in man, so that the man may live in Me and for him to be My living, My house and My eternity in man. Who else is on earth the house of the Holy Spirit, in which to be consumed with the heat of the Holy Spirit being? He who has the Holy Spirit in him, that one has both the Son and the Father for the Three of Them, are inseparable everywhere and every time if They are in man, for They are One, and this name is the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen, amen, amen. Oh, if the man drank of this cup, he would get drunk with God. If the people gave to each other this cup of the happiness from above, there would be a drunkenness of the Holy Spirit upon the people and the people would be found in Me and would get together to drink and to look for their happiness in this drunkenness.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Descending of the Holy Spirit, from



Oh, you too, those who come to the wedding, wake up! Wake up and hear the voice of the Bridegroom Who speaks to His bride, sharing the wine of the wedding, of the wedding love.

Amen. Oh, let your hearts not be troubled. I give you the solid teaching, solid food, so that you may strengthen your living and to wake Me up within you, and for Me to take root within you, for I am the root of this word which comforts you. Believe it or not, I have to tell who I am.

I am the One Who is. I am the Son of the Father Sabaoth. I am here and I become word and I give Myself out over the earth. Nowhere on earth do I find any man that wants to do like Me for My word of today that I let down here with all its wholeness. If I also spoke here the way as so many people say that I have spoken in so many places on the earth, then I would be loved from here as well; I would be believed here too, and I would be welcomed from here with My way to the people too. But My way is heavenly; it is a right and holy way and the man is afraid of it. And if the man is afraid of the clean way, he would like that My coming in the word to be a lie; the word with which I open up the way of the coming of My body that ascended to the Father two thousand years ago. I did not ascend so that I might not come again.

But on the contrary, I said then: «I go so that I may come again; I go to prepare a place», and to come back after I prepare it. Here it is; I have prepare it and the man is too haughty to believe what I say, for I say that every word of Mine, which I come down with into this place prepared by Me painfully, judges the one who does not receive it to put it on him. Behold, the man receives from man but he does not receive from God. I also was a man on the earth and I was wise from the Father and I let the teaching of eternal life upon the man. Why does the man does not receive from Me as well and to be like Me then? Oh, why the man receives only from man. Why, really?

You man that read only what the man says and only what the man writes! Was the man crucified for you that you receive teaching from him and believe so much in him and eat from him so much? How comes that you are not tired of so much learning which takes from your soul, like the big waters, all that is eternal and true in you and from heaven? Oh, man, I meet you in your running and search out your being and I see that you do no longer have a being of noble birth. The gathering in your mind had made Me an orphan to you, you man tired of your labor, of your burden. I told you to take up My burden, for My yoke is good, for My burden is easy. This is what I told you. However, you become a giant and carry the burdens on your way, and My way is destitute of people. Your way is not My way. What is yours is not also Mine and you live without life. Oh, how shall I make you open to My knock at your door? Here is 56

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how I open up My spring and call you to come and drink and see its taste and see its truth, for I am this spring. I am this word, and My body is wrapped up into this word and I stand before you wrapped in this word. This word is My coming after two thousand years from the Father, to prepare a bride with it, and to come then down near her in My visible body, with which I ascended from My disciples two thousand years ago, so that I may be able to come back at the time of My coming again from near the Father.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Romanian Christianity, the first day, from 08-06-2001. (On Calameo)


Oh, the people will not be able to bear with My coming, for it will be with a great glory, and the man is not prepared by Me for it. Behold, the man does not let himself be prepared for My coming, and it will be in glory and it will burn like a furnace, for it is written:

«Behold, the day, which will burn like a furnace, is coming». Then I will change My face, for the man will see Me in glory and he will be terrified, for it is written: «The nations of

the earth will cry and will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of the heaven with great

power and much glory, to get together His chosen ones from the four corners of the winds of

the earth». Amen.

Oh, how shall I do before My coming, which will burn like a furnace in heaven and on earth? What really shall I do to prepare the man for the glory of that day? It is coming soon, soon. How shall I make the man learn to hear from Me as you do, as you listen to those that you hear from Me? Shall I change the man in his face and heart before Me? How shall I do this? Shall I make the man no longer receive from himself or from the man and rather receive from Me? How shall I really do it? The man shall live from Me and from My word and from My work with the man; oh, how could I leave this change over the man so that I may look at his face and he at My face as I and My disciples looked at each other in the day when I revealed My glory in their eyes in the mountain and when they saw those in heaven at My right and left?

Behold, that day, which will burn like a furnace and will consume everything, is coming, and the man does not want to hear from Me so that I may prepare him for that day.

The man has to be like Me on that day, so that he may not be melted in it. It is at this work of the new man that I work with you, children of the Lord’s glory. I glorify with you over the earth with days of heavenly glory, sons, with heavenly and sweet feasts on the earth, to make the man used to My glory little by little, and then to ask him more, if he wants to be able to do manage, and little by little to prepare those that are My chosen from the four corners of the winds of the earth, for that day, which will burn like a furnace, is coming. I want to teach those of Mine to be able to bear it, for its glory is burning.

I embrace you with words of comfort as in My arms, children of My today’s people.

You, sons from My manger of word, give this comfort to My people that are gathered together for the preparation of the glory of My days with it among the sons of the people, and get used to it day by day too, for without this comfort, which flows from My mouth over this garden, the man, soon, soon, will no longer be able to do it in body either.

Let My elected from the four corners of the winds of the earth come, and let the sons of the people come and take from this mountain of comfort to get used to My glory, for the day, which will burn like a furnace, is coming, and soon, soon, not a body will be able to bear in it. Only those who are comforted by Me will bear with it; only they, for once with that day, their salvation is also coming, as it is written. Amen.


The fearful judgment

Excerpt from the Word of God at the Feast of the Lord’s Transfiguration, from 19-08-

2001.  (On Calameo)


Oh, sons of the people, I teach you what true love is. In the time of Noah, I looked down on the earth and I saw God’s sons seduced by the sons and daughters of the people, and thus love was spoiled on earth. When I saw this, I was sorry that I made the man and I told Noah to make a saving ark for him and for his sons, for the sons and daughters of the people would bring about flood on earth. And it was flood on earth and the earth was full of waters and I saved God’s sons; I saved them from among the sons of the people out of the flood. And what shall I do now? The human kind became flood for God’s sons, for the sons of the people are in abundance and those who are with Me are few. What shall I really do?

Here is what I do: I come with a table of wedding on earth. This is what I do. I call every man at My table. This is what Noah did. First, he told everybody about Me and about the news for their salvation and he called them all to salvation, but no one wanted to believe and to come.

And then, their sins brought about the flood on earth, and the earth was caught under the waters with everything that was on it. However, now it will be an unequalled wonder. I, the Lord, will lift up those of Mine and I will protect and comfort them, and I will take away many, as I took away My people of today, with which I lay down the glory of My word on earth, My coming on the way of the word.

I want to gather many at My bosom and to give them life, for the people do not have life. Oh, who shall give life to the people? There is no man on earth to be able to give life. I come and give it to them. Come, so that I may give it you! Taste and be comforted. Taste of My wine. I am the Word that gives life, and the life is the light of the people. He, who has no light, let him come and receive it. Let him come! Amen, amen, amen.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Romanian Christianity, the first day, from 25-08-2001. (On Calameo)


Oh, My people, what is more difficult is more beautiful; it is more real, more deserving, My people. You should not flee the burdens for the Lord is with you. I was only under the burdens, and the hate of the man pushed it to My crying for him, and I asked from My Father a new spirit for the man, a new creation. But for this I had to die for every man, and then to give him face from My face, life from My life.

Let your face, My people, be My resurrected face from crucifixion. I told you to stand in front of the mirror and dress beautifully, for you need special attire. Did you hear My people?

I told you that you are My Gospel of today. Did you hear My people? Behold, I tell you this and I tell you so: When My face will be completely your face, then the end and the beginning will come, and all will be born again from your new image, for I chose you for this, My people. Then I will speak from your mouth the new creation of all that were at the beginning, and I will make a word of creation through you, and everything will come to be renewed and then I will say: « It was done! ». Amen. Through your new image I will say: « It was done! ».

Amen, amen, amen.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Saint Hierarch Spyridon, from 25-12-




The fearful judgment

In the beginning, the Spirit of the Lord was hovering over the surface of the waters, My people, and He was preparing His word for the creation of the heaven and the earth and for the creation of the whole beauty and the life on them, and that of the man, My people. And in the end, the Spirit of the Lord is hovering over you preparing His word for the creation of the new heaven and the new earth. In the beginning I took the heaven and the earth out of waters, and in the end out of you, people born of God and of His creating word. I separated waters from waters with you and I called you heaven, My people. You are the tool, with which I work out the new heaven and the new earth. My Spirit hovers over you and becomes word, the word of creation of the new heaven and new earth.

My Spirit is hovering over you as He was hovering over the waters, when I made the heaven and the earth, My people. Then I and My Father were speaking, and the angels were Our witnesses. Now, I and My Father are speaking with you, and the saints, the angels and the people are Our witnesses, the heaven and the earth, which have been waiting for the new birth, the renewal, My people. The Spirit of the Lord is hovering over you and with you He is separating the waters from waters, the light from the darkness, the good ones from the evil ones, the truth from the falsehood, and He called this expanse new heaven. Amen, amen, amen. The new heaven and the new earth on the earth, this is the portion that I have given to you. I have given it to you, so that you may carry the mystery of My coming, as I also gave John the portion in order to carry the mystery of My baptism, before I was to appear to God perfectly, by overcoming the power of death, and giving back his life to the man in a perfect manner. Since then and until today, I have been waiting for the man with the faith by which he may able to perfectly perceive why I came as a Man on the earth two thousand years ago. I have been waiting for you to perfectly understand your mission and mystery that I have given to you to carry, My people from the end of the time; the mystery of My second coming from the Father on the earth, the mystery of the new heaven and the new earth, the mystery of the New Jerusalem, the creation from My coming. Amen.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the synod of the Saint John, the Baptizer, from 07.01.2002 Old Style / after the Julian calendar - 20-01-2002 N.S. (On Calameo)


Look at the servants of the church from the world, as they look for a knot in a rush when it would come to get rid of unbelief and to take care of My voice, which comes from the beginning to the end to unite these two, for it is written: «I am the beginning and the end». Oh, what shall I give to these, who have no way to know the mysteries of the kingdom and My word, which comes from the beginning? What shall I do to those who are stubborn and who do not get dumb at the voice of the Creator? For I have come to make up the new birth of the world as I said then, because it was not them that made it up, for they cannot do this and they would like that I also might not do this, but I must be able to do everything what is written in the Scriptures that I had do and this is what I do. Amen.

Sons, we speak of the Gospel of the Lord’s coming in a churchly feast, the fearful judgment, and then, on this day of remembrance I tell everyone on earth that I, the Lord, the Word of the Father and His beloved Son, worked the same in the beginning when I made the heaven and the earth and the man. After I made the man, he felt Me, heard Me and knew Me this way, and after the man grew his humility less, his faith grew less as well and suddenly he thought that he could do things for himself, and this is how the man came to hide from Me.

However, I was the word, as I am here today, in the garden of My word from the end. I was word upon the man and he felt Me, heard Me and knew Me this way, but his love for Me 59

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could not work, for he grew his humility less and because of this, his faith grew less and from this the man worshipped himself and he forgot to worship Me instead.

Now I come on earth as word upon man and I work the same as in the beginning and there is nothing if the man’s unbelief comes into My way; however, I work so that the man may hear and that I may not come out as an unjust judge in that day of judgment, as though I came and the man did not know since he did not wait for Me to come. But whom I find on earth to believe in the Scriptures of My coming any more, which I spoke about two thousand years ago with My own mouth? If I come to renew the world, I work as I am, and I work as in the beginning, and I tell the world who I am and I tell it that «I am the One Who am» and that I come as a just Judge and each one receives his reward that he has earned with Me. But whoever had mercy on Me during this time of My coming and gave Me shelter and food and clothes and bread and water and healing of My pain and comfort, I will make that one into My tabernacle, and I speak My last word on earth from this door, the word of My coming on earth after two thousand years from My coming, as the prophets and the saints thought through the Holy Spirit, Who works out My coming. Whoever does not want Me to come, that one is unfaithful and his lot is outside, together with those who did not receive the kingdom. And the one, who wants My coming, that one believes in it and stays according to My pleasure, and I rely on him and prepare My coming and I come; I come and I give each one according to what he has earned.


Oh, My people, those that are asleep have been waiting for their resurrection. You have made a memorial for them and they all have come from creation and until today. They did not want to go to their places until they hear My word. When I saw what they wanted, I fulfilled this way. Now they stay at the table of the word, and then I make them free, but I do not make them free for a long time since their ascending comes near, their ascending and My coming, My people, My coming once with your coming to the work of My coming. Ask in your prayers on the altar; ask for the raising of the dead for the life of the age to come and we have to establish all its fulfillments on earth. Amen. It is time for a great watch, but who on earth believes what I tell him here in the word?

Excerpt from the Word of God on the Sunday of the remembrance of the fearful judgment, from 10-03-2002. (On Calameo)


My people, I, the Lord and your God, thought and teach you always to sweeten yourself with Me on earth, so that you may able to be Mine, and so that you may not be yours or of the world, because I have always told you to be Mine, son. I called you and chose you and I have brought you up and this is also what I do today, but there has to be a difference between you and the unfaithful one, My people. This mystery is what I want to teach you today, even deeper than you have known and experienced it, so that I may have you as a faithful child, a called and chosen and faithful child, My people. Amen.

Oh, child of My word, My supper of nowadays with you and of which I have always sweeten you, has to make you sweeter and sweeter, as much as I can sweeten Myself with you, My people. You are My smallest one and I set you to guard well the golden tree and its fruits, so that I may sweeten Myself with them at My table with you. I have taken the tree from gate and I put it in storage, and I put you to keep it and to work it, so that it may be on the table and its whole sweet fruit as well, for I am flesh and word, and there was and there is nowhere else like with you, My people.


The fearful judgment

The city, without a prophet, without a leader from heaven on it, falls down and it has fallen down because it had and has many rulers over it, and I have not had any room in it and over it even now, at the end of the time, when I have called at My supper, at My table of Holy Spirit those that say that they are the sons of the kingdom, Jesus Christ’s church among the people. Soon, soon, My disciples and apostles, those with whom I walked on earth two thousand years ago, and I made them faithful of the powers of My word after I had called and chosen them, soon, soon they will be seen near Me, judging the Israel after the flesh, and the one who wanted to be Israel after the spirit, after Me, the Christ of the Father, for I have founded the church and I am her Master. Amen.

I celebrate My disciples, My people. I glorify Myself into your midst with the glory of My word and I give them a seat near Me on one side and on the other, and I give them the reward because they had walked with Me and this way they were taught to be righteous and holy. And because they gave up everything they had and followed only Me, I told them that at the new birth of the world they would sit on the judgments seats for those who violated My judgments, for My church has been built on them and with them, both at that time and now.


Oh, disciples, I took you with Me into the word. Not only that My seat of judgment is here, in the garden of My word, but also yours as well, for this is how I have established you to stay at the new birth of the world and of the creature, and to judge the lawlessness, so that it may know, from earth to heaven, what it is and where its place is. Amen, amen, amen.

We, our Teacher and Lord and of Your sons and ours, we, Lord Almighty, right and good Judger of the world! From heaven down to earth we are taking after You now, because any perfect disciple is like His Teacher. Amen.

We sit on the seats of justice and declare over the earth and from margins to margins, so that the word of Your disciples may be heard, which says this over those who have sat to be like You and then to be masters over the nations into Your name, and we say this to them: no disciple is greater than his Teacher, but any perfect disciple is and will be like his Teacher instead. Amen.

We kneel before You, praying to You for Your people through whom You have saved Your church and its mystery, which will not be crushed forever. And we sit, Lord, on the seats of judgment, near You, judging the lawlessness on earth and its place, Lord. Let all those, who sit on the seats of judgments hear, from margins to margins, that we, Lord, have to bring down justice on earth and the gospel of Your coming, and of Your saints and children from the earth, with whom you write Your book of today, the book of the sacrificed Lamb, the book of the judgment, (See the selection topic: „About the Book of the Lamb - The Book of Life” , r.n.) for it is written into the prophets: «…the scroll flying far and wide, with its length, twenty cubits

and its breath ten cubits, has the curse that goes out over the surface of the whole land; for

everyone who steals shall be cut off according to it on the one side; and everyone who swears

falsely shall be cut off according to it on the other side. This will enter into the house of the

thief and into the house of him who swears falsely by the Lord’s name, and it will remain

into the midst of his house, and will destroy it with its timber and its stones». Amen. «This is

the ephah basket that is appearing», as the Scripture says, «and in it there it is the wickedness

of the whole earth and on it the slab of lead», (Zach. 5:3-8, r.n.) and its place is Babylon and Sodom. Amen.


The fearful judgment

Oh Lord, who is the one who swears falsely on Your name, and which is his house, the house of the thief, Lord? Behold Your measure: the ephah. You measure the wheat with it, and with it You measure the man who swears falsely on Your name, and the man has room in it, Lord, to be measured. And if the man is not wheat, it is lawlessness instead, Lord, and he that swears falsely on Your name is a thief, and his house of timber and stones (The worldly churches, r.n.) will be cut off. Amen. If you were not the Lord of justice, the thief, who makes his house into Your name, will be justified. However, You have set all of us on the seats of judgment, when You called us and chose us to be faithful to You against the lawlessness of the whole earth. When You called us to be Yours, You also taught us to deny ourselves and everything we had on earth, so that we might have only You and to give You to the man as You are, and we had to be like You, Lord. Wherever we walked far and wide on earth, we gave only You to people and not us, and we took only You from heaven and from earth, as Your Holy Spirit was blowing and working by the anointment that You gave us, You and not the man, You and not the thief, who swore falsely on Your name, and he did not know You, Lord, for a thief belongs to his own self and cannot be Yours. Now, after two thousand years of wickedness, the scroll of Your book is flying high and low over the surface of the entire earth, and any thief will be cut off, and anyone who swears falsely will be crushed, and the house of timber and stones of the thief will be thrown down, for Your judgments have been made known, Lord. We are just the judgment and not the judgers, for we denied the world and ourselves and this is how we went from place to place with Your power in us, proclaiming Your kingdom, and thus we were worthy of the reward of our work, for You were our work, and we put You over the man and in man, Lord. But the apostles of today, those who did as they wanted from two thousand years ago until now, where are they from and who are they taking after and whom are they giving to the people? Their glory has surpassed the human measure, and the lawlessness sits in its place and in its house. The ephah basket runs over its brims with its wickedness, for the man who swears falsely on Your name is the measure, which overruns and has been spread all over the surface of the earth, and the curse of the lawlessness the same, and any thief will be cut off, Lord, for Your book of today has been preached up and down all over the earth, and there is in it what You give to each other according to his own deed. Amen.

Now we are breathing the spirit, which is speaking out of us from You, and we are establishing Your people from Your coming. Glory to You, and again we say, glory to You for You started reigning fulfilling the Scripture revealed to the sons of God, as it is written into the Scriptures about the entire creature, which has been waiting for them sobbingly, Lord. And we teach them into Your name, as the ones who were and are Yours on earth and in heaven, and we speak to them this way:

If you have been so much waited for and so much loved in heaven, children of the graces from the end of the time, be His whole measure on earth, and make yourselves perfect in Him, so that He may be perfected in you, and be all in one, with all kinds of gifts that he has breathed into you, so that you may also be on earth His glory from the end of the time, and so that through it, He may be able to work out His coming with all the saints and with the new heaven and with the new earth on earth among the people.

You should also know that not everything that stays under the name of the church of Jesus Christ is church; it is no longer and it is something else instead, for it is written about the scroll, which flies and gets in the house of the thief and of the one who swears falsely on the name of the Lord, and it will remain in it and it will cut off its timber and its stones. The wickedness is in the ephah, and the ephah is brought to its place, in its house, and it will cut it off.

Amen. Soon, soon, Babylon and Sodom will have the sign of the lawlessness on them, for all 62

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those, who became apostles without the Lord speaking to them, did so because they were thieves, and their houses are the place of the lawlessness, the place of the ephah, in which the lawlessness of the whole earth is found. You should also know that the Lord, one hour before finding the man of lawlessness, who stays under the name of the church throughout the earth, one hour before it, the Lord presented you as His church on earth, and you stand on the ground of the Lord’s testimony, because He proved you through signs and miracles, and no enemy could stand against you, because the Lord took His kingdom, (See the selection topic: „About

the kingdom of God” , r.n.) and from here, from you, He can for Him, for we and for you. And many will read the book and will see and illuminate and will be the guests of the Lamb’s wedding with you, and those who are wicked will behave as the wicked ones, for the lawlessness was set into its place and its house, in the house of those who swears falsely on the name of the Lord. Amen.

You should know, children from the end, you should know, little children, you should know to be so wise, as great as the work that the Lord has put on your shoulders, to be able to carry it on earth for His coming. Be greater than we are, for all the saints in heaven stay around you, so that you may be able to do as they all did, and as much as the Lord can, children from the end of the time. Do not be afraid that you are small or that you are weak. Stay under the Lord’s wisdom and receive from it and live by it and stay with the Lord, for this is the wisdom, which protects you from any evil. Seek to be perfect disciples, for this is what this time has been requiring from your now, and everything will be submitted to the Lord, if He has you this way.

Amen. Seek from dawn to dawn to be the heaven from the earth and put your life at the gates, so that it may be known by anyone who will come to the spring to see and to drink, and then to be able to do it. Give power to the zeal of the Lord in you and in the man who wants to be with the Lord. Give way to the Lord’s wisdom in you and among you, so that where you are He may be also, so that you may also be, little sons. Soon, soon, you will be sought after by all the nations for the Lord, Who is with you. Adorn the garden of the meeting and enclose it well with the laws of holiness, so that the man may be able to do through them, children of the graces from the end of the time, and be perfect disciples, little sons. Amen.

And as for You, Lord and Teacher, give them the power of miracles, those beyond this time, as You have already given to them. Give them the beauty of the angels and the brightness of Your graces in them, and give them a gentle and humble spirit, for they are Yours, Lord.

Protect them greatly, both from above and from below, and teach them to know well that work, which says that where they are, You should also be, Lord of Your sons. Amen, amen, amen.

― I taught you, My disciples of that time, I taught you from near, I comforted you, I put you to trial, I rebuked you, I cuddled you and I gave you the Holy Spirit for the weak sight of the unfaithful. But I also carry them in the mystery of those that are not seen by their eyes, and I taught them to be able to believe in those that are true, for those are not seen, because they are true. I gave you the walking through the world together with Me, and then into My name.

But I put them in storage and to sowing, and I water them from heaven with the dew from Eden, and I teach them with it to know the place where they stand, and I see you so happy for this place of Mine with them, the place of the first beginning of the earth with the man. Amen.

And now, I fill them with My love from you, for their work is hard, and I have always brought to them and I have always given them, both from above and from below, for their time is hard, because it is its end and I am at the beginning. I want to always have them as My children and to make them be more like children, so that I may work upon them with all My 63

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coming, with all of it, oh, My disciples from My coming in My body on earth! And I will be able to do it. Amen.

I, little sons, have always let upon you the word of the blessing for My work with you, by which I glorify Myself over the earth from here with you. I ask you to be with Me, both from above and from below. I have always asked you to be good, to be sweet, to be very dear and to strengthen yourselves under the burden of My coming.

I ask you to strengthen My measure among you and to be children, sons. And I ask from you that there where you are, I may be also, and to be well pleased with you, if I am there. Open your eyes wide and even wider and make a big room in your mind to be able to see and understand how great I am upon you when I can work through you. And I tell you again with a fresh word: be one, sons. Give to each other of your bodies and souls into My name, and be one.

Where one cannot, the other can, and where the love is one, you also can in it. Amen.

Prepare My glory with you again, for We will call many to the spring again, and they will come and will see My glory. ( See the selection topic: „The glory of God” , r.n. ) Be My glory, sons. Be as much as it is. Look at Me and always be, sons, always be in My image and after My likeness, for you are the beginning that I have been waiting for so long, and remain, sons, the beginning forever. Amen, amen, amen.

The Word of God at the feast of the holy apostles Peter and Paul, from 12-07-2002. (On



The archangel Michael sounds his trumpet for the gathering of the angels, My people.

He is My angel, the angel of the Lord, and he is the angel of My people. He sounds his trumpet for the angelic celebration that I with the angels, with the saints and with My people settle on earth, for the Lord to speak from heaven and the living and the dead to hear, and all and everything to rejoice on earth, with the heaven and with the earth. Amen, amen, amen.

The heaven is coming down on earth, My people. I am brought near to you within a great glory by the angels. We stay face to face with you, Jerusalem, people of the Lord. The angels stay and look at you avidly and you know how you are to be seen by those in heaven and by those on earth, for you have to be My glory, the glory of My coming, the glory of the Lord on His second coming. Amen.

Now I have to give much and heavenly help to be able to seal with a seal of holiness the small cradle around the manger of the Holy of Holies in the garden of My meeting with the man, with those who are alive and with those who are asleep, for this place is a place of heavenly meeting on earth, Jerusalem of today. Behold, I embrace you in a mystery revealing, for I bring together all around you to work them out. The dwelling of those who are asleep opens up its lid, and the mystery of the resurrection of the dead is hastening a great deal, the resurrection of which I, the Lord, have been speaking to you to make you tell them to get up, as from now on it is the time. Amen.

Behold, I let the archangel Michael know about a celebration for angels, and he sounded a feast upon you, and he sounded upon those that are asleep to come together, for I, the Lord, told them that they would stay around My work upon you; they will stay at the day of memorial, which was brought by you several days ago for them and until the day of celebration of the rulers of the angels who will gather the angels and the saints to the 64

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celebration, at the meeting of the two worlds in the garden of the meeting, the one made up by Me through you to be and to stand before Me on the earth. Those who are asleep are now here, as you have remembered them, each one in his own order, starting with Adam and to these days.

I have exhorted you again and again to be the mystery of the kingdom of the heavens, My mystery on the earth, to be able to work out My plan of the creation of the world, which will be renewed for its appearance, as it is and this, which is seen by human eyes. I have sought again and again to set you to the work of the renewal of the world and to the work of resurrection, sons. I work hard when I stumble over the man. From the beginning I have been stumbling over the man, for nothing and nobody has listened to Me less than man. But for those which are written to happen and to be I use My mysterious power and they are and all come into being, and soon, soon the separation between those that are seen and those that are not seen will fall and all will be one again, as it was from the beginning of God’s building. Amen.

The assembly of the angels makes glad those that are asleep, who sat down on the little seats of stone from here, in the garden of the meeting, looking at the celebration of today and taking from it and from My table with you, and then, I, the Lord, release them, for I have extended their stay on their memorial day. No work is done without angels, and the angels have much work today, for there are many, many souls at the feast, sons, and their number cannot be told, and the angels have great order upon them and for them so that each living soul may take of the table of today of the angels, who celebrate working and working much.


John, My beloved disciple, wants to make clear now with power the mystery of the resurrection, and I, the Lord, set him over you in word, for no one else has spoken more clearly than him about the mystery of the word without which nothing was done, of everything that was done. I put him as word upon you with so much love! For we have the same love between Me and him, as I had it when I was in My body on earth among the people.

Come, dear child! Come, son, as perfect disciple as your Teacher! Come to be now over My people! Amen, amen, amen.

And I, Lord, I say: now and forever and ever I will be like You, because You are the being of the saints, whom You have build from the foundation of the world, for You are all a mystery since You started to work for the man. I speak with You before Your people of today and before the angels and before the saints and, again, before the assembly of those who are asleep and are brought to the feast of the angels in the garden of Your meeting with the heaven on earth, Lord.

Oh, if I am the mystery of love, I want that Your people may know how much and how big it is with its mysterious length. You came a Man on earth from the Father, and I loved You with Your love in my bosom, for You settled Yourself in me with all of Your mystery, and I took it from You and I took it within a mystery even from other disciples of Yours then. I was not speaking anything else from near You but about this mysterious love, the love, which was incarnated on earth in the sixth thousand years since the creation of the world, Lord. And as then, today I am the mystery of the endless love in man, too. I showed in me the love, which is the light of the people, for I was the fruit of Your word, which became love in my being, and it cradled me as an infant in its cradle. And when it came for me to show the mystery from the end of the time, about Your coming and about the resurrection of the dead, I stood before You, and You before Me, and then I wrote everything You were well pleased to make know through 65

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Me. And then, an unsearchable mystery by the man’s mind, for I had My disciples to put me down on earth, but I did not stay that way, and I came out alive and I remained so, and I showed then the mystery of the resurrection of the dead, because as I come out of the earth and I walked and walk that even my disciples did not find me where they put me, the same way will be with the resurrection of the dead, for the graves will be opened for the resurrection of those who are asleep, and they will stand before You, as it is written by me in the book of the Revelation after You revealed to me those that will be worked out at the time of Your second coming from near the Father. All those who are dead will come out of the earth in their body as I also came out, as many saints and unknown came out then, for I wrote this into my book, and I wrote about the word of Your word of today which is the judgment of the creature, Lord, and Your throne is on earth, for You work all things on earth. I wrote all of Your work and all of satan’s work into my book with You for the end of the time. The man is afraid to look well into it, but those that are written have been done this way, the same as they are written, and those that still are in it will be likewise. Amen. And those that are stiff-necked to hear that Your coming is now, to look into the book of Revelation and to see in it as I wrote about Your book, which You have written today with Your last people, because I wrote about the opening of the seals of Your book of word on the earth, in which the judgment of the world and the resurrection of the dead are written, the book, which no one in heaven or on earth was found worthy to open its seals: no one but You, the little Lamb of the Father, because You redeem the man with Your blood. This of today is the book remembered in my book of that time, and happy is the one who will be found alive in it, for the time is near, and it has come and Your time of today becomes a sweet eternity. (See the selection topic: „About the Book of the Lamb - The Book of Life” , r.n . )

I preach myself from one margin of the earth to the other, so that the people and the nations, the languages and all their kings may hear, that again I prophesy those that are written then in my book with You, Lamb of the Father Sabaoth. And I tell those in the graves the mystery of their resurrection, for they will soon, soon rise like I rose from the ground, and they will speak about this work, and they will speak about it with tens of thousands. And then the antichrist will appear totally overcome by the shining of Your coming with the eternal day of the man, Lord, because the seven ages have elapsed and the wedding of the Lamb has come, and He has adorned His bride, for it is written: «Only the wise will perceive Your mystery, Your

book and Your coming from the end of the time». Amen.

― Behold My people; My disciple has spoken upon you. Amen.

The archangel Michael sounds the word of the day of today and he writes it to be, and you should also write it on paper, sons who receive My word in the book of My coming, the book which judges the creature and prepares it for renewal, for I, the Lord renew the world, and I make this with My word of today over the earth. The trumpets of the angels sound; the archangel Michael sounds for the resurrection and a great joy is coming upon the spirit of those that are asleep, who wait for the Lord with the day of His coming.

Now, sons, bless, speak out the seal of holiness over the little cradle in which I cradle you today in the garden of the meeting. It should be a place of comfort between earth and heaven for you, those who are weary under the glory of My coming from now. Let it be a cradle as that for children, but teach always, always, My people, the child mystery. And those that are asleep will stay to listen and to be comforted by the teaching that you will give to My people and they will testify about you then, for I give them now the garden of My meeting with the man, and I give them small seats of stone, and I give them the spirit of the sons of God, and I give them to stay and hear from you your work with Me and to rejoice within My 66

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coming and to be ready for the time when the archangel Michael will sound their last day of waiting, the day of My coming in visible glory, the day of their resurrection, for nothing and no one wait for My coming more than them, sons. Amen.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the synod of the saint archangels, Michael and Gabriel, from 21-11-2002. (On Calameo)


As for you, Romanian Jerusalem, you shall not forget that you were chosen from among the people. You were chosen by God to make you His will on earth, and then, served by His angels, to do the Lord’s work, the work of the man’s coming back to My will, My people. You shall not be afraid of the opposing man to My will, My people, when I am with you and when you are with Me, for many of those who believe in Me according to their will, wait for the antichrist not for Me, and they have been looking after him as they have received teaching from the earth about the antichrist’s coming, and the antichrists of today rejoice greatly when they see the man waiting for someone with the name of antichrist!

Oh, My people, the faithful man does no longer wait for Me. He gets lost in rumors, for the broods of antichrist know what to do to make the man no longer know of My coming and no longer prepare for it, and to lose his mind, his courage and his life waiting for the antichrist.

However, you should wait from dawn to dawn for the Lord, your God, Who is coming to save you for His kingdom, Jerusalem of today. The man looks at you and does not want to know of My coming to you, My people, and behold how I come and when I come to you and how long I am with you! I go with you through the world but the world does not see Me, for I reveal Myself only to the eyes of those who have the Holy Spirit believing into My coming of two thousand years ago when I told My disciples that I would be with them to the end of the age, with those who are Mine, with those who do My will and My coming on earth.

Oh, My people, woe to the man who does not have Me as his God! However, I have no one to tell all these, because the man says that he has not got Me, but he does not say that the man cannot serve two or three gods. First, the man serves to his own self and those who come out of him and then he serves the man of vainglory, and by this he serves the evil spirit, the spirit opposing to God, the spirit of lawlessness, which I will destroy together with his man, by the breath of My mouth whenever I come to you as word on earth, My people, for this is the breath of My coming: My word, which breathes of My mouth, and that you hear from your midst, and by which I prove out the man of lawlessness; however, I always destroy his power displaying his work, hostile to Me and to the man who would try to get up and deny himself and then to be able to follow Me for his salvation, seeing all his wisdom for My kingdom on earth with the man, a kingdom that will never be destroyed. Amen.

I celebrate into your midst the memorial of the Gospel of My word of two thousand years ago, by which I spoke to My disciples about My kingdom, which I will come on earth with. I told them this: «When the Son of Man will come in His glory with all angels with Him,

then He will sit on the throne of His glory and all the nations will be gathered before Him

and He will separate them one from another and will set the sheep on His right hand and the

goats on His left hand. Then the King will tell those on His right hand: Come, blessed of My

Father, inherit the Kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world; for I was

hungry, and you gave Me food to eat; I was thirsty and you gave Me to drink; I was a stranger,

and you took Me in; naked, and you clothed Me; I was sick, and you visited Me; I was in

prison, and you came to Me. You served Me whenever you did it to one of the least of My

brothers, for you did it to Me. And those who did not do this for My least ones, they did not


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do it to Me and they will remain in the place prepared to the devil and his angels». ( Matt: 25/32-45)

But why do I speak so clearly the word of the Gospel, which is remembered today in a work of church? I speak of it and I call it the fearful judgment, to show to the man that he does not want and he does not look to be the blessed of My Father visiting Me, the One carried by those that are My least on earth. Those who have become great and so great that they rule the earth and every man on it; I do not find any of these to search out the shortcomings of those who are the least of My people: Mine are those little ones who suffer because they are Mine, for the big man says: “Let God give to those who are His.” But behold the fearful judgment: I am word on earth and sitting on the throne of My glory from the midst of the Romanian people with My angels, I speak for all the nations of the earth and I set them by the word on My right hand and I set them also on My left hand. Those who have visited Me and looked for Me with faith, when I, carried by those little of Mine, cross the earth with the word to bring the news of the kingdom of the heavens against the kingdom of the antichrist, the man of lawlessness, I call these the blessed of My Father, and I tell them to come to inherit their own things that are gathered there, where the moth does not eat and where the thief does not steal them.

But to whom shall I speak this word of My Father’s blessing, My people, when you, My least one and with whom I carry the cross of My second coming from the Father, are not helped under the cross? I have been teaching you not to receive anything as a gift, but rather to work for your food, for your drink, for your clothing, and to take care of you and to keep from the evil one, in such a way that the man may be drawn to the work of your hands when I come with it into the man’s way to speak to him about My coming with My kingdom and about its heirs who come together in it through My least ones, and for the man to take from you and to give you from him.

Oh, My people, the whole world, which still knows that God is and that the faith in God still is as well, and the reward for the sin of the man’s separation from Me, remains in the world too, a world of lawlessness, for the lawlessness is a greedy woman, who entices the man to take and to eat of it that he will not die but live instead. There is no man in the world to be able to stop him doing his trespasses, by which he heaps up treasures on earth. I seek and I seek again after the man to make him be the blessed of My Father, if he wants to find the fallow land with a treasure in it and to give everything he has got in order to buy it. Oh, how beautiful for the man and how sweet for him, if he made everything on earth with My blessing and not with the blessing of the man that takes after him! And behold, the man does not know who the antichrist is, who makes high places on earth for himself and then writes My name on them in order to draw to him all those who still have faith in Me. But these men do no longer see and do no longer know the way to Me because of the antichrist who set himself on a high place, clothed in My robe ( Of priest and bishop, r.n. ), because by assuming My name on him, he is no longer known by the man without wisdom, and the man does no longer see Me and does no longer discern Me to follow Me, the humble and poor One through those that are My least ones, and then to help Me while in need and sufferance, but rather he helps him and only him and his debauchery and haughtiness, drunken by the blood of the saints. However, I, the Lamb of the Father Sabaoth, am the Lord of the lords and the King of the kings and I wage war against every man who is My adversary and I will overcome him and you will also overcome those who are working together with Me for My victory, you who are called My elected, for behold the fearful judgment, because they have not gathered anything with Me, and they have not given anything to Me, but on the contrary, they have robbed Me, My name, My house, My clothing and My 68

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glory. And for this, here is what the fearful judgment says, which I spoke with My mouth and with the breath of My mouth two thousand years ago, when I came from the Father and when the ruler of this world was judged by My death, by My resurrection and by My sitting on the right hand of the Father as the King of the world, the slaughtered Lamb for the man’s redemption. Amen.

Excerpt from the Word of God on the Sunday of the fearful judgment, from 02-03-2003.

(On Calameo)


Oh, Jerusalem of today, My elected people in whom I am well pleased with My heavenly voice over the earth and over the world! I work the same way today and I work in a great mystery, to touch by My word the hearts of those who are My elected who know the voice of the Shepherd Who is to come, as it is written that He will come. If I worked out great miracles, I would not be able to keep you, because a lawless multitude would come to see My glory upon you, and the world has got shepherds over it who would hate you as they also hated Me, My people. We work in a great mystery, because this is how My second coming is, and that will happen when no one expects Me to come, and I write into your midst the book of My coming and I judge by it, for then I spoke and I also speak now as then, that it is not I but the word which I have declared over the unbelief on earth, that one will judge the world.

Amen. I declare through you this word of My coming, Jerusalem, so that the world may understand then that My Father has sent Me with the word upon the world into your midst, when I, the Lord will be glorified with a great noise from your midst to show the blessing of this land, which I chose for the glory of My word from it over the earth. I chose this land from the creation of the world, from the creation of the heaven and of the earth, and the world will perfectly understand this, soon, soon. Amen.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Lord’s Entrance into Jerusalem, from

20-04-2003.  (On Calameo)


Behold the book of your life, man, who are called to life! Learn the book of the life, man, for I have come to give you teaching from the book, to teach you humility and then the book, to be taught and not to be empty on earth. The dead have come to life from the tombs and they stay in tens of thousands in groups-groups before this word, and you, man with a body on earth, do not see them. Oh, how are you supposed to see them if you did not learn the book from heaven, the wisdom of life without death, which sees in the man? Come, get up from your blood, and wash into the river of My word so that your eyes and your mind may be opened and to see My glory and to see My coming, for I am before you with the time of the fulfilling of the greatest Scripture, the Scripture of the coming of the Son of Man, with power and much glory, coming on the clouds, accompanied by saints and angels and speaking on earth the word of the resurrection from the dead. Amen. ( See the selection topic: „He comes

the same way as He ascended: He comes with the clouds” , r.n. )

I have facilitated the day of memorial of those who have been waiting for seven thousands years in the dust of the earth, and they stand in a row to drink of the word of the resurrection of the dead the river, which flows from God’s mouth, the Word, the miracle from the end of the time over the living and over the dead, over the dead and over the living, for the dead are those who hear My word, not the living ones. However, I have made My coming through those who are in their bodies, both for the living and for the dead in their bodies, and this is the judgment of those who do not believe in God’s works over the earth and over the 69

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man. This word is both the man’s judgment, and also his life, if he comes back from death to life in order that he may see afterwards. Amen.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the Feast of the Romanian Christianity, the first day.

(The feast of the descending of the Holy Spirit), from 14-06-2003. (On Calameo)


Oh, children who are My gates for Me to enter as word into the book! My word upon you is My coming. I say this so that the world, which does not wait for Me to come, may be judged. Amen. Two thousand years ago, when My time was about to come from the Father and to become the Son of the Man, neither the scribes, nor the Pharisees, nor the teachers of the Law, nor the people of Israel wanted to understand My coming, which was written in the prophets, and they even today hear Israel saying that Messiah is still to come. However, I came then, and only few believed Me, starting with Zacharias and Elisabeth, who prepared the Virgin in whom I, the Son of the Father Sabaoth, had to come down with a seed of the Holy Spirit and to be born as a Man among the people, being true God from true God. And then John, the Baptizer, knew Me also, as he was a little bit ahead of Me, incarnated from God through the word, having Zacharias and Elisabeth as his parents on earth. And My mother knew Me as well, and then My brothers, who were Joseph’s sons, knew Me after that, ( And not the sons of Mary, the Virgin – see “Jesus’ childhood” received by Jakob Lorber, r.n.), and when I still was a little baby, the three shepherds from the sheep, the three Magi, Simon, who was well advanced in years, and Anna, the prophetess knew Me too. And then sons, My twelve disciples knew Me, and from them, some of them also came to know Me, whom I sent through the cities so that I could enter them with My disciples and to be able to stay with them as frequently as possible into the midst of the multitudes, and to do My work of three years and a half, the man’s calling to the kingdom of the heavens, with which I came on the earth in the sixth age after I built the man, and then My people Israel put Me on the cross to die and no longer be. However, I am He Who is, and so I was then, and the death and the hell were overcome by Me, and I got up from the dead and fulfilled the work of the salvation of the world, and then I stood again in those that are not seen, on the right of My Father, the place of His Son. Amen.

Oh, sons, the world did not believe then that I was the Messiah, the One Who was written about to come. No one believed but only those whom My Father ordained to this mystery. Oh, children of My coming of today, the world does not even today believe that I am the Son of the Man, the One Who was written about that had to come, and here I am now over the earth as word into your midst, and behold My coming after seven thousands years from

the man’s creation, for I have come into the eighth age, with which I started My kingdom with the man on earth, ( See the selection topic: „The kingdom of one thousand

years” , r.n. ) as I would have also liked to stay with the man in the beginning and to be his God, but he has become haughty thinking that he is a king over the whole creature. All the angels served him after I made him, for I was resting in him with all the hosts of angels, and the most beautiful among the angels was serving him even more, and when the man exalted himself by haughtiness, Lucifer served him and his haughtiness, and then he fell down with the number of his angelic army. And I, the Son of the Father, I, the Maker of the man, told Michael, the archangel to give a command to the angels and to say: «Let us stand well, with fear and attention!»

I told him to say this so that the other hosts of angels may not fall too, those who could serve to the man’s haughtiness. And then, Michael remained My angel, as each man has got his own angel, for I created the man into My image and after My likeness, for I built only that one, only that one, sons.


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My word upon you is My coming in the eighth age after the making of the man. I say this for the world to be judged that it does not wait for Me to come, as neither did those from two thousand years ago wait for Me when I came; no one in the world had wanted Me to come, even if all knew and said that the Messiah was to come. However, going from place to place with My disciples, I was gathering the elected through the faith and I was making them male and female disciples for their belief in My coming five thousand years after the man’s fall from Paradise and after the angels’ fall from heaven, who were the hosts of Lucifer, the most beautiful of all the chief angels, of those ten angelic hosts.

… The feast of today is sweet, the feast of My disciples who did the work of an apostle into My name, doing greater sings and miracles than I did, for I was in them so that their testimony could come true by My power in them, and by which I was working from them, for I said then to them: «I am in you, and you in Me». Amen, amen, amen.

— You, Teacher, Who have the words of life; You, Who promised us that we would judge the twelve tribes of Israel and all the nations of the earth, together with the greatest among us, the apostle Paul; You, Who chose us by signs and miracles from the nation of Israel, to make us saviors for this people, we call Israel after the flesh before Your throne of judgment, where we are around it, on one side and on the other, those from the nation of Israel after the flesh, Your disciples with whom You walked on earth in the time of Your preaching for three years and a half, and then by Your sending everywhere, to call the nations to repentance to the forgiveness of their sins, as You meant us to work and to fulfill the forgiveness of the sins of those who will be baptized into Your name from the Father and from the Holy Spirit.

Our judgment on Israel after the flesh is this: that You came two thousand years ago from the Father, and that it, your chosen people, became conceited for itself and put You on the cross as a wrongdoer in order to save their glory and their sitting on God’s chair before the people from falling down. Our judgment on Israel is this: that they sold You on money for crucifixion, and they have been under the curse of the money since then and until today, and they become haughty over the nations of the earth saying that they were Your people, chosen by our parents, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and then by Your power, with which You appeared in Moses, who took Israel out from the slavery in Egypt in order to turn it back to Canaan, the land promised to Abraham.

We stay in those that are not seen, above the garden of the Holy of Holies of the New Jerusalem, which You discovered in its place, chosen by You from the very beginning. We stay on one side and on the other on the thrones near Your throne. A throne and thrones kept in the air on the wings of cherubim and seraphim and by the angels in tens of thousands of thousands, who serve You and Your saints and Your prophets, and we tell those that are in the nation of Israel after the flesh, out of which You also chose us to be Your disciples after we left everything and denied ourselves for Your name and for the Gospel of Your coming, and we tell them this: this is the second coming of the Son of God Father Sabaoth , as He said that He would come again to judge the living and the dead, and Whose kingdom did not have and does not have and will not have an ending, for He is the Alpha and the Omega, the One from the beginning and from the end, the Son of God, the Son of Man, Who was born of a Virgin mother in the sixth age from the creation of the world and of the first built man by Him, the Son of the Father Sabaoth, the One Who was crucified as a man by the Jewish people two thousand years ago, after He was sold by Judas, one among us, His twelve disciples, to Caiaphas and to Anna and then to Pilate, to be crucified, as it was written in the prophets, in the psalms and in the law of Moses to be fulfilled with Him.


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We are Israelites and we speak to you from near the Father and from near His Son, to those in the tribe of Israel after the flesh; to you, the people chosen through Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and saved from the slavery through Moses. We are the witnesses of His resurrection two thousand years ago and of the Gospel of the kingdom of the heavens, which was prophesied to come down on earth. And behold, we are in the second coming of the Son of God on earth, Who is preparing His wedding country by the word of the new making of the world, the Romanian country, the land chosen from the beginning of the world for His second coming, for the people of Israel crucified Him, and then He started building a people on the Romanian people, by the preaching of His Gospel on this earth through the first one called by Him among us, the apostle Andrew, a former disciple of John, the Baptizer, and who, on this land of the beginning of the earth at its coming out from the waters in the time of creation of the world, put the seal of Jesus Christ, the Messiah, the One Who was prophesied by the prophets, an ineffaceable seal, on which the Romanian people was built, and of which now, in the eighth age from the making of the world, He chose His disciples to testify about His coming as word on earth, and by whom, as the Creator of everything, He creates the new heaven and the new earth and the age which is to come, as it is written in the prophets that He will do when He comes for the resurrection of the dead and for the new birth of the world, we being His witnesses, His disciples of two thousand years ago, to see and to rejoice over the promise, newly made and fulfilled now.

Stand up for repentance and for the forgiveness of the sins, you who are from our people, Israel after the flesh, for Messiah, the One Who came two thousand years ago , and Who died on the cross and was resurrected and ascended to the Father in order to draw all the people to the Father, as He promised then, here He is in His second coming. And behold the country of brightness, the New Jerusalem , in which He has His dwelling, a people and a new land, the land which came first from the waters at the making of the heaven and of the earth, the Romanian land, the top of the earth, which He established the work of His coming and His word, the Law of life, to which all the nations of the earth will flow from the four corners of the wind, to receive the life and its laws and to walk in its ways afterwards. Open the books of the prophets and the psalms and Moses’ books and learn to read them well, and you will find the country of brightness, that the prophet Daniel spoke about by the Spirit of the Lord. Read with the wisdom of humility and bow then to come and drink from the bed of the river of life and to wash your face, your life, your heart, your mind and your love in it to make them new, for the Lord spoke through the prophet Isaiah: «I make a new thing and buds for it, and I will make

everything new». Amen. Read in the prophets and understand how the Holy Spirit speaks so clearly when He speaks: «Behold you scoffers, and wonder and perish; for I work a work in

your days, a work which you will in no way believe, if one declares it to you». (Acts: 13/41) However, we, Jesus Christ’s apostles, those from two thousand years ago, tell you from among the living one of the eternal life: believe in this coming of the Lord that you may not perish, for we, the witnesses from the people of Israel after the flesh, speak now into the name of each tribe of Jacob, and its saved ones who will believe. Amen.

— Oh, Lord Teacher, You are the Son of Man, Who comes with the clouds and come with the saints and with Your disciples and show us the fulfillment of the Scriptures of Your coming from the end of the time. But you are the beginning and the end, and you are the end and the beginning, and You are the resurrection of the dead, starting two thousand years ago, and You are the Teacher of the world, and the world does not know you.


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As for me, Your apostle, whom You called Peter, You gave me Your testimony by which I called You Christ, the Son of God, the foundation of the church; and on this foundation, that is, on the Son, that I testified about, the Son of the Father, the One Who is alive, You have been building Your church, and Your church is not the church of the world, and the world does not know You by its teachers and by its scholars. However, I denied myself and I took You in me and I knew You in this way and then I loved you and I did not know how to love You in the way You should have been loved, and You taught Me and then I had Your Spirit in me. Amen.

— And as for me, Your apostle, whom You called Paul, from Your persecutor, without me knowing that I had been persecuting You, You made me into Your apostle over the nations of the earth and over the scholars of the world, giving testimony about how You made me Your servant and how You made me understand You with Your coming, from the prophets, from the psalms and from the laws of Moses, because I knew with a great zeal everything that You wrote about You in the day when You revealed Yourself to me and then You made me blind, and I am telling now to everybody who wants to see You that I went blind only at Your light, which clothed You as with a coat, and I fell down to the ground and then I asked You: «What shall I

do, Lord?», when You told Me that You were the Christ, Whom I had persecuted. Oh, how sweetly You come within the breeze of the noise of the wind as word on earth to those who are Your little ones, coming back with my mind to the day when You spoke to me on the road to Damascus to make me Your disciple and to pour out in me more than in everyone, as you knew my natural power and my power of wisdom from the law, and You clothed Me with the Holy Spirit and You confirmed me to Your church by the prophet Ananias from Damascus to receive me from You as being sent by Your church. Your coming is sweet. Your coming is the word, and Your Spirit and Your word covers You within His mystery, and Your voice over those who believe in Your coming is sweet, and You are sweet with Your coming after the man, and woe to those who long for Your day, for they do not know that You are a melting light. However, I told these people that when I looked at the coat of Your glory from which You spoke to Me, You made me blind at Your appearance, Son of the Father Sabaoth, Christ, the Savior of the faithful world. Amen.

— We glorify You, Your disciples of two thousand years ago. We comfort You from the midst of the saints and of the prophets because we all were prophets full of Your Holy Spirit, and we have loved You within Your coming to Your people into the midst of the Romanian people, and we stand up for Israel after the flesh to testify about Your coming the second time for the new birth of the world and of Israel, and we call them at the spring, at Your Bethle-hem of today, in which You are born over the earth. And we stand up for Your Israel out of the Romanians, the people of Your word from Your coming now, in the end and in the beginning of the time, to draw to the Father all who believe, Lord, as You promised. Give help to Your people of today out of Romanians, for they are small and without any help from the earth. Help them from heaven and send us from near You to work out the establishing of Your coming on the earth, and for them too, who are so deprived of powers and so feeble before You coming as a river of word over the earth, the river of life, to which You have called Israel, (See the selection topic: „This word is the river of life” , r.n . ) our nation after the flesh, so that it may be baptized to repentance and to the forgiveness of the sins, and You also call all the nations of the earth starting with Jerusalem. You are the Lord of the powers and You give us Your sending to come to Your help with the heavenly powers, so that they may have power in the way they share You over the earth, and for them to stand before You in order that You may come, and for them to receive You with the word of life, which the four winds are to take it back then and to spread everywhere on earth the news that You have come and that You shepherd with an iron rod, with the word of the Holy Spirit, all those that will hear and will believe to their 73

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repentance and to the forgiveness of the sins and for a spirit of holiness in body and in spirit, for everything has come to an end as You said, and Your glory and its brightness is coming; for many, with the joy of comfort and, again, for the unfaithful, with the pain of their blindness by which they do not know You and do not see you within Your coming. Amen, amen, amen.

You were My joy, My disciples. You were My comfort when I came on earth when I appeared with signs and wonders for three years and a half as the Son of the Father, confirmed from heaven by the Father and from the earth by you. You did not leave Me after that all left Me, because of fear and because of disbelief. You remained until My crucifixion with Me and you comforted Me with your love in you, and then I put you under a shelter to remain My followers, because I went to be sacrificed, as I had to fulfill the Scriptures about Me. However, be My comfort now and go with the grace from above and with the heavenly powers and help the last sons of God, for they are small and fragile, and I want to spread the news and the power of My coming over the entire earth through them, both in hell and in heaven and in the sky, to the new birth of the world by the word of My coming. Amen.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Saints Apostles Peter and Paul, from

12-07-2003.  (On Calameo)


Blessed be this day and its work, for today I unfold the heavens to let the judgment throne be seen, My word that gather all the nations of the earth in front of Me, to show them My work, My second advent, My mysterious kingdom above My disciples in the middle of the Romanian people, because the Romanian land has been chosen from the beginning to fulfill on it the mystery of The New Jerusalem, the mystery kept into Father for the new creation of the world, for the fulfilling of the Scriptures of a new heaven and a new earth, the mystery of the advent of The Son Of Man after seven centuries from the first creation of the world. Amen.

Behold, I come and I write on earth and heaven, a new earth and a new heaven, on the Romanian land, for I have said through prophets: «Once more I will shake the earth, once more I will

chose Jerusalem». Amen. Jerusalem is My place of rest. Jerusalem is the mystery of My advent. This means Jerusalem, like this mystery meant two thousand years ago.

Twelve years have passed since I, The Lord, and with you and My bishop chosen by the world church ( Pop Irineu-Bistriţeanul, r.n. ) drove the stake of My kingdom, the seen one, on earth, and we settled the shrine of the Holy of Holies of the New Jerusalem, My judging throne, in the middle of the Romanian land, the white stone on which I have written: The Word Of God, ( Apoc. 19:13, r.n. ), stone that was neglected by the builders, but for you it has great value, as you were faithful. And if twelve years passed, I rise Myself and call at this mountain the twelve tribes of Jacob and I give them this omen and I announce them My glory and My hand will show itself to My servants and the wrath to My enemies. Amen. ( See the selection topic:

„The sign of the Son of Man” , r.n. ) Excerpt from the Word of God for Romania at the celebration of Saint Prophet Elijah, from 02-08-2003. (On Calameo)


We are reminded in My book of this day about the dreadful day when I, the Lord, I, the Son of Man, in whose image I will appear when all the angels will be with Me, will make a throne of glory and I will sit and all the nations of the earth will stand before Me, and I will set them on My right and on My left, and I will give each one according to his work. Those who have come together to Me will hear from My mouth: «Come blessed of My Father, inherit My

Kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world!» ( Matt: 25/34) And I will tell 74

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those who have gathered for themselves: «Depart from Me, you cursed, into the eternal fire,

which is prepared for the devil and his angels!» ( Matt: 25/41) This is the work, which I came to do by My coming of today. And as for those who have works and a life pleasant to Me, I exhort them calling them to you, My very little brothers, to do to you good, and you to do Me good and to them as well, so that I may always come, always with My care for their salvation and yours. They are My blessed to whom I will tell: «Most assuredly I tell you,

inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these of My brothers, you did it to Me». ( Matt: 25/40) Amen. And as for those who have no work and a pleasant life to Me, I do not bring them to you, for they gather for themselves and to their earthly lusts and emptiness, but I will tell them about the throne of glory as I have already done so: «Most assuredly I tell you, inasmuch

as you did not do to one of the least of these, you did not do it to Me». ( Matt: 25/45) Then those who have worked the life for themselves will have eternal life and those who have worked condemnation for themselves will go away into eternal punishment, and this is how the sheep on My right will be separated from the goats on My left, and each one will hear My words for their works, for I will give each one according to his work. Amen.

It is not I to judge the man, but his works will set him on My right or on My left.

You are My little ones and whoever visits you, are blessed by My Father, and there is no other greater and better blessing than that one by which they can do you good, My little ones, and help you on My way with you, on your way with Me, for in this way it is the work of My coming as word for any work of the man on earth whom I call out offering him the teaching of life so that I may not be guilty of the man’s work without God. I am the right Judge and that is why I have shown the man the right way, coming to him with My word of life giving and of right way, and if the man does not want to work in his life, then I will not be guilty of his life, of his lack of life and of his lack of blessing.

I set you, My little ones, before the nations of the earth, so that the man may alone chose his place on My right or his place on My left, and this is how the day of the man’s judgment is made. I, the Lord, make it establishing you, those who make My coming on earth, before the creature on it and before the human people on it, for the creature waited and waits for you, and by this sign, which is you with the cross of My coming on your little shoulders, I can make the judgment of the nations, the man’s trial; and after I have finished testing them through you, I will shine from you, because you carried on your little shoulders the cross of My coming on earth as word, a word of life upon the people. And after I will have shined from you as My sign between earth and heaven, all the nations of the earth will cry and will see Me with you on the clouds of glory, with power and much glory of angels. And then those, who did you good, will be My elected ones and I will gather them with the sound of a trumpet, and this generation will not pass until all these will not remain this way. Amen. And those, who did not do good to you after I have established you as a sign of My coming, as word over the earth for the judgment of the creature, it will happen to them as to those in the time of Noah, who did not believe, and who are eating and drinking and marrying and are given in marriage, ( See the selection topic: „As in the days of Noah”, r.n. ) as they have always done it, until the day when I shine from you, and then, before their reward, they will know their reward, which will put all to My left for this reward, and this generation shall not pass away until all these happen. Amen.

And as for you, children of My coming, who were chosen for My glory, you should work and live day by day and more and more for it, for the payment of your work with Me will be My shining in you, and this generation will not pass until this takes place. Amen. I have created you for My glory, now in the end of the man’s time, and I have taken you from among 75

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the people and created you, for you have believed in Me and worked My coming with the judgment of the nations of the earth. Amen. ( See the selection topic: „The end of the world and the Day of the Lord”, r.n. )

Excerpt from the Word of God on the Sunday of the memorial of the dreadful judgment.

The feast of the Lord’s Meeting (Candlemas), from 15-02-2004. (On Calameo)


Love one another as I have loved you, and do not be otherwise, for the man loves the man on earth into My name and does brotherly works into My name, and the man forgets to love Me on earth as in heaven. However, you should not give the love from among you on the one, which has to be between Me and you, because if you love only those that love you, what reward will you receive? Love God, sons, and then all of your love will be His love, which does only good around you without haughtiness, for he who does not love from Me, loves from him, and his love remains on earth. Love in Me, for in you it is not as in Me. Remain in Me, for you do not remain in you as in Me, and after you have done so, you will tell Me if those that I speak to you about are right. The love for your brothers shall not precede the love for God, for the first one is attacked by the opposing spirit, which is human and is not godly. Love God, and He will clothe you within Him and you will be the sons of the Most High on earth and you will be the heaven on earth, for I want to bring the heaven into view on earth, sons, and then to hide it for a few moments, and I will cover you as I covered Abimelech and no one saw him under the sycamore tree, which sheltered him until I raised him as a testimony of the resurrection and of the life within God. I will cover you too for a couple of moments as the cloud also covered Me from the eyes of My disciples in the time when I went to be near the Father in secret, and I will do this to make you be like Me and like My Father, Who is in secret, and then we will remove the veil and I will appear with all the saints from the beginning and up to you, and with all the sinners, on the right and on the left, and I will have the saints on My right and the sinners on My left. ( See the selection topic: „The coming

in a visible way” , r.n. ) And now, by My word upon you, I pray in you for the sinners, to be forgiven by your intercession and to make them free, starting with Adam and then with all people up to this time. Amen, amen, amen.

I will forgive the sinners giving them according to their works first, and then I will hide you, but My Spirit, Which is praying in you, first will ask the Father for the forgiveness of the sinners from Adam and until now, because Adam is crying sons. The man built by My hand is crying for all those who have been sinning without forgiveness on earth. The first man, who had lived on earth almost one thousand years, has been crying in the dwelling of the dead, and since then he has been crying for all those who sin like him, to be forgiven of their sins. Amen, amen, amen.

Excerpt from the Word of God on the Sunday of the memorial of Adam’s expulsion

from Paradise, from 22-02-2004. (On Calameo)


Woe to you, those who teach the people who listen to you not to listen to Me, and who teach them not to believe into My word of today, which is the river of life for the nations of the earth to drink of it for their healing, as it is written in the Scriptures to be!

And behold, My word, which has become the river of life in the midst of Romania, will judge you, those who do not exhort the people to drink of it and to leave off their iniquities and to love the Scripture of new heavens and of new earth in which the righteousness and its children dwell. Woe to you, those who are bishops and priests and leaders and who do not drink in order to believe in this mercy and to eat manna from heaven and to have wisdom from heaven 76

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and not from the earth, and to have obedience from God and faith by it, and then the love for God and its wisdom and its first beauty, God’s beauty in man! But also woe to the people who are afraid of you, who listen to you against My word of yesterday and today, against Me and against themselves, and then all these will turn against you, and the people will flee to you to for you cover and save them from those things that are to come over the world and then you cannot do anything, and you will be put to shame and will be judged by this word, which has been teaching and calling you, and you have not wanted to be Mine, and with you it has been fulfilled the Scripture, which says: «Their eyes have gone blind and their

heart has become callous, so that they might not see with their eyes and perceive with their

heart and that they should turn and that I would heal them». ( See also Matt: 13/14, 15) Behold, you are not given to believe, for the faith does not belong to everyone, but it belongs only to those who listen to the word of God by fulfilling it, and that is why I, the Lord, will punish by this word, which blames those who do not believe, and soon, soon, I will pour out the bowl over those who are not faithful and over the entire futility of their labor on earth, for they have gathered on earth and not in heaven, and I will cause the earth under them to be consumed with everything that is on it, for this is written in the Scriptures. And those who believe, they wait with patience for new heavens and new earth and for the justice which will last in these, for it is written that «God will not deprive of the good things those who walk in right-

eousness». Amen. However, the man who forgets his sins in order that he may repeat them again and again, that one pretends to be a wise man into My name and he thinks that is a wise man in vain, because his wisdom will be brought into the light, for the gold is seen in the furnace if it really is. Amen.

And you, Jerusalem of My word, hope in the Lord, your God, the true Lord, Who proved that He was resurrected by crucifixion, the Lord, Who is your salvation and your help, for it is written: «Put your hope in Him, all the assembly of the people; open your hearts before Him».


Excerpt from the Word of God at the feat of the Lord’s Entrance in Jerusalem. The Palm Sunday, from 04-04-2004. (On Calameo)


I call all to come and to receive light, but they do not come. It is not that they do not know to come, but they do not come because they have teachers upon them who have taken My garment and the name of My work, and they like to be praised and fed and rich with souls, but the souls without My light in them are without spirit, without knowledge, without wisdom and are like the sheep without a shepherd, since they have no shepherd, for I am the Shepherd of the sheep, the Good Shepherd, because I laid down My life for the sheep and there has been no other one to lay down his life as I did. I had the power to lay it down and to take it back, and this is what I did, and only the true God could do this. However, the people do not love Me and they love their shepherds instead even if those take them and put them in the ground before raising them to life, before teaching them the way, the truth and the life, which are from heaven and in which the man walks to heaven if he has learned them from the earth. However, on earth there are no longer shepherds, but there are only those who put a cross to the man’s head after the man gives up his soul. The shepherd who loves the souls teaches the man to put a cross around his neck and to carry it and not to defile it so that his life may be a beautiful cross, a cross sweet in its taste, for without sufferance, without temptations on earth, the man walks empty of God, and My light is not with him, and poor of him forgets that at the trumpet sounding of the seventh angel when I, the Lord, will have overcome the last enemy, which is death, the man will be called into account for everything he has done in his life on earth.