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Oh, My people, I have surrounded you with all the angelic hosts, that it is the feast of God’s angels. I have gathered around you many in the house of My meeting with the man, and near those who are within the body, stands the whole human kind mentioned today in your midst, the people from Adam and up to this day, and who have been waiting for My voice in your midst and for the mentioning of each name and according to his people. Oh, My people, the happiness of those who are remembered is limitless happiness and which does not comes to the man’s mind. There are many who have come down near you with Me from the bosom of the faithful Abraham, from the most beautiful place in the invisible heaven, and these feel greater happiness here where I spend time with you within My word, which has been shared over the earth for the renewal of the world and for the resurrection of the dead. Oh, blessed are those who listen to God’s word and fulfill it with humility, with a gentle and humble spirit, which becomes paradise in man, paradise for God and for the saints, sons. Oh, you have to show My face in you to the people, because only in this way you can fulfill the great commandment, which says: «You shall love your neighbor as yourself»; only this way and not otherwise, sons.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the synod of the holy archangels, Michael and Gabriel, from 21-11-2004. (On Calameo)


Oh, My people, the man does now know to believe that God’s Scriptures surely come true. As far as every man’s life concerns, the man has to build it in his body, in his own body, in which God is supposed to dwell and not him, but he acted the fool saying that he did not know this mystery; however, he does not play the fool when he receives medals and diplomas of a great and intelligent man. And the one, who has taken on a name and a rank of holy man to God, did not play to fool either, but I tell you that he will be called into account for what he has sown in his body; he plays the fool pretending that he has not known, that he has not believed, that he has not seen or heard. However, I am preached far and wide, from one margin of the heavens to the other, and the commandment spoken by Me over the man for his eternal life will require an answer of every man, for God is true in all His word. Amen.

… — However, My loved saints, this is what I said when I was with My disciples on earth: «And I, if I am lifted up from the earth will draw all people to the Father, for I will come in the clouds of the heaven, with great power and glory and then I will finish». I will bring an end to the man’s life and I will start with My life in man and I will make a people of saints on earth. This kind of work I am doing now on the Romanian land and I want the Romanians to hear Me and to come near and know My coming and its work and to follow in the footsteps of those who sanctify themselves for My coming in their own body, for it is I Who have to live in man and not the man, and this life I want to bring on earth and to bring it with the saints. Amen.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the three holy hierarchs: Basil, Gregory and John, from 12-02-2005. (On Calameo)


I come down as word on the earth. It is My coming down after two thousand years from My ascension near the Father, after I became Man born of the Virgin to grow and to be crucified by the man, and then by resurrection, to ascend to the Father again.

… And now, the man built by My hand, male and female, and all his followers, sinners of saints, unworthy or righteousness, all those who are unfaithful and who fearfully were swallowed by the flood and given alive over the dwelling of the dead, all those who are remembered, the seven ages of people, who have been born on earth from the man, these bring reverence before Me and before My people into the midst of which it was spoken about remembrance and prayer for the forgiveness of their sins, and, desiring longingly and crying mournfully, they wait and call from Me the last moment by which they will be redeemed in their bodies for eternity with the saints, by the forgiveness from the Father. We release them now, and they, with their spirit released, bow, so that afterwards, after I will not be so long in coming, let them get up for the new birth of everything, in the mystery of the new heaven and new earth, the mystery of the eternal life, the mystery that has not been understood by the man, who has been dying for seven thousand years without understanding what it has been with his life until My coming, and then, again.

And I, the Lord, write into My book with you all those that you have been working for the resurrection of the creature, which sighingly has been waiting for My giving of life coming, for by being resurrected, the creature will come to life. Amen, amen, amen.

Excerpt from the Word of God on the Sunday of the fearful judgment remembrance, from 06-03-2005. (On Calameo)


Oh, My people, what a wonder was two thousand years ago on the day of My entrance into Jerusalem on a colt of a donkey! The news had spread everywhere that I called Lazarus out of his tomb, who had been dead four days. The Father had prepared beforehand to do this miracle so that Jerusalem might confess Me as King of Israel and to be able to bring Me as a sacrifice and that the ruler of this world could bring Me as a sacrifice on the cross, but they were afraid of the resurrected Lazarus, lest the people might arise to believe in Me and that they might lose their priority and their dominion and their vain glory.

How beautifully those that were in Jerusalem welcomed Me! They took branches of trees and sang: «Hosanna!» and their spirit did not know what it was doing, for they fulfilled the prophecies about Me as they were ordered one by one to their fulfillment, for great is the truth about God, My people. I also want you sing «Hosanna!» to Me in your tears and I want you to rejoice and not to be afraid, to support those who support you on My way with you, for they also support Me on My way with you, and My way with you became Gospel over the earth, for the word of God is Gospel, My people. It is the feast of the flowers and of the branches, and I come as word to you to feed your power and comfort, and I have with Me hosts of angels who comfort your patience, son Israel, and the angels rejoice singing to Me «Hosanna!» for I enter with glory into you, Jerusalem, My people. My glory is dear, and it is as sweet as that one on the cross, for My love on the cross was sweet. No one has borne such a sweet love in his body, in his soul and in his spirit, as I had borne on the cross for the man to pay the life of the man by the sacrifice of My love on the cross. I was full of love on the cross. I was the One Who loved, as it never was and never is a greater love in heaven and on earth. My body did not suffer as much as My love suffered in the time of My cross. Those who sang to Me «Hosanna!» also cried out then to Pilate: «Crucify Him!» and I loved those who fulfilled the Scripture of My sacrifice and I asked My Father not to keep this into their account as sin because of what they did without knowing what they did. My love on the cross was sweet and painful, for love that has no pain has no power, and I loved those who brought Me pain, and the pain for them gave Me power for My sufferance from them, and then, for the love on the cross, at which Father looked and loved, because I listened to Him and I died for the man and I gave My live to the people.

You will see, My people, the resurrection of the dead, and then you will understand My love on the cross. You will see, My people, My work with you and through it the new birth of the world, of creation, and then you will understand your love under My cross, which I share with you today, loving and waiting for the fruit of the love, My people. Oh, let yourself be seized by My mysteries with you! Oh, let yourself be overwhelmed by My love on the cross and cry under the cross of My love, rejoicing over the glory of the love, which suffers loving with power to make the world again. Oh, My work within these days is great! It is mysterious and full of patience for the appearance of its glory! Let yourself be disturbed by its mysterious love for the resurrection of all things, My people. The dead wait for Me to call them out as I called Lazarus from among the dead and I told him, after I thanked to the Father: «Lazarus, come out!»

“Come out, you, those in the graves!” This is how I will call out through you, My people, until the dead will stand up listening to this commandment. Oh, and how beautiful and glorified will be the fulfillment of this Scripture and of the resurrection of the dead, My people! Take care, son, not to forget Me. Take great care not to live without Me in your thought and in your work and between brother and brother. Take care of Me, Jerusalem. Listen to God, son from the end. Take care like David and not like Saul, whom Samuel, coming out from the ground, being sad because of Saul’s disobedience and wandering away, answered him that disobedience is a sin as great as witchcraft, and opposition is the same like idol and teraphim worshipping. Behold what glorious will be the raising of the dead if you listen to be obedient to the Lord, your God, and if you obey His will full of care for you and for the whole heaven and earth, son! How praised Samuel came up out from the dead and rebuked the one who did not listen to God! How praised will be the resurrection from the dead, who will confess My work with you, My love for the man, My people! Behold, the saints are alive forever and ever, and they work over the earth, and I write a feast into your midst near the feast of the Palm Sunday, for I am with Verginica and with her sister, whom she took seven years ago to be together with her. You set a table for seven years of memorial, and I, the Lord, bless the food on the table and I sit with the saints and with the angels at this table, and Verginica together with their sisters sit at the table with you, at the table of resurrection, at the table of saints, for I am the God of the living ones, not of those who are dead, My people.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Lord’s Entrance into Jerusalem, from 24-04-2005. (On Calameo)


Oh, My people, who stay under the word of life making within the man, remain in My love! Strengthen your faith in Me and its work full of grace, because soon those who are righteous and holy with their love and life will be lifted up and will work out My justice and My salvation over many, and many of the dead, small and great, will receive life and will confess Me and you and the table of My kingdom with you on the Romanian land, and the multitudes, thirsty of life and love, will go towards it and will find the spring of life and will love it with power and they will give each other out of this love and will find the mysterious wisdom of God, which no one of the rulers of this age will be able to know it. However, you are the people hold into My hand, and all those that are Mine are yours, because You love Me, because I knock and you open to Me; I give to you and you share it forward, for those who are Mine work what I give them.

I always give you the word of My kingdom. Work it out, My people, so that My kingdom may become a spring, and all those who love in Me and not in this world to be able to come to it, My people. Amen, amen, amen.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the Synod of the holy twelve apostles, from 13-072005. (On Calameo)


I remember, into the midst of My people, the day of your birth among people, My mother, the birth coming down from heaven, from the Father, a mysterious miracle on earth, because if God did not work mysteriously His mysteries, the people would not be able to understand them and they would not receive them and they would not carry them to heaven, mother. The darkness in the man is great, because the spirit of the world fights on earth against the man by the pride in man, and God cries among the saints and works sufferance upon man to wake him up from carelessness and to call God on earth and the man to let himself be overcome by God, to be saved from destruction and with longing for eternity, for God’s longing will save the man from death, and I will call the resurrection of the dead and I will sound the resurrection of the dead and give back the incorruptibility to the living ones, but I ask the people for it, to seek after it in them and to love it and to give Me life in them, and I to renew the world as I have to work now, mother.

Oh, what a sweet work Your word is, Lord Savior, child of the Father and mine! I was born on earth to bring You down from the Father to man, to give You birth as a baby and to grow You up with longing and then to give You to the man as his Savior. My life was humble and full of tears because of my sufferance for You and for man, and the man could not and cannot understand how great Your coming for his salvation was and is. I speak with You, and You with me, and then the children, sharing of God, give us further to the people, because it is the time to keep calling the man out until he hears us, Lord Son. Oh, the man cannot come back to the truth of life, but I ask You now, on my day of feast into the midst of Your people to give a new spirit to the man and to give him heavenly feeling; give him power to receive You and to bow down to receive from the spring of Your word, because the great man perishes, and the little one comes to life by humility and by life like that of Yours, Lord merciful for man.

Oh, sons of my Son, the heaven cries over the earth! Much water comes from heaven on earth! Let us raise forgiveness prayer for the Romanian people so that its way may be illuminated towards God. Come to work as your working with God is written to you, people waited by the saints. The saints have been sighing after you to set you down as their way to the man, to become a sweeter bearer of God and of saints to the people, the people of the waiting from above. The life of my body was consumed with longing to help God to the man, and you have to be consumed seven times more, because the entire human kind, from the beginning of the man and up to this day, has been looking at you that you declare its resurrection, and it will confess you, and the heaven will embrace the heaven and earth and they will become new, for the Lord is love, and it is the Lord’s power, and His mercy overcomes the judgment and it will open the eyes of the man, and you will have to know to give the light from above to every man, who grows you to be able to make God known on earth, people chosen from the world.

Oh, mother, your birth had carried My birth with it. Oh, mother, the birth of this people of My word carries with it the new birth of the world, mother. I bow and I kiss your prayer in the midst of My people, because I am an obedient Son and I listen to you, mother. This is how the people should listen to My word. Let it be My fulfilled word, mother. Let it be the power of the resurrection of the creature, mother. Amen.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Birth of the Lord’s Mother, from 2109-2005. (On Calameo)


Behold, we call out at the table of the angels those who left off their bodies in the time of those seven thousand years. Their joy is indescribable, but the same is the sufferance for those who, like them in their time, do not know on earth to appreciate God, because the man stands away from God on earth and he does not know the pain, which will take him in it after that. Those who are asleep have been waiting for God from on earth not from heaven, because they have seen the heaven on earth and they have seen and waited for the joy, which will take them within it after I will have work on earth as among angels. Amen.

Comfort each other, you those who are aggrieved after God! Little, little and there will be its light and its comfort. Blessed are those who love on earth the sorrow after God, because they will find their joy, which will take them back in it. Oh, comfort each other now! I have been marking Myself with the voice of My angel upon you, because a table with angels is set before you.

Oh, there is among you a soul that cries. My trumpet Verginica wants that the one, who cries, to be allowed to speak. (Verginica, the sixth apocalyptic trumpet, r.n.) Let us not bring to an end the word of the book of today, children from the gates, until we see what it is with the one who cries out to you. However, now we work out the day of the feast of the angels, and then we set down to work to search out the one who cries from among those who are called at the angelic table on this day of feast.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the synod of the holy archangels Michael and Gabriel, from 21-11-2005. (On Calameo)


Oh, My people, learn from the saints, from Me and from the Father, learn to confess Me, that you have been called to this work. The saints have confessed Me, and I have also confessed them by My word, as I confessed John, My baptizer, and I confessed the saints by signs and wonders, from Me and up to your time, when I have protected you by a mighty hand to have you as the confessing people, because the protection and the victory of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit was great, very great, for you protection from heaven to earth, so that no one may do you any harm, and I confess Myself into your midst, and let the Father and the saints confess Me as well, and you are to announce those that We confess from those that are heavenly in order to fulfill the Scripture of the kingdom of the heavens on a new earth doing away with lawlessness everywhere, and when it will no longer be in the mind and works of the man, then satan will no longer have work either, and he will have an end to his work through the man, and the man will have an end to his work through satan as well, and I, the Lord, will first set to their place the angels who fell down by serving the spirit of the haughtiness of the man built by My hand and out of the dust, and in whom I breathed then the spirit of life to have him as My kingdom, as the God’s joy and delight and of His angels’.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the synod of the Saint John, the Baptizer, from 20-012006. (On Calameo)


Oh, My people, those with a pure heart are blessed and will be blessed, and these are those who see God and become like Him, and this is what this Scripture means. Oh, how beautifully they loved Me, those who had cried for Me on the way of My sufferance, when the thorns were bleeding My forehead and when the spear of the soldier took away My power of life, so that I might get ready for My resurrection, and then with it to go and to give it to those who had been waiting for Me for five thousand years, for I had come down on the earth to bring the resurrection of the dead. Amen. Behold, now it will be as at that time, and those in the graves will testify about you, Jerusalem from today, as the saints, clothed in their bodies, confessed Me two thousand years ago, to leave on earth the proof of My divinity, (See Mat: 27/52, 53.14) that is God crucified by the man, and resurrected from crucifixion for the resurrection of those who are asleep. Amen.

Now, I leave My peace into your midst, My people, and I want to find it within you and to find you working within it, Jerusalem of My coming. Amen, amen, amen.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Lord’s Entrance into Jerusalem, from 16-04-2006. (On Calameo)


… We have been waiting for the miracle of Your word on the earth for two thousand years, and we praise Your new name among those in heaven. You have come on the earth after two thousand years with a new name, and You are called the Word of God, (Apoc: 19/13.) and You have been writing Yourself within it over time, and now You have become a book, Lord, and now the seals are broken and it is shared Your word and Your name of fifty years on the Romanian land, (See The Book of the Lamb (The Book of Life) The Word of God, r.n.) where You have laid Your table for Your coming with the saints, Lord. The angels serve our coming with You, and the angels who lost their glory cry and wait for the man to come back to You in order that they may also return to their glorified places. Oh, give to Your people the power of the Holy Spirit and of holy prayer of the new birth of the world, Lord. All and everything have waited in heaven and on earth, and they have waited for Your last servants, so that they may lift up Your power to work and to set a life-giving spirit over the man, for the man does not know about God and he does not know to wait, and You have to establish on the earth the eternity of those who loved you and love You, Lord and Master of the life without the end for the saints. Make Your people of today victorious over its weaknesses on the earth and in which all the people live and cannot come after You as we came, and then as we walked. Clothe all those that are little within thrills of prayer for the new birth of the world, for all and everything wait for them. We have wanted nothing else on the earth but only to serve You, and not us. We have given a clean word to those who are called Yours, and whom You protect with heavenly powers, and You protect even more those that work over the darkness of the man, for the hell is on the earth and in man, and the guard of Your work of nowadays is a great work on the earth and in heaven, because the man hardly denies himself, and those who are Your working people are at the work for the protection of Your work and for the fulfillment of Your word over them and over those who do not know how to receive it and how to settle down within it.

Excerpt from the Word of God on the third Sunday after the Passover, of the prudes (the myrrh-bearing women), from 07-05-2006. (On Calameo)


I want the earth to be beautiful and holy, but without holy faith in man I cannot do this, for it is not the kingdom of the man, but My kingdom that I want to establish in man and then on the earth, and behold, that is why I have come with this word over the earth and over the man, but the man is weak in his faith and he minds his own good, when he reads in the Scriptures about My kingdom. The people of Israel had kept on asking Me about the restoration of its kingdom, and it had kept asking Me if its time had already come, but I did not give any answer to it. Oh, it is not the man’s kingdom which has to be over the man and over the earth, but My kingdom, that which is expected by the fathers, by the saints and by all of the angels of My glory, and even by the angels who lost My glory by the haughtiness of the man that was worked by My hand out of dust and out of My Spirit.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Lord’s Ascension, from 01-06-2006. (On Calameo)


Oh, My people, I am at your table with My forerunner, John. He was My disciple, and the gift of the prophecy, which dwelt in him from God, had as its work the testimony about Me, the Lamb of God. He has given Me his disciples, and then he went to the Father before Me and confessed Me before the saints of the heavens, and then he also confessed Me to those in hell, for the gift of the one who confesses God is so great, and those in hell, who waited and wait for their resurrection, leaped within the spirit and were relieved of their pain at the hearing of My name and of My work, which I work for the man’s resurrection, My people, because as Moses was God’s messenger to be enabled to take Israel out of bondage and to give it the land of promise, in the same way I was the Father’s messenger on the earth and in hell too, to take the man out from the darkness to the light, from death to light, and I was the Son of the Father Sabaoth, and I was His disciple. Amen.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the synod of the Saint John, the Baptizer, from 20-012007. (On Calameo)


When those who have fallen asleep were called I said that they would remain at their table of memorial all the time of the fasting for the meeting of My resurrection, and behold, today we are recalling them again and we are celebrating a feast of resurrection, a feast of comfort and hope until My full victory, when there will no longer be any man on earth who will not believe in My being of true God and Savior of the man fallen through sin. And I am also telling them: Christ has risen! I am telling them the greeting of My resurrection as well and I am giving them My comfort, for they are tired of waiting and longing, and the prudes of My resurrection give them the chrism of resurrection and testimony about Me, Who am resurrected for the man’s resurrection, for I am the beginning of resurrection. Amen.

Excerpt from the Word of God on the third Sunday after Passover, of the prudes, from 22-04-2007.


I am Who I am. I am He Who goes with the cherubim and seraphim. I am the One Who is born of the Father before eternity and the One Who became flesh in the Virgin from the Holy Spirit to come among people as true God and from true God, and I am of the same one being with the Father. Amen.

I am the Word of God, and I have come again on earth by this name, (Apoc: 19/13) for two thousand years ago, I came down from heaven and I let Myself be crucified for man and then I was resurrected, as it was written that it might happen to Me, and then I ascended again to the Father, and behold, I have come again and I have come as word on the earth, having neither beginning nor end, like the Father, and the Holy Spirit, the Creator of life, He Who has spoken through the prophets, makes Me perfect with My kingdom having no end on earth among people, for those who were, will be again and will come to life, and the living ones, who will be like the saints, will be made perfect by the spirit of life, which is to be forever, for My kingdom will have no end. Amen.

The people that has come with My angel from the place of the waiting of the spirit of the resurrection over those who wait for the voice of the archangel so that they may wake up for the age that is to come, this people, that has come now at the angelic feast in such a great number, I, the Lord, look at it and pour out upon it the spirit of comfort, the promise of the full resurrection of their bodies, according to their works and according to My great mercy, which I have put to work now by the supplication by which, those who are set by Me in the little garden of My word, intercede with Me to ask God for the release of the creature and the new birth giving, the resurrection of the dead and the life of the age that is to come and to be on the earth soon, soon.

Peace to you and peace to those who wait for the resurrection! In a little while I will release on earth the garment of incorruptibility that is to come, and you will stand up incorruptible, for I have been working now at this work with My people on earth, and which I have built for Me by the word. Oh, rejoice and look at My glory rejoicing, for My people of today is My glory from My coming, and soon, soon, I, the Lord, will bring the waiting to an end. In a little while, all the creatures will take on the garment of incorruptibility, and this joy will bring back on to the earth the eternity of all that have been made by God, and which will be again, as it is written, and when I, the Lord, will speak and say: «It is done!» Amen.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the Synod of the holy archangels, Michael and Gabriel, from 21-11-2007. (On Calameo)


Oh, sons of the world, your unhappiness is great! The unhappiness is the opposing spirit of the happiness of your souls. Do not forget that your souls are from God and that you give them dead food. Do not forget that they yearn in you after life even when you call their works of death life, the works of unbelief. Oh, do not forget that the unbelief is the spirit of the darkness and the ruler of this age and in which you stay as in a dungeon. I, the Lord, call you from over you. Your evil power does not let you and it does not save you from it, and the spirit of unbelief does not cover the sight of your spirit so that you may not deny the spirit of the world, the spirit that feeds even your sleep. Oh, open your eyes, open them alone and be perceived by the spirit of the holy faith to take from God the resurrection from the death in which you stay. The time of the resurrection of the dead has come, who hear God’s word to get up, and I, the Lord, call you from over you and I give you the spirit of resurrection. The saints wait for your waking up, for they were people like you on earth and they got in heaven by the work of their faith, sweet work for man but which the man does not know, for the man beats against the precipice in which he stays when he tries to look to see, and the one who does not see, remains in unbelief, remains blind and deaf. My mercy calls the man out. My mercy on man becomes word upon man and calls out to the man saying: Come, man, to see and to understand the first things before the man’s death, when the man was comprised in God as a baby is in his mother’s womb until he gets out in the passing away realm! Come, man, to Me before I may come to You because of your unbelief, to wake you up from it, to see and to believe! However, the faith that comes to you by My wrath for your unbelief, that one judges and it does not comfort. However, I am the Lord, the Comforter, and I come with comfort and get in to your ear closed to Me, and I open it and tell you comfortably that the unbelief is the spirit of the world. And I also tell you man, fallen man, that the faith is God’s Spirit against the darkness of the unbelief. Amen, amen, amen.

Oh, My people, oh, My house of coming! I have called out the unfaithful man out of you and I have called him out like a father. I have called the man out from your midst that he may be able to know that I am with you on earth and that I keep you in Me and I feed you likewise, and by your faith I pour Myself out into your midst like a river of living waters, which flow over those who have no water, without teaching, without resurrection over the earth, and whoever will get up and bow to drink will come to life from death and will come to life as you came to Me when you found My spring and tasted of its water, and behold, you are now My holy mountain, My temple, My Zion, My New Jerusalem, to which those who are thirsty of God head for and say to themselves: «Come, and let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, and to His temple, and He will teach us of His ways and we will walk in His paths, for out of Zion will go forth the law, and the word of the Lord will flow from Jerusalem to us, and the Lord, like a Shepherd Who shepherds His flock, will gather His lambs together within His arms and will take them to His bosom, and those who nurse will feel the rest”, as it is written. (See also Micah: 4/2)

Oh, My people, the world has learned in an earthly way and it cannot see those that are from heaven in its midst, for I am the mysterious One with you, because this is how God is, and the one who stays in unbelief cannot see God. However, you should learn in a godly way, and you should believe likewise, but I have mercy on those who are in your midst and who did not perceive with their faith all My mystery in your midst, for those, who are slow in their mind for the things of God, have not received the whole power of faith from above and for the things from above, for the man gets from God only what he gives to God. And now, I, the Lord, release upon you the word of the three bishops celebrated today in heaven and into your midst and who became with their feast My bridge, the bridge of My word of today, for it is written into the prophets: «As the children of Israel bring their offering for the Lord’s temple, and as the new heavens and the new earth, which I will make, shall remain before Me, so shall your seed and your name remain… and it shall happen that from one new moon to another, and from one Sabbath to another, shall all flesh come to worship before Me» says the Lord. Amen, amen, amen. (See Is: 66/2-23)

Oh, You are great, Lord, and Your works are wonderful, and there is no word to be enough for Your glory, for You have brought together to You the nations and the languages to see always Your glory from Your saints, and out of them You have taken priests and Levites, as You also took us and made us serve to Your godliness on the earth before the people, and behold, our nation of saints and our name remain, Lord, as it is written. We have come now from feast to feast and we are worshipping You together with Your people of today, which stands before Your word when it comes and which You made Your house on earth and of Your saints, Your messenger from margins to margins with Your mystery in its midst, for behold, from Jerusalem God’s word will flow to the nations, and You shepherd Your flock like a Shepherd and gather together in Your arms lambs, and You carry them at Your bosom, as it is written.

We worship before You, Lord, in the midst of Your people, and together with him we are worshippers here. We pray to You from its midst for him, Good One: fulfill Your prophesy on earth more and more to the understanding of the people for this new beginning of Yours, which You announced by the prophets when You said that: «It shall happen in the last days that the mountain of the Lord’s temple will be established on the top of the mountains, and it will be exalted above the hills, and the nations will stream to it and many nations will say: “Come, and let us go to the mountain of the Lord, and to the house of the God of Jacob; and He will teach us of His ways, and we will walk in His paths, for out of Zion will go forth the law and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem». (See Micah: 4/1, 2) The haughty eyes will be humbled and the pride of the people will be brought low, and only the Lord will be exalted, for He will judge His day and will rise against everything that is haughty and exalted with pride and the man’s pride will be torn down, and in that day only the Lord will be exalted, and all the idols will be knocked down and the man will throw them away, for what kind of power does the man have?

Out of the midst of the people of Your word we call You out for him, Good One. Give him strength and shepherd him in the spirit of the holy hope for the victory, Lord, and throw his opposing power to the ground. Cut out the power and the conspiracy, which gets up to strike into Your work into the midst of Your people, for out of Your midst You make the living river flow, the river of life, Lord, over the living and over the dead, for You came in Your time. Make way to Your word over the nations of the earth, for You come out of Your chamber as a Bridegroom, out of the midst of Your people when You come to him to share Yourself over the earth and to shine seven times over more than by this time through all those who have carried You to the people, because now You are the One Who speaks, You are the voice of the seventh angel, who announces the judgment, Your day, when all those that are haughty will turn pale and will bow down before the glory of Your day, for You have nothing to wait for from the people, for the people stay in the precipice of their unbelief and do no longer get out of it. However, you call out by Your voice over this dark deep and we, Your saints together with You and from You, call out in the coming: Come to life, you dry bones, for the flesh is rotten on you, it is only sin, and the sin is death, it is rottenness like the body, which decays in the soil! Come to life, you, people locked-up in bodies and sold to sin! We, the three bishops, Basil, Gregory and John, servants of fire in the Lord’s temple, mysterious workers in the vineyard of today, at the fire altar, settled by the Lord now into the midst of the Romanian nation for the Lord to burn on it the spirit opposing to Him and all the sins of the human creature, from Adam to this day, we, those who have come down from heaven in these days of the Lord’s coming, at his beginning in the year of 1955, by His trumpet by which He called out, and again, now, at the end of His calling by those who serve now before the workers of fire together with us and we, together with them, call out and announce the Lord’s commandment: Come to life, you, dry bones, and become God’s sons by the gift of the holy faith! Come to live, you, locked-up spirits in your bodies sold to the unbelief, to the spirit of the world and sin! We do no longer command the evil spirit to come out of you, but we command your spirit to come to life and to overcome for God in you. Come to life and believe in God and then give forth fruit worthy of repentance and then become God’s sons, become holy just as we also became holy on the earth before the Lord of the saints, for He has given us this power, as it is written for those who believe in Him! Amen.

And now, Lord, Lord, seek from heaven and search and look at this vineyard of Yours and perfect it, for Your people of today is Your vineyard, and make it and Your new vine grow, as You have advised Your people. And we, those who have the work of the heavenly anointing over it, we are among those who are set by us as workers on Your behalf through them for the fruit of the vineyard, for the table of Your wedding, Lord, for Your new vine, for Your vine is Your planting, and You are its fruit. Amen, amen, amen.

— May your heavenly word be blessed by God, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, oh, My servants on behalf of the heaven over My new people of today! We have come down today for a word of longing between Me and My people, and then for the word of the calling out between Me and the sons of the world and then for the word of resurrection over them, and again, as word of new blessing over My new vineyard and over its fruit. Amen.

May your work with faith in it of My people of today be blessed, for by its faith I fulfill the Scriptures, which still are to be settled on earth as in heaven. Amen.

Oh, come, blessed of My Father, you, sons of My people of today, come and be My workers and the heirs of My work and miracle, which I have given to you to work and to bear, prepared by Me from the foundation of the world to be established on the earth, the living church of God, the Word, and over which He Himself speaks and fulfills and makes it ready like a bride for her Bridegroom, as it is written. Amen. (See the selection topic: "The true church”, r.n.)

Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the three holy hierarchs: Basil, Gregory and John, from 12-02-2008. (On Calameo)


Oh, My people, those who know about God and do not want to be like Him after that will pay hard! Carelessness helps the man to stand away from My glory, and the world teaches him to be ashamed of My way and to stay in its way. Oh, My people, you are great for Me because of your belief in My work of yesterday and that of today, and be careful, for it is written into My word after My resurrection for those who believe in Me that they will cast out demons from the people, that they will speak with new languages and will heal the people. Oh, there is no man not to have a demon in him, and the demon frowns when you want to make it upset in man. Oh, the earth is full of demons and the people are the same, and the people do not know what it is, and what the demon does in man, and the people do not know what that is and what the Lord does in man there where He is able to reign in man. The demon keeps the man near him and near his, and the Lord keeps the man near Him and near His, for the darkness is great between demon and God, between man and God. My book of today is the book of judgment in which I write the man’s sins, for I look down on earth and this is how I write the book, and then I put it face to face with the man and before this I tell the man his worldly and devilish works, for the judgment of the creature is this time of My coming again as word after two thousand years from the Father to man, and he who believes in Me and in My word of today, that one gets up and understand My word of two thousand years ago either, and one like that gets up from the dead and becomes My disciples, the disciple of My holy will and a messenger of the Gospel of the resurrection. Amen.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Lord’s Resurrection, from 27-04-2008. (On Calameo)


And now, My people, I am coming in through the gates with My disciples and with My prudes and those of My resurrection, and I am coming to your table with those who condemned Me to death two thousand years ago, for they are also remembered here for forgiveness, because I said that everything a man sins against the Son of Man will be forgiven, and they wanted to be understood that they were God’s advocates, that they were those who wanted Israel’s welfare.

It is a day with heavenly love in it. It is a day of memorial of those who wait for Me in the dwelling of the dead to give them My hand for their resurrection, for their forgiveness, and My male and female disciples give place to those who are in sufferance now at My table of word. My entire creature that has been is called at My table. Those who went to sleep with the hope of their resurrection do not wait in vain and they will be soon comforted, and others wait at the border between Me and man to confess their sufferance. Amen.

The world of those who are asleep, Lord, has always come with You at the feast of the memorial of this world, and we call You the Savior of those who went asleep with the hope of their resurrection through You, the One promised by the Father to come on the earth for the living and for the dead. We look at your people and confess that it is Yours, it and everyone who, after Your word and after Your will, becomes the body of Your people, which has become Your way and Your house for Your coming now. Oh, come Lord, and fulfill Your promises about the new heaven and the new earth, written in the Scriptures to come and to be, and here it is how You come and fulfill! And forgive us our wrongdoings with which we left the earth, because we have intercession with You, Lord, and we have it from the midst of Your people. Amen, amen, amen.

– Amen, amen, I say to You. I am the long enduring One and I hear the mourning of those who sigh. Amen.

And now, I, the Lord, call those who condemned Me then, I call them and I set them at My table of word, and let them come and confess. I am Who I am, and I am the crucified and resurrected One and I have power over the living and over the dead, over the slaves and over the free. Let Caiaphas, Ana, Pilate and Judas all come and confess that I am the One Who have endured for seven thousand years. Amen.

Oh, no one can have so much mercy than You have, the merciful One for Your tormentors, for whom You cried on the cross to the Father and prayed to Him saying: «Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing?» (Luke: 23/34) Then You said that it was fulfilled with You all that was written in the book of Moses, in the prophets and in the Psalms, and we, those that were two thousand years ago, came to be those who fulfilled the Scriptures about Your crucifixion. Oh, if You want, if you can, write us as the fulfillers of the Scriptures that were fulfilled with You as it was written. Willing or not, we confessed You as true God, for if we condemned You as a man, You were resurrected from the dead as God, and if we did not condemn You, You were not able to be glorified by Your resurrection for the resurrection of every man who wants it. Oh, write us as disciples, for we paid on the earth by the torment of our soul and then our body, and when we gave our soul, You were the One Who came and met us, showing us the signs of the nails on Your body, Master of life and death. We were feeble, we were weak, and we put each other off with fine words about Your death. We sent You from one to another and then we made the people say that You were Man against God, and the spirit of unbelief arose greatly in the people and Your sufferance was fulfilled on Golgotha, oh, Son of God, and we were then like blind people and our eyes were prevented to see, and this is how we fulfilled the Scripture for scorn against You and for Your sacrifice on the cross for the human kind guilty with sin. Now You have called us to a table of memorial for the world of those asleep, and who can stand against your works? Here we are! We are guilty before You and before Your people that confesses You into the midst of the Romanian people, the way of Your coming as word of judgment from the Father to the man on the earth. If You want, you can cleanse us from our sin by forgiveness and do not let us forever in the fire, for our soul has been burning within great torment, but it still hopes in You, the One Who died on the cross, put by us, and then the One Who were resurrected by the cross. Then we were ashamed of You and of Your glory full of humility, and behold, we stand with shame before You and before Your Father and Your saints and Your people of today. And now be it done according to Your will with us, but do not forget that You are merciful, that You are long enduring, if You want, for You have come now on the earth with great power, with much, much word, and Your word is like a river in which the man can wash away from his guilt. We can no longer do it, but You can wash us. You and Your people, interceding now for the salvation of the creature. May Your will be done, but we also know that You are enduring as You were two thousand years ago, when You endured with love the fulfillment of all that were written before about You, about You and about us, those who caused You great sufferance for the atonement of the sins of the world. Then we were judges, we and the world, and now You are judge and You are just, but You are also long enduring, for You are God, You are the Son of the Father Sabaoth and of the Virgin mother, and You also come to judge the living and the dead, and You are without beginning and without end, and You are the beginning and the end as well. Amen. And now, if You also want for us, You know this and we receive. Oh, receive us; receive us for the prayers of those who have been praying on the earth for our guilt and for its forgiveness before You! Amen, amen, amen.

– I, the Lord, resurrected from crucifixion, am long enduring, and I am the same as on the cross two thousand years ago, when I asked from the Father for the forgiveness of those who fulfilled the Scriptures about Me to be crucified and to bear the burden of the sins of the world, to give My life for their atonement and to come to life again victoriously, and My resurrection wiped out the guilt of those who condemned Me as a man, for I was resurrected like a true God.

… — Oh, male and female disciples, you have released now dear and zealous exhortations over the people from among the saints! Let us also fulfill over them the kingdom, which does not fall down! Amen.

I, the Lord, am writing now with My mercy the forgiveness of those who, out of their weakness, condemned Me to the cross, and I put out their fire as long as two thousand years over their soul.

Oh, rest now sons! I have waited in tears for your relief. Cry with Me now in a spirit of comfort. I am giving you tears of comfort now. Give away your tears by this time and receive My comfort. There is still a little time and your eternal comfort will remain between heaven and earth, and you will be comforted for your sufferance of two thousand years too, after you have stayed face to face with the sin committed by you. Peace to you! Amen, amen, amen.

Peace to you, My people! I have nourished you with much word. This day has been a day of comfort and a day of reconciliation. Amen, amen, amen.

Excerpt from the Word of God on the third Sunday after Passover, of the prudes, from 11-05-2008. (On Calameo)


I, the Lord, come down on earth on the clouds of cherubim over My people into the midst of the Romanian people, and I set My food over it before the people so that they may hear of the God’s glory in these days, for two thousand years ago I said: «You will see the Son of Man ascending and descending», for I went to the Father in order to come back again with the spirit of comfort on earth, and this is how I am coming, as I promised that I come. Amen.

I am coming on clouds of cherubim and I am using My gates to enter as word into My book of today, and the gates are opening at My voice and this is how I am coming in to feed you from Me, My today’s people. Oh, open for Me to come into your being and listen to My word and fulfill it, for I am this word, I and My fulfillment, which I want to be in you in a great measure, My people. I speak with you sweeter and more beautiful then I spoke with Israel when I had Moses between Me and it, for you are at the end of the time; you are not at the beginning, and you need much comfort and much power to be able to be with God, for the evil spirit is worse than anytime and that is why it has become worse and worse, more wounded and more upset. However, you should not be afraid, people nourished by God, for I, the Lord has always given you My hand and I pass you over pains in My arms over the troubles and waves that try to swallow you and I have always cleaned your face and your little garment, for I know the hard time, as its poison is written into the Scripture and you cannot avoid it, but you can prevail against it with God, for I need a victorious people, now, at the end of the time, because I have to fulfill the Scriptures of the resurrection of the dead, and then the life of the age to come after the man’s ages, and I need you, My people. Oh, let any sort of wind blow, but you stay close to My bosom, for I am God and I can do everything, only for you to be able to believe in Me, to listen to Me and to comfort Me, because I feed you with the spirit of comfort and I give you the gift of holiness, and you, as a baby, come to My bosom and learn your protection from Me, learn to love Me and to believe Me, for he who has faith in My works upon man is great, and everything is possible to the one who has faith, because the Lord can work for him. Amen.

I am into your midst with My mother, the Virgin, My people and we are accompanied by saints, prophets and apostles, and these watch and feed you on My word, and we are carried on the clouds by cherubim, for this is how My coming with the saints is prophesied, and My glory from the end of the time is great, for it is at the end, and the end prepares the beginning and the life of the age that is to be on earth after the Scriptures of the resurrection of the dead is fulfilled. Amen.

I have set order into your midst the everyday sacrifice from Me for the fulfilling of the Scriptures of the resurrection of the dead, oh, and how mysteriously I work, My people! In the time of My coming on earth by My birth of the Virgin mother, I fulfilled then the Scriptures spoken by the prophets about Messiah’s coming and about God’s kingdom on earth with man and all the fulfillments remained mysterious for they have been fulfilled mysteriously for those who believed in them. Those who hoped in earthly achievements for My kingdom with man, they did not understand and then they did not believe in My coming, and I was telling them that God’s kingdom was not of this world and that it was in those who loved it in them, and Me as their master, the Master of their lives and love on earth. Oh, today it is the same. I, the Lord, fulfill mysteriously everything I declare, for I do not set the fulfillments on the sons of men, for only on those who are and become God’s sons among people, and My promises belong to them, only for them to know to perceive and carry them in them and over them, for My kingdom with them is not of this world, but it is from heaven and it is with the heaven in the midst of the faithful ones, and this heaven is My throne, whose bed is the earth, as it is written.

Come, mother, let Us work before the people Our speaking with the man, faithful to My coming. Come, mother, to strew over man the wisdom and the faith for the Scripture of the resurrection of the dead and for the life of the age that is to come, for this age is not, because what it is, it is and does not pass away, mother. Come, mother, come to make the man’s building for the man to be then, because that which is not built is not, mother.

Oh, the man is not built, he is not made, Son of the Father and mine, for You are the Creator of everything, and in order for You to give birth to the man from above, You have to build in him first the kingdom of the heavens, my dear Son and God of the faithful ones.

Oh, the man cannot love the kingdom of the heavens in him, for the man loves sin in him, and sin is death. The man dips his morsel in sin and eats it and he is not fed with God. Oh, the man cannot have control over himself to take God’s kingdom in him then and to glorify it in him, Son Lord. You have come now on earth with the wonder of Your speaking over man, but the man is unfaithful and believes only what he sees, poor of him, for he has corrupted his sight for Your things and he sees only the things of the man. You have come on earth with the Scripture of the resurrection of the dead, and Your voice into the midst of Your people is heard by those in the graves, for You have set a daily sacrifice into the midst of Your people and they are called out to resurrection, to remission of sins and then to their resurrection, for the prophet David blessed the Lord and said: «Praise the Lord, my soul, the Lord Who forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases. He redeems your life from destruction; Who crowns you with loving kindness and tender mercies; He will not always accuse; neither will He stay angry forever. He has not dealt with us according to our sins, nor repaid us for our iniquities. For as the heavens are high above the earth, so great is His loving kindness toward those who fear Him. As far as the east is from the west, so far has He removed our transgressions from us. Like a father has compassion on his children, so the Lord, has compassion on those who fear Him. For He knows how we are made. He remembers that we are dust. As for man, his days are grass. As a flower of the field, so he perishes. For the wind passes over it, and it is gone. Its place remembers it no more. But the Lord’s loving kindness is from everlasting to everlasting with those who fear Him; to those who keep His covenant; to those who remember to obey His precepts». (Ps: 103/1-4; 9-18; 103 MT15 = 102 LXX16)

Oh, people of God’s word, my Son! He exhorts you to fulfill His precepts that His mercy may always be on you. Oh, teach the people the mystery of the resurrection of the dead, for the people do not know and do not have a teacher to tell them and to teach them the resurrection and the life. Tell them that you are ordained by God to speak and to work the Scripture of the resurrection of the dead, and then they may come to life, and they will come to life and testify God’s work, Who leads you in these days, and Who speaks over the living and the dead, for my Son spoke two thousand years ago that the time would come for those in the tombs to hear His voice and to come to life. Amen.

Oh, sons and daughters of my Son’s word, Who gives birth to man from above! Open the book of His teaching on you and follow His teaching, for the resurrection of the dead comes and the people have to fear God and to fulfill His commandments on earth so that the Lord may remove from them the reward of their transgression. Teach the people their resurrection from sin, their resurrection from death. Tell those who call themselves Christians, that to be a Christian means to live in the spirit, soul and body in Christ and not in this world. And how comes in this world? That is in its desires, for my Son whispered in the ear of those who hear Him speaking; He said that as the man dips his morsel of bread or polenta in the tray with greaves, in the same way he spreads his morsel of sin and spoils his heart, his body against the spirit of the life of my Son, in man. Oh, always watch for your resurrection, always, always for resurrection. Love one another as my Son has loved you. How has He loved you? He laid down His life for you. And you should do the same to each other and work the resurrection in a spirit of humility to each other, and in the same way, you should exhort those who ask you about God, Who speaks with you. Oh, build each other in Christ. This means to love one another as the Lord, Jesus Chris, my Son, has loved you. Oh, I would like to speak very much with you; I would very much build you and teach you very much with the spirit of resurrection by my speaking, but you have much instruction upon you, for the wisdom of the word of my Son upon you is great. Keep watch for one another for the Lord’s teaching upon you, for there comes the resurrection of the dead, which waits in the dust of the earth, and this Scripture waits after you. The Lord wants you to be one and one, and all of you to be grown at the same stature, built equally and equally filled with God. Ask for the growth upon you. Set watchmen to feed you from God, to feed you continually, for it is given to them to feed you according to His order. He who takes grown from himself, that one is not a beautiful child, and he who receives growth from the hand of those ordained by God for you, that one is blessed and protected from death, because this means for man to pass from body into spirit. Oh, blessed are those who listen to those who are ordained by God over them! Blessed are those who become a field, for those who sow God’s kingdom in man. Blessed are those who listen to the advise and hand of those who work from God upon them, because man has to deny himself and he can do this only in obedience, for there have been great people on earth in their rank and love for God, and when they longed after their salvation more, they bowed down and went to obedience, to self-denial and to their cross bearing in order to be saved, for he who is saved is he who saves from his self, and man’s salvation is nothing else, but the saving life in man.

Oh, listen to God’s precepts, you, God’s sons, and listen to those who are ordained by God to lead you so that you may be guided sons, obedient sons. Amen.

And as for You, my Lord and Son, teach the sons of men the wisdom of resurrection. Come with this table before them and send angelic hosts to touch their souls by the sweet wind of Your word on earth, word that comforts and which calls and gives life, and have mercy on the Romanian country according to Your promises for it, and crown it with the spirit of the fear of God and then with the spirit of resurrection, and remember the prophecy made to king David, who spoke and said: «As far as the heaven is from the earth, as far as the east is from the west, so far is the Lord’s mercy for those who fear Him». Amen, amen, amen.

– Oh, My mother, oh, mother of those who are built in Me! Your spirit of mother of God’s sons is sweet! Let the men’s sons learn, mother, for We have to heal the man from the spirit of son. I told those who set Us in the book that as the man dips his morsel of bread or polenta in the tray with greaves, in the same way he dips his morsel in sin and then swallows it up spoiling his heart and body in it against the spirit of My live in man, and We and those who share Us to the people have to teach the people the Scripture of the resurrection of the dead, mother. Amen.

Oh, people led by God from heaven and from the earth! Come to be nourished, come, son, and stay and learn. As the chicks of the swallow stay in their nest and receive food from their mother, taking in their little beak from its beak, and as they grow to fly, in the same way you should grow to eat and to grow, to be able to be useful to God and to feed the people with the Spirit of God so that He may grow in people, in such a way that the people may be saved from the bondage of sin. Oh, My people, the Scripture of the resurrection of the dead is worked into your midst on earth. I have built you for the resurrection of the dead and I put into your midst the daily sacrifice and I have not put not in this world and for its children. Oh, My people, your mystery with Me frighten the demons. Therefore, sanctify yourself! Get up every day and be more and more with your spirit above your body, for behold, the spirit is that which gives you life. Amen.

Peace to you, My people! Let much and much peace be between Me and you, and this means the fulfillment of God’s commandments over your being and between brother and brother. Oh, do not be afraid of bad people; do not be afraid of storm. I am He Who protects you, because you cannot do this. I can, and you should be able to work for God. I can, and you should work resurrection. Amen.

Resurrection to you, My people, and resurrection from your over the sons of men! The Spirit of the resurrection is that which is worked from heaven on earth in these days of the speaking of God’s Son over the living and over the dead. I am the resurrection and the life. I was born on earth to be with the people and to remain with them after that to the end of the time and then to give them their resurrection, and to give them the life of the age that is to be, and they should believe it and have it, as My promise is written for those who are faithful and holy, My people. Amen, amen, amen.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Cover of the Lord’s Mother 14-102008. (On Calameo)


I make Myself heard by those who stand on My behalf as gates of My entrance to My people born of My word from above in this time of My second coming from the Father to man.

I am the Lord Jesus Christ and I am speaking over My church on earth, which has into its midst the word of God, spoken at this time by My mouth, for I have made it My church now, in the end of the time, that I may become in it body and word on its altar, and it has to give to the sons of men My word for the resurrection of the dead and of the living ones, because I, the Lord, have to fulfill now the Scripture of the resurrection of the dead and of the living ones, for these are going to meet and they are going to meet My glory and then we will be in glory, as it is written for this Scripture to be fulfilled. Amen.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the devout Parascheva, from 27-10-2008.


It is a day of the feast for the saints and martyrs. These were My disciples on earth and by the gate of confession they have come into My bosom full of faithful and fighting sons for Me on earth. Oh, sons of My people, the word of the blessing, which comes upon man by the faith in his heart, is great! Come under the hand of the shepherds for blessing, for you knew and know the order from Me upon you.

Oh, Good and Gentle Shepherd! I am the one celebrated on this day in a synod of confessing martyrs. I am giving holy power and zeal as Mine, too, I am giving to those who were and are Your today’s people, and I am telling them that all those who are Yours on earth, they are those who bring You fruit of disciples and confessors of Yours. This kind of work have those who are Yours on earth. Amen.