Thought & Belief - The Inner Human by Neal Fox - HTML preview

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When it comes to some of most dysfunctional issues related to thoughts, thinking, and beliefs, hardened criminals are at the top of the list.  Heinous and brutal acts committed by criminals do not align with what most people would think a human is possible of doing.  But we see the results regularly, with severe impact on the lives of innocent people and families.  Why?


The hardened criminal is at the end of the trail which we have already discussed.  When the Sinful Nature and Emotion are allied, the result will be dysfunctional thinking on a scale from slight to hardened.  At the hardened end of that scale we find criminals who will stop at almost nothing to satisfy the lusts of their Sinful Nature.  Lusts vary from person to person, so not all criminals are alike.  And we not discussing here those who have made mistakes, or committed a few petty crimes.  But for all hardened criminals, harming others is not only what must be done to achieve their goals, but it is actually something they enjoy doing.  It provides exhilaration to relieve the boredom of their meaningless life.  It is just another drug, but with perceived personal rewards.  Criminals are the highest achievement of Darwinian evolution because they shed inhibitions in favor of survival at the expense of others.  Those who are in their way, or rivals, or can provide something they do not have, are just weak and need to make room for the "more evolved," namely the Darwinian criminals.


Is hardened criminality a mental dysfunction, or mental illness?  If one defines the Sinful Nature/Emotion alliance taken to its illogical extremes as mental dysfunction, and we do, then it is mental dysfunction.  But it is not truly mental "illness" since it has resulted from repeated bad decisions, not brain damage, usually over a long period of time.  But in non-technical terms and common vernacular for mental illness, all hardened criminals are "mentally ill" in the sense of not using normal thinking processes, because they all use Darwinian instinctive behavior instead of logical and rational thinking.  But such mental dysfunction, as we would define it, is not a legitimate defense for criminal actions.  The criminal's decisions are still decisions, but are based on turning over near-complete control to their Sinful Nature.  Arrogance, the chief output of the Sinful Nature, is taken to the extreme and self-image becomes highly distorted.  At this point thoughts are instinctive and actions are animalistic.  Recall that God did not create humans with instincts, or as animals.  But humans can change themselves into both given enough distorted thinking over time, because it unleashes extreme arrogance from the Sinful Nature.  There are many reasons, and some criminals may start with getting a raw deal in life, as they see it.  But excuses are not acceptable when it comes to destroying the lives of innocent victims and families.  Every criminal made themselves into one.  Developing a criminal mind is a process made up of bad thoughts, thinking, decisions, and beliefs, which leads to the extremes of mental dysfunction.


And when power is added to the equation, the slide into criminal thinking and behavior is hastened.  This is how dictators and other malevolent rulers throughout history have gained power and destroyed the lives of so many people under their rule.  These people are also hardened criminals, and use the power of their office to take away the rights and freedoms of individuals.  A good example is King Herod, when he heard from the Magi that Jesus had been born and would someday be called a King, Herod told the Magi to return and tell him where Jesus was located, but they did not.  Matthew 2:16 says: "When Herod realized that he had been outwitted by the Magi, he was furious, and he gave orders to kill all the boys in Bethlehem and its vicinity who were two years old and under, in accordance with the time he had learned from the Magi. 


Herod died miserably within a short time and was succeeded by his son, who was also named Herod.  His son was also a criminal ruler who refused to release the Apostle Paul from prison when he had the opportunity.  Both had a very good chance to understand salvation.  Both refused it.


Speaking of eternity, what is the status of the inner self during the Eternal State, and how will it function differently than during our natural life on earth?  Let is look at these issues now.