You Are A Bestseller by Ekekere Samuel Ufot - HTML preview

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Chapter eleven



You’ve come across books with the term ‘bestsellers’ printed on them. Readers crave for books with such imprints. Every writer has an ambition of having his or her book make it to bestseller status. Fired by ambition, they would preview the work, find a catchy title and subheadings, make nice graphics and design the book in such a way as to make it attractive. Exasperating energy is put into the book to make it worth reading. With the knowledge he or she has accrued over time, a prototype of the book is achieved. They go ahead to find good publishers and develop a marketing strategy. Before long, they are up in the ladder of successful writers.

 You may not be a writer but something about you is a quest to be a best seller. God the greatest writer had taken time out to write your story. He knew what would transpire after your birth and he alludes “that before your mother gave birth to you He knew that you were going to come through her and he knew the effect you were going to make”. You could never have been a mistake for he had invested energy in ensuring you end up that perfect story.

The Bible is reticent with men whose stories have been bestsellers because they collaborated with the best writer God. There is no basis for equity justification between human knowledge and God.

If Paul was alive today, he would possibly get billions of dollars for his work. Paul’s part of the Bible is almost the most read. He would not have achieved this feat if he were still under the tutelage of the Pharisaic school. Though he was well schooled in the teachings of the once renowned Gamaliel, He would have ended up like Gamaliel. Gamaliel had written scholarly books on the transient human law but alas, transient truly it was. But Paul has remained a thriller generations after generations and he is still going to thrill more in generations unborn. From 1 Corinthians to Hebrews, everlasting bestseller till Jesus comes.

What book will you compare with the super seller of best sellers, the Bible? Everything associated with God sure outlives any known human standards. In almost every country of the world, presses churn out Bibles upon Bibles in different versions, languages and purposes yet the Bible has continued to have buyers. The Bible has continued to sell in millions across the world every day. Think about it. When you partner God you naturally outdo every known standard.

God desires the best for you. Human carnal thought pattern strings our mind to thinking we are capable of leading our lives. The prevailing godly counsel is that “by strength shall no man prevail”. No matter how well we feel about ourselves, the perfect writer knows how to perfect his works; he knows how to garnish the words. He does not need the worldly artistic knowledge of seduction and manipulation to draw people towards you. He does it beyond our human comprehension.

God is the source of knowledge. His open door policy only requires that “we ask from him who gives and does not hold back”. The bestseller you, require uncommon knowledge from God, a virtue people are desirous to have. Note, “All wisdom is from above and every good gift is from above and from the father of light”. There is a special light you need to attract people to you and this light can only be gotten from God. The quest for stand out ovation is subject to our sourcing wisdom from the luminous God. Wisdom stands you out and attracts great minds towards you. The only route to acquiring this desired gift is to follow God’s laid down counsel “whosoever needs wisdom; let him ask of the father”. The best seller you is God’s imputed wisdom, knowledge, and understanding.

Do You want to thrill others? It’d be a big deal when you don’t know the source. Acknowledge the source. You cannot fathom the power and influence that goes with the pre-archeological sourced wisdom that God gives. Your written words will be set ablaze. In your absence, they will burn the hearts of people who will read them.

God is the beginning of every success tale and the end of it. He is every chapter and every full stop. Our content is immeasurable to the substance upon which the earth draws its energy from. It is therefore inevitable that the source of your coveted best-seller position is craving to have you have enough of his energy. He wants you to achieve beyond your expectation.

Often times we think too little below God’s written script. This debars us from reaching the exalted height God has destined us to be. God acknowledged this as he mourned the fatal catastrophe envisaged by “his people dying because they lack knowledge”. In a land of acute knowledge investments made available by no other than the Mastermind, many have winded up dead spiritually, financial, morally and otherwise. It's great making awesome breath taking plans, but if God does not dine on it, it would probably end whack.

There are quite a great number of books that have not left the houses of their publishers. They are well articulated and arranged but they have lacked buyers. This fact must resonate in our hearts that it’s not an ingenious capability that grants us success but it is in the substance God is making with that little knowledge you’ve got. Little is minute without God but ‘little is monstrous when God is in it’. What you can do is immeasurable only through the grace obtained in Jesus. Move up higher, the best seller is you personified and God is all too busy writing your story line.