You Are A Bestseller by Ekekere Samuel Ufot - HTML preview

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Chapter twelve



Many books have references. The reference consists of a collection of books upon which the author have stumbled upon one or more information that had made the book a success. Authors generally read to acquire knowledge and in writing, they source for information. The authors admit that they had used another man’s work. In order to avoid plagiarism, they ensure the work is a reference. As a book, you too have references. There are persons who have imputed into your life one virtue or the other. They require some level of acknowledgment. You are showing that the input made by them has been worth it. If you never realized, then it’s time you do.

You are the totality of all the inputs that many around you have made. Your book consists of excerpts from many other books. Mr. A was around to hand his advice concerning spending money. Mrs. B was there to share the virtue of love. Miss C taught you how to stand the crowd and Master D shared his disciplinary tactics. You made use of the knowledge of A, B, C & D. You are different but your difference is a combination of the indents of A, B, C, D and more. It’s like students in schools. Student Z a very determined and hardworking student knows how to solve mathematics but does not know English that much. Student X another student is quite good in English. Student Z desires to know English so he goes to X and seeks X guidance. Student X offers his knowledge. Z goes ahead to make an A grade in English because of the effort of student X. Any book used that is not reference is a literary sin and the author of such book can sue for plagiarism. This brings to disrepute the book.

As much as possible, we must bring to remembrance all the people who added value to our book one way or the other however small it seems the input has been. Take a look at how the reference is written. The time, the page upon which the excerpt was extracted, the date of publication, publisher, author and title of the book are all written. Maybe you can take a cue. Remember always a deed of kindness done to you and the purpose for which it was done. Remember every positive effect and time you received it. If possible, keep a record of its details and whenever possible, show gratitude to these persons. They will be glad you did. It shows you value their inputs in your life and they would see it as a privilege.

All the persons who are referenced are examples that the author always hopes that someday his work too will be referenced. The question then that should be asked is whose life can be referenced from you. Who can boast of having benefited from your book? Have your life touched lives? It will give you great joy like it gave those authors that someone spoke glowingly about their effort at positively impacting into their lives. Can someone say this of you if you need help get over to Mr. so and so? Your life must be a testimony that others will see and say off a truth, it has been a blessing.

The only way your book can be referenced is for it to fall into the hands of worthy readers who are desirous of grasping this knowledge. Often times, we deal with people who do not appreciate the qualities we have. They feel like they are better than or too much ahead that they underrate the quality inside you. You don’t need these kinds of readers who would just pick you and dump you. You need a reader who would pick something valuable from you, polish it, refine it, and make use of it in achieving more readerships. You do not need a limited life. You want to live a life of an achiever. Take time to ponder who is there around your life that does not value your input. Find them and let them go too.

Remember the ultimate reference as God. He is the source of all inspirations. Any reference that does not honor the God-given knowledge is not a complete reference. Don’t throw God away. He’ll be glad he gave you that knowledge that you can be proud you have.