CLAIRE by Grace Gervas - HTML preview

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"Okay, Claire, do you want me to undress your seatbelt or something?" Ryan asked after a long moment of silence.

Oh, they were home already! Claire smiled as her eyes met the parking lot.

"It's okay, I can do it," she muttered.

"Or we can't just work on your fantasy instead," Ryan teased.

Claire rolled her eyes at him. "I'm starting to regret telling you that, Ryan. You're being too sex-driven." She unbuckled her seatbelt.

"We both are, Claire." Ryan was amused, happy to have her right now.

"Maybe, but I'd rather use that huge car of yours instead of this," Claire suggested playfully, biting her bottom lip at the thought.

"The Vogue?"

"Yeah, that one," Claire said.

"Well, that's a fair point. It's huge and spacious," Ryan said thoughtfully, and Claire couldn't contain her laugh. "So we're saving for another time?"

"Yeah, for tonight I want something decent."

"Something decent? What is this, Claire? Are you suggesting I've been molesting you all this while?" Ryan laughed heartily saying this.

"Jeez, Ryan!" Claire scolded.

"Well, you implied it." He held the door handle, ready to make an exit.

"No, I didn't. It's your words." Claire used the other door to step out of the car, both laughing at whatever they bickered about.

"God, I missed your laughter," Ryan said as they stepped inside the elevator.

Claire blushed at that. The feeling was truly mutual.

"So, you want a decent treat tonight?" Ryan hauled her up against him.

"Ouch, Ryan!" Claire screamed in glee.

"Decent." Ryan huffed. What did she even mean by this? Claire stilled in his brace, smiling at this intimacy. "But why do I get the impression that you love the indecent one way better than that one?" He lay a soft kiss on her neck, intrusively caressing her thighs through the short dress she was wearing.

Claire whimpered. "What makes you think that way, huh?" Her legs parted at his playful touch.

"This." Suddenly his hand eased inside her underwear and slid his finger between her legs.

"Ah!" A startled moan escaped Claire.

"See? You're already wet, baby," Ryan whispered.

Claire yielded, devouring the taste of his burning lips that she could never get tired of.

"Tell me that you don't like this," Ryan demanded, thrusting his fingers in and out of her moist core.

Oh God! Claire could barely hold her lips together, the pleasure intense.

"No, I don't," she protested, hugging him tighter by the neck, relishing his artful gesture between her legs.

"Still playing tough, huh? I really miss this." Grinning, Ryan pushed her toward the wall so that he could finally face her. She was breathing heavily as he clutched her neck, eyes wild on her face. "Oh, you're so hungry." Ryan was staring at her with amazement.

"Don't be too sure of yourself, Ryan. I think you're the hungry one," Claire breathed, dropping her hand to touch his pulsating cock held inside his pants.

"Let's see." Smiling wickedly, Ryan twirled her back toward the wall.

Claire moaned and giggled at the swiftness of his move, but she didn't potest his darker intentions. Her cheek was against the soft wallpaper, her body pinned by Ryan's from behind.. His fingers felt warm and quick as he began to unzip her dress, and fuck—she loved it.

"Just don't rip my dress, Ryan. It's too expensive," Claire warned.

"I can buy you ten of those, Claire. I'm a rich man," Ryan boasted.

"So full of yourself." Smirking, Claire unbuckled his waist belt in a hurry, looking at his anticipating face.

Responsively, Ryan loosened the neckline of her dress down to her shoulders, gaining access to her chest. "Beautiful," he breathed, taking the strap of her bra with his teeth, and his free hand squeezed her breasts expertly. "I want everything, Claire." Impatiently, he yanked one bra cup and took her breast into his mouth.

"Oh!" Claire's breath turned rapid, feeling his tongue rounding her nipple, which immediately reacted to his touch.

The same applied to the other breast, making her moan louder, and the heat rose immensely when he began kissing her everywhere. Her body craved for more when he kissed her lips again.

"Tell me," Ryan snapped, his lips dominant over hers, kissing her fiercely. "You don't like this?"

"I love it!" Claire snapped back. Panting soundly, her hand undid the fly of his pants and grabbed his length.

It was hard, fully erect. She smiled lustfully, wanting it so badly.

"Oh, Claire," Ryan groaned, and she stroked him tentatively without rushing, gazing up at him. "I want to fuck you so badly, baby. I miss you like crazy," he breathed heavily, scowling at the rub of her soft palms.

"Then fuck me now," Claire ordered.

"Like this?" Ryan whispered with a smile.

"Yeah. I want to look at you," she replied, smiling back.

Yanking her dress about her hips, Ryan grabbed her waist while pushing her back onto the wall. He raised her leg about his waist, and eased himself into her in a swift pound.

"Ugh!" he growled as he filled her, and she moaned sharply at the feeling. "Oh, baby." He fisted into her hair, holding the back of her neck tightly while pouncing on her gently.

It was sweet. Claire could feel his every inch, their bodies into a perfect harmony as they moved in sync. He kissed her softly, and the sound of her voice made him go nuts. How was he going to live without her? He was such a fool to try letting her go.

The elevator made a dramatic halt. Kissing her deeply and hungrily, Ryan stilled into her, clutching her tightly as he came apart with a loud groan. Damn, this was quick. Usually he'd go longer, but with this woman . . . hell what was he doing to her?

"Oh, Claire! You're going to be the death of me, woman!" He laughed and kissed her lips hard, fleetingly.

"Same here," Claire replied, catching her breath as Ryan eased out of her.

"Come," Ryan said while grabbing Claire's bag. He rushed her out of the cabin. "I want to hear you scream, baby, when you come. I'm taking you again." He grinned at her astounded face.

Moments later they were sitting on the soft rug in the living room, both out of breath, satisfied and spent after the intense sex on the floor. Ryan plopped a bit and leaned onto the sofa, and then he wrapped Claire's frame in his arms and laid soft kisses on her shoulders.

It felt ethereal for both of them.

"Do you still want that decent whatever you were talking about?" Ryan broke the silence while rubbing her hair smoothly, her back lying lazily against his chest.

"Well, maybe." Claire smiled, teasing him.

"Huh?" He scowled.

Giggling, she gazed back at him. "Look, Ryan, it's not that I'm complaining. I just want to try something different, like what ordinary people do," she said softly.

Ryan glared at her, using the little moonlight shared via the naked floor-to-ceiling window of the living room. He looked bemused.

"Ordinary? What is that?" he queried.

Claire blushed. "Just having sex without lust," she said. "Making love?"

"Huh?" Ryan looked lost.

Sitting up, she explained, "I mean, doing things casually. Like we come in without a fuss inside the elevator, we take a shower, we lie down in bed like two civilized people, we talk, and kiss, then . . . you know what follows."

"No, I don't," Ryan retorted. "That sounds like a middle schooler's sleepover."

With that they both burst out laughing.

"Come on, Ryan. You won't know unless you try," Claire said while fixing her messy just-fucked hair.

"Oh please, Claire. Why do we have to be like everyone else? Don't we talk? We do, right? What do you want? Or should I prepare a bed full of roses and dinner with candlelight?"

"Why not? Other people do it."

"Well, I'm not one of them, Claire," Ryan snapped, a bit irritated. "I am what I am, and if it's too much for you to handle then—"

"Ryan, you don't need to get mad, okay? I was just saying!" Claire admonished him. Jeez, why was he so sensitive? "I'm not asking you to change your crazy sex. No. In fact, I like it. I was only talking to spice up the conversation and see what your take on it."

Ryan sighed softly, looking defeated. "Claire, I—"

"And you didn't have to yell at me." Claire tried to get up, but she was quickly pulled back into Ryan's arms.

"I didn't mean to yell," he said calmly. "I just . . . I just don't understand why you had to say that. You make me feel like an animal and . . . I don't know what to feel about it."

"Ryan." Claire moved closer toward his face, straddling him on her knees. "That's not true. Don't ever say that again, you hear me? I've never thought of you as an animal! Not even once. I love the way we do things our way, and maybe it's one of the reasons why I'm so crazy about you. Please, don't talk nonsense now, huh?" Her voice was pleading.

"I just—" Ryan stammered.

"I'm sorry," said Claire while pulling him into her arms, remorse pooling inside her as she hugged him.

Ryan yielded completely into her embrace, and it was something new. He was only human, Claire thought. Right now he was like a baby, afraid to lose his security item.

"I'll try to be normal," he whispered, hugging her back tightly.

Claire regretted mentioning that. Was he always this sensitive?

"No, don't," she rebuked. "I want you to be yourself, Ryan. Forget what I said, huh?" Ryan sighed. "Look, I have my demons . . . but you take me as I am. It was very stupid of me to say such a thing, Ryan. Forgive me."

"Really now?" Ryan raised his head, amusement evident on his face.

Yes, that was her Ryan. Claire smiled.

"I mean, let's do things naturally. Let's not push beyond limits, and this discussion is over," she said seriously. "Let's take a shower and get in bed."

"And then talk like middle school kids?" Ryan finally spoke in the same mocking tone that Claire knew by heart.

"We can even have a pajama party while at it," she teased.

The shower was long and refreshing. Inside the dressing room Ryan found Claire in a pair of white panties he'd bought her the last time.

"Hmm, sexy," he uttered, and she nudged him, smiling. "I'm telling the truth, though."

"Shut it, Ryan. Now give me something to wear," she demanded.

"Why would you wear anything? We're going to sleep, Claire, and it's unhealthy bundling up when you sleep with me."

"Really now?" She huffed, highly amused.

Ryan smiled at that. "Okay, take whatever you want. But I think it's useless because I'm going to undress you either way," he warned.

"It's okay, there's sexiness in being undressed, don't you know? And when will that be? I'm super satisfied right now." She grabbed a white T-shirt from the open wardrobe.

"Oh, there is? Well you should've told me sooner then." Ryan slipped into a blue striped pajama bottom.

"Will you free one of your wardrobes so that I can put on my clothes? Because this is the biggest dressing room I've ever seen." Claire wandered her eyes around for the umpteenth time.

It was huge indeed: a modernly made shoe display with a countless pairs, and full-sized dressers filled with expensive looking suits and casual outfits.

To the side was a little glass chest where colognes, aftershaves, deodorants, and masculine stuff were placed. Claire was in awe, but hardly surprised. It was Ryan after all.

"Don't worry; you'll have your personal space if you want." Ryan beamed at her.

Claire flushed. "Okay, I'll think about it."

"Don't think about it, just do it!" he ordered, and his business was no longer an issue—on the contrary. "Or should we just go shopping instead?"

"Why not?" The idea fluttered her.

The next morning Claire was up and ready when Ryan emerged from his enormous bathroom. As usual, their morning had started gloriously. She couldn't stop blushing at the memory of all the naughty things he did to her while they were taking a shower.

Gosh, this beast was a sex machine! An orgasm in the bathroom?

Claire was fully dressed in brown slacks, and a tucked button-up shirt in white. A little black belt squeezed around her slender waist, emphasizing the curves of her thighs. Her hair stayed loose and wavy—absolutely gorgeous.

And as agreed, she wore sandals which seemed so appealing in Ryan's eyes.

"Any complaints?" she asked.

"None, ma'am." He smiled. "You look great in a trouser, and I wonder what doesn't look good on you." He was fastening his necktie.

"Your oversized pajamas, maybe?" Claire teased him.

"Oh, that one, yes. You looked terrible. We really should buy you sleeping wear; sexy sleeping wear." He looked happy, his skin glowing handsomely.

"You and sex!" Claire grinned. "No, I can't you anymore."

"You can't me? Is that even proper English?" Ryan laughed heartily.

"I don't know." Claire shrugged. "Can I use one of your colognes?"

"Suit yourself," Ryan acquitted. Claire sniffed the three bottles until she got exactly what Ryan wore often. "Oh, you just had to use that." He shook his head, amused.

"What? I want to smell you all day long." Claire flushed.


The car pulled over at Starlight and Ryan kissed her goodbye before she exited. She blushed profusely.

"You can just come and work for me instead. You'd make a perfect Personal Assistant," Ryan said.

"Me? Your personal assistant?" Claire snorted.

"Yes, you." Ryan laughed. "And I'll fuck you every hour." His lustful gleam was unchecked.

Damn! Claire giggled.

"And I'll get pregnant in no time," she answered and slipped out. "Drive safe, Ryan, and don't you even think of fucking your Personal Assistant over there."


"You heard me," she snapped via his window. "I'll kill you both."

"What?" he gasped.

"Be good." She blew him a kiss and disappeared right away.

The day at work was proceeding smoothly. Claire kept herself busy, and even planned to skip lunch after a heavy breakfast of coffee and doughnuts. She had plenty to do. However, something was a little weird since her arrival this morning.

The ladies in the office were constantly murmuring while throwing her strange glances. What the fuck was happening? Claire scowled, unable to understand a thing. She wasted time asking Chris, her neighbor, if there was anything she was missing.

"Nothing major, Claire, just ignore them. I'm always on your side, you know." He winked.

"What?" she uttered but he was not interested to talk about it.

The answer to Claire's question was then discovered later in the afternoon when she stepped into the ladies' room, the perfect place for gossiping. She was inside the toilet stall when she heard two familiar voices talking about her.

"First she acts all high and mighty as if she belongs here and now this?" It was Lydia's voice.

Another replied, "So, is it true that she has seduced Nathan so that she could get in the team?"

Claire frowned.

"Who knows? Maybe. But someone saw her hooking up with our client. No wonder she wears expensive clothes. How can she pay for that designer bag with our salary? And she's just a newbie, to top it all," Lydia spat.

What the actual fuck!

Claire wanted to ignore it but she knew she could no longer tolerate Lydia's venom. She had to put this woman in her place. Hence she walked out of the toilet and went straight toward the vanity where the two ladies were standing in its front.

They looked rattled.

Claire started to wash her hands nonchalantly while staring at the mirror which reflected their faces. "Why have you suddenly stopped? It was getting really interesting," she muttered, her smirk devious.

"What are you talking about?" Lydia retorted.

The audacity! Claire laughed despite the anger.

"Nothing. Keep doing what you love doing best because it's probably the only thing you're good at," she told her, and sooner her heels echoed through the tiles as she cat-walked her way out. "Bitch," she breathed.

To calm her nerves down, she did the only thing that would take her anger away. She called Ryan as she walked into the elevator.

"Hey, beautiful. What a lovely surprise in the middle of the afternoon." Ryan sounded busy but playful as ever.

Claire flushed instantly, pressing the rooftop button. "I just missed you, handsome. Are you in the office?" she asked lazily with a smile.

"No, I stepped out for an appointment. Why do you sound so low?" Now he sounded worried.

What a smartass!

"Maybe I miss you too much already," she replied, suddenly wishing he was here.

"Is that so? Why don't you accept my offer then? Be my PA already," Ryan uttered, and her laughter was guaranteed. "I'm serious." He was laughing, too.

"You're so crazy! I can't be your assistant."


"What about my job?"

"I'll open a designing department just for you."

"Thanks, but no thanks. Will you pick me up later?" she asked, needing him badly today.

"Of course I will. We are going home afterwards, right? I mean, our home," Ryan returned.

Their home?

"Sure, let's do that," she answered.

"Okay, I'll see you later then." He sounded happy. "Be careful of Chris and Panther, I may have a spy over there."

Claire laughed again. "I didn't know you could be this jealous, but I love it."

"Oh really, now?" Ryan teased, and they talked for a while until her lunch break was over.