Chin Up Girl by Joseph Dillard - HTML preview

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6. HOPE?

-----Original Message----- From: Joseph

To: Jenny

Sent: Wed, 22 Apr 6:44 am

Subject: Today's Gift - 04/22


Here is my reading for today. Maybe you can use it and maybe you can't. Nevertheless, there is definitely some good information in here. Also, there is some healing in these words. Take what is good for you and ignore the rest. God loves you. Be blessed.



Humility is to make a right estimate of oneself.

- Charles Haddon Spurgeon

What does it take to come to the place where we can exchange pride for humility? First we must stop the blasphemous charade of pretending that we are no good. "I'm worthless" has often been spoken in the name of humility. But these words, or any other words that express the same sentiment, are a self- indulgence and a cop-out.

The essence of humility is summed up in the Serenity Prayer: God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference.

Humility is truth. To be humble is to know the truth about our limits, to recognize what can be changed, and to accept that all good things are possible with the help of God.

Excessive pride prohibits acceptance because it prohibits the truth, and the truth is that some things are unchangeable. Refusal to accept that truth gets us plenty of frustrations and anger - and no humility at all.

Today, I humbly ask God for the wisdom to accept what is and to let go of what isn't.

----- Original Message -----

From: Jenny

To: Joseph

Sent: Wednesday, April 22 8:01 AM

Subject: Re: Today's Gift - 04/22

WOW ..... would you believe part of my prayer today is that I remain humble and walk in the character of God!?!


----- Original Message -----

From: Joseph

To: Jenny

Sent: Wednesday, April 22 8:25 AM

Subject: Re: Today's Gift - 04/22

Yes, I believe it. I'm excited for you. God is so good!

----- Original Message -----

From: Jenny

To: Joseph

Sent: Wednesday, April 22 7:58 AM

Subject: Re: Gold

I always enjoy starting my day by reading your messages to me. You're one of the blessings that I count each day that God has given me. It would be so much worse to be going through this without you in my life to talk to me, to minister to me, to pray for me and go give me good counsel.   Today was the first time I was able to pray - it felt so good. When I woke up this morning I could see myself smiling again, happy again, saying TA DA! Here I am!. I know it will take time and I do believe I will be victorious and be loved like I know I should be loved.

Have a blessed day

Love you


----- Original Message -----

From: Joseph

To: Jenny

Sent: Wednesday, April 22 8:23 AM

Subject: Re: Gold


I am rejoicing with this email! I'm rejoicing because I see you turning a corner. Love you too! You're coming out of this. Yes, it is taking time but everything worthwhile takes time. I can see the sun breaking through the clouds. Yes, there are still some clouds there and they will not completely go away but they will let the sun shine through. And soon there will be more sun than clouds. Keep taking the necessary steps. Do what you do, girl. Keep smiling. Here you are! God bless you!



-----Original Message-----

From: Joseph

To: Jenny

Sent: Fri, 24 Apr 7:31 am

Subject: Today's Gift - 04/24

Good Morning, Jenny

How are you today, my friend? I hope you are doing well. I'm tired but good. No complaints. I look forward to hearing about last night and talking to you soon. Here is Today's reading. I believe you can appreciate it. I am not a prophet, but I want to prophesy something into your life. I have been waiting to send this to you. Now is the right time.

(this is the link to the YouTube video of The Struggle Is Overby Youth For Christ)

The Struggle Is Over

Wherever you are

Whatever you've been going through

God says the struggle is over for you

You've been in this place long enough

And your mountainside has been rough

The struggle is over for you

You've been in this place long enough

And your mountainside has been rough

The struggle is over for you

I've been in this place long enough

And my mountainside has been rough

The struggle is over for me

God loves you. Take care. Be blessed.



In three words, I can sum up everything I've learned about life: It goes on.

-- Robert Frost

If we've ever dug in a garden and unearthed an ants' nest, we can recall their first reaction to our unintended destruction: they do everything possible to save their lives and supplies. The ants scurry around, moving the larvae to an underground room. Exposed contents are then relocated to unseenpassages. In a matter of minutes, the ants are again safely underground and ready to resume their daily routines.

How do we react when some catastrophe or unplanned event occurs? Do we want to crawl under a rock or are we as resilient as the ants? Instead of moaning over postponed plans or the loss of something in our lives, we can try to be like the ants and learn how to best work with circumstances that come our way.

Life doesn't stop for us to lick wounds or add fuel to grievances. Hours pass, we grow older, nature continues. Every event is part of life's cycle. We can't run away from anything. We must meet life head- on and adjust to its ebb and flow.

I can look at an unplanned event in my life as part of life's cycle. I need to trust that life will go on

----- Original Message -----

From: Jenny

To: Joseph

Sent: Friday, April 24 8:10 AM

Subject: Re: Today's Gift - 04/24

How much I wish it were true. Every time I say I'm not going to cry anymore I cry again. I just can't believe I don't even deserve a phone call. After almost 5 years. Yet, while we dated he constantly kept in touch with his ex. Even up until last year. He claims I was the love of his life ... yet he just couldn't remain faithful and that hurts to the core. I just think it's so callous. Sorry, I'm listening to the song as I'm writing this and it's making me cry more so I'm pouring out to you.  I have to get through it and I know someday I will because there is no other option.

Much love


-----Original Message----- From: Joseph

To: Jenny

Sent: Fri, 24 Apr 8:14 am

Subject: Re: Today's Gift - 04/24

Don't apologize. Like I said, I'm prophesying. I know it is not over today but it will be. I listened to this song to encourage myself about my struggles. Today I'm singing, The Struggle is Over. Then I was praying for a day it would be. I am not looking at today when I think about your struggle. I'm looking into your future. Today will be gone tomorrow. Tomorrow will be a better day. We'll talk soon. God loves you, Jenny.



[We have to hang on to every bit of hope that we can. We cannot concentrate on how things look today. If we did that, things would never get better. I am sure you can look back to a time when things were worse but now they are better. You have to believe that if happened before, then it will happen again. Today is just a moment in time. Life goes on and things change. Things are going to get better.]