Chin Up Girl by Joseph Dillard - HTML preview

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Original Message-­

From: Joseph

To: Jenny

Sent: Sun, 26 Apr 7:18 am

Subject: Rain

Good Morning, Jenny

How are you doing today? I hope you're doing well and feeling a little better. I heard a good word Saturday morning while I was in a session. It was short and simple but very powerful to me. Here it is:

God told two farmers that it was going to rain. One farmer began to prepare his fields for the rain. The other farmer just waited for it to rain. Which farmer to you think believed that it was going to rain?

I would like you to think about this. Take some time to think about what this means. Then take some time and write what it may mean to you and how it may apply to your life.

Be blessed. God loves you.



----- Original Message -----

From: Jenny

To: Joseph

Sent: Monday, April 27 7:27 AM

Subject: Re: Rain


To me both believed it was going to rain. Both were looking forward to it .... one was preparing the other just sat and waited. However, the one that prepared seemed to get the most out of the rain .... how did he prepare .... did he plant seeds? Did he cover some of his plants? Did he create a drain system in case the fields started to flood? Having analyzed & asked you all of these questions ... I don't know what in the world it all means.

I got up this morning to go to the grocery store.  I look up ... he's walking down the street. I stop to speak to him and he seems to be in a good mood. Asked if I would go to dinner with him on Thursday. It reminds me much of my other ex ... it would be so cruel to me days/weeks on end then invite me to dinner to make it all better.  It's not better. I still have feelings for him but I do not want the drama. I know I would never be able to trust him. I've come this far and don't want to turn around. I know I want to go to dinner because there is so much I want/need to say.

Your thoughts?

-----Original Message----- From: Joseph

To: Jenny

Sent: Mon, 27 Apr 7:49 am

Subject: Re: Rain


Isn't this what you wanted? You were so upset that after 5 years he did not have the decency to call.

Now you get a chance to talk to him and get closure of dinner. Correct? I think this is just what you need.  However, I think you need to build boundaries around it. If you don't want to go back, then make sure you do the things to maintain your progress and do not do the things that will make you go back.

You already identified what you believe he is trying to do - make it better by going to dinner. Decide if you want it to be a public or more private setting. Decide what you want to accomplish. Decide what you want to say. Decide how you want to exit. This is about you and not him. I think if you do ahead and have dinner, then you will get what you have been wanting all of these weeks and continue to heal and to move forward.

Good point, both farmers probably did believe it was going to rain. To me, this is what it all means...if you want and/or expect something, then you have to prepare to get the most out of it. You have to be active. You can't just wait for it to happen. You have to do what you can do which opens things up and let God do the rest. If you have a closet full of clothes and want new clothes, you have to make room for the new clothes. You have to exercise your faith and act as if it has happened or is going to happen. Put yourself in a mindset to receive. That's what it means to me.

Those are my thoughts. Take care and enjoy your day. Peace.



----- Original Message -----

From: Jenny

To: Joseph

Sent: Monday, April 27 10:06 AM

Subject: Re: Rain

OK ... good point about the rain. You ask isn't this what I wanted and the answer is no. No, because he didn't call. I saw him walking down the street. Yes, finally I get a chance to say the things I want to say. Not that I believe it will make a difference because if he hasn't changed in over 40 years, he won't change for me. I still feel very hurt but not like it was. I think the hardest part is over and I feel somewhat (not totally) in control. The closure is what I want. I still want the man that wants only me, no other woman. He said he still takes walks in the mornings. I'm thinking of taking him up on that rather than dinner. That way I won't feel trapped. I don't want to appear in public like everything is OK when it isn't. Of course, I need you to help me through this. I'd like to see that list I sent you and if "peace" is on it ... I know I referenced relationships but I don't remember exactly what. Hope to talk with you this evening.

Much love


-----Original Message----- From: Joseph

To: Jenny

Sent: Mon, 27 Apr 10:48 am

Subject: Re: Rain


I think walking is an excellent idea. Also, remember that the goal of talking to him is closure not change. It's for you and not for him. You can only control what you are in control of and that is you and your actions. If you choose to talk while walking, say what you have wanted to say, and get some closure, then I think you will be in control and will have what you desire to move forward with your wonderful life. Below is the list I think you were talking about. I was planning on sending it to you again in a couple of months or so to see if your answers had changed. Take care of yourself and have a blessed day. Smile, please. God loves you.




Not as easy as you might think! Reply , change the answers to suit

you and reply to me. It's really hard to only use one word answers.

Where is your cell phone?


Your best friend?


Your hair?


Your mother?




Your favorite thing?


Your dream last night?


Your favorite drink?


Your dream/goal?


What room are you in?


Your hobby?


Your fear?


Where do you want to be in 6 years?


Where were you last night?


Something that you aren't?




Wish list item?


Last thing you did?




Your pets?




Your life?


Your mood?


Missing someone?






Your car?


Something you're not wearing?


Your favorite store?


Your favorite color?


When is the last time you cried?


Where do you go to over and over?


My favorite place to eat?


Favorite place I'd like to be at right now?


[When life gets difficult it can also get very confusing. We struggle with questions of why things are happening and what we should do. I believe you should not think too hard about the reason why. However, you should listen for the answer as you are recovering. If you open your ears and your heart, I believe you will eventually get the answers you are seeking. It is not always instantaneous, but I believe the answers will come. And sometimes from the places we least expect.]