Chin Up Girl by Joseph Dillard - HTML preview

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-----Original Message----- From: Joseph

To: Jenny

Sent: Tue, 28 Apr 8:03 am

Subject: Did I Tell You...?

Good Morning, Jenny!

How are you doing, my friend? I hope you're still doing well and feeling free. Did I tell you how proud I am of you? Did I tell you how happy I am for you? Did I tell you how much I appreciate you? Did I tell you how good it feels to see you in charge and loving yourself? Well, if I did, then I just wanted to tell you again. Keep smiling, Jenny.



P.S. Now do you understand what I meant when I sent you, "The Struggle Is Over?" I still think I sent it at the right time. I know there are still going to be struggles and challenges. You know I know. But you know that the real struggle is over. You know that you're going to make it. You know that life is going to be different. I couldn't wait for the struggle to be over to enjoy the hope and joy in the lyrics. I had to embrace it and accept the prophecy for myself. And now I can say, in spite of everything, "The Struggle Is Over!" And so can you. Love you, girl!

----- Original Message -----

From: Jenny

To: Joseph

Sent: Tuesday, April 28 8:38 AM Subject: Re: Did I Tell You...?

Gooood morning.......

I'm doing good today. A little disappointed that it's raining. Want to get this part over. I think once I say what I need to ... I may be hurt .... I'll feel even better. I still have to get over the disappointment of another failed relationship. But, I know I will. I don't just want better, I need better. I would never be satisfied being one of many. I could never be satisfied not trusting my partner. I think I'm still a game to him. But, like you said it's about me now ....

I appreciate you/your counseling more than you will ever know. I still need your prayers.


-----Original Message-----

From: Joseph

To: Jenny

Sent: Tue, 28 Apr 8:56 am

Subject: Did I Tell You...?


You are right about all of those things. You are going to be just fine. I'm glad you're thinking about the feelings and emotions. I'm glad you're thinking about what you want and what you need. Then you won't be surprised. Also, you will remember why you are doing what you are doing. When the time is right, you will get to say what you need to say. Isn't that how it has always worked out? God's got your back. I'm still praying for you. Even when things are good I will be praying for you. In the good times and the bad. I'm still here, Jenny. Thank you for being you and allowing me to be me. You're a wonderful person.

Again, I really appreciate getting to know you, Jenny. I enjoy being your friend and you being my friend.

Enjoy your day.



-----Original Message-----

From: Joseph

To: Jenny

Sent: Wed, 29 Apr 6:14 am

Subject: Rejoice

Good Morning, Jenny

How are you doing today? I hope you're doing well. I hope the sun is shining. I can't complain. God is good! Life is good! Take care of yourself and enjoy your day. This is the day that the Lord has made.

Rejoice and be glad. Keep smiling. Peace to you.



-----Original Message-----

From: Joseph

To: Jenny

Sent: Thu, 30 Apr 7:05 am

Subject: Today's Gift - 04/30

Good Morning, Jenny

How are you feeling this morning? Is it still cloudy like it is here? Even if you do not see the sun today, I hope you feel the Son today. Here is what I got for my reading today. Making amends is for the person who did the wrong, so that does not apply to you. However, I think there are some good points to take from this as you contemplate your meeting/conversation tonight. I am praying for you. I know you're going to make it through this just fine. Have a great day. I'll talk to you soon, my friend. Keep smiling.



Be careful with amends.

Hurting someone thoughtlessly just to lift our own guilt is not the right thing to do. Amends are for rebuilding the burned bridges in our lives. But if amends will hurt someone, we must decide if it's in that person's best interest to be told now. Oftentimes it's best left unsaid, but never denied to ourselves or to God.

Changing our behavior intentionally is one part of making amends. The point in every amends attempt is to take responsibility for what we did and express our regrets. Couple this with changed behavior, and we will feel better about ourselves immediately.

I will not shy away from any amends I need to make today, but I'll be careful not to hurt someone with information he or she doesn't need to know.

----- Original Message -----

From: Jenny

To: Joseph

Sent: Thursday, April 30 8:10 AM

Subject: Re: Today's Gift - 04/30

Yes, I've been thinking about the whole thing. I don't want to be mean. It was never my style but I began behaving that way in the relationship. To him and to others I thought had offended me. I still haven't heard from him ... I know our meeting is at 6. I can't make the call, I just can't. Then I've been wondering how I would feel if he stood me up. That is also a possibility although it was never his style. I have an appointment at 11:30, so I will try to call you if I get out in time. Usually it doesn't take more than an hour. I feel like crying again today. Don't know why. Sometimes I wake up feel good about not being in the relationship and other times it hurts so bad. I finally told my girlfriend about seeing him and she is begging me not to see him. She may be right but then she says she hasn't had a date in over a year. That's scary!!! So, at this time I'm trying not to have conversations in my head. If the meeting is to take place I want God to speak through me.  I always need your prayers. I'll be glad when the Son/ sun comes all the way up!

Love ya'


-----Original Message-----

From: Joseph

To: Jenny

Sent: Thu, 30 Apr 8:35 am

Subject: Re: Today's Gift - 04/30

I know you'll do the right thing. When this is all done and over with, I think it would be good to really concentrate on you. You said something in your last email that was very telling. You said, "That's scary!!!", when talking about your girlfriend not having a date for over a year. If she is ok with that, then it's fine. I do not think there is anything wrong with it as long as you can be content. The thing is to look at why it is so scary to you. I think looking at this will help you continue to discover things about yourself and to heal. I also think it will help you as you look at your relationships. Being alone has been a big part of your struggle. You do not want that struggle to affect you as you move forward into other relationships. Again, you have to be content with you. You have to love you. You do not have to deal with it now, but I definitely think it is a big key to unlocking the door to your happiness, satisfaction, and contentment in the future. You're always in my prayers. Take care of you, Jenny. God loves you.



[When we are hurt, one of our first responses is to want to hurt the one who is responsible for the pain or who we feel should suffer along with us. A lot of times, those thoughts and feelings do not align with our beliefs and values. We do not believe it is right to seek vengeance. We do not believe it will solve anything, but in the moment we think it will make us feel better. Follow your heart and hold on to your values. You will not regret the decisions you make.]