Chin Up Girl by Joseph Dillard - HTML preview

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9. CHIN UP GIRL!!!!!

----- Original Message -----

From: Jenny

To: Joseph

Sent: Friday, May 15 7:49 AM


How are you feeling?

-----Original Message-----

From: Joseph

To: Jenny

Sent: Fri, 15 May 7:57 am

Subject: Re:

Today is the first day all week that I feel really good. I have been struggling and burdened all week long. It's been rough but I feel like the struggle is over for me and the sun is shining again. I am grateful for a new day! Hallelujah! Whew! It feels so good!

How are you, Jenny?

----- Original Message -----

From: Jenny

To: Joseph

Sent: Friday, May 15 9:52 AM

Subject: Re:

LOL I like reading your message. I'm good. I wish I could turn off my mind sometimes. Or, at least keep it more focused on the Lord and my divinity. I'm trying to keep busy. Want this weekend to be over. Always the hardest on the weekend.  Chin up girl!!!!!


-----Original Message-----

From: Joseph

To: Jenny

Sent: Fri, 15 May 9:59 am

Subject: Re:

I like that (Chin up girl!!!). Sometimes we have to talk to ourselves - talk ourselves through challenges and other tough times. Just a couple of days. You'll make it, girl. I am so proud of you...really. I am happy for you too. I don't know if you can see it, but I see and hear a difference in you. You're happier and more playful. I'm not just saying that. I notice differences just like you do. You're getting your groove back. Have a great day and a great weekend.



-----Original Message-----

From: Joseph

To: Jenny

Sent: Thu, 21 May 7:09 am

Subject: Imperfections

Good Morning, Jenny!

How's my friend doing? Jenny, it's always so good to talk to you. Last night I heard a good word for me at church. It related to what I was telling you about. It had to do with imperfections. We have imperfections to help us to rely on God and to increase our faith. Without our imperfections we would not rely on God. We would think we have it all together. It was so clear and relevant to me. Just when I think I have it all together a problem or my struggle knocks me off of my feet and takes me to my knees so I can pray more to God for help and strength. I truly pray harder and more deliberately when I'm struggling. It was definitely good for me to hear. Also, God uses our imperfections for His perfect will.  know I don't have problems and struggles for nothing. God definitely uses my struggles to guide me, strengthen me, and help me be what, who, and where I need to be. I definitely believe that. I hope you have a good day. God loves you, Jenny. I'll talk to you soon.



----- Original Message -----

From: Jenny

To: Joseph

Sent: Thursday, May 21 9:04 AM

Subject: Re: Imperfections

That is a great testimony. I understand exactly what you are saying. Sometimes we want somebody else to feel what we feel and take it away. But only we can do the work and we can only do it knowing who we are in God and God in us.


-----Original Message-----

From: Joseph

To: Jenny

Sent: Thu, 21 May 9:33 am

Subject: Re: Imperfections

Absolutely! And we know who we are in God and how God can work in us through our imperfections.

Peace and Much Love.


-----Original Message----- From: Joseph

To: Jenny

Sent: Sun, 24 May 7:39 am

Subject: Today's Gift - 05/24

Good Morning, Jenny

I just wanted to share this. It reminded me of our conversation of Friday. Keep smiling. Joseph

Grief and crisis

. . . accept it as a wise teacher.

A couple has a child whom they would go to great lengths to protect, yet the child falls ill and lies near death. A woman devotes years to a career; then the economy shifts, leaving her unemployed. Addiction diverts a man from his path, and he loses everything he cares about. Life brings trial and defeat as part of its package. We would never choose defeat and we cannot avoid its pain, but we can accept it as a wise teacher. Out of defeat is born new strength.

We need wisdom to deal with defeat and grief. We will face them together more than once. The false comforts of self-pity and blame may tempt us in our pain, but they take much more from us than they give back. Through crisis we see clearly what truly counts in our lives, and we are better prepared to relish the pleasures when they arrive.

----- Original Message -----

From: Jenny

To: Joseph

Sent: Tuesday, May 26 9:06 AM

Subject: Re: Today's Gift - 05/24

Hey Sweetie...... thanks for this. Hope all is well.

[Sometimes you have to encourage yourself. It’s great to have others talk to you and to give you a word of encouragement, but eventually you have to speak hope and happiness into your own life. Scripture says that life and death are in the power of the tongue. Speak life into your situation.]