Chin Up Girl by Joseph Dillard - HTML preview

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-----Original Message-----

From: Joseph

To: Jenny

Sent: Wed, 3 Jun 7:11 am

Subject: Today's Gift - 06/03

Good Morning, Jenny.

I thought I would share this with you. I hope you're doing well. Have a great day.


For all the sadness of closure, there is a new and joyful unfolding in the process of becoming.

--Mary Casey

We must let go of people, places, memories, and move on to new experiences. The doors of the past must be closed before we can enter those that are opening to us today. However, no experience is gone forever. All of our experiences are threaded together, each one contributing to the events that claim our attention now.

With each day, each experience, each new understanding, we are advancing along the path of personal growth. Let us remember that each of us has a particular path, like no other. Thus, our experiences are ours alone. We need not envy what comes to someone else.

Life is unfolding for us. The pain of the present may be necessary for the pleasure of tomorrow. We can accept the unfolding. Our inner selves have a goal; experiences of the past must be left in the past; experiences at hand will lead us to our destination today.

I am moving and changing and growing, at the right pace. The process can be trusted. What is right for me will come to me. I will let the joy of becoming warm me.

----- Original Message -----

From: Jenny

To: Joseph

Sent: Wednesday, June 03 11:40 AM

Subject: Re: Today's Gift - 06/03

Yes, I'm cool......I'm feeling better.

[There comes a point when we need to realize that it is time to let go. We cannot move forward if we keep holding on to the past and the pain that comes with it. When the lesson is learned, it is time to proceed. Closing one door allows us to open another door… to a brighter future.]