Date with Purpose by Tracy Montgomery - HTML preview

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you are; it’s the core of your being and it’s what you stand for and what you are about. Some people need to figure out who they really are in order to see themselves as others see them, and it’s sometimes not as easy as you think. One of the best ways to really see yourself without any distractions is to take yourself out of your everyday environment and plan a trip.

By going on a journey to somewhere you haven’t been to before, you expand your horizons and isolate yourself, for

your own good. You rely on yourself to get around, and you are forced to meet and talk with people you have never talked to before. This is one of the best ways to really know who you are. If you have weak points about yourself that you would like to improve, this is one of the best ways to work on improving those. My Own Travels

Taking a long trip was precisely what I did in 1999, just prior to meeting my husband.

I went to the U.K. (England and Scotland), Ireland, France, Spain, Monaco, Austria, Germany, and Switzerland, and also made my way through Italy, Greece, Turkey, Bulgaria, and Romania. I traveled throughout Europe for the sole purpose of observing other couples in different countries speaking different languages, but displaying the same fundamental language of love.  I wanted to see the law of attraction between people working in as many different aspects of life as I could.

I was able to spend three months to really observe, and to learn. I interviewed as many happy couples as I could, and made

sure to surround myself around as many positive, happy people as possible.

By seeing more of the world, I hoped to learn something new about life…and about myself, and I did.




Attractiveness Requires Personal Growth


The one thing I knew even back then was that personal growth was part of becoming a happy, attractive person.

To become a naturally desirable person, you must expand your horizons. Nothing kills your prospects at finding the love of your life more than narrow-mindedness.   You’ve seen it before!   People do get turned off by good-looking dates with nothing else to offer except a shallow and unimaginative mind.

But please don’t make dating the only reason for you to expand your horizons. (In fact, don’t focus on dating at all.) Expanding your mind and scope of life experience is supposed to be for your personal growth. Expand your horizons, and you will get a better perspective of how dating is just a mere fraction of what life is supposed to be. Then you won’t worry over dating at all.

Traveling Beyond Your Borders


You can meditate, pray or mind-map all you want, but if your scope of experience is still narrow, the more skewed your vision of yourself will be. You either short change yourself, or have an over-inflated ego.