Date with Purpose by Tracy Montgomery - HTML preview

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Let’s talk about how you can approach and communicate with someone you wouldn’t normally talk to.

#1 Introduction. We will use talking to someone at a grocery store as an example. Upon the initial greeting, try saying “How are you?” as opposed to the common, courteous “Hi” that most of us are use to opening with. This is going to force a response, and a confident person (which is exactly what you are looking for) will respond with an open ended question right back to you. If you get a one word answer back, it could mean a few things. That the person’s confidence level doesn’t match yours, or, it could mean that their mind is focused on something completely different, and they can’t match to your level, at that moment. When people go grocery shopping, their minds are thinking about getting in, and getting out. Nothing typically inspires you at a grocery store, so people’s minds are usually tapped into anything other than the food items that line the aisles. This is one of the best spots to get comfortable talking to someone,

out of the blue.


#2 Approach - Always present yourself with your head up, shoulders back, ready to take on the world. You’re there to be open and learn from other people. You want people to be responsive to you, and your approach is everything. A confident person commands attention with their presence.   No one knows why they are drawn to them, but they are, it’s almost magnetic. Focus on keeping your head up and your shoulders back. Even