Devil's Secret - Universal Secret (Book 1) by Deepz Ca'aul - HTML preview

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Mayor Harold Banks was working hard as the Mayor, the alpha of the largest pack in the continental U.S and also as the acting Grand Alpha. He was growing old and tired and now he wished for The Grand Alpha to come back soon. His light brown hair had started turning grey, maybe it was because of stress, yet his face was the same as it had been before. Flawless and amazing. His body was as strong as before, still his black eyes showed years of pressure and hardships. For so long he had been protecting the borders of the wolf Territory from the menacing Shernoks, but now it was getting harder. Not only the Shernoks but the Blood sucking Vampires were also crossing over the border. Lucifer had taken over their groups and now hailed as their leader.

Both he and Lucifer had once been powerful angels but they had been kicked out of heaven many centuries ago. He had fallen in love with a human, and this was against the laws of heaven. Lucifer wanted to take over heaven, and he got together other Angels to support him in his mutiny. When God had found out he was kicked out of heaven also. They ended up here in Tensin. It had been many centuries since that and he was still here.

When they were kicked out, a curse was set upon them. They changed into monsters at night. And learning to control this monster took time and hard work. The curse gave them power, but with a price. Their ability to control the animal was an inability. The first time they changed, they killed dozens of people. Their blood gave them power and made them high. Harold banks hated it. but Lucifer loved it. He began losing control and a crazy frenzy to create the most powerful army of monsters caught grip of him.

They were the first Werewolves, and Lucifer created the first pack. They mated with Human's and the first born werewolf was Lucifer's First hybrid son named, Akain. He looked more like his mother. Lucifer thought that the curse would not be affecting his offsprings but it did. the offsprings were born with the same curse. They turned out to be killing machines. So powerful and ruthless. He Taught them to kill and with this he created the biggest rampage  which was called the Dark age.

For many years They worked together to leading the pack and creating a powerful army. But then the humans had begun making new gadgets to kill them. They knew their weakness. Silver!. By then Harold had understood why the human's were killing them. They were scared, they wanted to live. He tried telling Lucifer this but Lucifer was mad with the lust for power. He decided to produce a offspring more powerful than the offsprings that he produced with humans. He wanted an angel. He was known for his good looks and charms. He was very attractive. Dark brown hair, a built body, killer eyes and a charming smile.

He heard that in the neighboring village an angel had been found. She had fallen from heaven and had broken one of her wings. She was Sarah, an Archangel the highest ranked angel. By accident she had been hit with a stone thrown by some young wolves playing in the clear field. She fell from the sky and landed there. Lucifer took advantage of this and charmed her. He mated with her and after a while she gave birth to his child.

While Lucifer was busy charming the angel, his pack was ready to mutiny against him. They were tired of killing and wanted to live peacefully. Finally when he returned back to Tensin, He found out that Harold had turned the whole pack against him. He fled with his First born son, Akain. And he found refuge in the dark depths of the underworld. He proclaimed himself as the Ruler of the Underworld. Thus he called himself the Devil, (the ruler of hell). His minions were the 7 other angels who had followed him in heaven. Each one of them became the controllers of the 7 sins of the world. They mated with humans to produce Shernok, Vampires, Kinmers, Hulters, Shintos, Nikhams (Nikhas) and Warlocks.

After Lucifer had been kicked out, the pack needed an alpha and Harold being the Last of the first werewolves had to take over and become the alpha. They began their search for the angel and Lucifer’s son, but the angel had disappeared along with the baby. They searched for a month or so but then they just let go. The protector was found three months after Lucifer had been banished. Mayor Harold was hunting with his pack when they found him lying under an oak tree wrapped in a golden cloth. When they found him he wasn’t crying, he was smiling but the smile was the weird part. He looked familiar  and Banks just wished the familiarity was a coincidence.

It was so easy for him to become lost in his past, that he couldn't even notice someone standing behind him.

"Good morning sir." came a sweet and familiar voice

His Visit to his past was cut short. He turned around and found Katherine and a stranger standing behind him. He looked at Katherine and found her to be the same as she always was. When she was kid, she used to come over to his house just to ask about the pictures in his house. There were many pictures of Lucifer. And there were baby pictures of her protector, the Grand alpha who had been missing for half a century. He knew why she asked about the pictures. She could recognize him. She had to. She was born in the same Tensin area where he grew up, and they had been together since then. She was the child of an angel and a human. Mayor Harold had promised to keep her safe. Whenever she was born, wherever she was born he made sure there was someone there to look after her. The protector was a bit harder. As soon as she died, he was put into a hibernation state and his cousin Nathaniel Would shift him into a special chamber that no one knew about.

Then as soon as she was born again his hibernation would break but he would not remember anything. He would then be shifted into a human family so that he would not be found by Lucifer. Lucifer had been hunting them for as long as they could remember. They had been rumored to be the ones who would defeat Lucifer and Jail him in his own kingdom of sins. He would only remember when she turned eighteen. She had turned eighteen three months ago and now it seemed the rumored protector and the Grand Alpha was back. After 500 years they were back where it all began, and he knew it had to have some meaning.

"Oh.. goodmorning Sweetheart. How are you? "He asked her in a caring way. she was like his own daughter.

"I'm good. Oh! by the way, This is James. He's a family friend and he recently moved to Tensin. He'll be working here and so I was showing him the town. "she replied casually.

"Oh good good.... So hows your studies going and how are your parents." he asked her. Her parents were the most nicest souls on earth,  and he knew it because he could sense it. When he told them everything, they were ready to move from Australia to Tensin just for her. They loved her and he knew they would do anyting for her.

"Ohh it's all good. Mom and Dad are good. They are working hard in their business and at home." She replied innocently.

He looked at James. He looked so familiar, but he didn't want to think about it. It wasn't the right time for it.

"So my son, how do you find the Town so far?" He asked him nicely.

"IT's really nice. I'm sure I'll love it here. And there is a lot to discover" he said politely.

"Hmmm... Yes there is." He said. He was impressed. He had met the protector once before, but that was when he was younger, after that they had run away to hide from Lucifer.

 Just because he ran away he didn't know the secret that was part of his life, but Harold wasn't ready to tell him  the secret yet. James was not ready and this could mean a war.

"Anyways.. We better be going we have to visit so many places. See you later Mr. Banks" She told him.

"Yes go on... Be careful okay. bye.." He replied. He watched them go and that's when he realized, that when James Marks her, they would know and then the hunt will beginning again.