Devil's Secret - Universal Secret (Book 1) by Deepz Ca'aul - HTML preview

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They returned home at 6:30 in the afternoon. By the time they had returned, it seemed they were both getting along quite well. She was lovesick and so was her subconscious. They treaded up the driveway, hand in hand. Her parents were home and they sat on the porch drinking tea. This was their routine on a Sunday. To Katherine it seemed that they were unaffected by their absence.

“How is this happening? My overprotective parents are not worried.” She thought. She was getting annoyed by the sudden changes in the reactions of people she usually knew. She gave herself a massive face palm.

“Something wrong?” James asked in the good boy tone.

“No. Nothing’s wrong. I just remembered something.” She replied casually. “I’m getting good at this; He doesn’t affect me that much anymore. Yes!!!” She thought happily.

They walked up to the porch, and Jonathan looked up. She expected him to blow his top about how worried he was but instead he came over and hugged James and Katherine with a huge smile on his face.

“Great! ... You two are home. We were waiting for you to arrive.  We have some very good news.” Jonathan chirped excitedly. He released them and waited for a response.

“Ohh … What news, Uncle John?” James asked innocently. He always called Jonathan, Uncle John.

Katherine still stood Baffled by the sudden change. “What is going on? What’s with the guy?” She thought confused. She looked James up and down.

“Kathy, are you listening? Is something wrong?” Judy asked in a concerned voice.

“Yeah … I am. What’s the news?” She quickly asked her dad to avoid any other probing question.

“Well… You know Mr. Benson, the owner of the Heaven hotel chain. He has agreed to meet me to discuss our Collaboration.” He said happily.

“That’s great news, Dad!” Katherine said excitedly. She hugged him again.

“That is some pretty good news. So… Our treat for great news like that.” James Said jokingly.

Jonathan laughed. “How about we go for a picnic next weekend. Kathy, you ask your friends to come along, they get to know James and he won’t feel alone.” Jonathan replied.

“Yeah, dad. They’ll love to meet him” She said it teasingly. She looked at him and smiled cheekily.

“I’d love to meet them” James replied in a mock innocent tone.

“Great! Then it’s settled. Your mum and I will be leaving on Friday and return on Saturday in the morning. And then, on Sunday we’ll go for the picnic.” Jonathan said proudly. He had just had the most amazing idea.

“Yes dad that’s a great idea” Katherine said laughingly. She found her dad very amusing. He was always very playful.

“Ok. Forget about that. How was your trip around Tensin?” He asked.

“It was…” Katherine stopped half way.

“Okay. Enough of this.  You two go upstairs and freshen up. Dinner will be served in an hour and that’s when you can question them.” Judy said maturely. She was the mature one, and they made a great couple because of that.

All of them departed the porch, and each went to their respective areas to take care of whatever task they had before meeting at the round table for dinner.


After an hour all four sat down for dinner. Jonathan looked speculatively at Katherine and James.  He slowly began his questions.

“So. Where did you guys go to?” Jonathan asked cautiously.

“Everywhere.” Katherine replied casually.

“Everywhere? Where?” He asked again.

“To the school, the town square, the Tensin Lake and the Blue Ginger Café.” Katherine told him

“Okay! Must have been fun, aye” Jonathan tried again.

“Yes, it quite a fun adventure” James replied happily. James looked at Katherine and Katherine looked at James. Jonathan looked at both speculatively.

“And. Anything interesting?” He asked curiously

“Not really dad. It was normal.” Katherine replied. She looked at her dad weirdly.

“Are you okay dad?” She asked him

“Yes! I’m fine. Totally fine.” He replied with a smile.

“Enough, Jonathan. Let the kids eat” Judy scolded him

“Fine! Fine!” He replied in a defeated voice.

Katherine quickly finished her dinner and darted upstairs to avoid any further questioning. James finished his dinner and stayed a while to talk to Jonathan and Judy.

Katherine went upstairs and decided to have a long warm bath. She was still in the bathroom when James came upstairs. He was tired and went to sleep. He took off his shirt and dropped onto the bed.

When Katherine came out of the shower she found James sleeping soundly like a small baby. She closed the room door and quickly dressed herself. She turned on the AC because she could James sweating. She took off his shoes and sat down on his bed looking at him.

She moved his hair away from his eyes and sat gazing upon his beauty. She slowly moved off to her bed and settled into it watching him. She wondered it would feel like to sleep next to him and soon she moved over to his bed. She wanted to feel him near her and needed to feel him. She got into his bed and hugged him tightly. He pulled her closer instinctively. She put her head against his chest and fell asleep feeling safe and sound.


James woke up to find Katherine in his arms. He shifted to allow her space yet she whimpered and shifted closer to him. Finally he let it be and watched her sleep. He could feel she wanted him to mark her yet he wanted to make sure that after she was marked they could be somewhere safe so that she would not be vulnerable.

His plan was to ask Nathaniel for ideas, till then he wasn’t going to mark her. Not until he was sure of the plan. He wanted her trained for the battle even without her powers. It had been because of the loss that she had been killed, that and his absence. He wasn’t going to leave her alone this time.

He would stay here until everything was planned and then they would leave to finish what was left incomplete last time. He was tired of the running and the centuries apart. He would finish this once and for all. But for now he just savored the moment. They might not get it again.

She was about to get up to go to school, she didn’t know about the surprise which she would be getting today. He smiled to himself and then pulled her closer and fell asleep again.

At 6:00, the bedside alarm clock rang. She stirred and slowly woke up. She looked up and found him looking at her innocently.

“Good morning” she said to him softly.

“Good morning, sleeping beauty.” He teased her. Her cheeks flared up and she went red. Her heart began beating against her chest crazily. She was sleeping in his bed.

“May I ask how you ended up in my bed?” He asked her curiously.

“Um.I ..uhh.. Was …feeling cold and … I wanted to feel you” She told him shyly.

“Uhuh. And I thought you didn’t like me.” He teased her

“NO!.. I do..” She screamed.

“Oh shit!” She thought.

She kissed him on his cheek and left him quickly to dodge into the bathroom. She stood against the closed door blushing. James had gone red and his heart was racing.

Katherine her heart would jump out of her chest but it didn’t. She turned on the shower and stood under it cooling herself down. Her body was burning with desire and it wasn’t the first time.


After fifteen minutes she came out of the bathroom, wrapped in her towel. She was looking down because she was too shy to make eye contact with him. She moved slowly to her bed clutching her towel close to her body. He sat on his bed watching her carefully. The water dripped onto the floor around her. He walked over and slowly pulled her close to him. He put his arms around her waist and held her. She slowly turned pink and then red.  He put his lips on her neck and kissed it. He laid a chain of kisses up her neck to her cheek. He was about to kiss her when Judy Called for Katherine. He let her go and she quickly dressed and ran downstairs.

She couldn’t believe they were about to kiss. She straightened herself and went downstairs to have her breakfast.

Katherine was gone. James stood in the room thinking on what to do first. He decided upon calling Nathaniel before getting ready for work. He fished out his cell and dialed Nathaniel’s number. After a few rings he picked up.

“Hello?” He said in a sleepy voice.

“Hey. It’s James.” James replied.

“Hey! Hey! Bro. I’ve been waiting for your call. Have you found her yet?” HE asked James.

“Yea. She is with me. How are you?” James asked.

“I’m good. It’s so good to hear your voice again. It’s been a long time” Nathaniel Replied.

It had been. They lastmet and spoke in the previous century and now they spoke again. He loved his cousin. He was the only relative that James knew. Nathaniel and His mother about whom he found out in the previous lifetime. He asked about his father but every time he did, they avoided the question. James’s mother was an archangel. He grew up unaware of his family history and was brought up by Harold Banks, in his pack. He knew he was different from the start because Of the way he looked and the way his wolf looked and behaved. They were all smaller than him even the older wolves. His eyes were grey while everyone else had eyes in shades of brown and gold.

When he grew older he stopped aging at one point while the others kept aging until they grew old and died. The first time he changed he didn’t feel as much pain as the others. Instead he was able to withstand the pain in his first transformation. The other wolves were uncontrollable at first while he could easily control his wolf which was a part of him all the time. When they found their mates, his mate wasn’t another wolf or human but an angelic child that everyone called the light of the world or for him she was just Kathy. At the age of 15 he was proclaimed as the Grand Alpha, the leader of all the wolf packs in the world.  It was when they mated that the hunting began. The war against Lucifer was all that mattered in his life after that. Lucifer wanted them dead and he had to make sure that he didn’t kill them.

To fight against Lucifer they needed special weapons. Nathaniel forged the three swords with all the magic in his blood. The swords of truth, light and power and James in wolf form were the only things strong enough to kill most of the monsters, which Lucifer bred.

Katherine managed one of the three swords and also dealt with magic held in her jewel. James used his two sword and his claws and teeth to kill them. Nathaniel met him when he was 18 and roaming around the forest with Katherine trying to hide.

Two of the swords were missing since the last battle and the jewel had been stolen. They had to find the swords and the jewel if they wanted to survive.

“So. Why did you call?” Nathaniel asked James.

“We have a problem.” James explained. “I can’t mark her right now because she will become vulnerable. And I don’t know what to do because unless I mark her she will not remember anything at all. And if I tell her to run away with me now she will slap me. “James continued.

“Hahahaha… then mark her. You mark her and bring her over to my apartment underground, completely undetectable by both human and non-human devices.” He suggested.

“Hmmm… how long will it take to travel to where ever you are?” James asked thoughtfully.

“20 hours.” Nathaniel replied.

“And where are you?” James asked.

“Australia! The beautiful land down under.” Nathaniel replied happily.

“Okay. I’ll try to come over as quickly as I can. When she allows me to mark her that is.” James told Nathaniel.

“Great. Just call me when you are ready and I’ll manage everything.” Nathaniel reminded.

“Okay. It was nice talking to you bro. I need to go now or I’ll be late to work.” James told him

“You and work?” Nathaniel Asked curiously.

“Yeah. I have to; to make sure she is safe.” James Replied shyly.

“Right then. Bye take care aye.” Nathaniel told James.

“Same... Bye.” James replied.

 They both hung up together. James looked at the clock and hurriedly got ready.

“ Time for work.” He told himself. He took his bag and walked out of the room casually.