Devil's Secret - Universal Secret (Book 1) by Deepz Ca'aul - HTML preview

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It was almost half past 9 and they still had no Geography teacher, as usual. It was boring and was getting boring by the minute, yet Katherine couldn’t feel the boredom. As soon as she had entered the classroom her friends had been hogging her for information on the sexy newcomer. They all had seen her roaming around town with him, holding his hand all the way.

As soon as she sat down, the questions were fired.

“So….. Who’s the hottie you were walking around town with? Shyna asked curiously.

Katherine turned around to look at Nikki. She narrowed her eyes and glared.

“Hey! ... I didn’t tell her. She saw it herself.” Nikki shot out defensively. 

“Ohh come on. Stop ignoring the question. Tell me….” She said eagerly. Christine punched her on her right arm. “I mean us…” she corrected.

“He is a family friend and I was showing him around.” She said emotionlessly.

“Ohh come on. A little more detail. His name and his age and a bit about him. And where is he right now.” Shyna said. She was frustrated.

“Fine! His name is James Ca’aul. He is my dad’s friend’s Son. He is here for a job and I never understood why here so don’t ask. He is older than us. I don’t know how old. And he is staying with us.” She replied defeated.

“In her room.” Nikki added. She gave a cheeky smile to an angry Katherine.

“You stay in the same room as him?” Shyna asked bewildered.

“Yes. Unfortunately our guest bedroom was changed into a storage room and the spare bed was moved into my room.” She replied. She knew where this was going.

“You sleep with him.... ??" Shyna asked horrified.

“Not really how I would put it....but yes we sleep together, in the same room but on different beds." Katherine replied

“ and you don’t care about the hottie you live with. You tell me… you are unaffected by the sexy, Mr. Killer Eyes.” Shyna said in a mocking voice.

“ I didn’t say that… I just said I live with the guy… not that he doesn’t affect me…” Katherine replied softly. Her cheeks turned red. She began remembering the kiss which had happened in the morning.

“ you like this guy???” Shyna asked excitedly.

“Maybe… A bit more than like.” Katherine replied shyly. She hung her head down trying to ignore the looks of her friends. She could feel their eyes bore holes into her soul. It was as if they could see within her mind.

“You …. You love him????” Nikki asked shocked. She stared down Katherine.

“Maybe …” Katherine Squeaked. Her voice was barely audible over the noise of the class.

“ And him!!!!” Christine asked.

“ He might like me too.”  She replied.

“ Did he tell you this?” Shyna asked.

“ No… I concluded, after….. Certain occurrences.” Katherine replied proudly.

“ Uhuh… and what might that be??” Nikki questioned sarcastically.

“ Stuff…” Katherine replied casually.

“ What stuff??... just spill the beans girly….” Shyna Pressured.

“ Fine. We…. Might have spent the night… together… on the same  bed…” Katherine replied awkwardly.

“ You…. And Mr. Killer eyes…. Together… in the same bed…. Whole night…” Shyna almost screamed.

Nikki gave her a warning glare and Shyna returned it with and apologetic one.

“ And what happened???” Nikki asked excitedly.

“ Nothing…. We just cuddled up and went to sleep.” Katherine replied calmly even though her heart was racing. Just the thoughts of being near him made her lose control. Her face burned and her blood boiled.

“ You mean to tell us… that you slept with a hot and extremely attractive guy and nothing happened, not even a kiss.” Christine said in a disappointed voice.

“ Yes… We slept together. And nothing happened while we slept together. But….” Katherine Said cheekily

“ But what..???” Shyna asked impatiently.

“we kissed …. This morning… after I got out of the shower... in my towel.” Katherine told them. She felt naughty telling them all the details.

“….. oohhh my god!!!!!!....” Nikki exclaimed. “ and you were in your towel…. And he kissed you…” Nikki continued.

“ How was it….?? Is he good?” Shyna asked.

“ It was amazing…. He is … amazing” Katherine told them excitedly. She couldn’t stop smiling.

“ If only… I had met him earlier.” Shyna stated sarcastically.

“ No..Noo..Nooo. He’s Mine.” Katherine Warned them all, Later realizing they had played her.

Her friends began laughing.

“You guys… This is..” She left her sentence incomplete. Their principal, Mr. Jacob had entered their classroom. She looked around the classroom trying to hide the feelings as she did. She found Robert looking directly at her. He looked angry and that scared her. She quickly turned away from him.

Mr. Costello Jacob was a Native American in his late 50s. He was tall and he looked younger than he was. He had a handsome face and a well maintained body due to many years of service in the marine. His long black straight hair had streaks of silvery grey infused in them, but the features which made him very approachable and trustworthy were his kind smile, his Accent and his calming Dark blue eyes.

“ Good morning, Class” Mr. Jacob greeted them excitedly.

“ Good morning sir” the class replied without as much enthusiasm.

“I know… I know. I have disturbed you. But I’m here with some very good news. We have found you a substitute geography teacher. He is a very nice and hardworking young man. I quite sure you will all like him as much I do.”  He said warmly.

Katherine felt strange again. Her eyes caught hold of Robert’s eyes and in them she saw anger. This scared her and she didn’t understand why he was glaring at her but whatever it was she knew it was personal.

“ I hope you all will be welcoming and very helpful to this new addition to our beloved family. Please welcome your new geography teacher, Mr. James Ca’aul.” Mr. Jacob continued.

Katherine snapped into attention and stared at the open door. Slowly a familiar person entered. His dark brown hair dropped onto his forehead, shining in the bright sunlight. His head slowly lifted and Katherine’s blue eyes made contact with his burning grey ones. Her heart skipped a beat and her blood rushed from her head making her feel giddy.

It was James!

“How.. What… Why??...” She questioned her mind in an attempt to find the right answer to the probing questions.

“This is Your new geography teacher. Mr. Ca’aul you may take over. Bye. And behave.” Mr. Jacob said teasingly. He walked out of the classroom gracefully.

Katherine stared at James as he slowly turned to face the class. His hair fell over his eyes partially covering the burning effects it had on Katherine. He had a strange smile on his lips and it sent currents through her whole body.

“That’s ….” Shyna tried questioning but Katherine answered before she could even finish.

“James…. Yea... that’s him” Katherine Replied emotionlessly.

“He  ...Is a teacher?” Nikki Exclaimed.

“I don’t know…. I mean … I didn’t know. … I mean…. Ohh I don’t know what I mean…” Katherine said in a stunned voice.

“Shit  ... he’s our teacher….. But ...Why didn’t he tell me….. Agh… I will kill him!!!” She thought angrily.

James watched Katherine who had turned red.  The girls in front of Katherine were discussing about James. Katherine’s eyes darted towards the two girls. Slowly her brows furrowed and anger rose in her beautiful eyes. James gave a slight smile. Katherine thought angrily, “Damn it James!!  What are you doing?”

“Keeping you safe” came a reply.

James gave a sweet and innocent smile to Katherine but she just scowled. She was angry at him again, but this time she knew why.


After the last class Katherine looked for James in the hallway. She had to talk to him about things. Unfortunately she found Robert. He seemed to be in a better mood now.

“Hey!” Robert said excitedly

“Hi Robert.” Katherine replied politely.

“How was the day?” Robert asked shyly

“It was okay. A usual day I guess” Katherine replied.

“Okay. I was just … wondering… umm maybe we could go out sometime … me and you…” Robert asked hesitantly.

“Ohh no… not one more.” Katherine thought tiredly.

“What do you mean?” she asked him. “Even though I know exactly what you mean.” She thought.

“I mean… you and me … you know … go on a date” Robert explained shyly.

“Actually, Robert. I’m sorry I can’t. I think of you as a friend. I never looked at you in that way.” Katherine told Robert carefully.

“Then you can try now.” Robert said cheerfully

“I’m really sorry. I really can’t. I like someone else.” Katherine replied

Anger rose in his eyes, and he gritted his teeth.

“You lie. I know you like me. There is no one else that you can like. You are mine. And you better remember that because you are mine and anyone who tried to take you away will get hurt.” Robert Warned Katherine.

“Robert, you’re scaring me. I really don’t understand anything. I like someone else and you are just a friend. Can’t we be like that?” Katherine asked cautiously. She began moving away from him so as to maintain a safe distance.

Robert grabbed hold of Katherine’s arm. He pulled her close to him and tightened his grip on her arm.

“Friends!!!... You are mine!” He growled angrily. Katherine began crying.

Suddenly another hand grabbed hold of Robert’s hand. He tightened his grip making Robert squirm in pain. Robert’s hand let go of Katherine’s. He turned to look at the newcomer. It was James.

James stepped between Katherine and Robert. His eyes glowed with anger, his grip tightened even more; a cracking sound could be heard. James growled loudly.

Katherine caught hold of James’s hand and began pulling him away. “Let’s go. Please James, I want to go.” Katherine Begged.

James let go of Robert’s hand and walked off with Katherine.

Robert watched them go. He knew James wasn’t a human. He was a werewolf. But if he was stronger than Robert that meant he was an alpha. Robert Was the son of the first werewolf and anyone stronger than him was an alpha. But what would an alpha be doing here?, and his connection with Katherine. His father would know the answer.