Devil's Secret - Universal Secret (Book 1) by Deepz Ca'aul - HTML preview

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Katherine and James walked home in silence. Katherine was angry with him. He had hidden the fact that he would be her teacher. James had tried to explain but she had quietened him down.

After a while they reached home. Judy and Jonathan were not at home, they were going to arrive late and so the afternoon was theirs. They entered the house and James tried again.

“Kathy, I …” James tried again

“No… I don’t want to hear anything” she said angrily.

She bound up the stairs with James right behind her. She opened her room door and barged in. In anger Katherine had forgotten that James stayed in the same room as her. She angrily pushed the door to close it but instead she crushed James’s fingers.

“Aahhh!!” James screamed in pain.

“WH... what happened?” Katherine asked in a horrified tone. She was by his side in a few seconds. She took hold of his arm and slowly guided him to her bed. His fingers were bleeding. She began crying.

“Hey!! Why are you crying? Don’t... Don’t cry” James said softly.

“I’m sorry... I’m so sorry” she said between breaths.

“It’s okay… don’t cry Kathy. It really doesn’t hurt. Please don’t cry… for me...” He said softly.

He pulled her close to him and hugged her tightly. She held onto him crying into his chest.

“Sssh… don’t  ...It’s okay” he whispered in her ears.

He sat down onto the bed still holding her. He liked the contact, it felt soothing. He kissed her forehead softly and pulled her closer.

Slowly they both released each other and Katherine stood up.

“What happened?” James asked

“I‘ll get the first aid kit.” Katherine replied shyly

She walked out of the room leaving James sitting on the bed. After a few minutes she returned with a small green container. A hand made ‘First aid Kit’ sign was pasted on it. She sat down next to him and opened the container. She slowly took his hand and began wiping the blood away.

Her eyes were filled with tears again. She tried to stop her eyes from over flowing but it was very difficult and soon the tears streamed down her cheeks and onto James’s hand. James looked up at her and wiped her tears of her cheek. She put on some antiseptic cream and tied a bandage around his hand.

“Don’t cry… It wasn’t your fault. Please don’t cry Kathy! I love you so much, for me. Please don’t cry” James begged.

She finished bandaging the hand and that’s when she began crying again. James quickly shifted the first aid kit away and shifted close enough to hold her against his chest. She held him tightly and cried for a long time. James tried to stop her from crying but she wouldn’t listen to him.

James was about to cry when she finally quietened down. She held onto him and he pulled her closer and held her in a tight hug. He loosened the hug, but kept the contact.

“You go have your bath. I’ll prepare dinner. Okay.” He told her softly. He stood up still holding her and guided her to the bathroom. “Don’t go.” Katherine said quietly. “I’m not going anywhere. You have your bath. I’ll be right here.” James said innocently.

 He passed her a towel and closed the bathroom door slowly.

He waited until he could hear the water running, then he moved swiftly downstairs to do the cooking. His hand had already healed. And it made it easier for him to finish the cooking quickly.


Half an hour later he came back upstairs. Katherine was still in the shower.

“Are you finished?” James asked quietly

“Just two more minutes” came a muffled reply.

He stood near the bathroom door waiting. After a while the bathroom door opened and Katherine slowly walked out of the bathroom wrapped in a towel. She looked at the ground shyly.

“You were crying, weren’t you?” James asked half seriously half emotionally.

“Maybe.” She replied shyly

“ Okay… you get ready. When I finish bathing we’ll go down to have dinner.” James told her softly.

He kissed her forehead and went off to have his bath.

When he came out of the bathroom he found Katherine sitting on his bed waiting. He quickly got dressed and took her downstairs to have dinner. Judy and Jonathan came home at around 7:30 in the night. At that time James was clearing the dishes from the table.

“Hello… I see you have had your dinner.” Jonathan teased.

“Ohh… hi uncle. I see you have arrived home at last.” James teased back.

Katherine Got up and hugged her dad and mum.

“How are you darling? Is this monkey treating you well?” Jonathan asked Katherine.

“I’m fine dad. He is amazing. No problem.” She replied quietly.

“Good. So what did you guys have for dinner?” Jonathan asked.

“Soup! Chicken and tomato soup.” James replied

“Okay! I hope there’s some left for us.” Jonathan joked.

“It’s in the fridge. How could we forget you guys?” James replied cheekily.

“Right. How could you?” Jonathan agreed jokingly.

“Alright. Uncle! Aunty! I’ll take your leave. I’ll go upstairs now and get some work done.” James told them. He looked at Katherine and then turned to go upstairs.

“James, I’ll go with you. I have some homework to be done.” Katherine told him.

“Yes! You go too. He will be able to help you.” Judy agreed.

Katherine bound up the stairs before James voicing a good night to everyone.

“Good night uncle. Good night aunty.” James told them both.

James walked up the stairs and entered his room. Katherine sat on his bed waiting. He closed the room door and came over to sit next to Katherine. Katherine shifted closer and hugged him.

“You are amazing. I’m so sorry about everything” Katherine whimpered.

“It’s okay. You’re, my angel, I didn’t mind anything.” He told her. He hugged her back.

He pulled her onto the bed and cuddled up next to her. Katherine buried her face into his chest and lay in his arms.

“What happened?” James asked softly

“Nothing. I like this, don’t go away. Please stay with me.” Katherine begged.

“I will. I’ll never leave you. You know that. Just go to sleep. You need to rest.” James replied quietly. “Just go to sleep…Relax” James whispered. He pulled her closer and closed his eyes.


In the middle of Cross Shaw forest, the Pack house stood alight. Robert paced around his room angrily.

“How could Katherine reject me? I have loved her since we were kids. I have always kept her first. She is mine!” He screamed angrily.

“Who is this James? Does he not know who I’m? How can he steal my mate? She is mine! Mine!!!!” He continued. “Dad! He will know who this intruder is” He told himself confidently. He marched over to his Dad’s study.

Mayor Harold Banks was sitting in his study thinking of Lucifer and what he might do in future, when Robert barged into his room.

“Dad!!!” Robert screamed angrily.

“What is it, Robert? Why are you behaving like this?” Mayor Banks asked his son.

“There is an insolent dog in our territory, who stole my mate!” Robert told his father angrily.

“Who dared to do that? Does he not know who you are?” Harold asked angrily

“James! That’s his name. He stays with the Anderson’s. And he has stolen Katherine from me.” Robert Said Menacingly

“What!” Harold exclaimed in a shocked voice. “You must be mistaken. Katherine can’t be your mate.” Harold told Robert calmly.

“What! What are you saying dad? She is my mate; I have loved her ever since we were kids. She is mine!” He screamed in anger

“Robert! Try to understand. She will never be your mate. She is the grand alpha’s mate. Always has been and always will be. You… You forget her.” He advised Robert

“The grand alpha has been missing for more than half a century. And I doubt he will come back again. She is mine, Dad! And I will do anything to get her.” Robert told his father arrogantly.

“Robert, just forget about her. She is the grand alpha’s mate. And the grand alpha will kill you if you touch her.” Harold warned him

“Then why did James touch her? I will kill James and then I’ll see which grand alpha can stop me. She is mine!!” Robert told his father.

“James is the grand alpha.” Harold told him in an exasperated voice. “I didn’t want to tell you, but you have made me helpless. James and Katherine are mates. If you dare come between them then you will face me, and you will regret it.” Harold warned Robert. “Now go! And forget about Katherine” He ordered Robert

“Yes dad” Robert Said quietly. He walked out of the study. He had to find a way to get rid of the Grand Alpha and he was ready to do anything.